The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, March 03, 2016

Control Freak Cameron Wants to Vet Foreign Leaders’ Speeches To Curtail Free Speech On Brexit

The UK's traitor and war criminal Prime Minister David Cameron has asked world leaders to advise him of any comments they plan to make on the issue of Britain’s future membership of the European Union (EU). Cameron wants all such comments vetted by public relations experts (aka propagandists) to make sure they do not undermine his campaign to prevent British voters choosing to leave the increasingly fascistic EU.

With the vote still over three months away Cameron's increasingly desperate pro-EU cronies have already abandoned rational argument (because they have no good reasons for staying in to offer us) in favour of scaremongering.

Biggest lie so far was the scare story that Britain will be safer in the EU and more vulnerable top our enemies on our own. To understand how irrational this is, you only have to look at the migrant crisis in the Schengen zone to understand that the EU is trying to fill Europe with our enemies while the few nations that might poise a threat (e.g. North Korea,) are so far away they do not matter. Western reporters based in Russia reported that when Putin heard EU Commission President Jean-Claude (Brandy-for-breakast-please) Juncker had proposed forming a European Army to neutralise the threat from Russia he laughed so much he nearly shat.

It is NATO not the EU that guarantees our security, and while USA dominated NATO is in trouble for meddling in the domestic politics of middle eastern and east European countries, nobody is suggesting we should leave.

In a bid to gain control over what the British public hear, read and are able to talk about ahead of June’s referendum, aides to David Cameron have asked that foreign leaders consult them before speaking on Brexit in case they inadvertently boost the “Leave” campaign. This seems rather contradictory in view of Cameron's plan to invite Barack Obama to speak to both Houses of Parliament on the importance to the USA of Britain staying in the EU (Washington hopes to maintain influence over the EU through 'the special relationship' which as we all know only works one way, for example Obama has repeatedly expressed his support for Argentina's totally unfounded claim to The Falkland Islands.

It is telling (and a sad reflection on the state of democracy in the developed world) that I could not find anything about Obama's plan to invite himself to speak to the British Parliament about the importance to US geopolitical ambitions of Britain remaining in the EU. Being unable to recall where I had first send the story reported I had to flag myself to the various watch lists I am on in order to find this at The Guardian (a newspaper which still thinks Obama's shit smells of perfume and fully supports the idea of the wannabe God - King of the entire universe and everything else besides telling OUR elected representatives in OUR sovereign Parliament what to do is a jolly good idea because diversity.

The plan to control the dialogue to an extent Josf Goebbels could only dream of was exposed by one of Mr Cameron’s closest advisors at a lunch last week when he told gathered diplomats from other EU nations they had already made a similar request to the White House(this was after an informal intervention, widely reported by the pro - Euronaziism BBC and press backfired, triggering a surge in opinion polls in favour of OUT).

“The people need to be aware that there’s an impact in the U.K. debate about what they’re saying in their own countries,” Downing Street adviser Daniel Korski said, according to Politico Europe. “If a leader stands up and says something to their own parliament — it won’t just play in their own domestic media, it will make it to the U.K.” he added.

David Cameron needs to be aware that UK voters have worked our he is a lying, spinning, snivelling, sycophantic, testicularly deficient, shit sucking backstabber who would sell his own kids (especially the one Boris Johnson begat with Sam Cam) down the river for a guaranteed seat on the post - federalisation gravy train.

Also, despite spending months attempting to negotiate a new deal for Britain in the EU, the Prime Minister will barely mention the deal at all during the campaign and instead focus on more general arguments about how the UK is supposedly “stronger, safer and better off” in the EU.

There are already signs that interventions by foreign leaders pleading with Britain to stay in the EU are backfiring. A petition calling on US President Barack Obama to stay out of the debate has now gathered over 15,000 signatures following reports he was planning a “big, public reach-out” to tell Brits to vote against Brexit.

John Kerry had already caused controversy by saying America had a “profound interest” in a “strong UK staying inside a strong European Union”.

Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg responded: "The intervention of patronising foreign potentates such as Kerry… can only help the Leave campaign.

"They speak to their national interest not ours so will antagonise the freedom loving British voter."


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