Doses of the covid-19 vaccine (Picture: bigleaguepolitics )
The European Medicines Agency, medical regulators of drugs and medications for European Union member states have issued a warning about the vaccine makers and politicians plans to introduce regular COVID vaccine booster shots, with current proposals for a booster every three months and some zealots saying a monthly jab will be needed. If this does not seem a little bizarre to you, given that vaccines by definition are meant to make us immune to diseases, you are obviously not equipped with critical thinking skills and it would be advisable if you stopped reading now as what is coming in this post may adversely affect your emotional stability.
The Agency's public relations team warned that frequent
use of coronavirus boosters could have unintended health conferences at a press conference on Tuesday. Officials of the Agency sounded the alarm on proposals to vaccinate people with a
booster shot every four months, instead leaving the door open for an
annual booster that would be analogous to the strategy behind flu shot
The regulators have expressed concern that repeated, frequent
boosters could have an effect opposite to that of the intent, tiring
out the immune system through its repetitive use. This of course misses the point of the vaccines, which is not to immunise people against a disease that is highly unlikely to cause significant illness in anyone with a functioning immune system, but (a) to shovel taxpayer's money into Pharmaceutical Corporations' bank accounts and (b) to undermine our bodies' natural immune systems, making us customers for life of the said Pharmaceutical Corporations.
One EU health official strongly argued against suggestions that regular injections of booster shots should continue throughout the remaining years of life. “[Boosters] can be done once, or maybe twice, but it’s not something that we can think should be repeated constantly,” said Marco Cavaleri, the EMA’s head of biological health threats and vaccines strategy. “We need to think about how we can transition from the current pandemic setting to a more endemic setting.”
“While use of additional boosters can be part of contingency plans, repeated vaccinations within short intervals would not represent a sustainable long-term strategy.”
Some senior medical professionals and bureaucrats have questioned suggestions from crooks and liars figures affiliated with the
pharmaceutical industry such as Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla claiming that
boosters will be needed several times per year. Continuing
use of boofor an indefinite period would serve the interests of
Big Pharma cartel profits, but further damage the credibily of the medical professions and political establishments pushing the drugs. The propaganda campaign to corerce people into accepting boosters is already raising ethics questions about the pharmaceutical company executives and political advisers promoting their use. Current statistics on the numbers of people who have fallen ill with COVID after being double vaccinated and in many cases boosted would in a sane world show the vaccines do not work and should be withdrawn.
Western countries have the first to implement the use of booster shots on a wide scale, with Israel even going so far as to require a second booster (or fourth vaccine shot total) of its citizens. Ironically Israsel, which claims the highest vaccination rate in the world at 98% double vaccinated and over 90% boosted now has the highest infection rate in the world and also the highest infection to fatality rate.
Science generally indicates that the protection against severe disease provided by the vaccine declines over a period of time, with use of the booster shots serving to buff the waning protections providing diminishing levels of protection.
Covid Vaccine Refusers 'Thrive On Attention' Says Prime Attention Seeker And Chief Clown Boris JohnsonIronic isn't it that the one person guilty of telling more lies and spreading more misinformation about COVID throughout the pandemic, our so - called Prime Minister and according to observable evidence, the chief idiot Boris Johnson launched another attack on 'anti - vaxxers' today, saying they “thrive on the attention”? This outrageous farrago of lies and calumnies spewed at people who have simply chosen not to be injected with a shot of toxic shite that does not immunise anybody against anything
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Novak Djokovic is no victim but Australian government 's political opportunism is disgusting
While the world divides more deeply into two camps over the COVID mRNA vaccines, one of the most shameful incidents of the whole pandemic has been playing out in Australia where the world No 1 tennis player has been subjected to a medieval with hunt over his refusal to accept vaccination. The persecution of Novak Djokovic has been engineered purely because the nation's leaders want to put it at the forefront of the push towards global vaccine tyranny.
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Italy Pondering Total Ban On Unvaccinated In The Workplaces
Italy's unelected governments, which has already faced riots and massive resistance to its authoritarian measures to strip away citizens rights and liberties under cover of pretending their actions are necessary steps to deal with the pandemic, now risks plunging the country into greater chaos by mandating vaccines for the workplace.
