The UK government introduced to Parliament on Wednesday 13 jULY the Energy Security Bill, a proposed legislation that does not explicitly confirm the UK’s pledge to end coal use by October 2024.
The bill, the goal of which is to “deliver a cleaner, more affordable, and more secure energy system,” doesn’t mention coal, Bloomberg notes, while a spokesperson for the Department of Energy, Business and Industrial Strategy didn’t immediately respond to Bloomberg for comment.
The UK said last year it would bring forward its target to end coal use in electricity generation by one year, to October 2024, as part of its aim to lead the world in tackling climate change. The UK also tried to persuade countries in the COP-26 climate summit in Glasgow last autumn to pledge to ditch coal as soon as possible. The UK has slashed coal use in the past decade as wind power has gained a massive market share in the country’s electricity generation.
On Monday 11 July, no power generated in Britain came from coal, system operator National Grid ESO said (this is bollocks but people believe it because they have been brainwashed,). However, the gas and energy crisis in Europe and the cost-of-living crisis in the UK with soaring energy bills may have prompted the government to not explicitly pledge again an end to coal in two years’ time. ]
Natural gas held the largest share of power generation on Monday, at 35.6%, more than wind with 34.0%, according to National Grid ESO. You will notice that the bollocks figures given by National Grid here does not mention nuclear which generates around 20% of energy used on average and biomass which accounts for another 10%. What was happening is Nationa Grid which distributes energy from power stations to end users, aware that a hot day in summer, such as Monday, is always going to be a low demand day. So while all generating plants feed into the grid, surplus electricity goes down to earth. What the grid and government propagandists dis is say all wind generated electricity was used, none of the biomass or coal generated energy was used. However the case is that The Grid cannot distinguish between and amp of wind power, an amp of nuclear power or an amp of coal power.
Although the UK North Sea produces a lot of gas, Britain also relies on imports from Norway and gas imports via interconnectors from Belgium and the Netherlands during the winter months. A worsening of the current gas and energy crisis in mainland Europe would be felt throughout the UK, where customers are already grappling with a surge in the cost of living and the highest inflation in forty years. The UK is also considering cutting off gas supply via two interconnectors to mainland Europe under an emergency plan that would be triggered in case of severe gas shortages in Britain, the Financial Times reported last week.
It is gratifying to not that while the Conservative Party chooses its new leader, who will become Prime Minister in due course, the interim government is pressing ahead with recommissioning gas wells in the North Sea and coal fired power stations while proposals for fracking are being re - evaluated.
Net Zero Is A Dangerous Fantasy, But Scientists Believe In Fairies It Seems
With oil and gas prices rocketing and the highly propted sustainable energy sources performing way befow expectations the energy crisis currently gripping Europe (with worse to come as food shortages start to bite, polticians still seem more intent on pandering to the green lobby and chasing the dream of a fossil fuel free world rather securing the energy and food supplies needed by the people they serve.
A Mostly Wind- & Solar-Powered US Economy Is A Dangerous Fantasy
When President Biden and other advocates of wind and solar generation speak, they appear to believe that the challenge posed is just a matter of currently having too much fossil fuel generation and not enough wind and solar; and therefore, accomplishing the transition to "net zero" will be a simple matter of building sufficient wind and solar facilities and having those facilities replace the current ones that use the fossil fuels.
Europe's biggest economy would suffer a 6.5pc contraction if Russian energy is suspended, experts warn
Even though the sanctions already imposed on Russia in respondse to the invasion of Ukraine are hitting the nations that imposed then harder that their intended target, the EU is preparing to committ economic suicide in an orgy of virtue signalling ...
We need energy security – not Net Zero
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a major rethink in the West. We have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable not just to rising prices in oil and gas, but also to inflation in other commodities – such as food and fertiliser. Of all these problems, the security of our energy supply has most exercised minds.
Net Zero Gone With The Wind - Boris Johnson Plans Seven New Nuclear Plants And Shelves Wind Expansion
Reports in mainstream media suggest Boris Johnson has done a U turn on his recently announced massive expansion of wind powered generating capacity. Sources in Westminster claim Boris has shelved his masterplan for a giant, floating wind farm in The North Sea and the government will reconsider plans to double or even treble the number of wind turbines in the countryside and approve plans for up to seven new nuclear reactors instead.
We The Good Guys Versus They The Bad Guys Reporting Does Not Make Sense For The Ukraine Crisis
Mainstream media reporting of the conflict in Ukraine has disappointed. Perhaps I was naive to suppose that lessons might have been learned from the hits their print sales and online traffic rates took as a result of their handling the COVID pandemic But instead of focusing on the most obviously newsworthy aspect of the build up to and escalation of the war, Russia’s view of NATO expansion into Ukraine and even further to Georgia and Kazakhstan, news reports have simply demonised Russia and portrayed Ukraine as the good guys.
Debunked: The Great Renewable Green Delusion
The war in Ukraine has not caused the global energy crisis of early 2022 byt merely exacerbated it. Currently the nations currently in conflict with Russia over its incursion into Ukraine are those which are most dependent for their energy needs on Russian oil and gas. And now their loonytoons 'net zero' green energy policies have failed they are biting the hand that feeds them.
Boris and Biden Can't Blame Ukraine War For Energy Crisis
With typical arrogance and condescension towards the people who elected them Boris Johnson, Joe Biden and their respectiive presstitutes are trying to spin the energy crisis Europe and North America are currently facing as somehow being linked to the conflict in Ukraine and therfore blame is being attactched to Russia and Vladimir Putin. Do they really think we are stupid enough to believe such unmitigated bollocks? ...
Europe's Depleted Gas Storage Might Not Get Refilled Ahead Of Next Winter
While mainstream news reporting of the conflict in Ukraine continues to pump out a torrent of anri - Russia, pro - war propaganda the catastropic effects of this war that could so easily have been avoided are not mentioned. Well why would warmongering governments admit they have inflicted an energy crisis, food shortages and soaring living costs on their people for no good reason ...
We Told You So - Government-funded Report Confirms World’s Largest offshore Wind Farm is UnprofitableA report commissioned by the Norwegian government has contradicted Boris Johnson’s recent claim that offshore wind costs have fallen by 70% in a decade. The report also blows a huge hole in Johnson's grandiose pledges to the COP26 conference that offshore wind power would propel Britain to its net - zero target for Carbon Dioxide emissions well before 2050, the target set by the climate conference for achieving that target.
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COP26 Climate Conference - Just Another Elitist Scam To Steal Your Money
If you are one of the people who still relies on mainstream media for information, the 'on - message' news reports coming from the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow this week, and during the build up to the conference, might have convinced you that the entire world (barring a few crazy conspiacy theorists,) is signed up to the 'net zero' agenda and believes that destroying the economies of the developed nations while exporting our jobs, business and prosperity to places like India and China is the only way to save the planet.
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Green Dreams Menu
It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.
posted by Arthur Foxake,
11 July 2022
Richard Lindzen - debunking climate scaremongering
Happer and Lindzen both have had long careers in physics and atmospheric science behind them and can point to track records of numerous publicationsd back by evidence that their studies have been borne out by real world data. “Climate science is awash with manipulated data, which provides no reliable scientific evidence,” they state.
No reliable scientific evidence to support Anthropogenic Global Warming theory or any of the numerous other scaremongering theories based on the idea that Carbon Dioxide emissions from human activity is causing catastrophic changes in the environment has ever been provided either by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which is “government-controlled and only issues government dictated findings”, or by NASA, the USA's National Areonautics and Space Agency .
