The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Phew! I'm Glad That's Over - For Another Year At Least

As someone who when asked about religion describes himself as a paganistic humanist it seems redundant to say that as I've grown older, the whole Christmas and New Year thing has become more of a pain in the arse than a holiday. My wife, always one for a traditional Christmas, passed away three years ago, our two children are in the first flush of middle age and one of them has children of his own who will soon be wanting to abandon the family celebration and do their own thing. Thus Christmas is hardly relevant and  my ‘new year’ comes into being from March 21st (the vernal equinox,) onwards. The promise of new beginnings in Spring fills people with hope for the future (theoretically at least,) but the blossom blooming and leaves emerging does tend to lift our spirits and energise us.

 January however, can be quite depressing after all the Christmas hype and festivities. Back on the treadmill, another year of unfulfilled expectations beckons, and all the usual miserableists emerge from their hiding places to tell us how important it is we do 'dry January', adopt a vegan lifestyle, swear a vow of celibacy, and give up happiness … January is nearly unbearable for many people, a dead month, filled with doom and gloom and I look forward to the calendar turning to February and then, because February is only a short month to endure, to the first signs of spring.

Why this downer on post Christmas period? 

Even today, with all our technology for making life more convenient, our heated and insulated homes, televisions and recorded music to fill the boredom of long, dark winter nights, January has a hard edge to it perhaps due to its short days, cold and wet, and the shock of returning to reality after the Christmas build-up, plus the prospect of dystopian future that is being planned for us by certain billionaire psychopaths.

And with continuing war in Ukraine and the high fuel prices and food shortages that we're told will accompany it, there does not seem to be much to look forward to. The promise of more pandemics (the genetically modified organisms that will deliver then are already being developed in laboratories funded by the aforementioned billionaire psychopaths,) according to some alt_news organisations, the World Economic Forum's pledge that in the future we will own nothing and we will be happy, and their plan to ban meat in order to 'save the planet' and supply us with endless helpings of mashed bugs to replace our steaks, burgers, pork chops and chicken, do not paint a rosy picture of the future.  

I am looking forward to the Spring this year but since I have to be aware that it is January, it is cold and dark but maybe I can recommend we use the dark days as a time for reflection , for taking a step back from the daily stream of propaganda to consider the ay in which the ruling elites are taking us.

Does anyone besides myself have the impression that instead of reading history we will actually be living through a pivotal historical era (Interesting Times?) over the next few years? As well as escalation of the local war in Ukraine, which some of us have always said is really a proxy war waged by the USA against Russia, further emryonic conflicts between east and west are this year likely to become a global conflict between uni-polar American hegemony world…..and the contesting multi-polar world led by China, Russia and the Brics nations, and also on a lower level to all out war whed by the ruling elites on 'We The People' with the aim of stripping us of the rights, liberties and the prosperity out forebears fought for. I can'r recall in my lifetime ever being more convinced that that the elites, system and Governments are ‘out to get us’…and that they are doing it quite openly now.

Who can be trusted in any position of power anymore? How do we, the people, get that power back?

Further if we need it…that open corruption is now the norm…….

A US House of Representatives investigation concluded that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “collaborated” with biotechnology company Biogen on the approval of its Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm. Indeed, as 2022 comes to a close, American taxpayers are reminded yet again of the inappropriate and dishonest manner in which the FDA—the agency funded by taxpayers to ensure the safety and efficacy of the medications they take—collaborates with Big Pharma.

A group of UK doctors has called for an immediate halt to mRNA vaccinations pending a government investigation of serious concerns about their safety and lack of effectiveness.

And as if all that were not depressing enough this January, it looks as if a world governed by unelected technocrats and run by artificial intelligence will draw inexorably nearer in 2023. With that new pantheon of mini-gods – the scientists – sitting smugly pretty, it’s hardly surprising. Ostensibly the key question is who will exploit AI to the fullest. There are only two contenders: the US and China.

The stakes couldn’t be higher: for the victor, lasting technological, economic and military dominance. It’s an international Battle of the Boffins, engagingly analysed by American businessman Handel Jones in a new bookWhen AI Rules the World: China, the US, and the Race to Control a Smart Planet.

It really depends on us as individuals. Are we prepared to take the path of least resistance and surrender ourselves to servitude , or are we willing to say to ourselves, " I will not take orders from a smart phone, not will I surrender to the siren voices telling me how wonderful a system of social credit scores and 'heath passports' will be. I will not drive a car that has a government controlled kill switch should I exceed my permitted mileage, not will I give up using cash because to do so gives authorities the ability to deny us the right to purchase certain goods and services if we have not earned enough 'credits' by compliance with policies for social control.

Its our choice. Think on it through these dark days and come the first day of spring decide wich side you are on. And so we begin 2023, who knows what kind of world we will live in by next New Year.

Phew! I'm Glad That's Over - For Another Year At Least
January however, can be quite depressing after all the Christmas hype and festivities. Back on the treadmill, another year of unfulfilled expectations beckons, and all the usual miserableists emerge from their hiding places to tell us how important it is we do 'dry January', adopt a vegan lifestyle, swear a vow of celibacy, and give up happiness …

Killjoymas - the favourite festival of The Bansturbators
But Christmas is approaching again so perhaps it is time to give it a revamp. It is interesting to note how the Politically Correct Thought Police have progressed from banning Christmas festivities on health and grounds to banning everything on the grounds that it might offend Muslims.

