The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Germany Forcing Farmers To Use LESS Fertilizer To Satisfy EU’s Green Agenda

The German government, already reeling from the public backlash against rising fuel prices, the shortage of gas since supplies from Russia were cut of by the sabotage of the Nordstream pipeline, and the biggest economic crisis among the 27 member states of the EU, has now jumped on another 'woke' bandwagon that is careering towards economic suicide. The socialist led ruling coalition has banned now farmers in one of its federal states from properly fertilizing large swathes of land in compliance with the latest lunacy of the EU's green agenda.

As farmers start to prepare the land for the planting of next years seeds, the use of nitrate fertilizers has been greatly restricted for large swathes of farmland in North Rhine-Westphalia, with the green agenda change greatly angering the agricultural sector as it is likely to drastically reduce yields.

This blog has reported previously farmers in The Netherlands, Italy, Poland, France and Spain are already disrupting national economic life with protests against the Brussels diktat commanding reduction of nitrogen emissions from agriculture in line with the impossible targets it has set for reduction of Carbon Dioxide emissions in pursuit of 'net zero' and the elimination of fossil fuels from the energy supply.

The policy has already wreaked havoc in the Netherlands, with the Dutch government now looking to either buy out or forcibly close up to 3,000 farms and allow the land to 'return to nature' (thus wrecking the nation's most important source of export revenue,) in order to meet targets set by Brussels.

Despite the impact this could have on food security in Europe, because Netherlands is the biggest exporter of food priduce in Europe, the 'war on nirtogen (an inert gas which makes up over 75% of vthe air we breathe,) appears to have firmly extended itself into Germany, with Bild reporting that farmers will now be compelled to use 20 percent less fertilizer in any area deemed to have problematic levels of chemical compounds derived from this gas. It is worth noting that in spite of its inert nature nitrogen is as essential as the other deomised 'pollutant', Carbon Dioxide, to the continuation of life on earth.

Overall, Bild claims that a third of the total usable farmland in North Rhine-Westphalia — Germany’s most populous state — falls under this new restriction.

“If a wheat field needs 200 kilos of fertilizer for optimal yield, farmers would now be forced to use 40 kilos less,” one local farmer, Erich Gussen, explained. “That means a drop in yield and the quality of the wheat will suffer!

Gussen noted that there is “great indignation” amongst farmers in the state, many of whom will see their bottom lines severely suffer at a time when fertilizer and fuel prices are already at major highs.

Due to the European Union reportedly threatening to fine Germany if it does not act to reduce nitrogen levels nationwide, the nation's other federal states will also soon fall under the auspices of the law and compel farmers to reduce fertilizer usage.

Such a move will ineviably affect the country’s food production at a time when sgortages of essential foods and empty supermarket shelves are already impacting the quality of life for German citizens and food insecurity is growing worldwide as a result of the ongoing war in Ukraine, which has seen the global supply of wheat and other grains contract.

Despite this, the EU, in collaboration with the neo - Nazi world Economic Forum, appears to be pushing ahead with its great reset goals, with the Dutch government now threatening to shutter up to 3,000 farms in their country in service of their overlords in Brussels and Davos.

Farmers in EU member states are strongly resisting the measures with countless protests that have seen motorways blockaded and events disrupted, though such demonstrations have so far been unable to curb the government’s enthusiasm for closures. Predictably police forces, while pussyfooting around organised crime networks in immigrant ghettoes, turning a bling eye towards people trafficking racheteers behind the huge number of illegal immigrants flooding into the continent and actually cooperating with terrorist organisations like extinction Rebellion, just Stop Oil and Black Lives Matter, are gleefully employing heavy handed riot control tactics against farmers quietly and lawfully protesting againt the destruction of their livelihood.

“What this shows you is that the will of the people means nothing to our government,” political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek told Breitbart. “Despite all of the protest and (inter)national backlash, they’re pushing through with what I think are criminal policies.

“Our government doesn’t cater to the wishes of its own citizens, it caters to globalist institutions whose interest it is to control the food supply, so they can control us,” she continued. “It’s the great reset in full force.


MORE on this story

Farmers in Poland and Italy join Netherlands in mass European protests

Farmers in Spain join Italy, Poland, and Netherlands in mass European protests




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