The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Daily Roundup Of Covid Crime - 13 January 2022

MENU: [ >CDC’s Walensky now admits that covid vaccines “can’t prevent transmission” ] ... [ Cover-up, deception and our chief Covid advisers ] ... [ a href="

 from Natural News

CDC’s Walensky now admits that covid vaccines “can’t prevent transmission” … so what’s the point of vaccine passports?

Image: CDC’s Walensky now admits that covid vaccines “can’t prevent transmission” … so what’s the point of vaccine passports?

(Natural News) In a recent interview with CNN‘s Wolf Blitzer, Rochelle Walensky, queen of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), admitted that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” do not prevent transmission of the so-called virus.

Walensky explained to Blitzer that what the jabs “can’t do anymore is prevent transmission” – but when did they ever stop transmission? It seems, based on the latest data, that the people getting sick and spreading disease to others are those who took the injections.

Walensky and her husband, by the way, have raked in millions from the plandemic, so of course that is why the jabs, the masks, and every other form of fascism has been thrust upon populations all around the world.

“Did Walensky just kill the vaccine mandates?” asked Tom Fitton, head of Judicial Watch, in a Twitter response to Walensky’s admissions on CNN.

Walensky also recently appeared on Fox News Sunday to discuss her beliefs about the new Omicron (Moronic) variant of the Fauci Flu, which she admitted “tends to be milder person by person.”

According to Walensky, more and more “cases” of Moronic are “com[ing] into the hospital,” so in her opinion people should continue getting jabbed with more and more “boosters” until this alleged crisis comes to an end.

“In some hospitals that we’ve talked to, up to 40% of the patients who are coming in with COVID-19 are coming in not because they’re sick with COVID, but because they’re coming in with something else and have had to, COVID or the Omicron variant detected,” Walensky added.

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 from TCW Defending Freedom

Cover-up, deception and our chief Covid advisers

MORE evidence of a damaging cover-up by top British and American scientists of the laboratory origin of the Covid-19 virus has emerged in emails released in the US under Freedom of Information laws. 

Sir Patrick Vallance, the UK Government’s chief scientific adviser, and Sir Jeremy Farrar, a former senior member of the advisory body Sage and boss of the powerful Wellcome Trust research fund, are among those mentioned. 

The emails show that as far back as February 2, 2020, Farrar knew the SARS-CoV-2 virus was unlikely to have arisen naturally. He suggested to Dr Anthony Fauci, America’s ‘Covid czar’, that it may have evolved ‘accidentally’ from a SARS-like virus in human tissue in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. 

But he was told by Dr Francis Collins, then director of the US National Institutes of Health: ‘I share your view that a swift convening of experts in a confidence-inspiring framework is needed or the voicers of conspiracy will quickly dominate, doing great potential harm to science and international harmony.’ Dutch virologist Dr Ron Fouchier (who has subsequently claimed that the Covid pandemic proves the necessity for animal research) wrote that ‘further debate would do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular’.    

The following month Farrar was among 27 scientists who signed a letter published by the Lancet dismissing as ‘conspiracy theories’ claims that Covid-19 had a laboratory origin. The signatories included two other Wellcome scientists.

Farrar has subsequently continued to claim that ‘the best scientific evidence available’ is that the virus crossed from animals to humans. 

The Lancet letter set back by more than a year official discussion around the lab origin of the pandemic – vital information for governments globally in deciding how best to respond. 

Farrar was also involved in initiating a World Health Organisation inquiry, subsequently dismissed as a ‘whitewash’, which cleared the Wuhan lab of involvement. He wrote to Collins and Fauci on February 5, 2020:

Francis and Tony

Couple of things

*I spoke again with WHO this morning. I believe they have listened and acted. Let me know if you agree.

At the WHO meeting next week they will set up the Group who will ‘look at the origins and evolution of 2019n-Cov’

They have asked for names to sit on that Group – please do send any names

We can have a call this week with a core group of that to frame the work of the Group including – if you could join?

I think this puts it under the umbrella of WHO, with action this week and into next

With names to be put forward into the Group from us and pressure on this group from you and our teams next week.

*The team will update the draft today and I will forward immediately – they will add further comments on the glycans

Does that sound reasonable to you?  ....... Continue reading >>>


from News Target

Pfizer CEO just admitted his company’s shots are useless, double jabbed have “very limited protection, if any” – so why are governments still paying for Pfizer shots and mandating them?

Pfizer CEO just admitted his company’s shots are useless, double jabbed have “very limited protection, if any” – so why are governments still paying for Pfizer shots and mandating them?

It took less than a year for Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to come clean about the failure of his mRNA vaccine program. In a recent interview, Bourla confessed that the first two doses of spike protein mRNA only offer “limited protection” against covid-19. He even cast doubt on the “booster” shot, claiming it offers “reasonable protection” against hospitalization and death but “less protection” against infection. Bourla said a fourth shot should be available by March of 2022, and it should offer the greatest protection yet! At this point, Bourla is only spewing gobbledygook – complete and utter nonsense.