The two academics draw attention to an IPCC rule that states all summaries for policymakers must be approved by governments. In their opinion, these summaries are “merely government opinions”. They refer to the recent comments on climate models by the atmospheric science professor John Christy from the University of Alabama, who says that, in his view, recent climate model predictions “fail miserably to predict reality”, making them “inappropriate” to use in predicting future climate changes.
The two physicists reserve their greatest scorn for the global surface temperature datasets on which all the failed predictions of the IPCC's pet scientists, rising temperatures, melting ice caps, rising sea levels, indundation of low lying land, submersion of island nations, famine and a huge refugee crisis, have been based. The pair highlight a 2017 paper by Dr. James Wallace et al, that elaborated on how over the last several decades, “NASA and NOAA have been fabricating temperature data to argue that rising CO2 levels have led to the hottest year on record”. The false and manipulated data are said to be an “egregious violation of scientific method”.
It is notable that lay commentators like myself (and thousands of others,) though well educated have, on pointing out that the mathematical models are based on 'adjusted data' and therefore are suspect, are told that we are not climate scientists and therefore cannot understand 'how the science works.' Thus we should not attempt to comment on the issue.
The Wallace authors also looked at the UK Meteorlogical Office HadCRUT database and found all three surface datasets made large historical adjustments and removed cyclical temperature patterns. This was “totally inconsistent” with other temperature data, including satellites and meteorological balloons, they said. Readers will recall that the Daily Sceptic has reported extensively on these issues of late and has attracted a number of ‘fact checks’ by NGOs of dubious credibility.
Happer and Lindzen summarise: “Misrepresentation, exaggeration, cherry picking or outright lying pretty much covers all the so-called evidence marshalled in support of the theory of imminent catastrophic global warming caused by fossil fuels and CO2.”
The Professors' comments are included in a submission to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which is seeking to impose strict and closely monitored ‘climate change’ reporting requirements on public companies. But they form part of a wider scientific revolt by many scientists alarmed at the corruption of science to promote globalist political agendas such as Net Zero and Open Borders. Needless to say, these debates are seldom even mentioned by mainstream media which prefers to continue pushing the lie that on climate change 'The Science Is Settled.' The case is it never was settled.
The tactics of Global Warming scaremongers are straight out of the Frankfurt School playbook (or the simplified version, Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, a promer for wannabe tyrants and fascist bully boys. Opponents of Net Zero's politicised science are denounced as ‘cranks’ and ‘deniers’, labels in this case at odds with their distinguished scientific achievements. Between them, Happer from Princeton and Lindzen from MIT have around 100 years of involvement in atmospheric science. Richard Lindzen was an early lead author for the IPCC, while William Happer was responsible for a groundbreaking invention that corrected the degrading effects of atmospheric turbulence on imaging resolution.
In their submission, Happer and Lindzen supply a basic lesson in science: “Reliable scientific theories come from validating theoretical predictions with observations, not consensus, peer review, government opinions or manipulated data”.
Read the full statement by Haper and Lindzen HERE (in case you missed the link above
Net Zero Is A Dangerous Fantasy, But Scientists Believe In Fairies It Seems
With oil and gas prices rocketing and the highly propted sustainable energy sources performing way befow expectations the energy crisis currently gripping Europe (with worse to come as food shortages start to bite, polticians still seem more intent on pandering to the green lobby and chasing the dream of a fossil fuel free world rather securing the energy and food supplies needed by the people they serve.
New UN Report on Climate Change – Nothing New, Nothing True
The latest United Nations (“UN”) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) report, published this week, once again, in scaremongering tone and the language of the panic stricken, claims that the planet is in peril (we are facing climate disaster, the clock is at one minute to midnight, we must take urgent action to destroy civilisation if we are to save the planet, the usual over - dramatised guff designed to spread fear and panic,) basically the same claim as they have been making at least twice a month for the past 20 years.
We need energy security – not Net Zero
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a major rethink in the West. We have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable not just to rising prices in oil and gas, but also to inflation in other commodities – such as food and fertiliser. Of all these problems, the security of our energy supply has most exercised minds.
Net Zero Gone With The Wind - Boris Johnson Plans Seven New Nuclear Plants And Shelves Wind Expansion
Reports in mainstream media suggest Boris Johnson has done a U turn on his recently announced massive expansion of wind powered generating capacity. Sources in Westminster claim Boris has shelved his masterplan for a giant, floating wind farm in The North Sea and the government will reconsider plans to double or even treble the number of wind turbines in the countryside and approve plans for up to seven new nuclear reactors instead.
Climate Change Research Paper Censored by The British Hydrological Society For Telling The Truth
The Daily Sceptic today published an article by retired research scientist James Dent, whose specialist field was hydrology and meteorology. Mr. Dent was involved in research projects aiemd at understanding the factors influencing climate, and their effects on environments, [ ... ] he was the World Meteorology Organisation Chief Technical Advisor to the Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre in Bangladesh, a low lying nation especially prone to flooding ....
Freak Weather Around The World Begs Questions
With Britain and other parts of northern Europe basking in unseasonably warm temperatures which are forecast to last for a few days, while parts of the USA gring to a halt under a blanket of snow dumped by freak storms are, accoring to climate scarmongers, a signal that irreversible warming had arrived, it is perhaps timely for a hot topic from ten years ago, geoengineering came under the microscope again. This report from Global Intel Hub seems a good way to kick off the debate. ... Continue reading >>>
Latest Bill Gates Insanity: Injecting Sulfur Into the Atmosphere Will Cause EnvironmentalDisaster
A study published in November by the University of Pennsylvania exposes the insanity of projects such as spraying particles of sulphur compounds into the stratosphere, self - anointed vaccime messiah Bill Gates' latest scheme to “save” the planet with "geoengineering" According to the mathematical modellers Gates pays hansomely to provide him with "scientific" data to persuade politicians to spend taxpayers money on projects run by companies his "charitable foundation" has invested in. Far from saving the planet this latest idiocy is actually destroying environments.
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We Told You So - Government-funded Report Confirms World’s Largest offshore Wind Farm is UnprofitableA report commissioned by the Norwegian government has contradicted Boris Johnson’s recent claim that offshore wind costs have fallen by 70% in a decade. The report also blows a huge hole in Johnson's grandiose pledges to the COP26 conference that offshore wind power would propel Britain to its net - zero target for Carbon Dioxide emissions well before 2050, the target set by the climate conference for achieving that target.
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Climate: The Science, The Lies, The Malfeasance and The Deep State
Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures
We have previously highlighted this report from Finland which exposes the great flaw in "the science" of global warming. The link at the end of this extract takes you to a much more complete account of the research project which, not for the first time debunks the fake science on which the politically - motivate climate change scare.
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COP26 Climate Conference - Just Another Elitist Scam To Steal Your Money
If you are one of the people who still relies on mainstream media for information, the 'on - message' news reports coming from the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow this week, and during the build up to the conference, might have convinced you that the entire world (barring a few crazy conspiacy theorists,) is signed up to the 'net zero' agenda and believes that destroying the economies of the developed nations while exporting our jobs, business and prosperity to places like India and China is the only way to save the planet.
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Proof That The Alarmist Claptrap You Are Hearing And Seeing At COP26 Climate Conference Is A Load Of Bollocks
The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places, the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions in the Arctic zone. Expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm ... Continue reading >>>
Green dreams of Heat Pumps
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When Boris Johnson revealed the UK Government plans for achieving 'net zero' carbon emissions by 2050 it emerged the much teased clean, green replacement for gas boilers as our main source of domestic heating is to be heat pumps. The Daily Stirrer counters the pseudo-scientific bollocks and reveals this 'new technology has been around for a hundred years.