A Christmas Shelter
Scottish comedian and writer Janey Godley kindly allowed Greenteeth to republish her christmas fiction 'A Christmas Shelter'. This poignant Christmas story with a wry twist reminds us that labes don't make somebody a good person, actions do. It's a lesson we should be aware of as the gap between haves and have nots continues to grow wider.

Merry Atheistmas
Yet another bad idea we will no doubt be importing from the USA very soon if it has not already happened is the religious version of atheism. Well at least it will give the militant atheists who hate all religion a new target so Christians can quietly get on with is while us traditional atheists quietly tolerate religious belief.

Black Russian?
by ianrthorpe, 2013-12-16
As many of you know (because I'm always telling you) there are a lot of nutters in America. Now it's easy to jump to the conclusion that most of these nutters are evangelical (born again) Christians. This is partly right because religion does lead to nuttiness, but we should not "misunderestimate" the propensity of Americans to turn anything into a religion. One of those religions is ...

Christmas MDF
Well here it is, our first Christmas post. I was more than a little gobsmacked to see a headline that read "IKEA" sells six foot Christmas Trees for £5. It was not the prices that amazed me, after all they have lots of pine trees in Sweden

Christmas is coming - and Retail Christians are ready A look at how Christmas has made Christianity the religion of retailing and Christians the most evangelical of consumers
Christmas Is Bollocks part 2.
For Christmas 2010 Boggart Blog has continued its long tradition off slagging off the modern, consumer oriented, shoddy, politically correct, conformist christmas if favour of supporting people who do their own thing.

You Get What You Deserve.
Are mobile phones, celphones as they are called in some parts, destroying good manners and the basic civility we need in order for ociety to finction? In the internet destroying our way of life? Are we becoming slaves to technology? Boggart Blog's resident technophobe Fatsally has a few things to say on that.

The Little Cellphone - A Christmas Story
What happens to all those cellphones that have given loyal and efficient servive only to be abandoned to their fate at Christmas when a newer model with more bells and whistles, apps and software widgets replaces them

Join The Christmas Resistance Ever felt like asking yourself what this annual insanity called Christmas is all about and then taking yourself off to a Buddhist monastic retreat from December 21st to Jan 6th thus letting Christmas pass you by completely? More and more people are rejecting the idea that we can all be happy if we buy loads of stuff we do not need, will never use and after it has cluttered up our living space for a year will throw out just before next Christmas to make way for next year's Christmas tat? If you have you are not alone. Welcome to the Christmas Resistance.
link url: Join The Christmas Resistance

Defying the Tyranny of Consumer Christmas
Manipulation is everywhere from the X Factor to Christmas, media hype is the tool that influences the sheeple to think what their masters want them to think. The careers of people as diverse as Michael Jackson and Barack Obama as well as the political success of Tony Blair are all built on nothing more substantial than spin. Repeat the lie often enough, that Michael Jackson is the most talented performer ever, that Barack Obama represents the dawn of a new era in politics, that Saddam posed a threat to the west, and enough people will believe it. So what can you do to regain your freedom. You can start by resisting the tyranny of the consumer Christmas
link url:

A Child Is Born On The Bog

The people who run television channels have a weird idea of what will entertain us at Christmas. Or do thhey perhaps understand better than we do that what the public wants amid all the Bacchanialian feasting and Lupercanian unsrestrained shagging of the modern Christmas festival what we really want is Roman Circuses?...
A Child Is Born On The Bog

January Is Getting Earlier Each Year
Maybe it is we who are getting older but it seems while Chistmas lasts longer, January comes a little earlier each year...
January Getting Earlier

The Boggart Blog Christmas SOS - Save Our Socks
The Boggart Blog Irrelevant Christmas Charity Appeal. Our inaugural Christmas Carity Appeal requests your help in providing shelter and support for homeless socks, those unfortunate items of hoisery that have become separated from their partners and are now homeless and hungry. These sockes are often given as Christmas Presents without the giver forst checking what kind of home they are going to. All over Britain single, homeless, pairless socks are sheltering in the recesses of laundry baskets, hiding behind radiators or cowerting in changing room lockers. Please help us to help them.
Boggart Blog Christmas Appeal - Save Our Socks

The Time Has Come The Gordon Said
The Boggart Blog Irrelevant Christmas Charity Appeal. This year as well as our appeal for on behald of Fletcher Memorial Homes for seperated socks we are throwing our weight behind a charity that works to provide shelter over the festive season for abandoned hi - vis jackets...
The Time Has Come ... Again

Christmas Is Bollocks
Come on, admit it. When you saw the headline your heart leaped for joy. At last you thought, a like mineed person, sombody who thinks for himself. because let's be honest, if you had not agreed you would not have clicked through.
Christmas Is Bollocks

The Christmas Resistance

Killjoymas - the favourite festival of The Bansturbators
But Christmas is approaching again so perhaps it is time to give it a revamp. It is interesting to note how the Politically Correct Thought Police have progressed from banning Christmas festivities on health and grounds to banning everything on the grounds that it might offend Muslims.

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