The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

America Today: How Empires Die

The Fall Of Rome (source)

We have been warning for years that greed, incompetence and a gung ho attitude towards sovereign nation that asset their independence that have typified Washington foreign policy for the past thirty five years were earning the USA more enemies than friends. In the case of small, third world nations there was little they could do against US bullying except comply or be prepared to have the eight shades of crap bombed out of them (this indicates the brutality of American bombing campaigns as there were previously only seven shades of crap known to science.

but when a nation, even one as powerful as the USA starts trying to bully rivals like Russia and China we can be sure the arrogance and insanity that always destroy empires has infected the power elite.

This reflection on the insanity of the US power elite comes from Jeff Thomas at

The state-owned Bank of China has been ordered by an American court to hand over customer information to the US. The bank has refused to comply, as to do so would violate China’s privacy law. The US court has subsequently ordered the Bank of China to pay a fine of $50,000 per day.

Any guess as to how this is likely to turn out?

China is a sovereign nation, halfway around the globe from the US, yet the US seems to feel that it’s somehow entitled to set the rules for China (as well as the other nations in the world). When China sees fit to develop islands in the South China Sea that it has laid claim to for centuries, it begins to hear threatening noises from the US military. A candidate for US president declares that he would buzz the islands with Air Force One, the Presidential jet, saying, "They'll know we mean business."

All over the world, those who live outside the US are increasingly observing that the US has become so drunk with power that they’re threatening both friend and foe with fines, trade restrictions, monetary sanctions, warfare, and invasions.

And in so-observing, those of us who have studied the history of empires note that history is once again repeating itself. Time and time again, great empires build themselves up through industriousness and sound economic management only to subsequently decline into debt, complacency, and an entitlement mind-set.

Over the millennia, empires as disparate as Persia, Rome, Spain, and Great Britain rose to dominate the world. Of course, we know how those empires turned out and, by extension, we might hazard an educated guess as to how the present American Empire will end.

In the final throes of empire-decline, we invariably observe the more sociopathic trends of a failing power, such as we’re seeing today from the US.

Read all at


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