The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

White House Reveals Big Secret US Operation Against Russia - Ummmm?

American news channel NBC News reported last night that the CIA is putting together a complex and proportionate response to Russia’s cyberwarfare and interference with the US election process. Lester Holt quoted anonymous sources in describing the goals for the attack to be “clandestine” and “embarrassing.”

Wow, the Ruskies will not be expecting that when it happens.

It’s great to hear about a "super-secret group inside the CIA" and "top-secret documents" on broadcast television, isn’t it? It’s reminiscent of a scene from some  secret agent thriller, Jack Reacher or Jason Bourne maybe, about the necessity of making to secret plans for dealing effectively with threats. People with names like Putin, Medvedev and Lavrov must be loving it.

The reality here is White House security advisers want to send a message to Americans rather than the Russia government. Firstly there is a desperate need to reinforce the impression that the Russians have hacked into the electoral process and are manipulating voters into opposing the the current administration.It is a variant on Project Fear, the main strategy of the Remain campaign in the UK's Brexit vote. And we all know how well that strategy worked. So can The White House convince voters that the USA is surrounded by immediate threats and only another Democrat administration can save the country.

The second part is an attempt to repair the perception that President Obama and his team are incompetent, effete wusses who are only interested in matters affecting minorities, particularly gays and Muslims, and lacks the will and fortitude to stand up to a powerful enemt. Assuming all the hacks that have provided Wikileaks, DC Leaks and The Intercept with material throuout the summer  have been Russian cyber attacks meant to influence our elections, they are surprisingly wide ranging in who they benefit.

 The Obama administration has been hacked several of times, the biggest embarrassment being the year-long hack at the Office of Personnel Management, which gave China information on millions of Americans that enabled agents to blackmail or bribe them into espionage, or just ruin them with identity theft. Guccifer, an amateur, seems to have been able to hack The State Departmnt at will.

If the leaking of this anti hacking operation is meant at least in part to give the impression that Obama & Co are finally getting serious about making our adversaries pay for their transgressions it could not be more idiotically inept. Are we expected to believe the Obama Administration is taking a firm line against Russian cyberwarfare when plans to combat cyber attacks are announced, giving America's rivals advance warning so they can be prepared to deal with the defence measures..

Doesn’t the leaking by Obama, supposedly the profoundly intellectual, thoughtful, cautious law professor of any the strategy for humiliating Russia allow Putin, the ignorant macho thug, to get his retaliation in first? And as it has been demonstrated over the years since 2008, hasn't Obama learned from the way Putin has outmanoeuvred him in every confrontation, that Vladimir Putin may indulge himself with a pbit of macho posturing to highlight the effeminacy of his US counterpart but he is certainly not ignorant.


America Is Lost: Rigged election, Rigged Media, Rigged Candidate says Assange
To paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of Julian Assange's death were greatly exaggerated. After his web feed was cut by staff at the Ecuadorian Embassy earlier this week Assange's usual stream of tweets, leaks and posts was stilled. The web, being the web, went mad with conspiracy theories but Wikileaks themselves did not comment on the wilder speculation. Well Julian is back on Hillary's case, and this time it's more personal than ever.

Project For The New American Century Born Again
America's neoconservatives are nothing if not persistent. With the American dream turned into a nightmare and a foreign policy geared to making the USA the dominant global superpower in sheds after recent misadventures, a gang of national-security analysts have published an outline of a Republican administration's foreign policy should the GOP candidate take office on Inauguration Day 2017.

Russia Is Conducting ‘Asymmetric Warfare’ In Syria Says UK Foreign Secretary
As Russian successes stack up in the middle east war against Islamic State guerillas in Syria, and the half hearted efforts of the FUKUS axis (France, UK, USA) look increasingly inept, we suggest that the western allies were never really interested in defeating ISIS, destabilisation of the entire region was their aim, so the thrust of their intervention was to overthrow Assad rather than defeat the terrorists.

U.S. To Station Nuclear Weapons in Germany Against Russia
Germany’s ZDF public television network reported on September 22nd, "New U.S. Atomic Weapons to Be Stationed in Germany," that the U.S. will station 20 new nuclear bombs in Germany, each being four times the destructive power of the one that was used on Hiroshima . Hans Kristensen, the Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, says, "With the new bombs the boundaries blur between tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.”

Venezuelan Social Movements Take to the Streets to Oppose U.S. Aggression
And now, with the security situation more dangerous that any time in the past fifty years, the peacemaker and joybringer, Barack Hussein Obama, The Obamessiah, is looking to start yet another civil war and plunge another nation into failed statehood. This time,as we reported a few days ago, his target is Venezuela

Warmonger Obama Goes Looking For Another War, In Venezuela This Time
The Obama Administration, which in 2009 provided backing for the coup that overthrew the progressive democratic President of Honduras and put into power a junta of oligarchs; a rerun as it turned out for the bloody coup that replaced the corrupt but democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, ad installed in Kiev a rabidly anti-Russian, equally corrupt, right wing extremist Government ...

Barack Obama: A Pacifist Turned Warmonger Threatens Nuclear Holocaust
Barack Hussein Obama, the first African American President Of The USA, elected on a promise of hope and change, was presented to the world as the peacemaker and joybringer, the healer of nations who would lead all human nations to an era of peace, prosperity, cooperation and good will, building a world in which any problem, no matter how intractible, could be solved by joining hands and singing Kumbaya. So where did it all go wrong.

