The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, April 04, 2016

Cruise For 1,700 School Kids Ends In Tragedy As Migrant Passengers Gang-Rape Swedish Girl

translated from Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet

Five men, including two believed to be accessories to murder, have been arrested on suspicion of gang raping a girl on-board a special, high school kids-only pleasure cruise in Sweden.

Four men aged between 18 and 19 were arrested when the luxury MS Galaxy landed after its cruise to Finland on Wednesday, with a fifth arrested yesterday. They are all accused of gang-raping an unidentified woman, and face charges of aggravated rape.

The prosecutor has given no more detail about the crime or the victim, and was initially even reluctant to disclose that it was a woman who had been raped.

Although the politically-correct Swedish police have gone to their usual lengths to obscure the identities and nationalities of the suspected perpetrators, a mistake by Sweden’s largest newspaper has revealed the men to be migrants.

A film crew from Aftonbladet was at the departure port for the general story and interviewed a number of students boarding the ship as it prepared to sail earlier this week for a feature on the cruise. We watched the video and our editor who speaks some Swedish said several non-Western young men who looked rather old to be high school pupils told the of their plan to have a good time while at sea, saying in poor English they wanted to “Just fuck about”. He remarked “because we are students we want to actually go fucking wild”.

That says it all really.

None of those men arrested were born in Sweden. They deny all charges of aggravated rape. In a further development, it has been revealed one of the men has a previous conviction and two of the men arrested for the gang-rape are suspects in a separate criminal case, a high-profile murder in Stockholm dating back to November 2015.


Rotherham Council Helped Asian Grooming Suspects Win Lifelong Anonymity

Muslim Migrants: We Burn Cars Because Swedes are Racist
Picked up this essential post at the lovely Pam Geller's site. Reblogged here for enlightenment of those idiots who are saying we should give Sharia Law equal status with British law and if that does not happen it proves the British are racist.That’s rich. The fact that Islam is not a race is seemingly besides the point.

Rotherham Council has allowed the names of four Asian men suspected of sexually exploiting a white teenager to remain secret by dropping a legal challenge to keep them away from her, it has emerged. The vulnerable girl, who is white and from South Yorkshire, was found in a hotel room with one of the men in August, surrounded by cannabis, alcohol, condoms, and female Asian clothing ...

Migrants Consider Quitting Violent Sweden To Return To War-Zone Homelands For Safety
The Swedish ruling elite's politically correct obsession with immigrants has turned parts of this once peaceful, civilised and safe country into a lawless hell hole and borderline failed state. Perhaps the clearest indication of how bad things are in Sweden now is the news that Sweden is now so dystopian even migrants from some of the most violent and chaotic areas of Africa and the middle east want to return to their homelands

Lawless Immigrant Chaos Accounts for Quarter of Swedish Police Resources
Police officials in Värmland, Sweden have revealed 25 per cent of their time and resources are consumed by dealing with the lawlessness of illegal immigrants, as the Swedish government yesterday announced a further two billion Swedish Krona for policing to 2020. Chief Superintendent Lars Serenander estimates that around a quarter of police time is spent dealing with issues related to migrants ...

Sweden’s Mollycoddling of Rapists Blamed for Surge of Sex Attacks

Once known, as one of the safest and most orerly countries in the world, in recent years, thanks to an idiotic 'open doors' immigration policy, Sweden has now earned the unenviable title of 'rape capital of Europe.' The politically correct elite's view that they were being good 'global citizens' by allowing unvetted, undocumented, uneducated migrants to flood into their peaceful and pleasant land from many of the most violent, mysogynistic, racist, and sectarian trouble spots in the world, where western values are despised ...

A Mob Of 'Foreign Youths' Assault 35 Females At Swedish Music Festival

The number of sexual assaults in Europe as a result of the refugee crisis has been something that we have covered extensively, notably the "monstrous" attacks by men "of Arab or North African origin" that occurred on German women in Cologne during a New Year celebration (that led to the members of left wing parties in Germany's ruling coalition actually trying to have the word "rape" removed< from internal reports, because multiculturalism. White genocide by Sweden's left wing government

Sweden's muslim immigrants want sharia law

Sweden committing national suicide by immigration

Sweden's dystopia omnibus page
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