The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Every Multi Ethnic, Multi Cultural Sociey Will Give Birth To A Tommy Robinson


 Tommy Robinson (Screenshot)


Tommy Robinson is undoubtedly in the eyes of many white working class people in Britain, a brave and successful activist who works to highlihjt the political grievances of the white working class he claims to represent. However while he’s a trenchant critic of identity politics, mocking the whiny victimhood of Black Lives Matter, the LGBTQ movement and radical Islamists, he’s also an unmistakable product of that politics, adapting the language of resentment and self-pity for his own ends.

Every multicultural society must inevitably conceive a Tommy Robinson, for a broken society, rather than biological parents surely did create him. Born Steven Yaxley - Lennon he was a middle class rebel who dreamed of being, and became a working class hero. In fetishising identity and create a hierarchy of identities, whereby some are protected and defended while others are stigmatised and attacked, the inevitable outcome is a less than harmonious society. It also turns out that if you reward “marginalised” non-white identities, many whites will take offence at being turned into second class citizens in the land of their birth and start reasserting their own white identity, and sooner or later a leader will emerge who may not be from a privileged bakground, but does understand the realtionship between the elite and the general population and can articulate the concerns of the majority.

It is from this toxic social situation,  the “Lebanonisation” of the UK, as Sam Bidwell strikingly describes it in The Critic, that Robinson has emerged, becoming the first white “community leader” here. But unlike his counterparts in the “Muslim community”, the "Black Community", the LGBTQ community, no British politician or senior police officer would admit to working  with Robinson to find a solution to problems.

What must be understoof by all is that “Tommy Robinson’s grievances” are not just his, they are shared grievances, but, a bit like Jack Cade and Robert Kett perhaps, his courage and willingness to speak out have made him a “representative” for a considerable number of fed up British people. There seems to be an implied doubt in the article as to this reality.

The riots this summer were in response to a violent attack on little children, whether any or all of those rioters were racists is pretty much beside the point, racism seems to be endemic in the UK today; the anti-white racism of BLM and CRT, the antisemitism of Hamas followers, anti-muslim, it’s everywhere
The government needs to face up to the fact that as a society we have failed and are failing to keep the peace. There needs to be a different approach.

There is a fundamental fact that gets forgotten in immigration debate. We are supposedly living in a democracy the last timeI looked. Did anyone ask the people of the UK if they wanted mass migration into the country? I do not recall having been consulted. This crisis was entirely created by politicians. It is little wonder that the nation has lost faith politics. And now those same politicias, having wailed and gnashed their teeth for years about the threat from 'The Far Right' have handed the nearest thing we have to an organised right wing populist movement in Britain a martyr whose cause those protesters can rally to.


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Islam Does Not Do Multiculturalism
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Top Academic: Muslims Would Not Tolerate Multiculturalism in Islamic Countries
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