How the Sharia Religious Police punish a woman who disobeys her husband. Yes she is buried up to her neck, and yes those are the stones that were thrown at her head.(Image source)
On a scale of 'completely and utterly idiotic' to 'brain dead' how stupid are American liberals, particularly the female ones? Who would think anybody who supports gender and racial quality and is repulsed by systems that enshrine the oppression of women by men and make it a criminal offence punishable by public stoning or whipping for women to ..... well do anything that resembles fun, without the permission of their husband or father.
Yet some of the feminist supporters of the Democratic Party Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton (who is qualified for the job of running the world's most powerful nation by virtue of having been married to a previous President - still that's more relevant experience than Obama brought to the role,), shown in the video below have been getting their tits out in support of their demand that Islamic Sharia law be recognised in the USA.
You don't actually see any bared tits in the video, it being a clip from a mainstream news channel, but you do see the beyond stupid supporters of Hillary's run, dutifully agreeing that America needs sharia law even though it would mean homosexuality, sex before or outside marriage and most or the 'rights' of women and gays won by equal rights campaigners would become criminalised.
This video is frightening. OK we know that such reports are edited and people who knew what Sharia law is about or asked for more information before offering an opinion would not make the cut, but that these young women don't even know what Sharia law is, but they bob their heads in unison, as ready to worship The blessed Hillary (The Butcher Of Benghazi) as they were to follow The Obamessiah speaks volumes about why the USA is in such deep shit as a nation.
Don't the silly tarts know that under Sharia law, a woman who shows her tits in a bikini or cutaway T shirt (or even goes out in public with her hair uncovered) is looking to be stoned to death.
The really frightening thing however is idiots like these have a vote in a democratic election.
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