Russia Responds To America's Latest Threat
Ever belligerently opportunistic, the empire builders of the United States government have been encouraged by protests in Ukraine against the government's decision to maintain a healthy distance from the US - EU cartel and cosy up to Russia. The US government was too quick to reveal plans to install a missile defence system in former Soviet states now part of the EU and drew a predictable response from Moscow.

The Emperor Obama Makes His Horse A Senator? Not Quite - But Close
A court case due before the American Supreme Court in the near future could have huge consequences for the entire world. The seemingly unimportant case of two women fighting over a many should be tried in a local court, it would seem to have no bearing on the US constitution, but in the style of hitler's Nazis, the Obama administration has decided to make it a vehicle for stripping the elected houses of concress of their lawmaking powers.

Obama’s Tipping Point and Implosion
For too long, as he has taken America to the brink of financial and social collapse and the world to the brink of war we detect signs that even Barsack Obama's most avid supporters are starting to understand that being black is not in itself a qualification for the world's top job ...

Obama Implosion - Is The US Military Close To Mutiny Over Obama's alliance With Al Qaeda.Barack Obama and other members of his failed administration are desperate to get war in Syria back on track to divert attention in the USA from several unfording catastrophes caused by political incompetence and idological intransigence. But when loss of confidence in the Commander - in - Chief brings a nation's military to the brink of mutiny, that nation is clearly facing social breakdown.

Global Nuclear War Seems Inevitable Now
The Daily Stirrer has been warning for long enough our current crop of genocidal idiots political leaders were steering a course that made war inevitable. well now the first shosts have been fired, a couple of limited nuclear strikes on Syria by Israel probably with American backing. Head for the hills everyone.

Strange Case Of Disappearing News: Is Obama Killing The Internet.
Recently we have noticed a number of the kind of news items ignored by mainstream media but loved by readers of new media news sites have returned error messages that suggest the page is being blocked when people try to access them. As the blocked stories are invariably embarrassing to big government and its corporate cronies, is Obama making good his threat to censor the internet?

Why Are These Sick, Emotionally Crippled Fuckwits Identifying with Trayvon
Who knew that Trayvon Martin had morphed from this angelic picture of a 12-year-old into a 6’2? 17-year-old body builder? No matter, he has been immortalised in his cherubic period. Who knew that the 'white' Hispanic George Zimmerman was considerably ‘darker’ than this photograph taken under the harsh glare of forensic evidence gathering? Were there no smiling photographs of a relaxed George to plaster the country with?

The final televised debate of the US Presidential election.
Tonight's third and final presidential debate will focus entirely on international politics and foreign policy. Expect Benghazi to be one of the major issues, a subject on which, for the first time in nearly a month, the Obama administration will have the upper hand.

Just How Close Are We To World War Three
Have you read or heard in your news supplier of choice of the recent massive troop movements in Israel, the massive build up of British, French and American warships around the approaches to the Persian gulf or just how badly the situations in Egypt and Libya have deteriorated since ...

The International Elite's Contempt For National Sovereignty
The UK government's recent threat to storm the Ecuadorian embassy in London and arrest Julian Assange, displays the same degree of contempt for national sovereignty that Western nations have shown repeatedly since the end of the Cold War. But hey, aren't the Russians and Chinese supposed to be the bad guys. What's going on?

Obama Talks The Talk But Dare Not Visit Afghanistan In Daylight
Todays mainstream news papers and broadcast bulletins are full of the Superhero Barack Obama's daredevil visit to Afghanistan. The man who liberated Libya single handed and took out Osama Bin Laden (or a Pakistani pensioner with a beard) in a daring solo raid behind enemy lines stormed into the Afghan capital, Kabul, made a speech that left hundreds of Taliban fighters dead and saw others fleeing for the mountains with their arses on fire then left again all in the space of ...

The West Is Already Meddling In Syria (and making things worse)
Last week, US president Barack Obama rejected calls for military intervention against the Assad regime in Syria, despite saying he found the situation there ‘heartbreaking’. Yet while there are currently no NATO bombs falling from the skies or US troops’ combat boots on Syrian sand, the pressure being heaped upon Syria to behave in a way that suits the ‘international community’ ...

West Wimps Out On Syria Intervention

Don't get the wrong impression from the headline. The Daily Stirrer has always opposed intervention in the affairs of foreign countries. After all the sabre rattling from Obama and other western leaders their climbdown only proves they have no ....

Egyptian Lawyers Demand Jail For US Democracy Activists
When Barack Hussein Obama kicked of the unrest in the middle east with that il informed and ignorant speech in Cairo he probably believed that having heard him speak the people of the region would recreate themselves in his image. Now, having seen an Islamist party elected in Egypt, he has his cult members meddling in that counttry's affairs again.

Syrian Rebels Say West Is Already Aiding Thier Uprising.
As the troubles stirred up in Syria by the meddling of the American idiot President Barack Hussein Obama and fuelled by the west's determination to intervene and effect regime change in another middle eastern nation escalate into civil war, the rebels show they are as unfit a government in waiting as those fanatical mobsters the western powers have catapulted into power in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. We conclude that Obama wants World War 3. ...

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