The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Russia, Iran and Turkey To Negotiate Peace Deal For Syria Without US Involvement

Translated from Deutsche Wirstschafts Nachrichten by Google Translate

The Foreign Ministers of Russia, Turkey and Iran agreed on a "Moscow Declaration" on Tuesday, Haberturk reports. The declaration, which has already been signed, stipulates that all three countries will act as official guarantee powers in Syria in future to secure the cease-fire and to conclude further agreements.

Russia, Turkey and Iran want to start peace negotiations for Syria without the West. After talks between Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu with their colleagues from Ankara and Teheran in Moscow, the three states jointly announced a corresponding advance. They would stand as guarantor powers for an agreement between the Syrian government and the opposition. According to Lavrov, the three states agree that the fight against terrorism should take precedence over a government change in Syria. He also announced that the evacuation of the contested areas in Aleppo would be completed in two days.

The three states are to act as mediators between the Syrian government and the Syrian "opposition" to negotiate an agreement and then to act as guarantee powers of that agreement. A martial solution to the Syrian conflict reject Moscow, Ankara and Tehran, reports the Russian state news agency Sputnik.

"All the attempts made so far by the USA and its partners for a coordinated approach were doomed to failure. They have had no influence on the happenings on the ground, "The Daily Mail quoted Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

The news agency Anadolu quotes the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu: "We are talking about an armistice for the whole of Syria. However, this does not apply to the terrorist organizations ISIS and Al-Nusra. We will continue to fight these organizations (...). There are Hezbollah and other groups. The aid for all these groups must be cut off. "

The statement stated that all countries had been called to participate in the new initiative, which would have "an impact on the situation on the ground". Lavrov said Kazakhstan had offered itself as a host of new peace talks.

It is perhaps notable that the negotiated peace deal and armistice does not extend to terrorist organisations. One of the reasons the conflict in Syria has lasted so long and been so destructive is that the USA, supported by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, has been supporting ISIS and Al Nusra by supplying arms and ammunition and avoiding airstrikes on terrorist bases because as we have reported many times, the priority of US foreign policy under Barack Obama was to remove the legitimate government of Assad. Obama has always been a friend of terrorists as he promised he would be in 2008.

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