The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Sadiq Khan Warns Silicon Valley on ‘Hate Speech’ and Fake News, Blames Donald Trump

The jumped up little shit-for-brains who, thanks to political correctness and the Islamophiliac Labour Party's hatred of the British working class is able to swagger around calling himself The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has incorporated bullying major technology companies such as Facebook and Twitter to do more on the issue of “hate speech,” or face fines and greater regulation. What Khan, a vain little tit at the best of times, is really up to is an attempt to suppress free speech on the net in order to prevent blasphemy against Islam.

Talking to the BBC ahead of the South by Southwest (SXSW) technology festival in Austin, Texas, Khan said that companies must be “chivvied and cajoled to take action.” As far as we can see it is fuck all to do with him, he's Mayor of London, not President of The World.

“We have evolving economies, which means we should have evolving regulations,” he said. “For too long politicians and policymakers have allowed this revolution to take place around us and we’ve had our heads in the sand.” The idiot does not know what he's talking about, but in a greater insanity a few weeks ago he announced that London's Metropolitan Police, a forse accountable to him, whould no longer investigate minor crimes (he did not define 'minor crimes' but we guess he means trivial things like murder, rape, arson, robbery and fraud, and in future would only respond to reports of major crimes (blasphemy against Islam?) and 'hate crime' thus indicating where his racist priorities lie.

He went on to praise German hate speech laws, put in place by Angela Merkel in response to growing resentment at her open-door migration policy, with companies now facing fines up to 50 million euros. “Germany is an example of where the German government said ‘Enough,” he continued. “Unless you take down hate messages, unless you take down fake news, we will fine you’. I want to work with the tech companies, but you have to be responsible,” he added.

What he fails to understand is that since Merkel tried to suppress free speech in Germany by making criticism if Islam a 'hate crime', opposition to mass immigration has risen and anti - Islamification groups have gained strength.

Khan also reiterated his opposition to President Donald Trump, claiming that Trump’s decision to retweet a member far-right activist group Britain First had led to increased levels of abuse directed at him. This would be a major diplomatic faux pas of course, did he not enjoy the protection being Muslim carries in the west. It is beyond bad manners for a visiting politician to comment on the leaders of the host nation.

Corbyn's Politically Correct Hypocrites Hate Sexism But Approve Of Muslim Sexism

On encountering my insense dislike of the Labour Party, people asume I am a Conservative. WRONG! I have never supported The Conservatives and have never voted either Conservative or Labour in my life. Politicians should never be trusted, I but what sets Labour politicians and activists above the rest in terms of being worthy of only contempt is the hypocrisy.

When Is Speech Or The Written Word Violence?

Political totalitarianism is coming to America, and via The United States Of America it will spead through the rest of the developed world if we do not resist. This week we have seen the latest social meltdown in a U.S. city people meeting to attend an officially authorised protest against the removal of a statue …

Were Rotherham Abuse Victimes sacrificed To Save The Labour Party

One of the victimes of Rotherham's grooming and child abuse gangs has put a political perspective on the scandal by claiming she and other victims were ignored, effectively sacrificed to the tender mercies of the gangs to ensure Labour did not lose votes in the town. The young girls were abused by Muslim men for years on end, but council did nothing to stop the crime.

Facebook begins Europe-wide censorship campaign against free speech.

Facebook Inc (FB.O) has commenced the Europe-wide censoring of posts and comments the ruling elite do not like, thus making good the promise given to Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel by the social media and data theft site’s founder Mark Zuckerberg. The campaign began on Monday 18 January to prevent ‘extremist’ posts on social media, after …

The Left's Rhetorical Technique Explained

In the first of what might become a long if irregular series of posts with the collective title, "Left Wing Authoritarianism for beginners," your friend and mentor Little Nicky Nicky Machiavelli will expose the origins of the socialist left's propaganda technique and its apparent dependence on slogans, dogma and mantras. But first let's play a little game ...

The Hate And Prejudice The Bourgois Left Find Acceptable

The neo - fascist left are quick to jump on any of the forbidden pejudices, racism, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia and so on. But as we have seen, they find pejudice and hated againt Christians and white Europeans quite acceptable. The bourgeois metropitan set might think that is acceptable but where I come from it's called hypocrisy.