Governments' obsession with climate pseudoscience over economically and social viable solutions is leading to disaster
The government's current obsession with pursuing the target of net zero carbon emissions in order to claim the UK leads the world in green wankery is more to do with virtue signalling that governing, but with the complicity of mainstream media, particularly The BBC, climate scaremongering is providing a convenient diversion from this governments abject failure to address and of the very real economic and social problems facing us.
Globalist Elites Now Pushing For Lockdowns Save You From Climate Change
Elite globalists are now proposing that lockdowns be imposed to protect us punters from climate change. Did we ask for this? Did we vote for this?
We need a referendum on net zero to save Britain from the green blob
from The Daily Telegraph
As with membership of the EU, the political elite is imposing a revolution on the public without consent. Does the blob never learn? Voters don’t like being treated like naughty children
Green Dreams Menu
It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.
Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels
Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...
Coal Emerges Victorious As Sanctions And Green Policies Backfire Spectacularly
When historians look back on this chaotic and turbulent period, they will find that few individuals inflicted as much damage on the environment and promoted the interests of the "dirty fossil fuel" lobby as Greta Tunberg, who by shaming and forcing "serious" politicians to pivot toward green energy at a time when there was nowhere near enough green capacity to replace existing sources of energy, sparked what may be the most spectacular self-own in history. And today, the WSJ, Bloomberg and Reuters all wrote about it.
We start with the WSJ which concedes what was obvious to most long ago (see "Will ESG Trigger Energy Hyperinflation" from last June), namely that "an energy-starved world is turning to coal as natural-gas and oil shortages exacerbated by Russia’s war against Ukraine lead countries back to the dirtiest fossil fuel."
Yes, contrary to the intentions of Green fanatics everywhere, their push to accelerate away from "dirty" fossil fuel has not only backfired spectacularly, but also exposed the hypocrisy and empty promises of so many virtue-signalers, as "from the U.S. to Europe to China, many of the world’s largest economies are increasing short-term coal purchases to ensure sufficient supplies of electricity, despite prior pledges by many countries to reduce their coal consumption to combat climate change."
Adding insult to injury, the global competition for coal which is now also in short supply after years of declining investment in new mines and resources, has driven benchmark prices to new records this year. Spot coal prices at Australia’s Newcastle port, a key supplier to Asia, topped $400 a ton for the first time last month.
Hilariously, the push for coal is being led by Europe, ground zero of the "green movement" which finally realized that one can't burn fake virtue or melt posing in front of camera in the winter to keep warm, and is boosting coal purchases to ensure it can keep power flowing to homes and factories after Russia cut gas supplies to the continent. Germany, which not long ago promised to eliminate coal as a power source by 2030, is among the nations now importing more. Economy Minister Robert Habeck called the increased reliance on coal bitter but necessary. Spoiler alert: Germany will not eliminate coal as a power source by 2030, if anything it will be more reliant on it than ever unless it also restarts its nuclear power plants which it, idiotically, shut down not long ago.
Never one to admit it was dead wrong, however, Europe has a response to everything: “Right now the sentiment is that more coal is better than more Russia,” said Alex Msimang, a London-based partner at law firm Vinson & Elkins LLP specializing in the energy sector.
Whatever dude. .... Continue reading >>>
MENUS:[ Energy Green Dreams ] ... [ Climate Change ] ... [ Clean coal? ] ... [ Climate Lies Omnibus ] ... [ Extinction rebellion ]
We need energy security – not Net Zero
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a major rethink in the West. We have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable not just to rising prices in oil and gas, but also to inflation in other commodities – such as food and fertiliser. Of all these problems, the security of our energy supply has most exercised minds.
Net Zero Gone With The Wind - Boris Johnson Plans Seven New Nuclear Plants And Shelves Wind Expansion
Reports in mainstream media suggest Boris Johnson has done a U turn on his recently announced massive expansion of wind powered generating capacity. Sources in Westminster claim Boris has shelved his masterplan for a giant, floating wind farm in The North Sea and the government will reconsider plans to double or even treble the number of wind turbines in the countryside and approve plans for up to seven new nuclear reactors instead.
Climate Change Research Paper Censored by The British Hydrological Society For Telling The Truth
The Daily Sceptic today published an article by retired research scientist James Dent, whose specialist field was hydrology and meteorology. Mr. Dent was involved in research projects aiemd at understanding the factors influencing climate, and their effects on environments, [ ... ] he was the World Meteorology Organisation Chief Technical Advisor to the Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre in Bangladesh, a low lying nation especially prone to flooding ....
Freak Weather Around The World Begs Questions
With Britain and other parts of northern Europe basking in unseasonably warm temperatures which are forecast to last for a few days, while parts of the USA gring to a halt under a blanket of snow dumped by freak storms are, accoring to climate scarmongers, a signal that irreversible warming had arrived, it is perhaps timely for a hot topic from ten years ago, geoengineering came under the microscope again. This report from Global Intel Hub seems a good way to kick off the debate. ... Continue reading >>>
Latest Bill Gates Insanity: Injecting Sulfur Into the Atmosphere Will Cause EnvironmentalDisaster
A study published in November by the University of Pennsylvania exposes the insanity of projects such as spraying particles of sulphur compounds into the stratosphere, self - anointed vaccime messiah Bill Gates' latest scheme to “save” the planet with "geoengineering" According to the mathematical modellers Gates pays hansomely to provide him with "scientific" data to persuade politicians to spend taxpayers money on projects run by companies his "charitable foundation" has invested in. Far from saving the planet this latest idiocy is actually destroying environments.
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We Told You So - Government-funded Report Confirms World’s Largest offshore Wind Farm is UnprofitableA report commissioned by the Norwegian government has contradicted Boris Johnson’s recent claim that offshore wind costs have fallen by 70% in a decade. The report also blows a huge hole in Johnson's grandiose pledges to the COP26 conference that offshore wind power would propel Britain to its net - zero target for Carbon Dioxide emissions well before 2050, the target set by the climate conference for achieving that target.
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Climate: The Science, The Lies, The Malfeasance and The Deep State
Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures
We have previously highlighted this report from Finland which exposes the great flaw in "the science" of global warming. The link at the end of this extract takes you to a much more complete account of the research project which, not for the first time debunks the fake science on which the politically - motivate climate change scare.
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COP26 Climate Conference - Just Another Elitist Scam To Steal Your Money
If you are one of the people who still relies on mainstream media for information, the 'on - message' news reports coming from the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow this week, and during the build up to the conference, might have convinced you that the entire world (barring a few crazy conspiacy theorists,) is signed up to the 'net zero' agenda and believes that destroying the economies of the developed nations while exporting our jobs, business and prosperity to places like India and China is the only way to save the planet.
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Forget The Hype About COP26 Saving The Planet, Here's The Reality
As mainstream media heaps praise on the delegates to the COP 26 climate conference because they have managed to agree to save the planet by repeating the same meaningless pledges and setting the same impossible targets as every previous climate conference in the past 20 years has, Boggart Blog brings you a message from a former colleague in Denmark, who tells us of the true condequences of 'gree' policy making in Europe's greenest>
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Worst polluting coal and wood fires banned in fight to cut emissions
Domestic coal and certain types of wood are to be banned from sale from next year in a bid to cut air pollution, ministers will announce on Friday.
