The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, June 26, 2020

World Leaders Insist ‘Economic Lockdowns Ravage the Very Fabric of Societies’

An impressive array of more than 500 prominent world leaders, academics, and Nobel Laureates have written “A Call to Defend Democracy” in the face of a worldwide rise in government authoritarianism during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

The June 25 text declares that beyond health concerns the COVID-19 pandemic is “a political crisis that threatens the future of liberal democracy.”

“The COVID-19 crisis is an alarming wake-up call, an urgent warning that the freedoms we cherish are at risk and that we must not take them for granted,” the document asserts.

“Authoritarian regimes, not surprisingly, are using the crisis to silence critics and tighten their political grip,” the authors note. “But even some democratically elected governments are fighting the pandemic by amassing emergency powers that restrict human rights and enhance state surveillance without regard to legal constraints, parliamentary oversight, or timeframes for the restoration of constitutional order.”

“Parliaments are being sidelined, journalists are being arrested and harassed, minorities are being scapegoated, and the most vulnerable sectors of the population face alarming new dangers as the economic lockdowns ravage the very fabric of societies everywhere,” the document proclaims.An impressive array of more than 500 prominent world leaders, academics, and Nobel Laureates have written “A Call to Defend Democracy” in the face of a worldwide rise in government authoritarianism during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

The June 25 text declares that beyond health concerns the COVID-19 pandemic is “a political crisis that threatens the future of liberal democracy.”...Continue reading >>>

Friday, June 19, 2020

Pandering To Black Lives Matter Agitators Will Further Alienate White Working Class.Pandering To Black Lives Matter Agitators Will Further Alienate White Working Class.

Good to hear UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab talking some sense about this outbreak of disgusting grovelling to the Black Lives Matter thugs that seems to be turning into a pandemic. Mr. Raab was quite right to say the semi – literate, communist clowns is the USA who started “bending the knee” during the National Anthem ahead of sports events were just too stupid to understand that far from symbolising a rejection of servitude, is actually a medieval tradition that signifies acceptance is servitude and inferiority.

Medieval peasants had to go down on one knee when the local robber baron was passing to affirm their acceptance of his authority. To remain standing was to challenge him and he, being a trained warrior, adept with sword, battleaxe, halberd or morning star (a spiked metal ball attached by thick chain to a strong wooden handle, ideal for smashing skulls,) would quckly dispatch them to a well deserved eternal reat just to remind witnesses who was boss, because as Don Corleone might have said, “Let one disrespect you and they’ll all think its OK to disrespect you.”

Since the murder of career criminal and small time dickhead George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25, protests have taken place around the world calling for an end to racism. Interestingly these sponaneous demonstrations of outrage have been very well organised, which suggests they were not all that spontaneous and Mr. Floyd’s death, while completely unjustified, served as the starting bell for a well planned colour revolution.

Black Lives Matter protesters in the US have been calling for the end of police brutality towards black people in their country but their cries have been drowned out by the shreiking irony of the rioters going on an orgy of vandalism , arson and looting even as their ever faithful supporters in Hollywood were calling for an end to violence.

But while there is at least some justification for protests in the USA where relations between police and black communities have never been good, WTF are the protests in Britain all about. OK, they are protesting about Britain’s role in the Atlantic slave trade, which ended over two hundred years ago, as CONSERVATIVE and WHIG politicians in England led the world in abolishing slavery. So reall knocking down a few statues of long dead people with alleged links to the slave trade is just vacuous gesture politics. But at least the gesture is sort of apporopriate to the cause, unkile bending the knee (sic.) One of the satues they want removed, depicts a man whose link to the slave trade was through the fact that he was one of the leaders in the campaign to abolish it.

But what do Black Lives Matter protesters in the UK want beyond leave to vandalise statues?
“What we want is equality, what we want is justice and what we want is to have the same opportunities as everybody around, having our curriculum not so white-washed would make a massive change,” says protester Katrina Okuyiga , talking to a TV news reporter. Okuyiga admitted she had attended some of the UK Black Lives Matter demonstrations.

“Part of the reason we went to the protests was to highlight that people experience police brutality and police violence every single day. Our call is do divest from policing,” says Temi Mwale, a racial justice campaigner and founder of The 4Front Project. Police brutality and violence every day? In Britain? Methinks Temi doth protest to much, he or she needs to spend some time in African before talking about police brutality and violence. It’s difficult to think of a single African nation where anybody randomly stopped by a police officer who refuses to hand over the expected bribe is unlikely to ever again be seen alive by their family and friends.

