The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Nassim Taleb Exposes The World's "Intellectual-Yet-Idiot" Class

Oops, we mistakenly posted a full copy of this article when it should have gone to the drafts folder to be used for reference. This teaser is left in place to maintain links, we apologise to Nassim Talep for abusing copyright.

Intellectual Yet Idiot by Nassim Taleb:

What we have been seeing worldwide, from India to the UK to the USA, is the rebellion against the inner circle of no-skin-in-the-game policymaking “clerks” and journalists-insiders, that class of paternalistic semi-intellectual experts with some Ivy league, Oxford-Cambridge, or similar label-driven education who are telling the rest of us 1) what to do, 2) what to eat, 3) how to speak, 4) how to think… and 5) who to vote for.

But the problem is the one-eyed following the blind: these self-described members of the “intelligenzia” can’t find a coconut in Coconut Island, meaning they aren’t intelligent enough to define intelligence and fall into circularities?—?but their main skills is capacity to pass exams written by people like them. With psychology papers replicating less than 40%, dietary advice reversing after 30 years of fatphobia, macroeconomic analysis working worse than astrology, the appointment of Bernanke who was less than clueless of the risks, and pharmaceutical trials replicating at best only 1/3th of the time, people are perfectly entitled to rely on their own ancestral instinct and listen to their grandmothers (or Montaigne and such filtered classical knowledge) with a better track record than these policymaking goons.

Read all at



The problem with losing your chains is knowing what to do when you are free to act without them. The answer most people choose should not really be all that surprising.

Have you noticed that the professional hand wriners of the left have shifted their focus from 'the poor' to minorities. They did not succeed in abolishing poverty so what's going on? Simples. The intellectual left having elected themselves to speak for the poor found the poor were able to speak for themselves and resented posh pokenoses pontification about matters of which understanding cannot be gained by reading books.

The rioting in London and other UK cities in Agust 2011 and the attempts of left wing politicians to pass it off as poliyically inspired protest when it is in fact pure criminality has exposed the intellectual bankruptcy of that politicallt fringe group that likes to style itself the Progressive Left or Progressive Liberals. In fact there is nothing at all progressive about them and the left they claim is the authoritarian left of Stalin and Mao Tse Tung"

Modern, politically correct education methods are not just dumbing down school leavers, they are strangling imagingation and killing ideas. Are we already too late to save western civilisation from the tyranny of the limp wristed left?

The International Elite's Contempt For National Sovereignty

One of our themes in The Daily Stirrer has been the new elite and their push for global government. Here in a cross post with Philo and Sophia we look at the political philosophy behind multiculturalism global view thinking and the push to abolish national sovereignty and hand power to supranational bureaucrats

Ersatz Culture Created By World View Theorists To Undermine Western Values
Western culture is in trouble, I don't think many reasonable people would disgree with that (if you think a totalitarian global government is kool you're not reasonable, GTF out of here.) The Daily Stirrer has posted many items on the war on our traditions and values and so have other people, one such article is embedded here.

Captive Minds, Conformity and Cowardly IntellectualOne of the most disturbing things about this era of [politically correct thinking, left wing concensus and multiculturalis is the absence of divrtsity in the opinions of people in academic life, politoics, the media and the professions.

Champagne Socialists

Champagne Socialists, who are they, what progressive or liberal political ideals do they stand for, do these fabled lefties actually exist or are they a modern myth. The Daily Stirrer goes in pursuit of Champagne Socialists

I am not a Marxist, that does not make me a creationist. I am not a creationist, that does not make me a Marxist.Sunday morning is a lazy time for those who have no young children and no interest in religion. Every Sunday, in a slot that was for years occupied by a Christian religious program Mrs. T and I like to watch the wider discussion show that now fills that hour as we consume a leisurely breakfast. One thing that strikes me in these discussions is that the secular view is often represented by a "scientist" who labours under the misapprehension that all who participate in worship or do not subscribe to Marxist thinking are creationists.

Creativity Must Triumph Over Conformity
Bruce Elkin argues that to save civilisation creativity must triumph over conformity. We must kick our addiction to consumption, rediscover the things that are really important and use the unique abilities of humans to create a society in which fulfillment is the goal rather than wealth and power. In other words we must redefine what we mean by success.

How Fundamentalists Of Materialism Hijacked Science.
Yet again we find ourselves making a stand against the fascism of mainstream science. The nerds are getting stroppy and trying to suppress ideas they don't like again (Nobody expects The Science Inquisition) Thing is of course, if their ideas were half as good as they claim, the alternative being proposed would not look so convincing.

BBC’s Fawning Tributes To Brutal Dictator Castro Sicken Many British Taxpayers.

The Wisdom Of Crowds (poem)

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