Greta Thunberg Slams Australia for Coal Industry, Expands List of Climate Demands
Little Greta Thunberg, who was elected by nobody apparently now speaks for us all on matters relating to climate change. The Swedish climate change hustler who is making a fortune for her handlers from donations to her campaign, again castigated Australia for continuing to mine and export coal despite her previous complaints, adding a call for an end worldwide to the activity to her list of climate demands to be delivered at the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos ...
Greta Thunberg Slams Australia for Coal Industry, Expands List of Climate Demands
Little Greta Thunberg, who was elected by nobody apparently now speaks for us all on matters relating to climate change. The Swedish climate change hustler who is making a fortune for her handlers from donations to her campaign, again castigated Australia for continuing to mine and export coal despite her previous complaints, adding a call for an end worldwide to the activity to her list of climate demands to be delivered at the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos ...
Another Kick In The Bollocks For Warmageddonists And CAGWARTS*
I've had many arguments with the Warmageddonists, the people who have been saying that if we did not shut down all coal, oil and gas related activites the earth was going to turn into a giant furnace and we would all burn. When the scaremongering first started, the deadline for frying was "after dinner". Then it got to "Tomorrow ...... or the day after tomorrow perhaps," then "next year", "before 2050," and eventually "soon."
Because of failure to invest in new coal and nuclear powered generating plants to provide the electric energy we need Briain now faces a serious shortfall in electricity supply as old stations, already well past their planned lifespan are forced to close. Seduced by the voices of academics and the science lobby, the government seems foolishly determined to rely on wind turbines for future electricity needs.
Russia Now Demands Rubles For Grain As World's Largest Wheat Exporter
from Zero Hedge, 2 July 2022
After threatening to do so for a couple months now, Russia has pulled the trigger on expanding the list of commodities for which it demands payment in rubles to now include grain exports, effective Friday per a government legal website.
So now grain, sunflower oil and extracted meal are the next to follow the March decision to charge clients from "unfriendly" countries - including major customers in Europe - in rubles for natural gas instead of the normative dollars and euros.
On top of this move, recently Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev announced that Russia's agricultural products will go to "friendly countries" only, and according to "who needs it most" - a hugely significant statement sure to continue sowing uncertainty and chaos for the global food supply.
Via Farmdocdaily: Russia and Ukraine account for 14% of global wheat production and rank 1stand 5threspectively. Both countries are prominent exporters, providing nearly 30% of global wheat exports. The EU, U.S., and Canada are also major producers and exporters of wheat. China and India are major wheat producers, but are net importers and provide relatively small shares of global wheat exports. Other countries with fairly large wheat export shares include Australia (8.4%), Argentina (6.6%), Kazakhstan (4.1%), and Turkey (3.4%).
Russian state media detailed further
of the new decree published to a government law portal, "It also
provides for a one-year extension of duties to be paid in the national
currency in respect of exported sunflower oil and sunflower meal until
August 31, 2023."
And further, "As part of the new payment mechanism, the base price for
calculating the export duty on wheat will be 15,000 rubles (over $267)
per ton."
While Russia has blamed Western sanctions aiming to
punish and isolate the Russian economy for blowing back on the global
food supply, and especially the Middle East and African countries
already heavily reliant on Ukraine and Russia grain exports, G7
countries days ago at their summit in Germany blasted Moscow in a
statement for what it called "a geopolitically motivated attack on global food security." ... Continue reading >>>
“the texts that get published and, more importantly, the comments do
nothing but cement a general perception that everything is fucked”
That’s perhaps because everything ISfucked, Jaques.
Until sometime last year I guess, I was a prolific content creator,
posting on my own website and blogs and in various forums on current
affairs. Recently however, I find myself struggling to create something
once a week.
I’ve said all I have to say on climate change, COVID, going cashless,
the war on free speech, billionaire psychopaths buying influence over
government policy, net zero and green bollocks, Ukraine, Syria,
Brexit,The death of democracy etc. etc. yet we keep going around the
same loops as the people who control the narratives drag us back again
and again to their agendas.
Rationing Has Already Started In Europe As The Entire Globe Plunges Into A Horrific Economic Nightmare
Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,
countries in Europe are already beginning to ration certain things due
to “supply problems”, how long will it be before it starts happening in
the United States?
Up until the past couple of years, many of us in the western world always considered shortages to be something that only “unsophisticated” poor countries on the other side of the planet had to deal with. But the last couple of years have shown us that painful shortages can happen to wealthy countries in the western world too. At first we were told that they were “just temporary”, but the months went by and we just kept having more shortages. In fact, in 2022 “supply problems” have become so serious that many supermarkets in Europe have been forced to strictly ration essential items at various times. For example, it was being reported that due to the war in Ukraine flour, sunflower oil and sugar were all being rationed by stores in Greece…
After limiting the sale of some flours and sunflower oil online, Greek supermarkets are turning to rationing the sale of sugar as well, now including in their stores, over supply problems.
The AB Vassilopoulos is setting a maximum limit on the purchase of all brands of corn and sunflower oil and of flour per customer while Mymarket put a ceiling on sunflower oil purchases and Sklavenitis has added sugar to the rationed sales of corn oil through its online store, with a maximum of four packs, the products in high demand from restaurants, some of which said they have to stop selling french fries and other fried foods.
Over the past few months we have seen similar measures implemented in other major European nations as well. For example, the war in Ukraine prompted some pretty severe rationing in Spain…
Sporadic shortages of products like eggs, milk, and other dairy products also hit Spain since the war in Ukraine began. And major supermarkets including Mercadona and Makro began rationing sunflower oil earlier this month.
Now, stores will temporarily be allowed to limit “the number of goods that can be bought by a client,” according to information in the Official State Gazette published on Wednesday.
Looking forward, natural gas rationing is the next big thing that many people in Europe are talking about. The flow of Russian natural gas into Europe has been cut back, and it appears that this may soon cause widespread rationing in Italy…
Italy may start rationing natural-gas consumption to certain industrial giants, after Russia’s Gazprom halved supplies on Friday.
On the weekend, the newspaper Corriere della Sera reported that the Italian government and energy industry would meet Tuesday and Wednesday to discuss the crisis, with the likely outcome being the introduction of a state of alert under the country’s gas emergency protocol.
And CNN is reporting that Germany is “one step closer to rationing supplies” now that Russia has decided to reduce the flow of natural gas going to that country…
Europe’s biggest economy is now officially running short of natural gas and is escalating a crisis plan to preserve supplies as Russia turns off the taps.
Germany on Thursday activated the second phase of its three-stage gas emergency program, taking it one step closer to rationing supplies to industry — a step that would deliver a huge blow to the manufacturing heart of its economy.
Of course
there are other parts of the globe that are dealing with problems that
are far, far more serious than what Europe is facing right now. ... Continue reading >>>
Authored by Mark Oshinskie via The Brownstone Institute,
In college, I took a Latin American Politics and Development class. When discussing Latin American medical care, Professor Eldon Kenworthy presented a deeply countercultural idea. Echoing a journal article by the scholar, Robert Ayres, Kenworthy maintained that building hospitals there costs lives. If, instead of erecting, equipping and staffing gleaming medical centers, this same money and human effort were devoted to providing clean water, good food and sanitation, the public health yield would be much greater.
United States medical history bears out Ayres’s paradox. The biggest increases in US life expectancy occurred early in the Twentieth Century, when people had increasing access to calories and protein, better water and sanitation. Lives lengthened sharply decades before vaccines, antibiotics or nearly any drugs were available, and a century before hospitals merged into corporate Systems.
