The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, September 08, 2014

Without American leadership, democracy is in peril? Not really.

Much of the corporate propaganda spouting mainstream media are forecasting a bad outcome from the current chaose in Ukraine, with ISIS aka ISIL aka Islamic State in Syria and Iraq and with other local conflicts that are part of a cultural war. The consensus opinion of these pundits is that the west is currently not winning in the war of political manoeuvreing because of the failure of American leadership. This is untrue, most of the problems exist because America has been  leading the world towards war for some time now.

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 Without American leadership, democracy is in peril? Not really.

 G77 Nations vow to destroy America’s New World Order

 By leading the G7, G8 and G20 economic groups for the past few decades the US government has managed to exploit its status as holder of the global reserve currency until it appeared on the brink og global economic hegemony. The Americans overplayed their hand however, became too blatant in their bullying of smaller nations and helping corporate interests override national laws. Now the world is closing ranks against the USA. Can't say we're sorry.
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G77 Nations vow to destroy America’s New World Order

Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce 'Holy Grail' Gas Deal With China

If the West has been trying to force Russia and China to recreate a twenty first century version of the old communist bloc, the alliance of a natural resource superpower and the other a fixed capital, low labour cost high output economic powerhouse and to give these two every possible incentive to create a new global reserve currency.
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Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce 'Holy Grail' Gas Deal With China

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