But Temi was not finished showing how stupid Black Lives Matter supporters are. Explaining why blacks in britain experience police brutality and violence every day he / she added a lovely non sequitur: “The reason for that is because it’s really important that we actually invest in services, invest within communities, invest in mental healthcare, invest in opportunities, the things that are actually proven to increase people’s safety.”

Yeah, right.

Black Lives Matter activist Gary McFarlane opined that there are some “easy wins” in his eyes for the Government to make, such as: “A full public inquiry into the disproportionate number of black and minority ethnic (BAME)persons that have died in the Covid pandemic to date. A ban on tasers would cost the Government nothing. That’s been rolled out to all police forces in the country. That should be unrolled.”

So COVID – 19 is racist now. If Mr. McFarlane had as many brain cells as he has testicles he might understand that the reasons black and minority ethnic people have been badly hit is drug abuse (which wrecks the immune system,) bad diet (white diabetics have been even more badly affected that BAME communities.

“After the easy wins, we have the harder things to do perhaps…The uprooting of institutional racism in the NHS…in the education service, the civil service and…employment more generally.”
Really these people have no idea what they want, they have simply been manipulated by the dark forces of globalism into believing they are victims of injustice. Similarly the Black Lives Matter rent a mob across the pond start rioting and looting whenever the killing of a black person by a white makes the news, but demonstrate that not all black lives matter equally by clamming up whenever the huge number of blacks killed by other blacks is mentioned.

As for the British lot, it appears to be the usual universitiy brainwashed retards who have decided to be offended on behalf of working class people of minority status who actually understand they are lucky to be in Britain rather than stuck in some African shithole ruled by an amateur tyrant who like to kill his own people simply because he can or caught up in some middle eastern war zone where simply being a non Muslim can get you killed but being the wrong sort of Muslim is certain to.

Race and racism
Politically correct

Minorities ‘See Countryside as a White Environment', Says BBC
According to its rural affairs programme Countryfile – where, thanks to uber woke presenters like Chris Packham, the emphasis is very much on the first syllable — “many Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups see the countryside as being a white environment.”

‘Why is My Curriculum White?’ Campaign Forces Oxford Uni to Introduce Compulsory Black History Exams
Oxford University grovels to Black Lives Matter
Insanity mixed with cowardice – UK cops advised to kneel to Black Lives Matter mob
Footballer Rashford Sends Gov’t The Wrong Way And Scores For Lockdown Hit Families

Monday, June 15, 2020

Bottles and smoke bombs thrown as anti-racism rally in Newcastle (UK) met by huge counter-protest

Bottles and smoke bombs thrown as anti-racism rally in Newcastle met by huge counter-protest (VIDEOS)
Demonstrators hold placards during a Black Lives Matter protest in Newcastle on Tyne, June 13, 2020. © Reuters / Lee Smith
Black Lives Matter thugs protesting in Newcastle were met by a large crowd of counter protesters, that gathered to “protect” local historical monuments. The tensions escalated into scuffles between rival groups.

Large groups of counter protesters emerged in central Newcastle on Saturday, gathering around Grey's statue and a nearby war memorial at the Old Eldon Square. Veterans and bikers protecting the war memorial in Newcastle, claimed they were also protecting a St George and the Dragon statue just down the street. Strangely the leftie mobs, mostly students and posh kids from the affluent suburbs gave those locations a wide berth and focused their hate on softer targets. Again typical of the left.

In Britain as well as the U.S.A. and other Western nations protests purportedly organised by anti racist groups to highlight police brutst blacks have become orgies of violence and hate as all the tpical tactics of the far left have shown who is really behind this outbreak of civil disorder. The violence started after the killing of George Floyd, a career criminal, drug dealer and general arsehole in Minneapolis in late May. Floyd was no angel to be sure, but the manner of his death and the fact that he was apparently committing no offence at the time certainly gave grounds for outrage. However, there is no justification for 'protests; involving looting and destruction of property to spread throughout the USA or for far left neo - fascists throughout Europe and ion Asia and South America to join in, other than that stupid, ignorant, sociopathic leftie thugs can never resist an opportunity to cause trouble.