Incremental American life span increases during the past fifty years reflect far less smoking, safer cars and jobs, cleaner air and less lethal wars more than they reflect medical advances. Books like Ivan Illich’s Medical Nemesis and Daniel Callahan’s Taming the Beloved Beast echo Ayres’s critique. But PBS, CNN, B & N, the NYT, et al. censor such views.
The American medical landscape has changed radically in the forty years since I learned of Ayres’ observation.
America spends three times as much, as a percentage of GDP, on medical treatments as it did in the 1960s.
By 2020, America devoted 18% of its GDP to medicine. (By comparison, about 5% goes to the military). Adding the mega-costs of mass testing and vaccines etc., medical expenditures might now approach 20%. Although the US spends more than twice per capita what any other nation spends on medical care, American ranks 46th in life expectancy. US life expectancy has flatlined, despite growing medical spending and broadened medical access via the vaunted Affordable Care Act.
Though medicine’s high-cost and relatively low yield are right in front of anyone who thinks about their medical experiences and those of people they know, most never connect the dots; more medical treatments and spending are continually advocated and applauded.
Damage of COVID Lockdowns Assessed
from City Journal, 20 June 2022
In April, free-market economists Phil Kerpen, Stephen Moore, and Casey B. Mulligan published a working paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research entitled “A Final Report Card on the States’ Response to COVID-19.” Their report considered three variables for all 50 states and Washington, D.C.: health outcomes (measured by adjusted mortality), economic performance throughout the pandemic (measured by unemployment and GDP), and the pandemic effect on education (measured by the percentage of cumulative in-person instruction). The authors investigated the relationships among the three variables using simple linear regression, a tool to summarize and study relationships between two continuous variables. This method yields a correlation coefficient that rates both the strength and the direction of the relationship between the two variables.
The results: locked-down economies did not have better health
outcomes, open schools were slightly negatively correlated with health
outcomes, and the lockdown of schools and economies were highly
correlated. ... Continue reading >>>
* ********************************************************************************
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,
World Economic Forum technocrats are urging people to ditch meat and other foods deemed to be harmful to the planet and instead consume “climate beneficial foods” such as seaweed, algae and cacti.
The WEF made the call as it wrapped up the 2022 meeting of global elitists in Davos, Switzerland.
A video summary was posted to Twitter in which the WEF promoted alternatives to a food system it claimed is responsible for two thirds of global carbon dioxide emissions.
A starter list published by the organization triumphs algae as being “an ideal replacement for meat” because it has a “carbon-negative profile” and is high in “essential fatty acids and high vitamin and antioxidants content.”
The guide also highlights cacti as containing “high amounts of vitamins C and E, carotenoids, fibre and amino acids,” noting that it is already commonly eaten in Mexico.
“This food crisis is real, and we must find solutions,” World Trade Organization Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala said.
Back in December 2020, the World Economic Forum published two articles on its website which explored how people could be conditioned to get used to the idea of eating weeds, bugs and drinking sewage water in order to reduce CO2 emissions.
Earlier this year, Vanderbilt University Professor Amanda Little argued that everyone in the world needs to start dining on insects and that the EU’s approval of them conferred a form of “dignity” to their consumption.
Lavrov Accuses Ukraine Of Drawing Outside Countries Into War - US Missiles A 'Direct Provocation'
from Zero Hedge, 1 June 2022
In some of the Kremlin's strongest words yet denouncing Western arms shipments, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned Ukraine that newly ramped up arms transfers including US missile systems being sent to Kiev risks drawing a third country into the war.
In the Wednesday statements, he accused Ukraine of seeking to involve outside countries, and slammed the missile transfer as marking a 'direct provocation'. His words come on the heels of Biden on Tuesday night announcing longer range missile systems for Ukraine, which however likely can't reach Russian territory, given they are short to "medium range" systems. Moscow previously called the White House's expressed desire to avoid direct confrontation with Russia a "rational" policy.
But Lavrov took the opportunity to warn hawks both in the US and Europe: "I will say it frankly: not everyone in the European Union, especially in 220601/lavrov-slams-kievs-demands-for-foreign-mlrs-as-direct-provocation-1095922146.html">according
to state media.The blistering attack also seemed aimed a Germany, which just announced new anti-air radar and defense systems for Ukraine: ... Continue reading >>>
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How Sanctions Have Increased Russia's Oil And Gas Revenue
By Robert Rapier of
As I warned in my February article Russia Is A Major Supplier Of Oil To The U.S., Russia could potentially benefit from the sanctions on its oil exports. Although Russia hadn’t yet invaded Ukraine when I wrote that article, I warned that if it did:“Russian sanctions would be put in place, potentially reducing the available oil supply in a tight market. If Russia could still sell all the oil it could produce to countries that refuse to abide by the sanctions, it might do well financially with an oil price spike.”
We now have data in hand to confirm that the subsequent sanctions on Russia’s oil are in fact boosting Russia’s oil revenues:
New data! #Russia's oil and gas revenues hit another record high in April. 1.8 trillion rubles in a single month, after 1.2 trillion in March. After only 4 months, Russia's federal #budget has now already received 50% of the planned oil and gas revenue for 2022 (9.5 trillion).
— Janis Kluge (@jakluge) May 6, 2022
Although the U.S. has stopped buying Russian oil, the challenge remains that Russia is one of the largest global producers and exporters of oil. There is no way to completely remove Russian oil from the market without sending oil prices much higher — perhaps to $200 a barrel.
Further, as oil prices go higher it increases the appeal of Russia’s oil. Right now, China and India, for example, have tremendous incentive to buy discounted Russian oil.
In other words, it is a classic catch-22. In attempting to punish Russia by keeping its oil off the market, Russia is enjoying a net benefit of higher oil revenues.
That’s not to say that other sanctions aren’t having the desired impact. By all accounts, life is becoming more difficult in Russia due to the many sanctions that have been put in place.
in a world that is still heavily dependent on oil, the only way to
effectively impact Russia’s oil revenues is to reduce global dependence on oil.
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‘Birthing Person’: UK Midwife Students Taught How to Deliver Babies Through ‘Male Genitalia’

A British university is reportedly instructing students studying to become midwives (since when was a university degree needed to be a midwife?) on how to deliver babies from a “birthing persons” with a penis.
Edinburgh Napier University's 'skills workbook' issued to midwifery BSc students has come under fire from the sane community in Scotland after it was revealed that students were instructed on how to assist biological males in
giving birth. Now you might think that anybody sudying towards a degree in any of the natural or applied sciences would be aware that a biological male cannot give birth, but in the wonderful world of woke wankers such things are possible, you just have to make a wish and get Tinkerbellend to sprinkle fairy dust on the expectant mothers knob.
The teaching resource, copies of which which were obtained from students by the feminist website Reduxx, stated: “It is important to note that while most times the birthing person will have female genitalia, you may be caring for a pregnant or birthing person who is transitioning from male to female and may still have external male genitalia.”
The manual went on to instruct the midwifery students that they should be familiar with how to use catheters for “both female and male anatomy”. It added that because, they claimed, both men and women can give birth, it would be referring to those in labour as a “birthing person”.
The website noted that while the university later amended the instructions to “female to male” transgender patients instead of “male to female”, all the references to how to handle the penis and other parts of the male anatomy such as the prostate gland remained in the text.
It also inserted a section explaining that female to male transgender
patients may have to give birth through an artificially constructed
“penis” (and what are the dick of these chicks-with-dicks going to give birth to? Tadpoles? Have you ever taken a close look at the hole in the end of a willie? OK, now imagine getting a 7,6 or even 5 pound baby through that.
