The latest luncacy to flow from the megalomaniacal mind of the world's richest madman and wannabe Galactic Emperor Palpatine, Bill Gates is the latest iteration of a plan this vaccine - obsessed world domination freak has nurtured for a long time. He wants to release genetically midified mosquitos to inject us with vaccine. Apart from the impossibility of controlling who gets bitten by the GM mozzies and just about everything else in the way of unintended consequences from allergic reactions to the genetic modification causing the tiny insects to mutate into 12 inch long man - killers, what could possibly go wrong?
In 2008, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded $100,000 to Hiroyuki Matsuoka of Jichi Medical University in Japan to do research on genetically modified mosquitoes.
Hiroyuki Matsuoka at Jichi Medical University in Japan thinks it may be possible to turn mosquitoes that normally transmit disease into “flying syringes,” so that when they bite humans they deliver vaccines.
Professor Hiroyuki Matsuoka will attempt to design a mosquito that can produce and secrete a malaria vaccine protein into a host’s skin. The hope is that such mosquitoes could deliver protective vaccines against other infectious diseases as well.
If Matsuoka proves that his idea has merit, he will be eligible for an additional $1 million of funding.
Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about
Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about
(Natural News) To combat the prolific spread of “disinformation” online, a cohort of the world’s most powerful tech corporations is working on a project that aims to forever silence opposing voices on the internet.
Microsoft, Intel, BBC, and Adobe, along with lesser-known Truepic and Arm, have joined forces to develop new censorship tools, the likes of which the world has never seen.
In this age of digital censorship, where prominent buzzwords are used as justification to silence free speech, the coalition sees a new opportunity to trample the First Amendment while claiming some kind of moral high ground for preserving “truth” online.
“There’s a critical need to address widespread deception in online content – now supercharged by advances in AI and graphics and diffused rapidly via the internet,” wrote Microsoft in a celebratory blog post on behalf of the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA). ... Continue reading >>>
MORE on Free Speech and Big Tech
Facebook admits to nearly as many fake or clone accounts as the U.S. population Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg likes to brag about the number of people who use his social media site. In fact it is clear as he talks big numbers about how many users the site boasts, that he thinks the world loves him for creating this technological wonder. He's wrong of course.
Lay Off Cambridge Analytica, Facebook Are The Evil Doers
Information Technology firm Cambridge Analytica are being attacked by the hysterical mainstream media mob for their alleged role in the alleged collusion between The Kremlin and Donald Trump to steal the US Presidency in 2016, and similar abuse of private date to influence the result of the Brexit vote. It should be Facebook under attack, Cambridge Analytica only took advantage of a deal Facebook offers on the open market ...
Trump blocks Sale Of US Tech Company To China
President Trump has reportedly blocked the attempted acquisitions of a US technology company by a Chinese firm. while his opponents accuse him of breaking election promises and betraying votes, although they offer little evidence to support their claims, the increasingly tough policy against China's acquisition of US companies continues, despite the firing of White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who supported Trmp's "economic nationalism."
On Tuesday, Apple revealed their newest phone. The new line was anticipated by Apple users and is another cult favorite. But many are rightly skeptical of the “FaceID” feature. FaceID, is a tool that would use facial recognition to identify individuals and unlock their phones for use. Unsurprisingly, this has generated some major anxiety about mass spying and privacy concerns. Retailers already have a desire for facial recognition technology.
WikiLeaks have today released documents from the Vault 7 cache, a group of leaked information which contains details on the CIA Angelfire spyware tool which was developed to facilitate loading and execution of implants targeting computers using Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Electrosensitivity - the Wi - Fi disease. So you thought people who wear tinfoil hats are crazy conspiracy theorists? Not so fast there, some of them might actually be onto something.While these people are not tinfoil hat wearers either literally or in a metaphorical sense, the measures they take to avoid exposure to electromagnetic radiation (radio - activity) can seem rather paranoid until you know more about them.
Google: Benefactor Of Mankind Or Evil Empire (or buch of idiotic nerds who got lucky?) They way Google has come to dominate the internet just as the internet has come to dominate our lives can't all be down to good luck and careful planning can it? As this page develops you will see how sinister forces guided Google to their current position.
Shock, Horror! Millennials Safe Space Violated As Facebook Algo Accident Exposes Them To Diverse Ideas Late last month (August 2016,) the Zuckerbugger's zoons put an algorithm in charge of the Facebook “trending” feature, to select the most popular topics, articles and keywords on the web in a narrow timeframe and with due respect for the 'safe space' of millenials who can be traumatised if they encounter microaggrrrrressions in the form of controversial ideas or unorthodox opinions ...
Government Paid Trolls Are Using 'Psychology-Based Influence Techniques' in Social Media Have you ever come across someone on the Internet that you suspected was a paid government troll? Well, there is a very good chance that you were not imagining things. Thanks to Edward Snowden, we now have solid proof that paid government trolls are using “psychology-based influence techniques” on social media websites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
Zuckerberg reveals Facebook Working On Apps 'Smarter Than Humans' In an online Question and Answer session this week Facebook supremo and founding megalomaniacal sociopath Mark Zuckerberg announced that his company is engaged in building AI systems "that are better than humans at our primary senses."
Facebook begins Europe-wide censorship campaign against free speech. Facebook Inc (FB.O) has commenced the Europe-wide censoring of posts and comments the ruling elite do not like, thus making good the promise given to Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel by the social media and data theft site’s founder Mark Zuckerberg.
Philanthropic" Mark Zuckerberg Will Place Facebook Shares In A For-Profit LLC Sorry to seem the The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, but somebody has to blow the whistle on the latest self serving stunt of the self server in chief, Mark Zuckerbugger but the great act of philanthropy with which the Inyaface Datatheft Book chief celebrated the birth of his child is, like everything else billionaire philanthropists do, not quite as straightforward as it has been presented in mainstream media.
How Google Destroyed the Internet The idea of the internet was that it would be a communications tool that freed information by making all public domain documents, libraries and archives accessible for everyone. Unfortunately the corporate monopoly men of Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Facebook and political control freaks had other ideas. They also understood the technolgy while the hippies and liberals ignored professionals warnings that internet systems would become a perfect toool of censorship.
Corporate plundering of the UK purse has to stop – Facebook pays zero tax again Our finance expert looks at the latest tax avoidance scandal and wonders why the governments financial agencies are always to eager to go after small time tax and benefit fraud and yet year after year turn a blind eye to the blatant criminality of global corporations in their tax evasion techniques.
Has Zuckerbugger Been Messing With Your Mind? It has been revealed that Facebook has been collaborating with the US government and creepier fringes of the academic community in carrying out experiments to manipulate users emotions. "Facebook users have reacted angrily to a "creepy" experiment carried out by the social network and two American universities to manipulate their emotions."