Ve Haff Vay Of Making You Konform. The Tide Is Turning against the Autoritarian Left

The left's self confidence has had a hint of desperation about it for a long time. From their constant whines about the sexism, racism and homophobia of the working class who happen to be the party's core constituency to the substitution of smearing UKIP for policies in the european Election this is a party of arrested adolescents throwing a hissy fit because people are laughing at them.

Secret Justice Threatens The Right To A Fair Trial

A move to extend the government's power to order court proceedings to be held in secret and without a jury from only applying to trials affecting national security to anything the government would rather we did not know about threatens the most basic principles of British justice and the right to a fair trial.

These stupid laws insult the public and threaten free speech
When the law forbids us to insult or offend somebody, to insult or offend a religion, race, skin colour or sexual preference, free speech and other important democratic rights are under threat. When the law then goes on to say that anyone accused of these offences has no right to defend themselves and the word of the accuser is sufficient evidence on which to obtain a conviction then we have abandoned justice and are ruled by fascists.

Broken SocietiesAn appraisal of Coming Apart: The State of White America 1960-2010 by Charles Murray. inequality is a very hot topic, Murray is one of the few people looking at it from a conservative point of view, which is strange when one looks at what is most likely causing this divide. Policically nations have never ben more polarised with conservatives and liberals both convinced the other is evil, while the gap between rich and poor widens, the middle class disintegrates and the working class becomes a state dependent underclass.

Liberal BigotsProgressive liberals, or the progressive left, or Trotskyites as the politically correct core of the Labour, Geen and Lib Dem parties would call themselves are quick to accuse their critics of being intolerant bigots. But take a closer look at the state of politics in Britain and you see it is not conservative, old Labour or classical liberals who are bigots but the neo facsists who want to impose their warped views on us by law. ...

Equal Rights Campaigners Not Christians Are Imposing Their Belief On OthersWhen head of the Euality and Human Rights Commission Trevor Phillips speaks we should termble. This nasty little race hustler is the de facto head of the thought police and sees his job as to stamp on racism, sexism, homophobia and anything else he and his cronies decide they are not going to tolerate. It is all in the name of tolerance of course, or divesity as Phillips would say. But how does telling people what they can and cannot think promote diversity?

Liberal? What Does That Mean?What is a liberal? Is it something to do with the kind of politically correct thinking that obsesses over minority rights while seeking to marginalise mainstream society? Is liberalism an authoritarian system that seeks to impose politically correct left wing ideology on everybody. Or is a liberal, as is argued here, a very respectable political postion whose name has been usurped by people reluctant to acknowledge their inner Nazi.

Home Secretary says Britain Will Outlaw Hate And Extremism

Home Secretary Theresa May announces plans to criminalise ‘hate’. She will a nnounce the formation of a new law enforcement body, The Thought Police later this year (image source) In yet another example of how out of touch with reality our leaders are, Theresa May announced on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that the “British” …

Miss Whiplash Call Girl Agency Owner has compromising picture of Cameron and Osborned, People's voice alleges

The allegations of senior members of the coalition government having been involved in activities involving drugs, prostitutes, gay sado masochism and sniffing bicycle seats while members of the elitist Bullingdon Club at Oxfor University should have been enough to consign them to obscurity. But the new ruling elite seem to think such degeneracy is a qualification for leadership.

Liberal DilemmaThe progresive left, the politically correct Thought Police, are big on supporting all minorities in their pursuit of their rights and in preaching tolerance and diversity to society at large. But what happens when two of those precipous minorities, say for example Muslims and feminists come into conflict on some issue.

Another EU Wannabe Declares War On Free Speech

The loss of free speech means the end of democracy (Picture source) A very dangerous and worrying trend, which has been gathering momentum for some time, has entered a new dimension in recent weeks. Political and business leaders around the world are blatantly calling for the censorship on reporting and discussing news in terms that …

Fit To GossipIronic isn't it that not so long ago when unemployment was much lower than it is now but was a cause for alarm nonetheless, the government was pushing to get people declared disabled so they could go on incapacity benefit and off the jobless figures. Now they want to get people off incapacity and registered as unemployed because jobseekers allowance costs less than incapacity benefit...

[ Ian at Authorsden ]

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