The woke lunacy of the guide was criticised by Elaine Miller of the Chartered Society for Physiotherapy, who noted that the instructions were biologically incoherent and warned of the potential negative side effects for transgender people attempting to give birth.
“It is not possible for a male person to get pregnant,” Miller said. “A [biological female] with a gender difference can become pregnant but will not have male genitalia.”
“Most [females] who use testosterone, at the doses used for ‘transition,’ will develop vaginal atrophy. The fragile tissue of an atrophied vagina may be unable to stretch to accommodate a baby’s head,” Miller added, noting that biological female transgender people may rip, suffering “new types of birth injury”.
Emeritus Professor in Obstetrics and Women’s Health at King’s College London, Dr Susan Bewley also took aim at the instructions, noting that many women who undergo transition surgery also undergo an hysterectomy and therefore physically can not give birth.
“These materials are the opposite of the high-quality training that patients need from midwives and doctors. The project may have arisen from compassion and enthusiasm, but it is worrying that the writers don’t seem to know, care about, or check facts.”
Not knowing or caring about facts as they rewrite the medical and scientific text books is typical of the scientific community of course, all these education hating charlatans care about is amassing enough 'woke' brownie points with politicians to ensure the research grants keep flowing and their easy, privileged lives continue.
Meanwhile as the politicisation of everything project rolls on, midwives across Britain have been told by a
government-sponsored report from the LGBT Foundation that they should
refrain from using gendered language, including phrases such as
“breastfeeding” and “vaginal birth” to make transgender people feel more
comfortable, LBC reported.
The report suggested using more inclusive phrases such as “chestfeeding” and “frontal or lower birth”. Doesn't it make you just want to get hold of the authors of this shite and keep punching their heads until brains run down their noses.
After making controversial comments on transgender issues during his appearance on BBC television's Question Time last night, biologist and science broadcasdter Lord Robert Winston said today he fears he will be the subject of hate attacks from trans activists and the 'woke' brigade. Winston, not for the fgirst time, publicly backed a fellow academic scientist who triggered the trans - hate mob last wek by saying people "can't change sex". Doctors Back NHS-Funded ‘Womb Transplants’ for Transgender People
Leading doctors working in the UK’s National Health Service have said they back taxpayer-funded womb transplants for biological males who identify as women and think a bit of surgery and a daily does of hormone tablets can turn them into real, child bearing women. Experts at parting the gullible and emotionally immature from their hard …
Transgenderism and The Left’s Stuggle Against Reality
‘People with penises are men’ – Lit Fic author Ian McEwan takes on The Politically Correct Though Police in the transgender debate. The much acclaimed and highly respected British author was today facing calls to apologise to those precious little chick-with-dicks like Caitlyn Bruce Jenner after taking a sledgehammer to the politically correct left’s cause … Continue reading
Gay Rights Lobby Calls for Ban on LGBT Therapy After Finding Hundreds of Health Workers Believe in a Cure The Daily Stirrer has noted many times that sheeple on the left of the political spectrum get very confused on finding not everybody agrees with their world view. but rather than accept they are bigots they turn on those who dissent. No surprise then that gay activist working in the NHS are turning on African,
middle eastern and east Europan colleagues who believe homosexuality is a sin.
Bakery Sued For Refusing to Produce Pro-Gay Marriage Cake
A Belfast bakery has been threatened with legal action after its owners refused to accept an order for a cake with the words “support gay marriage” on it. Ashers Baking Company staff at first accepted the order but it was later reviewed by the owners who deemed the cake against their Christian beliefs.Nonconformity and Freethinking Now Considered Mental Illnesses
We've been here before of course, shrinks and head quacks are now trying to say everything you do can be interpreted as a sign of mental illness. Its starange but the sickets, most dysfunctional people I've met have been psychatrists and psychologists - perhaps they want to make the rest of us as crazy as they are
How the gay-marriage campaign has unleashed a bureaucratic assault on people's identities
Do gooders, progressives and bleeding hearts hurl hatred at those who question gay mariage. But these politically correct fools have as usual wallowed in their own self righteousness too long without thinking of the social consequences of this law which will devalue mainstream society to set up the gay community as a precious little elite
Equality Institute: Don’t Say ‘Pregnant Women’ as ‘People of All Genders Can Fall Pregnant’
The politics of the left is the politics of insanity, we have been reporting on this for fifteen years (nine as The Daily Stirrer, before that as Little Nicky Machiavelli. And things are getting worse rather than improving. Every day we hear of some new politically correct idiocy from government or from NGOs set up … Continue readingHomosexuality: As a liberal society we have a duty to tolderate, not celebrate
Even though the government has accepted a very limited definition of same sex marriage the gay lobby keeps raving on about the greates non issue of all time. But in a free society should we be subjected to bullying if we do not show enough enthusiasm for homosexual and lesbian relationships? When did indifference become a hate crime?
Gay and same sex marriage: The Bigotry And Intolerance Of Those Who Describe Themselves As The Liberal Left
With same sex marriage made legal in Britain we face the same kind of witch hunts against businesses that do not want to deal with beareded queens in bridal gowns as the liberal bigots and gay nazis are launching in the USA. As many of us new media common sense merchants predicted, once the principle was accepted in law, nobody would be allowed to opt out of supporting these bullies.
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How Far Are We From Phasinging Out Coal?
A Long Long Way.
At Glasgow's COP26 conference last year, the leaders of 40 nations went though the meaningless biannual ritual of agreeing to phase coal out of their national energy policies in order to achieve the pointless and economically catastrophic for developed nations ambition of reaching 'net zero' on carbon emissions by the end of this century.
However, as Visual Capitalist's Bruno Venditti details below, despite all the grandiose pledges, in 2021 coal-fired electricity generation reached all-time highs globally, showing that eliminating coal from the energy mix is easily said but cannot be done simply by moving coal burning industries from the developed nations to emerging and third world economies.
The infographic below, from Elements Visual Capitalists shows the aggressive phase-out of coal power that would be required in order to reach net zero goals by 2050, based on an analysis by Ember that uses data provided by the International Energy Agency (IEA).
Low-Cost Energy Carries a High Environmental Cost
Coal-powered electricity production increased by 9.0% in 2021 to 10,042 Terawatt-hours (TWh), the biggest percentage rise since 1985.
The main
reason for this reserugence of dear reliable Old King Coal is cost. Coal is the world’s most affordable energy fuel due to the energy intensity of this highly compressed form of carbon. Environmentalist doom mongers and the unwashed crusties of the anti fossil fuel movement claim that low-cost energy comes at a high cost for the environment,
with coal being the largest source of energy-related CO2 emissions. This is unscientific bollocks. In the past coal was a cheap, dirty fuel that pumped many real pollutants as well as Carbon Dioxide (CO2) which is essential to the continuance of life, into the atmosphere.Throughout the 1970s and 80s however, coal powered industried cleaned up their act, introducing technologies to remove various pollutants from their emissions until only CO2, the essential building material for all carbon based life forms (and ALL life forms, on this planet at least, are carbon based,) remained for the habitual whingers and virtue signallers to whinge and virtue signal about.
China currently has the highest coal consumption, making up 54% of the world’s coal electricity generation. The country’s consumption jumped 12% between 2010 and 2020, despite coal making up a lower percentage of the country’s energy mix in relative terms and the ruling Chinese Communist Party has no plans to cease or slow down its building onf new coal fired power stations.
Together, China and India account for 66% of global coal consumption and emit about 35% of the world’s greenhouse gasses (GHG). If you add the United States to the mix, this goes up to 72% of coal consumption and 49% of GHGs.