Facebook boss Zukerberg Wants To Own The Internet Facebook's latest acquisition Whatsapp cost $19bn, that's $40 per user. Whatsapp charge their users $1 per year. That means it will take Facebook 40 years to recover their outlay. And people are buying shares in this company? Insane.
Facebook Are Nazis - We Told You So All the Greenteeth Labyrinth pages have consistently warned that the most successful internet companies, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Twitter etc. are led by people with authoritarian, even fascistic tendencies and a world domination complex which manifests itself as a desire to establish a monopoly position in their field. Facebbk are at the forfront of this fascist cartel.
Facebook's Stockmarket Launch Fizzles Out Facebook's much hyped stock market launch fell flat. We examine the folly of trying to pass off a social networking fad as a real, monrey making business.
Hopes were high for the vaccine at the St Elisabeth Nursing and
Guest House in Amersfoort. On January 30, the residents received their
first shot. But two weeks later the coronavirus raced through
the nursing home. Today it was announced that 22 residents have already
died in one week.
“With the start of vaccinations we had expected that the
infections would decrease, but that did not happen and we are very upset
about that,” says board member Evelien Bongers to RTV Utrecht.
“It is very intense. For the residents, for their families and loved ones and for our staff.” (Source)
This tragic story follows what is now a familiar pattern to readers
of Health Impact News. Mass vaccination of the elderly in long-term care
resident homes is followed closely with everyone being infected with
COVID, followed by massive deaths. The deaths are then blamed on COVID,
instead of the injections.
With this report out of the Netherlands, it is also revealed that
these residents suffered from dementia and had other underlying
conditions, so it is difficult to blame COVID for causing the deaths.
In the St Elisabeth Nursing and Guest House live elderly people with dementia. This is a very vulnerable group.
“These residents need nursing and care. If they become infected with the coronavirus, that can be just too much.”
Precisely because there is underlying suffering, it is not
possible to determine with certainty in every case whether the death is a
direct result of the virus.
“These elderly people died with corona, but not necessarily because of corona.” (Source)
Did these seniors with dementia consent to be injected with an experimental shot? We know that in Germany and Spain, seniors with dementia are being vaccinated against their will. See:
Lead Developer Of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam
Dr. Diane Harper was a leading expert responsible for the safety and effectiveness studies of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil™ and Cervarix™. Dr. Harper also authored many scholarly papers about the vaccines. She is now the latest in a long string of experts who are pressing the red alert button on the consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines.
Zika Virus Threatens Rio Olympics As WHO Declares Global Emergency
This could just be another jolly jape for the fear and panic industry, remember Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, MRSA, Mad Cow Disease, AIDS and all the other things that didn't wipe us out? After an inauspicious start when it was discovered in the Ugandan forest about sixty years ago to genetically-modified Mosquitoes in Brazil, the latest threat to humanity (most notably to pregnant women who get infected) is the ominous-sounding Zika virus.
California’s Mandatory Vaccinations Bill: Big Pharma Lobbyists Call the Shots, Community Opposition Ignored
After the historic outpouring of families to halt the passing of SB-277 last Wednesday in California, information has now been made public to further put into question the bill’s credibility. After passing the Sacramento Health Committee vote, the bill was delayed as committee chair Senator Carol Liu wisely told the bill’s author Richard Pan “If I were you, I would not take a vote today.”
Dr. Offit, Vaccine Pusher in Chief is exposed as a liar.
Some time ago my editor-in-chief was the target of hate attacks by left wing sheeple for questioning the effectiveness of vaccines as anything but profit drivers for Big Pharma. Well Ian has thick skin so he was quite pleased to have provoked a few death threats. One of his targets howver was Dr. Offit who had famously said new born babies could have 10,000 vaccines at the same time without suffering harm. He has not fared so well, having become an object of ridicule.
The Ebola Outbreak - Natural Disaster Or Man Made Catastrophe
The Daily Stirrer has always tried to bring you a controversial and off-message view of major news stories. We were ahead of the game on Malaysia Airlines Flights MH370 and Flight MH17. We went out on a limb again over the Ebola fever outbreak in west Africa, arguing that it looked more like a biological weapons experiment gone wrong that a natural disaster. And once again as evidence emerges the odds are swinging in our favour.
Statins? Our Welfare Or Corporate Profits, Which Side Is Medical Science On?
The propaganda aimed at convincing us that if we throw enough money at medical science the boffins can provide drugs to prevent death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. The latest scam is to swing public opinion into accepting mass medication with drugs most do not need. It is just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers know is no good.
Measles Witch Hunt - Propaganda War Against Parents Who Refuse Vaccine
A witch hunt against parents who decline to have their children vaccinated. Who would think such fascist tactics could be used by democratically elected governments in the twenty first century. Well elected (after a fashion) oiur governments may be, but they are not democratic. It is the bankers and corporate entities who hold the real power. And the pharmaceutical companies who make vaccines are among the most anti social of them.
Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time Government and Corporate propaganda suggests there is no reason why anyone should have doubts about vaccines, they are 100% effective and can never cause harm. Propaganda is however the tools authoritarianism uses when the truth is unpalatable. Read below of how real world evidence exposes more big Pharma ciminality and dishonesty about vaccines
Vaccine Tuth: Corporate Profits Are More Important Than Public Health.
Yet more information exposing the truth about the vaccine and mass medication industry, because that is what medicine has become, an industry, a cash cow for corporate fascists. And vaccines are one of the biggest profit drivers ...
Swine Flu Scam Exposed: Useless Drugs And Vaccines - Lying Science Whores
The propaganda aimed at convincing us medical science can provide a vaccine to immunise us against death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. Five years after the even the lies and fraud that created the swine flu 'pandemic' of 2009 are exposed. It was just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers knew was no good.
UK Government Agency Faked Vaccine Safety Data To Sell HPV Virus Against Non Existent cervical Cancer Threat
Cervical Cancer takes centre stage in this latest installment of Vaccine wars. Government, medical professionals and Big Pharma are pushing for manadatory vaccination of pubescent girls but the disease takes decades to develop and the vaccine immunity wears off after five years. It is another scam to steal taxpayers' money? Find out below ...
New Scientific Study Verifies Again That MMR Vaccine Causes Autism
Strangely (or perhaps absolutely predictably) little of this has been reported in mainstream media. And unfortunately I cannot link you to the site that broke the story (but I have linked to the legal rulings which are a meter of public record now) because their page has been down since the news started to go viral. Fortunately other new media publishers were onto the story by then and ...
