The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Global Corporate Power versus The Farmers On Their Tractors


In this blog we have reported in detail for around six months now, the tractor protestes staged initially by farmers in The Netherlands, but later spreading to Belgium, France, Poland, Italy, Spain and Germany. Hundreds of farmers have driven their tractors into towns and cities, moving slowly through streets and arterial roads to cause gridlock, in protest at new environmental protection policies imposed by the European Union (EU) to force farmers to reduce the numbers of livestock they keep and to limit the amount of commercial fertliser they are permitted to use. It should surprise nobody then, that attempts by member state's governments to implement the policy have sparked massive protests by farmers, who see it as a direct attack on their livelihoods or that the recemty formed small farmers party, the   BBB  (slogan — “No Farms, No Food” ) resonated with voters to the extent that the party emerged as the largest contingent in the Dutch senate after elections earlier this month. 

But aside from concerns about the impact of the measure on the country’s food security, and on a centuries-old rural way of life integral to Dutch national identity, the rationale behind this drastic measure is also questionable. Agriculture currently accounts for almost half of the country’s output of carbon dioxide, yet the Netherlands is responsible for less than 0.4% of the world’s emissions. No wonder many Dutch fail to see how such negligible returns justify the complete overhaul of the country’s farming sector, which is already considered one of the most sustainable in the world: over the past two decades, water dependence for key crops has been reduced by as much as 90%, and the use of chemical pesticides in vast greenhouses has been almost completely eliminated.

Given the irrational nature of the EU policy, which seeks not only to limit Carbon Dioxide emissions but also emissions of nitrogen, an inert gas that forms 78% of the air we breathe, many protesting farmers believe the folly cannot be blamed solely on the urbanite “green elites” currently running the Dutch and other EU member states' governments. They suggest one of the underlying reasons for the move is to squeeze independent farmers from the market, allowing their land to be bought out by multinational agribusiness giants who recognise the immense value of the country’s land — not only is it highly fertile, but it is also strategically located with easy access to the north Atlantic coast (Rotterdam is the largest port in Europe). They also point out that prime minister Rutte is an Agenda Contributor of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is well known for being corporate-driven, while his finance minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Employment are also tied to the body. The struggle playing out in the Netherlands would seem to be part of a much bigger game that seeks to “reset” the international food system by concentrating control in the hands of a few global corporations.

The arrogance, hubris and stupidity of these technocrats is so profound it’s almost comical – if it wasn’t so tragic. If you force  a Dutch farmer to cull their herd by say 1,000 animals, you aren’t doing anything to help the environment. Demand for these animals won’t magically disappear. The supply will simply be filled somewhere else.

And because the Dutch are maybe the most efficient and productive farmers in the world, production will almost certainly shift somewhere much less desirable, where the environmental footprint is significantly worse. So now we get some farmer in Brazil burning down 1,000 acres of rainforest so he can create the pasture to fill the market void left by the Dutch.

Meanwhile, in Holland you’ve made some farmers wealthier, but unproductive. They will likely invest their money in real estate or some other financial instrument that doesn’t produce tangible products or jobs.

None of these policies are based on a holistic knowledge of the likely impact they will have, they are not formulated by people with experience of farming or food production but by people who have spent their working lives cocooned in universities studying mathematical models of food production. There will be endless unforeseen consequences. For instance, insects feed on animal dung. No animals, no dung, no insects, no wildflowers. Globalist policies are recipes for the sterilisation of the earth.

Technocrats, like socialists, never seem to learn from their past mistakes. Their anthem is always ‘this time it will be different’. But it never is different and once again this time a few people who are already obscenely rich, and obscenely powerful because their great wealth has enabled them to buy political influence without having to endure the inconvenience of getting elected, will gain much more wealth and power from this nonsense while the rest of us will pay for the folly. 

The poorest will pay the most whether the lower income cohort in developed countries or the subsistence farmers and their ilk in the poorest countries.

 This whole green movement has been captured by the wealth globalists with a few self - interested stooges and well intentioned puppets to do the shouting. The wealthy will eat their Steak and the poor will be lucky to get enough of the powdered bugs and genetically modified beans. Eating insects for many will be about scavenging (Mopani Worms in Africa for example) and not buying in lab grown protein.

In the past I was frequently angered by the daily torrent of environmentalist propaganda we have regularly  been fed through mainstream media news organisations, with the BBC being by far the worst culprit.  Much of this is mindless repetition of themes such as "humanity is destroying the planet," for which there is no empirical evidence, only the output from mathematical models based on outrageous assumptions. Yet apparently ‘intelligent’ individuals, absorb this uncritically or suspend disbelief and allow themselves to be swept along on the current of mob hysteria. 

The phrase: “If you tell a big lie and repeat it often enough it becomes the received truth!” is often credited to Josef Geobbels, propaganda chief in Hitler's regime, but despite its odious antecedents it has become dogma for the cult of globalism. Anyone capable of remaining detached and giving an objective and critical reading to the dailt news torrent could only conclude the aim is to brainwash the public into a state of dependency on the state, and if the state - controlled broadcaster is at the forefront of the brainwashing campaign that only adds to the credibility of the propaganda.

 In the UK government policy appears to be fixated in the insane ambition of being the first developed nation to achieve ‘Net Zero’ , a carbon neutral industialised society rather than dealing with problems like energy security, food supply stability, and shifting domestic agriculture towards food self-sufficiency for the nation. Let the people eat insects, the ecoloons chant.Let the people eat insects, the ecoloons chant.

Better to have ‘rewilded’ farms thus getting rid of cattle and their environmentally destructive farts, if we reduce beef production it will benefit wildlife, although nobody has yet explained how the rewilding lobby's plan to reintroduce wild boar, wolves and bears to the British countryside will benefite the vegetation they destroy or the deer, hares and rabbits they eat.  

It seems nothing can stop this madness. The Lords of Misrule have somehow hijacked the apparatus of government.







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Have you noticed it has all gone a bit quiet on climate change? After all that screaming and shouting from politicians and scientists it turns out the science was never settled. So now they need to spread fear and panic about something else. Guess what ... Food. We are all going to starve if we do not obey The New World Order. Who says? Statistics say and we all know statistics never lie don't we? A must read for independent minded people.

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Latest Fear and Panic Strategy: They Tell Us We Are All Going To Starve

Have you noticed it has all gone a bit quiet on climate change? After all that screaming and shouting from politicians and scientists it turns out the science was never settled. So now they need to spread fear and panic about something else. Guess what ... Food. We are all going to starve if we do not obey The New World Order. Who says? Statistics say and we all know statistics never lie don't we? A must read for independent minded people.

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Dairy Farmers Ruined: Free Markets Versus Corporate Dictatorship
Thatcherite conservatives in the UK and Reaganite Republicans in the USA love to talk of free markets and the utopia they create. But do fre markets ever exist. In response to one free market enthusiast and proponent of globaliation, the daily stirrer and ian thorpe show that what looks like a free market from above is anything but when viewed from the ground.upposed to protect the efficient has actually been hijacked by a cartel of food retail chains.Dairy Farmers are being driven to bankruptcy because the "free market" in milk in which market forces are s UK
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Have you noticed it has all gone a bit quiet on climate change? After all that screaming and shouting from politicians and scientists it turns out the science was never settled. So now they need to spread fear and panic about something else. Guess what ... Food. We are all going to starve if we do not obey The New World Order. Who says? Statistics say and we all know statistics never lie don't we? A must read for independent minded people.

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