According to the United Nations,
emissions from current and planned fossil energy infrastructure are
already more than twice the amount that would push the planet over 1.5°C
of global heating, a level that scientists say could bring more intense
heat, fire, storms, flooding, and drought than the present 1.2°C. This is calculated by scientists who, in the style of all modern science, look at output from mathematical models rather than empirical evidence. So far three decades worth of predictions based on mathematical models of reality have not produced one correct result.
The Transition to Renewables
According to The Science (that is the science of guesswork and wishful thinking,) Coal-powered
electricity generation must fall by 13% every year until 2030 to
achieve the Paris Agreement’s goals of keeping global heating to only
1.5 degrees.
To reach the mark, countries would need to speed up the shift from their current carbon-intensive pathways to unreliable and intermittent energy sources like wind and solar.
How fast the transition away
from coal will be achieved depends on a complicated balance between
carbon emissions cuts and maintaining economic growth, the latter of
which is still largely dependent on coal power. It is possible of course that as a result of the energy crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine revealing just how dependent of fossil fuels the developed nations are, the politicians will come to their senses, sack their idiotic science advisers and fund development of clean coal powered generation technologies as well as returning to totally CO2 free, (but equally hated by the green wankers,) nuclear.
No-Go Zones: Prime Minister Admits to ‘Parallel Societies’ in Multicultural Sweden Following Qur’an Riots

After several weeks of Islamist riotsingacross Sweden, triggered by nationalist groups burning copies of The Koran in protest at the Islamification of Swedish institutions, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson surprised the nation when she admitted that there are now “parallel societies” within her country – the first time a European leader has acknowledged the existence of Europe’s infamous ‘no-go zones’.
In response to Danish anti-Islam activist Rasmus Paludan and his followers burning a Qur’an earlier this month, widespread riots engulfed the Scandinavian country, with places like Malmo, Linköping, Norrköping, and Rinkeby seeing days of violence over the Easter weekend in which over 100 police officers were injured.
Commenting on the growing unrest among the Muslim population of Sweden, which has surged significantly as a result of the pro-migration policies since the height of European Migrant Crisis in 2015-16, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said on Thursday that there are “strong forces that are ready to go to great lengths to harm our society.”
“Segregation has been allowed to go so far that Sweden now has parallel societies,” Andersson said according to Aftonbladet. “We live in the same country but in completely different realities.”
“Integration has been too poor while we have had large-scale migration. Society has also been too weak,” she went on to admit.
Currently around one-fifth of the population, or two million people, in Sweden were born abroad, with more coming from migration-background families.
After years of negative impacts on social cohesion, the government has sought to enact stricter migration controls, such as placing limits on those seeking permanent residency.
Bill Gates Developing Virus & Vaccine For Next Pandemic, Wants Global Surveillance Pact with W.H.O. Travk Vaccine Refusniks
We, The Resistance, need to start preparing our campaign tactics now for the appearance of “even more fatal” variants of coronavirus in the future. The warning can be taken as implicit in the latest megalomaniacal babblings from billionaire psychopath and wannabe Emperor of The Universe Bill Gates, who revealed in a talk on Sunday 1 May, that international health surveillance through technology and massive, propaganda led vaccination campaigns to be developed by increased funding for the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is one way to forestall pandemic outbreaks.
The Microsoft founder said, somewhat ridiculously, he did not want to sound “doom and gloom”
but did exactly that in warning there was a risk an “even more transmissive and even more
fatal” variant could be generated. This could safely be taken as an admission that biotech firms owned by The Gates Foundation are already simultaneously developing the virus that will drive this pandemic and the vaccines that will serve to make people with functioning immune systems vulnerable to the genetically engineered virus.
Gates told the Financial Times (FT) in an interview the risk of that happening is “way above five per cent” and would mean the world has yet to see the worst of the pandemic, if his predictions are correct (or even coherent would be a good start.).
He also cautioned that while the war in Ukraine dominates the
international agenda, global leaders should not to lose sight of the
health crisis, even as he flies around the world relentlessly lecturing
about climate issues. Again this sounds like an announcement that his teams of mad scientists are already working on plans for the new pandemic.
Calling for greater investment to prevent future pandemics, Gates told the FT “It seems wild to me that we could fail to look at this tragedy and not, on behalf of the citizens of the world, make these investments.”
He acknowledged there were questions over whether an international consensus could be reached to increase funding for W.H.O. at its base in Geneva, Switzerland. However, The most pertinent question, how can Gates be so certain another, even more deadly pandemic caused by a news COVID variant is on the way if he is not involved in planning it, was not raised.
How many more young lives will be sacrificed on Gates’s vaccine altar?
It’s remarkable that the man who has become the unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not being questioned on his past more closely. Though we are living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered and bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s still regarded as a benign philanthropist.
Critics Batter The Fake Science Used To Justify The Lockdown As Boris Waffles
Regular readers may recall this blog was among the first to expose the fact that the pandemic model predicting 500,000 COVID – 19 deaths if the entire nation was not placed under indefinite house arrest was based on a deeply flawed mathematical model of the pandemic built by a “scientist” at Imperial College, London, a college heavily reliant on funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. You may also recall we have reported on the determination of psychopathic megalomaniac Gates to insert himself into this phoney crisis
Bill ‘Psycho’ Gates Wants To Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes To Inject Us With Vaccines The latest luncacy to flow from the megalomaniacal mind of the world’s richest madman and wannabe Galactic Emperor Palpatine, Bill Gates is the latest iteration of a plan this vaccine – obsessed world domination freak has nurtured for a long time. He wants to release genetically midified mosquitos to inject us with vaccine.Apart from the … Continue reading
How Social Engineers Use Weaponized Psychology to Push Unproven Vaccines December 30, 2020 Another “we told you so,” moment for us Boggart Bloggers. We told you back in the spring that project fear was being ramped up to make people accept social engineering projects and mandatory mass medication schemes, which we assume will eventually include Bill (Wannabe Emperor Palpatine,) Gates’ cherished dream of reducing global population by 50% … Continue readingBoston Herald Calls For Government Execution Squads To Murder Experts Who Oppose Mercury In Vaccines
Algorithms Are No Better At Telling The Future Than Tarot Cards Or A Crystal Ball
According to a new report “An increasing number of businesses are investing in advanced technologies that can help them forecast the future of their workforce and gain a competitive advantage”. Almost every day we see more bollocks being written by supposedly intelligent people who believe that by using things called ‘Data Science’, ‘Artificial Intelligence,’ and ‘Big Data’, machines can already be relied on to make better decisions than humans, and that soon computers will equal or even surpass us in actual intelligence. ...
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Proof That The Alarmist Claptrap You Are Hearing And Seeing At COP26 Climate Conference Is A Load Of Bollocks
The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places, the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions in the Arctic zone. Expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm ... Continue reading >>>
Green dreams of Heat Pumps
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When Boris Johnson revealed the UK Government plans for achieving 'net zero' carbon emissions by 2050 it emerged the much teased clean, green replacement for gas boilers as our main source of domestic heating is to be heat pumps. The Daily Stirrer counters the pseudo-scientific bollocks and reveals this 'new technology has been around for a hundred years.
