The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Anti Poverty activists expose Bill Gates' Fake Philanthropy

We have been critics of Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates for many years, first for his company's 'not-fit-for-purpose' computer operating systems and sleazy, unethical business practices and more recently for his deceptive, self interested philanthropic efforts. Let's face it the man is a schnorrer and a fascist collaborator to boot.

Having said that, obviously we are happy to promote anything that exposes Gates for the fake and hypocrite that he is.

from RT.
Save Us Bill Gates: Satirical video game slams billionaire’s philanthropy

Satirical video game makes it impossible for Bill Gates to give his money away, just like his charity in real life.

Anti-poverty campaigners have launched an online video game satirizing Bill Gate’s global philanthropy and featuring a pixelated version of the billionaire flying across stereotypical African landscape.

‘Save us Bill Gates’ was released on Friday by UK campaign group Global Justice Now in a bid to highlight the business magnate’s role in international development.

The game’s creators opted for 1980s-style animation, and have made it impossible for Gates’ character to lose money. Players must try to throw away all his money within 30 seconds by clicking their mouse. But no matter how hard players click, the billionaire’s wealth increases as the game goes on due to his investments in fossil fuels and tax avoidance - making it impossible for him to donate his fortune.

Global Justice Now’s campaigns and policy chief, Polly Jones, said the game shows how Gates’ free market approach to development holds the potential to make poverty and inequality even worse.

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It is worth noting that Mark Zuckerberg's recently announced 'charity foundation' is even more blatantly fraudulent and self interested that the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.


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