If I was to tell you that the +Human-Immune-Virus (HIV), scientifically acknowledged as the trigger of +Aids was deliberately spread by the Hepatitis B vaccine you would probably call me a crazy +Conspiracy theorist, and why not, I have no medical qualifications to make such a statement. If however I told you that a link between the +HIV virus and the Hep B vaccine had been admitted by Prof. Michele Carbone, Assistant Professor of ...
In A Sane World This Should End The Vaccine Scam - but The Lies and Legalised Murder Will Continue.
Educated parents can either get their children out of harm’s way or continue living inside one of the largest most evil lies in history, that vaccines – full of heavy metals, viral diseases, mycoplasma, fecal material, DNA fragments from other species, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (a sterilizing agent)are not a miracle of modern medicine but a means of stealing taxpayers money.
In a paper published in the journal Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Classen reported that mRNA-based vaccines like the two jabs can misfold proteins in the body that are linked to the development of neurodegenerative disorders.
Long-term risks of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines
The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are the only jabs for
COVID-19 approved for use in the United States. They are also the first
vaccines made using mRNA technology to be approved for human use.
Both jabs work by injecting genetic material called mRNA
that codes for a critical fragment of the spike protein – the molecule
used by SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19 – to infect human
cells. Once this genetic material is inside the body, the muscle cells
translate them to make the spike protein.
The immune system then gets a preview of what the real virus looks
like without supposedly causing disease. When a vaccinated individual
gets infected, the immune system releases antibodies that can neutralize
the real virus and protect the individual from COVID-19.
But in his study, Classen found that mRNA-vaccines could favor the development of various diseases ... Continue reading >>>
The latest idiocy from a profession that seems to be a magnet for idiots, psychopaths, frauds, charlatans, crooks, liars and general cunts is the suggestion that we will need a vaccine before every trip abroad. This is the latest ramping up of the propaganda campaign aimed at persuading us the Wuhan Coronavirus is so deadly nobody will ever be safe from it, thus giving crooked politicians more excuses to shover taxpayers money into the coffers of Big Pharma. Another way of interpreting it, though not one that will be quoted by mainstream media, is that it constitutes an admission that he vasty hyped, untested, unscientific vaccines developed in such a hurry are useless against Coronavirus. But as many of us have argued throught most of the past year, they were not designed to protect us punters from a "killer" disease that 95% of us will not get, and 99% of the 5% who develop symptoms will fully recover from.
So what bollocks have the lying lientists come up with now to keep the fear - and - panic generator turned up to eleven?
A report published in the Royal Society Journal last week acknowledged what we all knew, there is little data on how efficient or long lasting the current vaccines are, and so it is likely that countries will require a recent vaccination. This is the inevitable outcome of sidestepping the usual development and testing procedures in order to get a euthanasia vaccine into as many of us as possible before the majority woke up to the fact that COVID-19 is not the killer is has been hyped as. If you are under 80 years old and in reasonable health you have little to fear. So as government medical advisers are suggesting that we may need the double shot every year, or even a third shot, while others suggest there will need to be a new vaccine for every new variant it seems the objective is to keep the taxpayers' money flowing towards Big Pharma
In view of that, having endless injections of something that has been described by respected immunologists as technically not a vaccine but a gene therapy when there is no indication of how effective these will be in either the short or long term (we have already been informed that the vaccine will not stop us eith getting or passing on the virus,) or what long term side effects there may be sounds absolutely mental, but that is what is being suggested.
Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, Epidemiologist Christopher Dye, a leading author of the reports stated “If we thought that the duration of protection was just a matter of months, then the sort of criteria that might be introduced – we’re not saying they should be – is that when one travels internationally for a short trip, going on vacation for example, that one is vaccinated each time on that occasion for that particular trip.”
published a report in the Royal Society Journal last week that acknowledged there is little data on how efficient or long lasting the current vaccines are, and so it is likely that countries will require a recent vaccination.
Having endless vaccinations when there is no indication of how effective they are, or what long term side effects there may be sounds absolutely mental, but that is what is being suggested.
Speaking to the London Telegraph, Epidemiologist Christopher Dye, a leading author of the reports stated “If we thought that the duration of protection was just a matter of months, then the sort of criteria that might be introduced – we’re not saying they should be – is that when one travels internationally for a short trip, going on vacation for example, that one is vaccinated each time on that occasion for that particular trip.”
The report also stated that vaccine passports are “feasible,” but only if and when global standards have been agreed.
“An effective vaccine passport system that would allow the return to pre-Covid activities, including travel, without compromising personal or public health, must meet a set of demanding criteria,” said Dye.
Other co-authors of the study warned that the covid passports, which the government’s vaccines minister has repeatedly said are not going to be used domestically, “need to be fully explored.”
Professor Melinda Mills warned that such a system “could inadvertently discriminate or exacerbate existing inequalities,” adding “The intended use will have significant implications across a wide range of legal and ethical issues. Is it literally a passport to allow international travel or is the intention that it be used domestically to allow holders greater freedoms?” Professor Mills further questioned.
“We need a broader discussion about multiple aspects of a vaccine passport, from the science of immunity through to data privacy, technical challenges and the ethics and legality of how it might be used,” Mills added. It's good to know somebody sees the threat to human rights and individual freedom implicit in these suggestions.
In response tolike Angela Merkel, Boris Johnson and "Dementia Joe" Biden globalists repeatedly pushing for the vaccination passport system, Silkie Carlo, the director of civil liberties campaign group Big Brother Watch, authored an important op-ed warning that we risk “emerging like some sort of China-adjunct – a high-tech dystopia where citizens flash their vaccine IDs and biological risk scores to buy a pint of milk, or government-approved facial recognition for a pint of beer.”
At this moment, with the USA in chaos as resistance grows to the usurper administration in The White House, the UK should be showing moral courage and assuming leadership of the free world to build a freer future - to “set the people free”. Instead, with vaccine IDs and more, the government is offering us a future of more control, more fascistic tyranny instead of more freedom.
Dr. Offit, Vaccine Pusher in Chief is exposed as a liar.
Some time ago my editor-in-chief was the target of hate attacks by left wing sheeple for questioning the effectiveness of vaccines as anything but profit drivers for Big Pharma. Well Ian has thick skin so he was quite pleased to have provoked a few death threats. One of his targets howver was Dr. Offit who had famously said new born babies could have 10,000 vaccines at the same time without suffering harm. He has not fared so well, having become an object of ridicule.
The NHS doctors who get cash from healthcare firms for patient referrals
An investigation revealed incentives, often worth tens of thousands of pounds, have been offered to doctors by private healthcare companies in exchange for referring patients to their hospitals. The British Medical Journal reported claims that the doctors’ regulator, the General Medical Council (GMC), failed to act on a warning in 2012 that the practice of offering incentives was “widespread, particularly in London, and significant in value”.
