The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Has MHRA (UK equivalent of VAERS) Admitted That it Missed Covid Vaccine Safety Signals?

by Dr. Dickie Hart, 16 June 2023

While politicians deploy hyperbolic scaremongering about climate change, food shortages and the threat of nuclear war and set up anti - disinformation units (censorship bureaus,) while media ramp up threats of 'the next pandemic and stories about transgenderism, immigration or societal breakdown as they desperately try to deflect attention from the real threats of food shortages, economic meltdown and the destabilisation of the global economy, things are happening in the real world.

In Germany, Japan, the USA and here in UK rigorously conducted studies are revealing that with excess deaths running as truly alarming levels, stupendous numbers of people have suffered serious harm soon after receiving COVID shots, with heart disease (myocarditis,) blood clots and other serious conditions associated with the mRNA vaccines.

Ignored by the politicians and talking heads and unreported by both broadcast and print / text branches of mainstream media, the COVID killer pandemic narrative is slowly unravelling. The disease itself was no more serious a threat that the seasonal 'flu which comes around every winter and the infection to fatality rate (IFR) of COVID in people under retirement age is considerably lower than that of 'flu. People intent on holding the scaremongering narrative together (usually because they have financial links to vaccine manufacturers,) are quick to point out that the IFR for Covid was considerably higher among old people and those made vulnerable by prexisting health conditions, but the same coulfd be said for most diseases.

Also this week my attention was drawn to  minutes of meetings of the Commission on Human Medicines (here and specifically here), which reveal that MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency had been concerned about the large numbers of Covid vaccine 'Yellow Card' (safety signal,) reports swamping the database and distorting the statistical analysis it relies on to detect safety concerns about healthcare and medical products. MHRA was concerned enough to conduct an investigation, write a report and consult the Commission on Human Medicines about it in June 2022. A  Freedom of Informations (FOI) requestas w submitted last December asking for a copy of MHRA’s report. This was all mentioned in the Perseus Report.

Nearly four months after the request, and after two complaints and the threat of legal action, MHRA eventually released its report. It’s quite technical but it makes very interesting reading.

It is  something of a shock to learn that MHRA’s safety monitoring of medicines doesn’t rely on investigating individual Yellow Card reports and assessing evidence of causality. Instead, it relies on statistical analysis called ‘disproportionality analysis’. This involves mining the database of Yellow Card reports looking for statistically significant differences in the frequencies of different types of side-effect between the drug of interest and other drugs. All medicine regulators use disproportionality analysis but there are differences in the algorithms (ROR, PRR, EBGM etc.) and the signal detection thresholds they use. This all sounds highly technical but although my only qualification in statistics is a fairly low level I can tel you these techniques can be summed up briefly as rigging the data. (An old saying in the computer business goes: "If you torture data enought it will give you the answer you want."

As its report says, MHRA was concerned about the effect on its own disproportionality analysis due to the very large proportion of COVID-19 vaccine reports in its Yellow Card database (by June 2022 it was over 80% of all vaccine-related Yellow Cards). Specifically, they were concerned that:

  • “With the majority of the vaccine dataset now comprised of reports for COVID-19 vaccines, these have the potential to unduly influence the disproportionality statistics for other vaccines.”
  • “If the safety/reporting profile for the COVID-19 vaccines differs significantly from other vaccines then this will impact disproportionality statistics and either mask potential signals or result in more false positive signals.”
  • “Additionally, there are potential issues with the large volume of COVID-19 vaccine reports impacting the disproportionality analyses for the COVID-19 vaccines themselves.”

The report concluded that the high number of Covid vaccine Yellow Cards was indeed suppressing signal detection for other vaccines. So the MHRA decided to remove Covid vaccine Yellow Cards from disproportionality analysis of other vaccines.  

For disproportionality analysis of Covid vaccine Yellow Cards, the investigation led MHRA to decide to assess Covid vaccines against other drugs (rather than other vaccines) and ditch the use of EGBM/EB05 based on RRR (relative risk ratio, used since 2006) and revert to just using the simpler PRR (proportional risk ratio) technique.

So what, I hear you say. It’s somewhat reassuring that MHRA spotted a potential problem with its safety signal detection methods and acted on it. But it’s the opposite of reassuring, for at least three reasons. First, it is evidence that potential safety signals for the Covid vaccine (and other vaccines) were being missed as the number of Covid vaccine Yellow Cards quickly mounted. Secondly, the Commission on Human Medicines seems to have just meekly accepted MHRA’s report and recommendations (here) without asking any probing questions – such as what about the missed signals, can signals still be missed, what are other regulators doing? Thirdly, it should have been (but wasn’t) a reminder to MHRA that it should also actively follow-up individual fatal and serious Yellow Card reports and not rely so heavily on statistical analysis.

