The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Lights To Go Out On Britain Thanks To EU Loonytoons Energy Policy

Britain Facing Energy Crisis Thanks Government Obsession With Renewables
Britain is facing an imminent and unprecedented energy crisis thanks to its growing dependency on Sustainable" energy sources such as wind and solar, an spokesman for the country’s electricity and gas regulator has warned.

Andrew Wright, a senior executive at Ofgem, told a conference on future energy supplies that some households would have to pay more just to keep the lights on while others “sit in the dark” due to failure of electricity supplies to meed demand.

Because of the closure of coal mines and solid fuel power generators, Britain has lost much of its energy producing capacity, meaning there is “much less flexibility” in the supply.

Wright warned that in future richer customers may be able to pay a premium for a more reliable level of service while poorer people have their electricity supply rationed.

“At the moment everyone has the same network – with some difference between rural and urban – but this is changing and these changes will produce some choices for society,” he said.

“We are currently all paying broadly the same price but we could be moving away from that and there will be some new features in the market which may see some choose to pay for a higher level of reliability. One house may be sitting with their lights on, charging their Tesla electric car, while the people next door will be sitting in the dark.”

The Telegraph reports that he laid the blame for this looming crisis on renewable energy.

“The system we are all familiar with has some redundancy built into it,” he said. “It was pretty straightforward and there was a supply margin, but increasing intermittency from renewable energy is producing profound changes to this system.

This blog and our associate The Daily Stirrer have reported many times on the ways in which, since our treasonous politicians signed us up to the European Union (EU) emissions trading scheme – there has been an increase in renewable energy – average energy prices have risen by 63 per cent, because the clever 'scientists' who recommended wind and solar generators as replacements for coal, oil and gas overlooked the absofuckinglutely obvious, that the wind does not blow consistently as a suitable strength to turn wing turbines, and wherever you are on the planet, over the course of a year the sun is only above the horizon for on average twelve hours a day.


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