Obesity pill to ‘replace treadmill’ being developed by Harvard University
A magic pill which burns away excess body fat has been one of the wet dreams of mad scientists for decades. Such a pill is now being developed at Harvard University. Researchers claim it could one ‘replace the treadmill.’ (This is daft as we still need exercise to maintain a healthy heart, muscles and bones.
Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about
Ebola outbreak caused by new strain never seen before; was it weaponized ask sceptical scientists?
Since we and other blogs reported the concerns of highly regarded virologists about the strain of ebola virus involved in the outbreak currently devastating three west African nations, several more experts have gone public to say that the current strain of Ebola virus plaguing Africa and slowly spreading to other continents is potentially much more lethal than previous strains identified by virologists.
Docors, Scientists Greased by Big Pharma? Told You So.
The Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which was passed by the US Senate with the help of an extensive investigation led by Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), provisions that doctors who receive payoffs from drug or vaccine companies must disclose this when pushing new therapies or medical procedures from what would otherwise appear to be unbiased intentions. (It happens in Europe too, see links in article)
NHS Money Wasting Machine And The One Budget That Is Never Cut
After the usual empty promises made at the annual conferences of the three main political parties - all three party leaders swore that only their party can save the National Heath Service (NHS) eternally a key isue in UK politics, we decided it was time our we too a close look at why NHS finances are always in a mess.
It's about time someone prosecuted him, every version of Windows has been a crime against humanity. The man who made "Not fit for purpose" marketable quality, the man who made it possible for the NSA to spy on us all, has been protected for far to long by the US Government. Someyhing to do with his father having been a director of the CIA perhaps? ...You may say that, I couldn'r possibly comment.
CDC Whistleblower Links MMR Vaccine to Autism
One day the truth will be revealed about the MMR vaccine and its alleged link to autism as well as a host of other health problems in young children. One question damns the case in favour of MMR as propaganda. If it is as important as health authorities say to vaccinate children against MMR, why insist on the triple vaccine when there was never a problem with a separate measles vaccine? Could Corporate Profits have something to do with it?
New malaria vaccine doesn’t work most of the time, but manufacturer says it’s good enough to sellOnce again we turn our attention to vaccines and the criminality of the drug companies that manufacture and sell them:
There's a good chance that the vast majority of people who receive it won't derive any benefits whatsoever. But that isn't stopping British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) from seeking regulatory approval for a new vaccine for malaria, known as RTS,S, that a recent study determined is only about 30 percent effective at preventing severe cases of the disease, which has no recognized cure.
Genetically Modified Truth? How Corpoate Money Corrupted Science.
Little Nicky is sceptical about many things, it's in my job description. Incidentally, for the benefit of those over qualified, under educated idiots who think I'm right wing extremist, it is a basic tenet of Liberal philosophy that we all have a duty to question that which is presented as an established truth.
Why Does The US Government Hold A Patent On The Ebola Virus? Just Askin'
The outbreak of Ebola fever in west Africa has been making headlines since January this year, but as usual we are only being told half the story by mainstream media. It took a lot of digging by myself and colleagues in the blogosphere to dig up this pile of dirt which suggests the "new strain" of Ebola faver that has killed far more people than previous outbreaks may have resulted from attempts to weaponise the virus. And guess which national government is allegedly responsible.
What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone?
What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone? That is a question being asked around the cyberosphere as the Ebola outbreak in Africa continues to spread and alarm grows in the western nations. The Tulane University researchers [and colleagues] in the US biowarfare research community, have been operating in West Africa for some time. What exactly have they been doing? Exactly what diagnostic tests have they been performing on citizens of Sierra Leone?
Real People Are Dying because Drug Companies Publish Fake Statistics
Our National Health Service is run by big Pharma for Big Pharma. The drug companies have the politicians, civil servants, medical professions and media in their pockets. We have reported on how Big Pharma money has corrupted healthcare before and the criminality of the corporate enterpises whose aim is to make us all patients for life. Now we throw more light on the way these crooks and liars work
In a move the timing of which makes it look politically motivated rather than dictated by logic or reason, the World Health
Organization has changed the protocol for COVID-19 tests in a way that can only result in huge and immediate reductions in the numbers of positive test results which scientific advisers have translated into cases in order to justify extended lockdowns and other pandemic - related restrictions and pump up fear levels with false reports of the deadlines of what for healthy people is aq mild illness if indeed they are aware they carry the virus. The United Nations offshoot apparently reached this decision only hours after Joe Biden was sworn in as
president of the United States.
On Wednesday, the World Health
Organization (WHO) published revised guidance for helth agencies using the polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) test, which on WHO recommendation has become the benchmark test to detect cases of COVID-19. In an information notice, the WHO rolled back its guidance to a version given inan instruction booklet for COVID testing, issued in September 2020, advising that “careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed.”
That document warned against interpreting a positive result as proving someone had the virus. Just because a patient tests positive does not mean they are infected, if a person does
not present with symptoms of COVID-19 it cannot be said they are infected. The document also warned about the high
risk of false positives if the amplification cycles run on the test were above a certain level: “The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect
virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load. Where test
results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen
should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT
“As disease prevalence decreases, the
risk of false positive increases. The probability that a person who has a
positive result (SARS-CoV-2 detected) is truly infected with SARS-CoV-2
decreases as prevalence decreases, irrespective of the claimed
specificity,” the WHO continued.
Even more damningly for pandemic fearmongers, the document described PCR tests as an “aid for
diagnosis” rather than a definitive diagnosis tool and did not place any greater weight upon the results of PCR
tests. “Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis,
therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination
with timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical
observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts, and
epidemiological information.”
The new guidance for assessing the
results of PCR COVID tests effectively means that there are additional
steps to be taken before reporting that someone has tested positive for
the virus. The WHO notes that “a new specimen should be taken and
retested” and further stipulates that “health care” workers should weigh
up the test result alongside real-world information, such as symptoms
or “clinical observations,” and contact with any other infected
individuals. These changes alone can safely be assumed to account for the recent plunge in "cases" of COVID. Again our blogs have been saying this for over six months.
A Twitter user explained
the WHO guidance: “PCR positive no longer = Covid. You are not
Covid now unless you get a second test to confirm it, and are presenting
clinical symptoms.”
The admission of the inaccuracy of PCR
tests, which in effect is an admission that the whole pandemic has been a fraud, and comes as a validation for the ever growing evidence of the dishonesty of political leaders and medical science. As the Lockdown Sceptics website wrote:
“For months now, sceptics have been ridiculed for questioning the
accuracy of the PCR test, referring to the risk of false positives when
prevalence is low and urging the Government to carry out confirmatory
second tests on those that test positive. This updated advice from the
WHO is a vindication of our position. We look forward to Governments and
health authorities bringing their practices into line with it.”
