The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, May 29, 2017

‘Why is My Curriculum White?’ Campaign Forces Oxford Uni to Introduce Compulsory Black History Exams

Britain’s oldest and one of its most prestigious universities has come over all Brack Obama and yielded sanity and academic impartialityto politically correct bigotry from a National Union of Students (Special Snowflake branch)campaign with rejoices in the title, ‘Why is my curriculum white? The snowflakes who are mainly white themselves but are too thick to have noticed that, are protesting against the alleged “Eurocentrism” of history teaching.

"The education we receive at many universities is one that has been largely shaped by colonialism,” asserts the National Union of Students-backed campaign. “It is one that places white, Eurocentric writers and thinkers above others without much concern."

Umm ... WRONG! The history curriculum in most British universities is based on British and European history over the past three thousand years, colonialism was only a small part of that.

The University of Oxford, which has also advised its constituent colleges to drop the use of “gender-specific” titles like Mr. and Mrs. after the students’ union told undergraduates to use the pronoun ‘ze’ in place of ‘he’ and ‘she’, will now replace European history examinations with a compulsory exam centred on black, Middle Eastern, Indian, and other Asian history, The Times reports.

Martin Conway, who chairs Oxford’s history faculty board, claimed changes intended to “bring in diversity in terms of the teaching of history” were prompted by a consultation with students, “quite a few” of whom were active in the ‘Rhodes Must Fall‘ movement.

"Consultation with students"? That's like asking nutters to advise on finding a cure for madness.

Oxford’s theology department was recently restructured so students could graduate without studying Christianity at all after their first year.

The move comes just one month after the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Students’ Union complained that a “white curriculum” at the University of London felt “othering”, “alienating”, and “erasing” for many BME undergraduates.

Really? In that case out of consideration for their '#black' sensibilities we should advise them to fuck off and study at the University of Bongo Bongo land or somewhere simliar.

In a report titled ‘Degrees of Racism’, the union demanded more "research on whiteness" (?) and more black and minority ethnic faculty members, due to the alleged inability of white professors to relate to BME students.

"Both of my tutors are white men,” complained a black student quoted in the report. “How can I have a rapport and feel comfortable talking to a 60-year-old white man?" Somebody should have told the brainless little cunt, "You're not there to be best mates with your tutor sonny - boy, you're there to fucking learn.

Meanwhile, race-based campus activism is also stirring controversy in the U.S., where students at Evergreen State College barracked left-liberal biology professor Bret Weinstein and demanded his resignation after he opposed a ‘day without white people on campus’ event.


Students Feel Pressured To Reflect Uinversities Anti-Brexit Bias In Essays

University students have claimed they are being pressured by political activist lecturers into writing essays which pander to the "anti-Brexit bias"in the higher education system, and fear they will be marked down if their work does not comply with the left wing agenda. Students have alleged that free debate on Brexit, and opinions opposed to those of the "Remain" camp is being shut down by lecturers supporting the movement to thwart the democratic will ...

The Race To Social Breakdown - Greenteeth & Daily Stirrer posts on race and racism issues
People to the left of the political spectrum would have us believe that raceism and racist issues are the most important problems we have to deal with, ahead of, for example, economic meltdown, the population explosion and disease epidemics. They would also have us believe all 'white people' are racist while all dark skinned people are saints. But how much of the left's case is Virtue Signalling and how much is part of a black supremacist agenda?

So London's Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan Loves Integration And Tolerance Does He?

London Mayors links to terrorism and Islamic extremism exposed. When The Labour Party put up Sadiq Khan as their candidate for Mayor of London it was seen as a cynical ploy, it is well known that Labour voters will vote for a dog turd if it has a red rosette stuck on it, so obviously feeling confident enough to take around 40% of the vote for granted it was a politically smart move to pitch for the votes of London's large and growing Muslim population ...

Child Abuse Cover Up In Sheffield Biggest So Far?

Sheffield and Rotherham sit next to each other in the old steel making area of South Yorkshire. Rotherham has already given us a major scandal when the cover up by police and local coucil officials of massive organised abuse of young girls in the local authority case ststem, and the pressures that were put of people who tried to demand a proper investigation of these crimes by politically correct Labour politicians and party managers was revealed

Here's How Working Class Organisations Out Of Which the Labour Movement Grew Were Hijacked By Elitist Control Freaks.

A while ago I posted an article on the new elite, the meritocracy they like to call themselves although they are of no more merit than the old aristocracy whose role they have tried to usurp. The the aristocrats they thing they are a higher order of being than the masses. The evidence (and these science fans love evidence) suggests otherwise

Racism And The Left: According To Many (White) Left Wind Idiots, For A White Person To Breathe Is Racist

We have posted many articles on the intellectual bankruptcy and reliance on fascist tactics of the supporters of left wing politics. This came to a festering, supperating head in the campaign for the European Parliament elections when anybody who opposed the left's politically correct, globalist agenda was smeared as a racist. It was a shick to the left to find voters did not agree with them and in fact considered the lefties bigots and bullies. Now the soul searching begins

US Democrats Plan To Hijack Democracy

The issue at the top of the liberal agenda is immigration. They know that if they can grant amnesty to the millions of illegal immigrants in the United States, those immigrants will eventually be allowed to vote. Guess who they’ll vote for? Yeah, Democrats. Republicans will never again win an election. Liberals have denied on many occasions that their ultimate intention is voting rights. They have claimed many times

Left Wing Intellectuals Have Always Despised The Masses

Have you noticed that the professional hand wriners of the left have shifted their focus from 'the poor' to minorities. They did not succeed in abolishing poverty so whaty's going on? Simples. The intellectual left having elected themselves to speak for the poor found the poor were able to speakl for themselves and resented posh pokenoses pontification about matters of which understanding cannot be gained by reading books. This article exposes the hypocrisy of the left ...

The Left's War On Family Life

Since before the 1970s, since before the communists overthrew the Tsar in Russia, since the day Kark Marx condemnede faily life in his Communist Manifesto, the left or 'progressive left' as they now style themselves has been making war on family life and promoting the usurpation of the role of parents by the agencies of the state.

Electoral Reform in Britain - Is It Time for True Proportional Representation?

World View Theory

Swedish Press Conceals Migrant Crimes Due to Loyalty to Government

London gangs ‘pressuring 9yo girls into group sex’ – UK Home Office report

German Feminist Says Authorities Covered Up Muslim Sex Crime For Twenty Years

School Inspectors Find Books ‘Promoting Stoning People To Death’ In Islamic School

Christians, Gays, Women Fleeing European Asylum Centres After Persecution By Muslims

Migrants Insulating Themselves From European Culture

Germany and The Incompatibility Of Cultures.

When The Caring, Sharing Culture Goes Too Far

The Collapse Of British Culture

Council Of Europe Concerned At Rising Racism In Germany: Immigration A Benefit To European Culture?

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