The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Women Fear To Go Out Alone In Danish Town Due to Migrant Assaults

Banners made by protesters (often in English for the benefit of UK and US news cameras) show the attitude of most Muslim immigrants to integration with European culture (Image source)

Numerous instances of young girls being sexually harassed or intimidated by Muslim migrants have provoked the citizens of Thisted a town into realized the Islamophiliac elite will do nothing to help and the people must take the law into their own hands or accept Sharia Law.

The quiet, normally law abaiding town has experienced problems from the moment an asylum camp hosting 365 migrants opened in November 2015, Denmark's TV2 channel reported.

Lars Sloth, the director of the children and families unit for Thisted town council, recounted regular scuffles between the locals and the asylum seekers who sexually assault young women by groping their breasts and genitals and sayink "ficky, ficky" (fuck, fuck, which apparently is the average brutish third world peasant's idea of a cool chat up line) Danish women in the town are now afraid to go out alone or in all female groups after dark.

TV2 reporters spoke to members of the local branch of the Night Ravens, a group of volunteers that encourages adult, sober citizens to patrol the city in groups at night to prevent violence and anti-social behavior. These vigilantes said that the number of young women feeling unsafe when outdoors at night had recently gone through the roof. Is it any wonder with neighbouring Sweden and Germany both experiencing a surge in the violent rape of European women by Muslim immigrants whose religion encourages them to think of women to do not submit to male superiority and behave in a servile way as 'impure' and thus fair game for sexual exploitation.

According to Lars Sloth, the local community is considering a program to teach the asylum seekers national attitudes to sex and consent as part of compulsory language courses to bring the situation under control.


So Long, Schengen: Six EU States to Resurrect National Borders in Mid-May

The governments of six European state have announced they will reinstate border controls as the immigration crisis starts to gather momentum once more with the onset of warmer weather. The authorities of Germany, France, Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden are in favor of extending the temporary border controls within the European Union, which are due to expire in May, in the framework of the Schengen Borders Code rules, German media reported Saturday.

Labour MP Says Cologne Sex Attacks ‘Very Similiar’ to Normal Weekend in Birmingham
Speaking as a panelist on BBC television’s political debate show Question Time on Thursday 28 January, Labour MP Jess Phillips said the mass sex attacks which took place in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve 2016 were no worse than an average weekend night in Birmingham UK
Immigrant rapes
Immigration omnibus
Immigrant sharia law zones in European cities
Immigration and benefits, how to bankrupt developed nations
Sweden: Suicide of a nation
Sweden dystopia omnibus
Girmany headsing for civil conflict
Europe's Immigration Crisis (October / November / December 2015

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