The website’s editor,
Toby Young, repeated the sentiment, saying that distrust of PCR tests
became “the basis of the smear that we’re covid deniers.” “Today the @WHO finally acknowledged there’s a problem with the PCR test,” he added.
Back in December, LifeSiteNews reported on that 22 independent scientist had debunked the original Corman-Drosten
(CD) paper, which established PCR tests as the standard way to determine
the presence of COVID-19. The group studied the CD paper
and found “ten fatal problems” with the research. Each of the problems is
described as alone being sufficient to render the PCR test “scientifically useless"
as a diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”
The main issue identified was the amplification cycle of the tests, which is the
process by which genetic material present on the nasal swab is
determined to be either a positive or negative indication of COVID. The
CD papersidesteps definition what a positive or negative test result is,
but suggested that “45 PCR cycles” are to be performed.
While a PCR test can have up to 60 cycles of amplification, both Dr. Pascal Sacré and
the debunking group pointed out that PCR test data from a cycle value of 35 or
more is “completely unreliable.” “Only non-infectious (dead) viruses are
detected with [cycle] values of 35,” the group adds, as even above 30
cycles there is “a grey area,” where a positive result cannot be
A CDC (US Center for Disease Control) document from December 2020 states that provision was made for tests to be run at up to 40 cycles.
These new guidelines suggest that
the WHO is now heeding, or admitting, Dr. Sacré’s advice about the over-sensitivity of the RT-PCR test, leading to such high numbers of false positives they completely distort the picture of how the virus is speading as the
organization called for the “careful interpretation of weak positive
results,” and reminded clinicians that “[t]he cycle threshold (Ct)
needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral
The WHO also stipulated that the
number of cycles used to detect the presence of the virus should be
reported along with the test result.
A number of commentators have pointed to the politicized timing
of the WHO’s news, noting that the new instructions, which could lead
to a decrease in reported COVID cases, came only “one hour” after Joe
Biden was sworn in as president (we did not learn of it until a couple of days later). The implication is that while Trump will be blamed for mishandling the pandemic response, the Harris - Biden administration will take credit for the plunge in "case" numbers resulting from re-classification of COVID case numbers.
The behaviour of the WHO can be explained by Trump having begun the process to withdraw from the WHO after denouncing the organization as being “China centric.” With the US government being its major financial benefactor the WHO was pleased to welcome China - centric "Dementia Joe" Biden to the White House as an ally, he had announced his intention to strengthen ties with the WHO. during the campaign. The WHO Director General, Ethiopian biologist Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who has close links with China, also expressed his own delight at Biden’s assumption of the U.S. presidency. China has of course been pumping vast amounts of money into Etiopia in recent years as it seeks to extend its global influence and undermine the US and European economic leadership.
So as this evidence, and that contained in the numerous links below, shows nothing in the past twelve chaotic months, the inconvenience, the loss of civil rights and liberties, the ridiculous masking and social distancing rules and the trashing of national economies along with millions of jobs and businesses, has been about our health, it has all been a political exercise to stamp out the rise of nationalism and the popular resistance to global fascism.
COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically MeaninglessPoliticians and “experts” scream and shout about testing and isolation being the way to halt the COVID 19 pandemic to a halt, but everything else they hsve told us about the disease has been absolute bollocks, why should this be any different?
Well surprise, surprise, it isn’t any different. The idea that testing everybody ten times a day (OK I might be exaggerating for effect,) will do any good is just another diversionary tactic ...
Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away? It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...
Covid Cops Catch Couple Having Outdoor Sex on Coldest Night for 26 Years Several public figures including Nigel Farage and actor (cancelled) Laurence Fox have spoken up in the past few days denouncing the government's latest crackdown on people who breach the pointless and ineffective restrictions imposed on society as tyranny, but those of us who have no platform in mainstream media must try to draw attention to the absurdity of our COVID response.
And The Hoax Goes On … Every time we dare to think we see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel (or any of those others cliches we use to indicate a bad time is coming to and end,) The Elites who have been driving the pandemic for their own ends come up with a new twist on the scaremongering to keep project fear rolling along. The lies just keep rolling out as the economic and social damage is swept under the carpet ...
COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged to Succeed William A. Haseltine PhD is a scientist, businessman, author, and philanthropist. He was a professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health from 1976-1993 where he was Founder and Chair of two academic research departments, the Division of Biochemical Pharmacology and the Division of Human Retrovirology. As mainstream media go berserk hyping the COVID – 19 vaccines, this article written by Dr Haseltine is essential reading for people with functioning minds.
Covid-19 is an ‘unrestricted bioweapon’: Virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan accuses China of fabricating genomic sequence A report claims that coronavirus is a ‘laboratory product’ created by using a template virus owned by military research laboratories under the control of the Chinese Communist Party By Mihika Basu from meaaw.comChinese virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan from Hong Kong, who has repeatedly questioned the origin of the coronavirus, …
Covid vaxx trial. Side effects include exhaustion, cracked teeth, headaches fever Covid-19 vaccines cause trial participants to suffer day-long exhaustion, cracked teeth, headaches and high fever - from Natural News: Things are going exceptionally poorly for the four major drug companies rushing to be the first to introduce a vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19). Trial participants are reportedly coming down with all sorts unpleasant side effects ...
Fake Statistics? New UK Poll Suggests 65% Think COVID Restrictions Too Lenient Almost two-thirds of people believe the Government’s latest Covid-19 restrictions do not go far enough. According to a new poll carried out by ORB International for a daily newspaper surveyed over 2,000 British adults of voting age and claims to have found that almost 65 per cent believ the latest neo – fascisdt measures announced by Boris Johnson's government ...
No Medical Justification For Emergency Measures” AIER reports that the following letter has made an impact on public health authorities not only in Belgium but around the world. The text could pertain to any case in which states locked down their citizens rather than allow people freedom and permit medical professionals to bear the primary job of disease mitigation.
So far it has been signed by 435 medical doctors, 1,439 medically trained health professionals, and 9,901 citizens.
We might have said this before so as the talk of a second lockdown gets louder in mainstream media, with pseudo-scientists spewing fake statistics generated by mathematical models of reality and sanctimonious politicians bleat that their imposition of fascist control freakery on society is for ouir own good. We are told today that Coronavirus is increasing in every area of the UK ...
For every 3 COVID19 deaths lockdown may have caused 2 more – Official The 4 month lockdown imposed by government on the advice of “scientists” while realists in the medical profession said poses almost zero risk to healthy people under the age of seventy, may have indirectly caused 16,000 excess deaths in two months, according to government analysts. This is what those medical realists, predicted at the outset.
