The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Perpetual War: US Considers Keeping Troops In Afghanistan After 2016

Boggart Abroad puts you in the hands of our UK shit stirring operation, The Daily Stirrer today as Little Nicky Machiavelli reports on some not entirely unexpected (considering the hawkish nature of the neo - Con Obama administration in Washington) developments in Afghanistan.

As US and NATO troop numbers have reduced, extremists have reasserted themselves in Afghanistan (Image source)

Pentagon Officials Planning To continue Afghanistan occupation

by Little Nicky Machiavelli

As The Daily Stirrer has predicted since we started in 2009 that Washington's goal was perpetual war, of the kind George Orwell described in his novel 1984. Not only does war make fear - mongering acceptable as a way of controlling the population and restricting personal liberties and civil rights, it is great for business too. It should be no surprise then to learn that US Military officials are reported to be preparing plans for keeping thousands of American (possibly augmented by personnel from other NATO members) in Afghanistan beyond the end of 2016, the scheduled date for all occupying force soldiers to leave that country.

A Wall Street Journal report from Thursday 24 September (which we picked up via revealed that Gen. John Campbell, the senior U.S. General in Afghanistan, has put forward no less than five recommendations for maintaining allied troop levels to the Pentagon and NATO officials. It is believed the options include keeping the U.S. presence at or near 10,000 troops; reducing the number to 8,000; or continuing with the current drawdown plans.

According to reports, The Pentagon has so far not made a decision on what, if any, changes in the occupation plans though a statement is expected shortly.

"Afghanistan remains a very dangerous place," President Obama said in reponse to questions about the Afghan occupation force. The president had previously said only a small force would remain in Afghanistan after 2016.

NATO and the U.S.A have about 13,000 in Afghanistan at present. Some officials worry however that too large a troop reduction could lead to increased aggression against the fragile Afghan government from the Taliban and other militant Islamists affiliated to ISIS.


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Death Of Democracy: Why We Can’t Get The Government We Deserve And Vote For.

In every election campaign, in the UK, USA, Canada, Germany, France etc. politicians spout about delivering 'change'. And yet every government we elect, no matter what label they wear or what coulour the use on campaign materials, seems just the same as the last, making the same promises and mistakes. Ever wondered why?

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