The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Liam Fox Savages Labour’s ‘Betrayal’ Brexit Plan with UK in EU Customs Union

We've said it before and its certain all of us will say it again. If you lumped the whole of the parliamentary Labour Party together, they would just about equal the intellect of a retarded five year old suet pudding. Why would any sane person want to keep us in the EU customes union, which is all about isolationism and protectionism, the opposite of free trade, when once we leave we have the opportunity to trade with the world, free of the suffocating bureaucracy imposed by Brussels.

But the Labour Party will never see that as an opportunity; the authoritarian little creeps merely see power slipping away from the central authority.

The International Trade Secretary and leading Brexiteer Liam Fox has lambasted Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s plans to keep the UK tied to a European Union (EU) customs union whilst shunning a trade deal with the U.S. and other large economies as a "sell-out of Britain’s interests".

Dr. Liam Fox pointed out such a situation would leave the UK unable to take advantage of future trade opportunities with growing markets, and keep the UK tied to the rules of the EU’s economy as it shrinks in terms global GDP share. Membership of the customs union would prevent our parliament from concluding bilateral trade agreements. It should not be forgotten that the EU has no trade deals with major trading nations or large population nations because deals can only be negotiated on behalf of all member states and it is impossible to formulate a codex that caters for small nations like Malta or Luxembourg (both with less than 500,00 population, and economic powers such as Germany or France.

It would be a “betrayal of the voters in the referendum” [to remain tied to the EU,] Dr. Fox added.

“As rule takers, without any say in how the rules were made, we would be in a worse position than we are today. It would be a complete sell-out of Britain’s national interests,” he said in a speech at Bloomberg in London on Tuesday.

Dr. Fox dismissed Corbyn’s claim the UK would get a "bespoke" deal from the EU, giving it the freedom to trade, explaining that the UK would have to cede "considerable control" of its trade policy to Brussels in any customs union. EU negotiators have already ruled out a bespoke deal for Britain.

UKIP’s interim leader Leader Gerard Batten employed a similar argument to that put forward by Dr. Fox on Monday, also using the word "betrayal". but then we would not expect an alleged former Soviet spy to act in Britain's best interests would we?

Labour Leadership Contest: Bring On The Clowns
After their crushing defeat by Boris Johnson's Conservative Party, instead of taking time to regroup and, as has been advised by serveral major figures on the centre left who stood down at the election because of the policies of far left leader Jeremy Corbyn, that they must reconnect with working class voters,the party factions are at each other's throats already while the clowns bid for the leadership.

Election 2019: Stupid Labour Leaders And Supporters Just Don't Get It

Today, as we, Labour haers all, wallow in schadenfreude after the crushing defeat that elitist party suffered in the election, we'll have to rely on outside help in the form of a brilliant article from Shirelle Jacobs in the Telegraph and an equally brillian comment from Katherine Viners - Payczech (that sounds like a made up name, but whoever she is, congratualtions to the lady for her insight and pespicacity.

But the best summing up of the reasons for Labour's failure are summed up in a comment made by a working class, former Labour voter in one of the old steel towns in the west midlands.

Disillusionment With EU Grows as Swedish Support Slumps By 30%

A new opinion poll carried out on support for the European Union in Sweden has produced some shock findings as a massive turnround among Swedish voters probably due to mass immigration and migrant related crime waves in cities. From being one of the most solidly pro-EU member states, Sweden now has a substantial majority against membership of the EU.

Brexit Party MEP blasts ‘Pointless’ European Parliament As A Charade

EU leader Juncker Has Praised The ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Lisbon Treaty Which He Says Led To Joint European Union Army

The European Commission president Jean – Claude Drunkard has praised the federalisation – by – stealth deceptiveness of the Lisbon treaty for helping bring about the creation of a “European Defense Force,” in effect the EU Common Army. The treaty was initially called the European Constitution and unequivocally laid out the path to creation of …

Massive Influx of Migrants 'May Start Civil War' in EU
As Germanys immigrant crisis shows no sign of easing and nobody in Chancellort Merkel' s ruling coalition seems to have a clue how to deal with it, left and right wing politicians are starting to talk of the crisis dividing netions so deeply it could lead to civil war

RIP the British Steel Industry, murdered by The EU. Vote Leave

As the future of not just Port Talbot steelworks but british steelmaking hangs in the balance with Indian conglomerate Tata Industries deciding the fate, we reflect that (A) the latest disaster for manufacturing is the fault of the EU and (B) We've been here before with Tata, a steelworks and a carbon credits scam.