Red Flags Soar As Big Pharma Given Exemption From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims Last week we warned readers to be cautious about new COVID-19 vaccines, highlighting how key parts of the clinical trials are being skipped as big pharma will not be held accountable for adverse side effects for administering the experimental drugs. A senior executive from AstraZeneca, Britain’s second-largest drugmaker, told Reuters that his company was just granted protection from … Continue reading
As the Coronavirus rolls on with every trumpeted breakthrough fizzling out into a great big nothing, political leaders and media 'influencers' keep telling us we must follow the science. Yet with so much contradictory and conflicting evidence, perhaps it's time we learned that "following the science" is the worst thing we can do? The Daily Stirrer has been telling you since the start of the farrago that scientist is a synonym of wanker,
Covid 19: Statistics, Lies and the Corruption Of Science.As the COVID — 19 pandemic continues to dominate the news and defy the efforts of researchers to understand its many mysteries, including its origins and why it affects people who contract the virus in wildly different ways, one thing we have learned for certain so far is the extent to which the Pharmaceuticals manufacturers cartel (colloquially Big Pharma,) exercise a pernicious influence over medical research and healthcare.
Critics Batter The Fake Science Used To Justify The Lockdown As Boris Waffles Regular readers may recall this blog was among the first to expose the fact that the pandemic model predicting 500,000 COVID – 19 deaths if the entire nation was not placed under indefinite house arrest was based on a deeply flawed mathematical model of the pandemic built by a “scientist” at Imperial College, London, a college heavily reliant on funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. You may also recall we have reported on the determination of psychopathic megalomaniac Gates to insert himself into this phoney crisis
Coronavirus: Fear and Panic and a Globalist Power Grab World Leaders Insist ‘Economic Lockdowns Ravage the Very Fabric of Societies’ An impressive array of more than 500 prominent world leaders, academics, and Nobel Laureates have written “A Call to Defend Democracy” in the face of a worldwide rise in government authoritarianism during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. The June 25 text declares that beyond health concerns the COVID-19 pandemic is “a political crisis that threatens the future of liberal democracy.”
The Coronavirus Response Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2 Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Boggart Bloggers predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms ...
Coronavirus deaths: Are The Authorities Deceiving Us?Yesterday we reported that a Canadian outfit had carried out an analysis of China’s response to Coronavirus and concluded that while politicians and academics (aka “scientists” or “experts”) are heaping praise on the way the regime in Beijing has contained and controlled its epidemic, the Chinese have actually been lying, the epidemc is still raging and numbers of infections and deaths from COVID – 19 are far higher than reported,
Is This The Smoking Gun That Proves China Has Lied About The Coronavirus Outbreak With the number of confirmed cases of, and deaths from coronavirus in Italy, a nation of 63 million people having now surpassed the number of infections officially admitted by the government of China, a nation of 1.4 billion and the nation where the news strain of coronavirus, COVID – 19 was first observed, it was obvious to the realists among us that the Chinese government’s claims to have contained the virus were deeply suspect and further claims that the outbreak were under control were as reliable as reported sightings of The Tooth Fairy ...
The Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Our Lady of the Rosary) nursing home near Seville in southern Spain is at the centre of a story that has shocked the entire nation as mass deaths occurred among residents shortly after they were given the first of a scheduled two shots of the Pfizer mRNA inoculations.
All residents and workers at the facility received the first dose of Pfizer mRNA in early January, according to Spain mainstream media outlet ABC de Sevilla. It is being reported that staff were threatened with redundancy if they refused the jab and residents (and their families) were not told they were being injected with an experimental gene therapy.
La residencia Nuestra Señora del Rosario, en Los Barrios /PICTURE ERASMO FENOY
Many residents complained of feeling ill shortly after the shots and their condition deteriotated rapidly, according to . It is believed many came down with COVID-19, despite being “vaccinated against it.” This is very similar to what happened at the Pemberley House care home in Basingstoke, UK, where in January 23 out of 70 residents died in the days following their receiving the vaccine. In that case the UK's government's scientific advisers, a motley crew of corporate fascists, crooks and liars dismissed it as "an unfortunate coincidence," thus proving only that they have no idea what a conincidence is.
In Seville The Andalusian Health Service reported that at least 46 residents have died since January. For perspective, Our Lady has a maximum capacity of 145 residents.The Junta de Andalucía (regional government) intervened in early February to curtail the death count. But people continued dying. Spain’s Ministry of Health is now in charge of mitigation and has at least taken action to stop the deaths, unlike the UK authorities which have tried to sweep the truth of this killer vaccine under the carpet.
The Spanish Health Ministry said in a statement:
“In view of the imminent risk to public health, and in particular for the [residents] and workers of this center, as the current protocol for disinfection and isolation of positive cases cannot be guaranteed.” Well no, no amount of disinfecting is going to help if they are injecting people with the effing disease.
The situation remains dire, as at least 28 more residents and 12 staff members were COVID-19 positive last week. Health officials halted all further mRNA shots as a result.
Spain is continually in the news related to mRNA shots. Salvador Illa, Health Minister in the Stalinist government said in December that his agency is keeping a database of all citizens who refuse the mRNA. And what? Throw them in jain for the crime of sanity?
And The Hoax Goes On … Every time we dare to think we see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel (or any of those others cliches we use to indicate a bad time is coming to and end,) The Elites who have been driving the pandemic for their own ends come up with a new twist on the scaremongering to keep project fear rolling along. The lies just keep rolling out as the economic and social damage is swept under the carpet ...
Are the people to blame for the Covid spread – or are we using the wrong control measures?
As we near 100,000 deaths in the UK so far, the Covid-19 epidemic is still accelerating rapidly. The collective dogma, promoted by SAGE in the UK and the CDC across the pond, is that Covid is a flu-like virus transmitted in aerosols. However, current control measures against aerosols (which do seem to be preventing any influenza this year) are ineffective against Covid, short of locking people in their homes.
Getting To The Truth Of Covid? A friend spent some time in hospital earlier this year, in September in fact. The problem was not COVID related and was easily dealt with by routine treatments. She was discharged and returned home thinking that would be the end of it. A few days later she could hardly walk and was complainming of fatigue and aching muscles and joints. As the weeks wore on things did not improve and on returning to the hospital for further tests she was told she might have picked up a case of "Long Covid." Having trained and worked as a nurse she recognised this diagnosis as bollocks
COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged to Succeed William A. Haseltine PhD is a scientist, businessman, author, and philanthropist. He was a professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health from 1976-1993 where he was Founder and Chair of two academic research departments, the Division of Biochemical Pharmacology and the Division of Human Retrovirology. As mainstream media go berserk hyping the COVID – 19 vaccines, this article written by Dr Haseltine is essential reading for people with functioning minds.