These admittedly FAILED VACCINES are the same shots that Bourla once claimed were 100 percent effective at preventing covid-19. On April 1, 2021, Bourla said: “The data also showed the vaccine was 100% effective against severe #COVID19 as defined by @CDCgov and 95.3% effective against severe COVID-19 as defined by @US_FDA. Very reassuring news.” Now, in 2022, Bourla is essentially saying the same thing – that a fourth dose will be 100 percent effective against severe COVID-19.

Speaking with Yahoo News, Bourla said: “Now we are working on a new version of our vaccine, the 1.1, let me put it that way, that will cover Omicron as well. Of course we are waiting to have the final results, [but] the vaccine will be ready in March.” How can anyone in their right conscience continue to take this man’s advice, as his manipulation and deceit are laid bare for the entire world to see?

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from Children's Health Defender

Coming Clean: Why I’m Taking a Stand Against COVID Vaccines

Cory Zue, an “MIT-educated, well-meaning, rational (hopefully), Massachusetts-born, Democrat who works in public health” explains why he didn’t get the COVID vaccine, why it isn’t okay to live in a world in which medical procedures can be forced on people without an impenetrable foundation of evidence to support them.

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There’s no easy way to do this, so I’m going to just come out and say it.

I know that what I’m about to say may make some of you uncomfortable.

It might make some of you angry.

Maybe even scared.

But it’s who I am. It’s my truth.

I’m …

Wow, ok this is hard. Let me try again.

I’m …

… not vaccinated.


Phew! That was hard!

I almost feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Are you still here?

Ok. Let’s continue.

For most people my vaccination status is surprising. For many, it’s incomprehensible.

How could an MIT-educated, well-meaning, rational (hopefully), Massachusetts-born, Democrat who works in public health still not have a COVID vaccine?

I’ve been asked this question many times — sometimes in good faith and sometimes less so. And each time, I’ve struggled to fully satisfy people with my response. So I thought maybe I’d try writing it down.

This essay is my attempt to explain my vaccination status as best I can. It’s a complicated answer, which touches on family, science, policy and morality.

It’s a topic that is simultaneously very personal and very broad — difficult to talk about and yet also important — perhaps, now more than ever.

What follows is likely to anger some of you, but I hope that it makes more of you curious, or even empathetic, to my position. We’ll see if I can pull it off. ... Continue reading >>>


Reiner Fuellmich Gives an Update on What’s Happening With the Nuremberg 2.0 Trial

The Parliamentary hearing in Poland is wrapping up and the criminal trial for Crimes Against Humanity is set to begin in just a couple of weeks.

Fuellmich outlines how the Covid-Crime Against Humanity is a deliberate and premeditated mass-murder of unprecedented proportions.

The Luciferian sociopathic globalists who Fuellmich refers to as the “Davos Crowd” have stolen the worldwide pension funds, and part of the reason why they rushed their plan forward is that they were terrified the public would find out what they did.

Nuremberg Trial 2.0 Is In Preparation: W.H.O and World Leaders Will Have to Answer for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

 from Great Game India

Project Defuse: Secret Documents Expose Dr Fauci’s Military Proposal To Engineer Coronavirus

Project Veritas has uncovered shocking secret documents about COVID-19’s origin, gain of function studies, vaccinations, repressed prospective therapies, and the administration’s attempt to bury all of this. The secret military documents from DARPA regarding Project Defuse expose Dr Fauci’s proposal to engineer coronavirus through gain-of-function which was rejected for being dangerous and violating the code of research.

Project Defuse: Secret Documents Expose Dr Fauci’s Military Proposal To Engineer Coronavirus
  • EcoHealth Alliance contacted DARPA in March 2018 asking permission to do gain of function studies on bat-borne coronaviruses, according to military papers. DARPA dismissed the idea, dubbed Project Defuse, due to security considerations and the claim that it violated the gain of function research ban.
  • The major document on the EcoHealth Alliance proposition was disclosed online a few months ago and has stayed unsubstantiated till now. A parallel report to the Department of Defense’s Inspector General, filed by US Marine Corps Major Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow, has been acquired by the media.
  • A direct quotation from the DARPA rejection letter reads, “The proposal does not mention or assess potential risks of Gain of Function (GoF) research.”
  • When Project Veritas contacted DARPA for clarification on the concealed files, the Chief of Communications, Jared Adams, remarked, “It doesn’t sound normal to me,” while questioned about the method of burying the information.

The papers in concern released by Project Veritas are all from the same study at DARPA, or Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and have been kept on a top-secret shared drive.

DARPA is a Department of Defense entity tasked with promoting technology development with possible military uses.

A parallel document to the Department of Defense’s Inspector General, filed by US Marine Corps Major Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow, has been acquired by Project Veritas. ... Continue reading >>>
















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