Swedish Study Finds Natiral Immunity Is Batter Protector Than COVID Vavvines
A few weeks ago this blog reported a Swedish study which showed that natural immunity provides much better protection against infection by the SARS2-COV virus which causes COVID (COrona VIrus Disease,) than the Pfizer vaccine which is currently hyped as the most effective on the market, though it is no more effective than the others at provinding immunity. The more responsible voices in mainstream media that actually reported the story described by the news as “a bit of a bombshell”.
Study Reveals That Unjabbed Are Better Informed Than Jabbed
On the day we reported elsewhere that thousands of Germans had taken to the streets to protest against the latest fascistic measures imposed by their federal government Ulrike Guérot, a German political scientist has effectively shown that the so called vaccination opponents were far better informed on the CoVID vaccine effectiveness and adverse affects than the jabbed ones.
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Thousands Protest In Germany Ahead Of COVID Measures Set To Go Into Effect Tuesday
Thousands of people took to the streets of Germany on Monday in protest over COVID-19 restrictions that are set to go into effect on Tuesday.The demonstrations were biggest in Mecklenburg, northern Germany, where roughly 15,000 demonstrators took to the streets to protest against tighter measures, according to local reports. In Rostock, a city along the Warnow River on the north coast of the country, roughly 6,500 people demonstrated, while in Schwerin there were roughly 2,700 and in Neubrandenburg, around 2,400 joined a demonstration.
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Vaccines Do Not Stop COVID-19 Spread As Governments Claim: Legal Advocacy Group
Vaccines are less effective effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19 that governments have claimed, an analysis of government narratives carried out by a constitutional rights group shows. The report was published Tuesday by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, found that claims made by governments promising vaccination will reduce or stop the spread of COVID-19 are not supported by either medical science or empirical evidence
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Government To Weaponise Welfare Benefits To Enforce Vaccine Mandates
As evidence piles up showing that the COVID vaccines have failed, or at least are nmot what we were told they are, because data shows that the vaccinated rather than being ptotected from infection are actually more vulnerable to COVID, government and Big Pharma are growing more desperate in their efforts to coerce people into getting vaccinated.
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Why have we doctors been silent? — by Lucie Wilk
AS an NHS hospital doctor, I have had a front-row seat as the drama of the coronavirus pandemic has unfolded. It has been a year and a half of confusion, frustration and anger for me as I’ve watched our profession drawn into complicity with what I anticipate will be regarded as one of the most egregious public health disasters in history. I have watched as ‘the science’ has been presented on the national stage flanked by Union Jack flags as an unassailable truth. For something so apparently inviolable, it seems to shift and change disconcertingly from week to week ...
German Schoolchildren Subjected To 'Ritual Humiliation' Over Their Vaccine Status
December 12<
As this blog has been telling you for a few years now, The Nazis are back in Germany. With these sausage scoffing krauts it's not a case of 'do as we say, not as we do,' but "DO AS WE SAY OR WE WILL MARGINALIZE YOUR KIDS AND FINE YOU INO POVERTY. Only a matter of time until the National Socialist coalition's thugs start kicking door in and dragging those who are not fully vaxxed (two shosts plus all obligatory boosters,) off to internment camps. VACCINE MACHT FRIE.
Pandemic - The Thief Of Time
A pandemic polemic in verse. The narrative of an unseeable monster that poses and existential threat to humanity is eating the days and years of our lives ...
Cancer expert says U.K. seeing spike in “non-covid deaths,” nobody willing to call out vaccine elephant in the room
Excess mortality in the United Kingdom is off the charts, and yet nobody is willing to call out Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” as the culprit. Cancer expert and Prof. Carl Heneghan describes the current situation in Great Britain as a “national scandal.” A shocking 9,300 more people than usual have died in the U.K. over the past several months, and officials are blaming everything else except the injections.
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After a weekend of increasingly violent protests around Europe, similar to the one pictured above in London, against elitist plans to introduce new limitations on freedom, lockdowns and further steps towards compulsory vaccination (with a vaccine that does not immunise against a virus that makes very few people ill,) it is disappointing to see that in the US and UK, mainstream media is still doing its best to ratchet up the fear and panic ...
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The Absurdity Of Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns and Segregating The UnvaxxedAfter reintroducing lockdowns from the beginning of this week in its two regions with the highest rates of COVID cases, Austria today became the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full, national lockdown which will start on Monday, November 22. The Austrial government is likely to be quickly joined by neighboring Germany, a statement from Berlin warned [...] Some commentators in Austrian capital Vienna were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is justify more restrictions
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