Labour demands crackdown on vaccine criticism ahead of Covid-19 vaccine rollout With the UK preparing for a Covid-19 vaccine rollout, the Labour Party is calling for emergency censorship legislation to punish social-media companies if they allow posting of what it considers to be “anti-vax disinformation.” “Social-media companies have a pitiful record of tackling disinformation,” shadow culture secretary Jo Stevens tweeted on Sunday.
Government Admits Using Bad Covid-19 Figures To Justify Second Lockdown The British government has admitted to showing misleading daily Covid fatality projections in its televised coronavirus briefing last weekend, during which PM Boris Johnson announced a second national lockdown. The revelation comes after the UK stats watchdog criticized the government’s lack of transparency in its use of Covid data ...
Britain’s Covid response is utterly mad – here are 10 reasons why There is no reasonable scientific or medical justification for lockdowns, convoluted social distancing rules, masks or travel restrictions by Dr John Lee in The Daily Telegraph This year, like many years, there’s a new respiratory virus on the block. But this year, unlike any year ever before, the world has gone mad. Governments around the world …
Covid-19 is an ‘unrestricted bioweapon’: Virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan accuses China of fabricating genomic sequence A report claims that coronavirus is a ‘laboratory product’ created by using a template virus owned by military research laboratories under the control of the Chinese Communist Party By Mihika Basu from meaaw.comChinese virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan from Hong Kong, who has repeatedly questioned the origin of the coronavirus, …
Covid vaxx trial. Side effects include exhaustion, cracked teeth, headaches fever Covid-19 vaccines cause trial participants to suffer day-long exhaustion, cracked teeth, headaches and high fever - from Natural News: Things are going exceptionally poorly for the four major drug companies rushing to be the first to introduce a vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19). Trial participants are reportedly coming down with all sorts unpleasant side effects ...
Fake Statistics? New UK Poll Suggests 65% Think COVID Restrictions Too Lenient Almost two-thirds of people believe the Government’s latest Covid-19 restrictions do not go far enough. According to a new poll carried out by ORB International for a daily newspaper surveyed over 2,000 British adults of voting age and claims to have found that almost 65 per cent believ the latest neo – fascisdt measures announced by Boris Johnson's government ...
Red Flags Soar As Big Pharma Given Exemption From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims Last week we warned readers to be cautious about new COVID-19 vaccines, highlighting how key parts of the clinical trials are being skipped as big pharma will not be held accountable for adverse side effects for administering the experimental drugs. A senior executive from AstraZeneca, Britain’s second-largest drugmaker, told Reuters that his company was just granted protection from … Continue reading
As the Coronavirus rolls on with every trumpeted breakthrough fizzling out into a great big nothing, political leaders and media 'influencers' keep telling us we must follow the science. Yet with so much contradictory and conflicting evidence, perhaps it's time we learned that "following the science" is the worst thing we can do? The Daily Stirrer has been telling you since the start of the farrago that scientist is a synonym of wanker,
Covid 19: Statistics, Lies and the Corruption Of Science.As the COVID — 19 pandemic continues to dominate the news and defy the efforts of researchers to understand its many mysteries, including its origins and why it affects people who contract the virus in wildly different ways, one thing we have learned for certain so far is the extent to which the Pharmaceuticals manufacturers cartel (colloquially Big Pharma,) exercise a pernicious influence over medical research and healthcare.
COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically MeaninglessPoliticians and “experts” scream and shout about testing and isolation being the way to halt the COVID 19 pandemic to a halt, but everything else they hsve told us about the disease has been absolute bollocks, why should this be any different?
Well surprise, surprise, it isn’t any different. The idea that testing everybody ten times a day (OK I might be exaggerating for effect,) will do any good is just another diversionary tactic ...
Oxford Covid Vaccine Fails But Big Pharma Will Sell It Anyway Many highly - placed members of the lockdown forever cult, Bill Gates among them, have been spreading the idea that lockdown must continue until a vaccine for COVID - 19 is available because only a vaccine can save us. More level headed types (i.e. those of us routinely dismissed as conspiracy theorists, have warned that as the virus affects the upper respiratory tract and nasal passages, where there can be no antibody response it is unlikely there will ever be an effective vaccine ...
The Coronavirus Response Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2 Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Boggart Bloggers predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms ...
Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about
Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about
A health worker wearing a protective suit takes a nasal swab sample from a baby through a window during COVID-19 mass testing in Slovakia. (SOPA Images/Sipa USA)
Months after becoming the first country in the world to test its entire population, Slovakia now has the highest coronavirus death rate in the world.
The nation currently has the highest seven-day rolling average of COVID deaths per 1 million people in its population compared with any other country.
As of 15 February, there were 17.82 new coronavirus deaths per 1 million people, according to Our World in Data.
This was followed by Portugal with 14.81, Montenegro with 12.63, San Marino with 12.63 and Czechia with 12.23.
It comes after Slovakia tested its entire population in October as part of a scheme that was widely praised and was understood to have brought down infections.
A man walks through the empty downtown of Nitra in Slovakia in January. (Reuters/Radovan Stoklasa)
However, just months later, Slovakia's rate of new COVID deaths are the highest in the world. So what went wrong?
Boggart Blog comments: Who Said Testing People Is a Cure?
We arthe World Health Organisatione mystified at the fact that such a non story is considered newsworthy. According to statistics from Slovakia has fared much worse during the second wave of coronavirus compared to the first, with cases skyrocketing since October. But as with so many of these reports wee not that it is focused on cases, that is people who according to the flawed PCR test which as we reported back in summer 2020 gives 80% false positives, but which is still being used as the standard diagnostic tool, had been in contact with the virus whether or not they had shown any symptoms.
Between the start of the pandemic in early 2020 and August that year, the rate of new infections in Slovakia did not rise above 10.96 per million people, according to Our World In Data. That is around one in a thousand, which is considerable lower that the percentage of people sufering advese reactions from the COVID vaccine currently being forced on us.
Other European countries like the UK, Spain, Italy and France were reporting hundreds of people dying "with" the disease (though not necessarily from it,) every day, especially during the peak around April.
Cases steadily began to rise in Slovakia from August before a sharp drop at the beginning of November, just after the entire nation was tested. Strangely, though we hear horror stories about the rotting corpses of the COVID dead piling up in the streets, (OK, I'm exaggerating for theatrical effect,) the death rate per million population for Slovakia shows only a slight deviation from the normal annual death rate, as is also the case in the UK and other nations mentioned above.
If anyone has not yet come round to the view that the whole pandemic, including the statistical frauds committed to inflate COVID deaths, the killer vaccines, lockdowns, masking, placing entire nations under house arrest and trashing economies has been a massive hoax to distract us while the dark forces of global fascism strip away our rights and freedoma and create the slave planet they've been having wet dreams about for a hundred years.
Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away? It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...
And The Hoax Goes On … Every time we dare to think we see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel (or any of those others cliches we use to indicate a bad time is coming to and end,) The Elites who have been driving the pandemic for their own ends come up with a new twist on the scaremongering to keep project fear rolling along. The lies just keep rolling out as the economic and social damage is swept under the carpet ...
Are the people to blame for the Covid spread – or are we using the wrong control measures?
As we near 100,000 deaths in the UK so far, the Covid-19 epidemic is still accelerating rapidly. The collective dogma, promoted by SAGE in the UK and the CDC across the pond, is that Covid is a flu-like virus transmitted in aerosols. However, current control measures against aerosols (which do seem to be preventing any influenza this year) are ineffective against Covid, short of locking people in their homes.
Getting To The Truth Of Covid? A friend spent some time in hospital earlier this year, in September in fact. The problem was not COVID related and was easily dealt with by routine treatments. She was discharged and returned home thinking that would be the end of it. A few days later she could hardly walk and was complainming of fatigue and aching muscles and joints. As the weeks wore on things did not improve and on returning to the hospital for further tests she was told she might have picked up a case of "Long Covid." Having trained and worked as a nurse she recognised this diagnosis as bollocks We heard today that Nightingale Hospitals will soon not be able to cope with the rush of critically ill COVID cases they will have to admit. Remember the Nighingale Hospitals? Those vast spaces hasitily constructed or converted from arenas and exhibition centres and crammed with empty beds – which remained empty in spite of news reports every day of rotting corpses piling up in the streets as the virus rampaged though town and country
COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged to Succeed William A. Haseltine PhD is a scientist, businessman, author, and philanthropist. He was a professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health from 1976-1993 where he was Founder and Chair of two academic research departments, the Division of Biochemical Pharmacology and the Division of Human Retrovirology. As mainstream media go berserk hyping the COVID – 19 vaccines, this article written by Dr Haseltine is essential reading for people with functioning minds.
Labour demands crackdown on vaccine criticism ahead of Covid-19 vaccine rollout With the UK preparing for a Covid-19 vaccine rollout, the Labour Party is calling for emergency censorship legislation to punish social-media companies if they allow posting of what it considers to be “anti-vax disinformation.” “Social-media companies have a pitiful record of tackling disinformation,” shadow culture secretary Jo Stevens tweeted on Sunday.
Government Admits Using Bad Covid-19 Figures To Justify Second Lockdown The British government has admitted to showing misleading daily Covid fatality projections in its televised coronavirus briefing last weekend, during which PM Boris Johnson announced a second national lockdown. The revelation comes after the UK stats watchdog criticized the government’s lack of transparency in its use of Covid data ...
Britain’s Covid response is utterly mad – here are 10 reasons why There is no reasonable scientific or medical justification for lockdowns, convoluted social distancing rules, masks or travel restrictions by Dr John Lee in The Daily Telegraph This year, like many years, there’s a new respiratory virus on the block. But this year, unlike any year ever before, the world has gone mad. Governments around the world …
Critics Batter The Fake Science Used To Justify The Lockdown As Boris Waffles Regular readers may recall this blog was among the first to expose the fact that the pandemic model predicting 500,000 COVID – 19 deaths if the entire nation was not placed under indefinite house arrest was based on a deeply flawed mathematical model of the pandemic built by a “scientist” at Imperial College, London, a college heavily reliant on funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. You may also recall we have reported on the determination of psychopathic megalomaniac Gates to insert himself into this phoney crisis
Coronavirus: Fear and Panic and a Globalist Power GrabWorld Leaders Insist ‘Economic Lockdowns Ravage the Very Fabric of Societies’ An impressive array of more than 500 prominent world leaders, academics, and Nobel Laureates have written “A Call to Defend Democracy” in the face of a worldwide rise in government authoritarianism during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. The June 25 text declares that beyond health concerns the COVID-19 pandemic is “a political crisis that threatens the future of liberal democracy.”
Is This The Smoking Gun That Proves China Has Lied About The Coronavirus Outbreak With the number of confirmed cases of, and deaths from coronavirus in Italy, a nation of 63 million people having now surpassed the number of infections officially admitted by the government of China, a nation of 1.4 billion and the nation where the news strain of coronavirus, COVID – 19 was first observed, it was obvious to the realists among us that the Chinese government’s claims to have contained the virus were deeply suspect and further claims that the outbreak were under control were as reliable as reported sightings of The Tooth Fairy ...
As We Predicted The Coronavirus bill Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2 Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Along with my fellow Boggart Bloggers I predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of the so - called coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms. And that is exactly what we have seen happening over the past week.
And The Hoax Goes On … Every time we dare to think we see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel (or any of those others cliches we use to indicate a bad time is coming to and end,) The Elites who have been driving the pandemic for their own ends come up with a new twist on the scaremongering to keep project fear rolling along. The lies just keep rolling out as the economic and social damage is swept under the carpet ...
Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away? It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...
Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...
Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...
Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...
Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?
The anti - establishment, anti - globalisation mood that manifested itself in the Brexit vote is sweeping across Europe, the cosy government - corporate cartel is desperately trying to control the narrative, but against the combined strength of millions of new media commentators all challenging the official; narrative, the dark forces of globalism are on the back foot.
Is Bilderberg A Sinister Group That Runs The World Or Just A Tea Party For Rich And Powerful People
Are the Bilderberg Group meeting, this weekend in Dresden, Germany, really The Shadow Government (the New World Order, The Illuminati,) that rules the world?
The Oligarchy Is Tottering - Trump Tramples The Neocons' "False Song Of Globalism"
Donald Trump scares the global establishment as do the anti Federalisation parties in the EU. We take a long and detailed look at why, and exactly what the globalist agenda would have meant for freedom and democracy had people not wonken up and opposed it in vast numbers. Kudos to the Islamic Jihad too, medievalist religious nuts they may be, but they resisted American attempt to impose western consumer culture on them.
Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds
If You Look At How Fast Global Trade Is Unravelling, You'll Get Dizzy
Governments constantly make positive noises about the health of their economies although most people who are in work have felt no improvement on the position they were in after the crash of 2008. Wagest are stangnant, employment has reduced somewhat (see below) and while the banks are printing money and the super rich are widening the gap between themselves and ordinary people faster than ever, the real situation is frightening.
The New World order Pope Wants You To Pray For One World Religion
The Marxist, globalist, Soros apparatchik currently posing as head of the Catholic faith wants to scrap the Catholic Church. He didn't say that in so many words but he has called on Catholics to pray for the creation of a world religion (because love and peace) which would embrace