On that last point, MHRA said here that “the MHRA carefully evaluates reports of serious suspected side-effects as soon as they are received to consider whether the medicine or vaccine may have caused the event, or whether the event was likely to be purely coincidental”.  

Just how many people have to die or suffer debilitating illness before these clowns realise it is far to many to be dismissed as coincidence?


[ Covid Vaccine Harm ] ... [ Health Tyranny ] ... [ Big Pharma Criminality ] ... [ COVID Statistics and Lies ]

Will Swiss court action over vaccine injuries turn the worldwide tide?
CRIMINAL charges have been filed against the Swiss drugs authority on behalf of six people allegedly injured by the Covid vaccination. A team of lawyers and scientists have compiled a comprehensive evidence report and have made publicly available around 1,200 items of evidence, arguing that Swissmedic has created a risk to public health which significantly exceeds that of SARS-CoV-2.
They assert that the authority approved the new gene therapeutics, although the minimum standards required by law were never met ... Continue reading >>>

1 in every 73 People Vaccinated Against COVID Was Dead by May 2022 in England according to UK Government
The latest week’s data for UK deaths, for the week to 12 August 2022, reports some 1,082 more people than would be expected for this period in a normal year died in the UK. These represent the so - called excess deaths so-called that during the fear and panic stages of the COVID saga were reported so gleefully. Yet now, with the scare narrative winding down, excess deaths in the UK have averaged 1,000 for 15 weeks of this year. Bizarrely this newsworthy story has gone completely unreported by mainstream media, leaving the alt_news community to get out news of what is really happening to the world.

The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right Again: UK Gov. report admits 19.2 million people in England have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine,
For two years this blog has insisted that the published data on COVID cases and deaths were fabricated, an essential part of a massive campaign of scaremongering propaganda. There were numerous attempts to make those of us wise enough to refuse the killer vaccines feel as if we are oddballs or freaks. In November 2021 the government's Chief Scientific Advser, back by the chief medical adviser announced that just 5 million people in the United Kingdom were unvaccinated for COVID, having declined the offer of a Covid-19 vaccine.

Bill Gates Developing Virus and Vaccine For Next Pandemic, Wants Global Surveillance Pact with W.H.O. to Track Vaccine Refusniks
Even though the efforts of politicians, the health industries and media doom mongers to keep up the fear factor over COVID looking increasingly desperate in the face of public scepticism, billionaire psychopath and wannabe vaccine messiah Bill Gates, whose 'charitable' foundation owns several for-profit biotech companies and who made $£€billions out of COVID, is already planning his next pandemic scam ...

Leaked Documents suggest Moderna created its Coronavirus Vaccine BEFORE Covid-19 was known to exist
A confidentiality agreement shows potential coronavirus vaccine candidates were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days prior to the emergence of the alleged Covid-19 causing virus in Wuhan, China.And now further evidence suggests the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company that has made billions through the sale of said experimental injection, is actually responsible for creating the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

COVID cover-up: UK media refuses to report that 4 of 5 coronavirus deaths over the past month occurred in the vaccinatedEarlier this evening Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in a broadcast to the nation, implored British citizens to continue doing what they’ve been told to do throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately everything the government has told us to do: Stay at home, Work from home, Wear masks, wash your hands every twenty seconds, do not touch anything, Shun your friends and relatives especially if they are sick, Get a vaccine, Get a second, vaccine, Get a booster vaccine, ... etc, etc, etc,
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Covid Vaccine Refusers 'Thrive On Attention' Says Prime Attention Seeker And Chief Clown Boris JohnsonIronic isn't it that the one person guilty of telling more lies and spreading more misinformation about COVID throughout the pandemic, our so - called Prime Minister and according to observable evidence, the chief idiot Boris Johnson launched another attack on 'anti - vaxxers' today, saying they “thrive on the attention”? This outrageous farrago of lies and calumnies spewed at people who have simply chosen not to be injected with a shot of toxic shite that does not immunise anybody against anything
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We have menioned the name of the eminent doctore Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. in these pages before. Indeed, Dr. Bhakdi has been one of the most prominent criticts of the "science led" responses to the COVID pandemic from day one and has consistently warned against the mRNA vaccines rolled out around the world, citing the scientifically sound reasons this technique for modifying DNA has in the past been studied and abandoned because of the unpredictable side effects. ... Continue reading >>>

Vaccines Do Not Stop COVID-19 Spread As Governments Claim: Legal Advocacy Group

Vaccines are less effective effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19 that governments have claimed, an analysis of government narratives carried out by a constitutional rights group shows. The report was published Tuesday by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, found that claims made by governments promising vaccination will reduce or stop the spread of COVID-19 are not supported by either medical science or empirical evidence
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Throughout history there have been sports players who suffered from multiple conditions who have “collapsed” on the field during practice and during live games. However, a recent article from the German newspaper, Berliner Zeitung has highlighted an “unusually large” increase in the number of these collapses recently, leading to much speculation. Continue reading >>>

The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>

UK Conservative MP Claims Cover Up Of Covid Vaccine Related Heart Problems By Big Pharma & Research Organisations
UK Conservative Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen, who has made highly public, 'off message' criticisms of the media silence about the harms causede by COVID 19 mRNA vaccines, has now urged the government and British National Health Service to discontinue use of the vaccines as they clearly do not either prevent infection or alleviate symptoms but have so far been linked to far more cases of serious adverse reactions that all other vaccines introduced over the past thirty years.