Government Whistleblower admits Labour Opened Borders to Eastern Europe to ‘Lower Wage Growth’

It’s likely that most well informed people realised The Labour Party had ceased to live up to their claim to “speak for the working class” by the time they won the 1964 election under Harold Wilson, and anyone who has read George Orwell’s book “The Road To Wigan Pier” will be aware that “the people’s …

RIP the British Steel Industry, murdered by The EU. Vote Leave

As the future of not just Port Talbot steelworks but british steelmaking hangs in the balance with Indian conglomerate Tata Industries deciding the fate, we reflect that (A) the latest disaster for manufacturing is the fault of the EU and (B) We've been here before with Tata, a steelworks and a carbon credits scam.

Fears Over Threat To Sovereignty Could Wreck EU European Army Plan

No they're not Star Wars Imperial Stormtroopers, they are German soldiers assigned to an international peacekeeping force, showing how like Imperial Stormtroopers a pan European army might look (Image source)

EU President Branded a Tool of Germany and ‘Europe’s Left-Liberal Elite’

Following an astonishing attack on his home nation, Donald Tusk, President of the European Council and former Prime Minister of Poland has suffered an immediate backlash from the Polish government, which has called into question his ability to act as an honest broker between EU member-states. Repeating a pattern we have seen many times before, …

Cameron's Hopes For EU Membership Reforms For UK Torpedoed By Tusk

David Cameron’s hopes of winning serious concessions on sovereignty, border controls, contributions, trade agreements, human rights and labour laws so he could claim to have won a better deal for Britain by the time the in / out referendum starts next year European Union suffered an early blow when European Council President Donald Tusk warned that reaching a deal would be “very tough” ...

Self-Loathing Sweden Should Only Welcome Persecuted Immigrants, Instead They Invite The Persecutors Too.

We have covered immigration problems in Europe extensively, but the European country that demonstrates how wide the gap between ordinary people and the ruling eilte has become is Sweden where the politically correct governing coalition's immigration and social policies seem to indicate the elite are engaged in a genocide campaign against ethnic Swedes

Soros network in Brussels planning ‘Europe of mixed population’:- Orban

According to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, The Open Society Foundation network, a pseudo – charity founded by American-Hungarian billionaire Marxist, George Soros has, through patronage and generous hospitality to those who might be useful in advancing the hedge fund operator’s global government agenda, amassed vast influence over European Union bureaucratic instiutions in Brussels, including …

German Ubermacht Gives Greek Upstats The Finger In European Union Confrontation.
The confrontation between Germany, which some say sees itself as the increasingly dominant nation in the EU as 'ever closer integration' progresses, and Greece, the Euro zone economic basket case but a proud and independent nation all the same, had to come. Germany was more austerity from Greece to protect the value of the Greek debt it hold. Greece want money from Germany to settle old grievances.

David Cameron Blames Madness Of Bussels Red Tape For Euro Crisis

Speaking at the EU economic forum in Davos, Switzerland The Prime Minister said Europe is still in a perilous time (up shit creek to you and me) because of its debts and the financial burden of over - generous statutory welfare systems. He told the gathering the EU Central Bureaucracy must stop throttling growth with pointless rules and regulations. Mr. Cameron urged his fellow leaders not to impose ...

Bank Of England To Print Money To Avoid Recession

Monetary policy policy-makers at Bank of England have unveiled plans to inject an extrat £50bn of stimulus money into the economy in an attempt to avert a second recession. Before we go on to look at how much harm this wil;l do there are one or two things that must be understood. When we talk about printing money in a modern economy it is not simply a question of buying paper and printing ink and setting up the presses ...

The Decline And Fall Of The Bureaucratic Empire

The societies we live in, the companies we work for and by extension our lives are run by people who tell us they are much cleverer than we are. This is why we need elites and why, we are told, we must tolerate their high living, their jollies off to luxury resorts where they may focus their minds fully on how better to exploit us, use our money filched from tax revenues that should be spent to our benefit, on high class hookers. The point is we the ordinary punters are, according to these people, simply too stupid to ...

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