The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, December 19, 2016

It Wasn't Russia That Rigged The Election For Trump, It Was The Democrats That FAILED To Rig It For Crooked Hillary.

As the USA's electoral college goes through the formality of endorsing the election of Donald Trump's election as President of the USA, there seem to be no last minute surprises, the Democrats have failed to engineer a rebellion among the electors states appoint to cast their votes (according to population) for the candidate each state voted for.

Since election day (November 8) Clinton supporters, angry that voters had chosen anybody other than the candidate for political correctness and corporate crime had been trying to claim US electoral law should be ignored and the Presidency awarded to 'Crooked Hillary' because she had won the popular vote by a majority of three million votes.

News just in via the excellent Milo Yiannopoulis however reveals that three million votes in the election tally were cast by illegal immigrants. Now we don't know how they broke down but we know that Barack Obama had overtepped the limits of his executive power and, in a blatant attempt to rig the election for the Democrats, instructed democrat run states to allow illegals to vote, and had also tried to push through an amnesty allowing illegal immigrants to become full US citizens without going through the appropriate legal process.

So we may assume those three million votes went, by a very large majority to the Democrat candidate.

Which destroys what little credibility the Democrats claims to have won the popular vote ever had.

Read the full story on Milo's page:

Illegal Immigrants Cast More Than 3 Million Votes In Presidential Election




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