BLM invade posh Beverley Hills as baby killed in another Chicago drive-by shooting
Black Liives Matter mobsters invaded weathy Californian city Beverley Hills yesterday, chanting “Eat The Rich!” “Abolish capitalism now,”: and other threatening slogans. The crowd, mostly white kids from affluent backgrounds according to witnesses, dispersed quickly when riot police arrived. Residents of the city which is home to many of the Hollywood celebrities who have been vociferous in their support of the neo – fascist movement

Intelligent Virus? Anti-racism protests SAFE from Covid-19, but anti-lockdown protests are NOT, health ‘experts’ claim

Intelligent virus? Anti - racism protests are safe byt anti lockdown protests spread virus, experts claimJune 3, 2020
Anti – racism protestors enjoy their immunity? It must be well known to our readers that the collective opinion of contributors to this blog on “scientists” and “experts” is that they are all wankers. This does not include practicioners of the sciences who have the self awareness to describe themselves as chemists, biologists, physicists, medical … Continue reading

B***h, please! Banning ‘sexist’ language won’t make sexism disappear, any more than banning racial slurs killed racism
October 24, 2019
Far left activists, motivate by hatred of anyone who disagrees with them, campaign against ‘hate speech’ (that’s free speech to you and me.) A Massachusetts USA congressman wants to end sexism by punishing sexist language – specifically the word “b***h” – with fines and even jail. But policing speech doesn’t kill the underlying sentiment – … Continue reading

Frustrated Civil Rights Leaders Say Facebook’s Zuckerberg ‘Lacks The Ability To Understand’ Race Issues
June 2, 2020
We must confess to not understanding this headline, how can any American lack the ability to understand the USA’s deep and destructive race problems when the key to understanding is so simple. If you are white you have no rights and it is your duty to kiss the arse of every black person you meet. … Continue reading Frustrated Civil Rights Leaders Say Facebook’s Zuckerberg ‘Lacks The Ability To Understand’ Race Issues

Pandering To Black Lives Matter Agitators Will Further Alienate White Working Class.

With every Tom Dick and Harry, particularlt the dicks, "taking the knee," ignorantly believing that such a medieval symbol of submission and servitude will somehow earn them politically correct brownie points with the wannabe conquerors of western civilisation something has to give. There are signs that the patience of the white working class is wearing thin. If the government do got act quickly to put the racist mobs of BLM supporters back in their cages it's all going to get bloody, very bloody.

Union of UK academics says you can identify as any race & sex
Warwick University graduates on the day of their graduation ceremony in Warwick, Britain July 17, 2017 © Reuters / Russell Boyce Birth race and gender can be thrown out the window as far as the UK Universities and Colleges Union is concerned. The fact that you can just declare yourself … Continue reading

‘White Racism’
January 27, 2017 For too long the neo – Fascist left have been allowed to get away with dividing all of humanity into two racial groups, black and white. This has allowed those extremists who support the idea of an authoritarian, global government to dub white people generally as racist, because we have (again generally)been more successful throughout … Continue reading

Friday, June 05, 2020

Intelligent Virus? Anti-racism protests SAFE from Covid-19, but anti-lockdown protests are NOT, health ‘experts’ claim

How can the virus tell?! Anti-racism protests SAFE from Covid-19, but anti-lockdown protests are NOT, health ‘experts’ claim
Anti - racism protestors enjoy their immunity?

It must be well known to our readers that the collective opinion of contributors to this blog on "scientists" and "experts" is that they are all wankers. This does not include practicioners of the sciences who have the self awareness to describe themselves as chemists, biologists, physicists, medical doctors or some other recognised discipline, in which case we acknowledge their expertise in a specific feild of human endeavour. It's the ubiquitous but non specific "scientists" or "experts" that pisses us of as if these vague generalisations confer infallibility on people who are often notyhing more than self aggrandizing oportunists who talk bollocks knowing it will be reported by mainstream media as if it is a divine revelation.

In perhaps the silliest example yet of the fallibility of these clowns, an open letter signed by hundreds of self-styled health ‘experts’ proposes the totally insane theory that “protests against systemic racism” are not only Covid-19 safe but “vital to the national public health” (apart from the health of people on either side who get injured or killed of course,) - while participation in protests against lockdowns carries a high risk, with infection and a slow, painful death almost guaranteed.

Calling “white supremacy” a “lethal public health issue that predates and contributes to Covid-19,” the letter - signed by upwards of 1,200 self-declared public health experts before it was closed to signatures on Tuesday, supposedly because “alt-right messages” had been added - trumpets the necessity of continuing the protests that began after a police officer killed George Floyd by kneeling with a knee planted on his neck while Mr. Floyd was taking part in an orderly and legal demonstration against the lockdowns in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which are bankrupting many small businesses in the USA and driving many poor families to destitution.

Coronavirus fear and panic
The way ‘Covid deaths’ are being counted is a national scandalThe Coronavirus Response Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2
Coronavirus deaths: Are The Authorities Deceiving Us?