Sweden Cancels Bill Gates Geoengineering Plan To Block Sun & Stop Global Warming
from Great Game India Bill Gates has proposed and funded a geoengineering experiment to determine whether blotting out the Sun with aerosols could reverse global warming. This experiment was undertaken by Sweden’s space agency. But now they have called off this project as they are facing a great opposition from the environmental activists. The experiment … Continue readingBill Gates Flounders When Asked Direct Questions About His Vaccine Agenda
Bill Gates, the world’s greatest vaccine fan and long term purveyor of software that is not fit for purpose, has been one of the main drivers of the wholly manufactured COVID – 19 global crisis that has seen our political leaders unquestioningly follow the instructions of corporate lobbyists and representatives of the Big Pharma cartel, … Continue reading>>>
Bill Gates running deadly global “vaccine empire” that can only exist through extreme censorship Bill Gates – wannabe Dr. Death? (picture: The reason why Microsoft co-founder and billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is being given so much airtime amid the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is because Gates is currently the world’s largest manufacturer of vaccines, as well as the money … Continue reading
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In another example of the insane and fantaical religious fervour of those who support the vaccine industry by hating anyone who questions anything about vaccines, the corporate media prostitutes of the Boston Herald's editorial staffny have used their print editions to call for what the murder of anyone who questions the safety or efficiency of vaccines or opposes plans to legally mandate vaccinating entire populations (such as those proposed by Bill Gates through his Gates Foundation.)The killings would be carried out by government sanctioned execution squads to eliminate scientists, naturopaths, chiropractors and any journalists fool enough to question the safety of injecting children with mercury, a brain-damaging toxin still found in flu shot vaccines administered to children and expectant mothers, and other neurotoxins.
The Absurdity Of Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns and Segregating The UnvaxxedAfter reintroducing lockdowns from the beginning of this week in its two regions with the highest rates of COVID cases, Austria today became the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full, national lockdown which will start on Monday, November 22. The Austrial government is likely to be quickly joined by neighboring Germany, a statement from Berlin warned [...] Some commentators in Austrian capital Vienna were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is justify more restrictions
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Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.
Italy Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For All Private Sector Workers
17 September: Italys undemocratically appointed left wing government yesterday (16 September) approved new and restrictive rules using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excise for this lurch towards fascism. The new rules which are aning the strictest in the world, in the world mandate that all private and public sector employees get the vaccine and show proof of vaccination, a negative test, or a recent recovery from infection, officials said.
Turning the Tide? No Vaccine Passporrts for England; US States rebel against Biden Vaccine Mandates;
September 12: The British government will not mandate vaccine passports for nightclubs, cinemas, and other large public venues in England after all, Health Secretary Sajid Javid announced on Sunday. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government has backtracked on controversial plans to introduce vaccine passports domestically and is set to end draconian emergency powers given to the state under the Coronavirus Act, in a major concession to anti-lockdown factions within the Conservative Party.
Swedish Prime Minister Says Integration Has Failed After Migrant Riots
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,
Sweden’s failure to properly integrate large numbers of migrants has led to the creation of parallel societies and gang violence, according to left-wing Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson.
Andersson made the comments in the aftermath of nationwide riots by migrant gangs over the Easter weekend that left a hundred police officers wounded.
Sweden’s approach to Islamic extremism and its failings in accommodating large numbers of migrants is the primary cause of the disorder, according to the Prime Minister.
“Segregation has gone so far that we have parallel societies in Sweden. We live in the same country, but different realities,” said Andersson.
“Integration was poor, and alongside, we have experienced intense immigration. Our society was too weak, while money for the police and social services too little,” she added.
As we previously highlighted, German media outlets responded to violent riots in Sweden mainly involving Muslim migrants by claiming the unrest occurred as a result of “right-wing demos.”
Ukrainian refugees also expressed the desire to avoid being sent to Sweden, feeling that it was too unsafe.
Having been one of the safest countries in Europe 20 years ago before mass uncontrolled immigration, Sweden is now the continent’s second most dangerous in terms of gun crime behind only Croatia.
Last year, Germany’s Bild newspaper ran the headline: ‘Sweden is the most dangerous country in Europe.’
Shootings in Sweden hit a record high last year as authorities are increasingly unable to contain migrant gang crime. There were 46 homicides committed in 335 shootings across the country, with most of them occurring in the migrant hotspots of Malmö, Gothenburg, and Stockholm.
“Swedish residents born in another country have doubled to 2 million in the last two decades, and immigrants now represent one-fifth of all people living in this Scandinavian country, a far higher rate than neighboring countries like Finland, Norway, and Denmark, which have all taken a harder line against immigration,” reports RMX News.
“For the past 40 years, the prime minister’s social democrats have been in power for 28 years, including the last eight.
The Lies of Davos, Runaway Food Prices and Global Starvation
Authored by J. Kim via substack
in mid-2021, corn had already nearly doubled in price and wheat had soared almost 40%. This was well before any of the bankers started blaming Russia for soaring wheat and corn staples because of the Russia invasion of Ukraine at the end of February of this year. This should clearly show the absurd obscenity of the Central Banker narrative of blaming ongoing mass global starvation on the Russians. Over a year ago, I could not have been more explicit in explaining that Central Bankers’ massive devaluations of fiat currency purchasing power along with the establishments’ immoral covid lockdowns were the primary culprits, not those “evil” Russians, were responsible for “imped[ing] the ability of hundreds of millions around the world that most desperately need to work to purchase food, [thus creating] a lethal combination [of] mass hunger and starvation.”
And if the above referenced chart doesn’t convince you that Central Bankers were the primary cause of life-squeezing inflation around the world well before the Russians invaded Ukraine, then just take a look at another chart I compiled which clearly illustrates the runaway inflation in the US and the incredible shrinking dollar since 1975. Are the Central Bankers going to blame the below runaway prices on the Russians too?
A larger chart of the above is available here
Furthermore, those incredibly naïve and ignorant masses that believe the banker-controlled mass media narratives that the Russians are to blame for mass starvation around the world have little to zero knowledge about the true price mechanisms of major food staples, and instead, believe the garbage they learned in their MBA business programs about this topic. For example, most among us are unaware that global grain distribution is widely controlled in monopolistic fashion by just four companies - Archer-Daniels Midland, Bunge, Cargill, and Dreyfus – and due to this monopoly, that these companies can conspire to heavily influence the prices of the world’s major food staples.
In fact, all of these companies retain grain reserves that they could release to ease soaring prices and to help the starving, but for obvious reasons, safeguard and do not publicly disclose this information. Due to the sole purpose of global companies to maximize shareholder value, it behooves these companies to artificially push prices as high as possible at all times, even if such actions lead to mass starvation around the world. Since the data regarding their grain reserves remains unknown, I’m not claiming that these companies engage in this type of immoral behavior, but it’s quite obvious that they would maximize shareholder value by doing so, and doing so quite frequently.
It requires only a modicum of knowledge about industry wide practices to imagine that these four companies employ similar methodologies of creating artificially higher food prices to the alleged methodologies employed by JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs bankers in artificially driving aluminum prices higher before offloading them for massive profits. For many years, those companies that needed aluminum supply alleged that Wall Street bankers were artificially driving prices up by multiples of a free market price by hoarding aluminum in non-publicly disclosed warehouses and refusing to allow millions of tons of aluminum to enter the market. Other billionaires around the world have done the same with metals and grains, with China’s hoarding of aluminum and soybeans to artificially drive prices higher well documented. Of course, all behavior of this type is morally repugnant, but the mass media continuously compartmentalizes its judgment about such behavior by absolving all Westerners of such behavior while condemning all those in non-NATO nations that do the same. In other words, mass media journalists lack any moral compass and seem to think that moral repugnancy does not cross transnational borders from East to West, from South to North, and that moral repugnancy only dwells in the Eastern and Southern hemispheres and in developing nations.
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