Forget The Hysteria, The Real COVID Infection Fatality Rate
For three years screaming headlines in mainstream media have whipped up fear of the mild effects of the SARS - COV2 virus which causes a didseas known as COVID19. Doctors employed by the government repeatedly warned that unless we accepted an untested, experimental medication marketed as a vaccine (though it was anything but,) this disease would surely either kill us or leave us severely delibitated.

1 in every 73 People Vaccinated Against COVID Was Dead by May 2022 in England according to UK Government
The latest week’s data for UK deaths, for the week to 12 August 2022, reports some 1,082 more people than would be expected for this period in a normal year died in the UK. These represent the so - called excess deaths so-called that during the fear and panic stages of the COVID saga were reported so gleefully. Yet now, with the scare narrative winding down, excess deaths in the UK have averaged 1,000 for 15 weeks of this year. Bizarrely this newsworthy story has gone completely unreported by mainstream media, leaving the alt_news community to get out news of what is really happening to the world.

Bill Gates Developing Virus and Vaccine For Next Pandemic, Wants Global Surveillance Pact with W.H.O. to Track Vaccine Refusniks
Even though the efforts of politicians, the health industries and media doom mongers to keep up the fear factor over COVID looking increasingly desperate in the face of public scepticism, billionaire psychopath and wannabe vaccine messiah Bill Gates, whose 'charitable' foundation owns several for-profit biotech companies and who made $£€billions out of COVID, is already planning his next pandemic scam ...

Covid Vaccine Refusers 'Thrive On Attention' Says Prime Attention Seeker And Chief Clown Boris JohnsonIronic isn't it that the one person guilty of telling more lies and spreading more misinformation about COVID throughout the pandemic, our so - called Prime Minister and according to observable evidence, the chief idiot Boris Johnson launched another attack on 'anti - vaxxers' today, saying they “thrive on the attention”? This outrageous farrago of lies and calumnies spewed at people who have simply chosen not to be injected with a shot of toxic shite that does not immunise anybody against anything
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Cancer expert says U.K. seeing spike in “non-covid deaths,” nobody willing to call out vaccine elephant in the room
Excess mortality in the United Kingdom is off the charts, and yet nobody is willing to call out Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” as the culprit. Cancer expert and Prof. Carl Heneghan describes the current situation in Great Britain as a “national scandal.” A shocking 9,300 more people than usual have died in the U.K. over the past several months, and officials are blaming everything else except the injections. Continue reading >>>

After a weekend of increasingly violent protests around Europe, similar to the one pictured above in London, against elitist plans to introduce new limitations on freedom, lockdowns and further steps towards compulsory vaccination (with a vaccine that does not immunise against a virus that makes very few people ill,) it is disappointing to see that in the US and UK, mainstream media is still doing its best to ratchet up the fear and panic ... Continue reading >>>

Vaccine Safety: Germany Unleashes Spike Protein Bombshell
A new report from Germany has launched this bombshell at the parties stil promoting the vaccine in spite of the fact that almost every day new evidence emerges that this untested and experimental medication, (which is not truly a vaccine as it does not make recipents immune to the virus,) should never have been approved for use on humans or animals. [...]  A review of autopsy reports revealed "The existence of highly unusual tissue inflammation in individuals who died soon after receiving the vaccine" ...

“Science” no longer trustworthy: BMJ suggests treating all health research as fraudulent until proven genuine
Former The British Medical Journal (BMJ) editor Richard Smith penned an opinion piece suggesting health research has become so corrupted people should just assume it is fraudulent. Entitled “Time to assume that health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise?” Smith’s article reveals how research fraud is a systemic problem that dates back decades – and is only getting worse.

A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us Continue reading >>>

In A Fit Of Honesty Italian Institute Of Health Reduces Official COVID Death Toll By 97%
Italian newspaper Il Tempo has published a shock report, claiming that the country's Institute has reduced the official figure for the number of people who have died from COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000. This may surprise many people who bought into the "killer virus" narrative and unleashed torrents of pure hatred on those of us who declined vaccination, having studied the figure for reported "COVID related deaths," and the methodology used to arrive at that figure ... Continue reading >>>

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