The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

United Nations Warns Of A New Food Crisis

Environmental disasters and speculative investors are to blame for volatile food commodities markets, says UN's special adviser.

The world may be on the brink of a major new food crisis caused by environmental disasters and rampant market speculators, the UN was warned today at an emergency meeting on food price inflation.

The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) meeting in Rome today was called last month after a heatwave and wildfires in Russia led to a draconian wheat export ban and food riots broke out in Mozambique, killing 13 people. But UN experts heard that pension and hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds and large banks who speculate on commodity markets may also be responsible for inflation in food prices being seen across all continents.

In a new paper released this week, Olivier De Schutter, the UN's special rapporteur on food, says that the increases in price and the volatility of food commodities can only be explained by the emergence of a "speculative bubble" which he traces ... read more on food crisis meeting

The Daily Stirrer has been warning of the consequences of food price inflation since we began publishing. Our economics expert John De Roe repeatedly outlined the effects a speculative bubble in food commodity futures was likely to have on the living standards of people in the developed world and the humanitarian disasters that were likely to unfold because of it in poor nations.

In addition to rising prices the effect on food supplies of climate chaos is adding to the plight of the hungry. Once again we have to say that at the root of the problem is over population. Until governments and supra national organisations like the UN understand that current agriculture and technology cannot support a global population nearing seven billion. Instead of G20 leaders blethering about a global economic policy and a global culture and all the rest of their one-world, utopian, oligarchic collectivist nonesense they have to talk about a global birth control policy. In the western nations we, at grassroots level, have a self imposed population control ethic thanks to materialism and self interest. Birth rates are falling in almost all the developed nations.

Somehow our leaders must find a way to overturn the conventional wisdom of ancient cultures that big families are wealth and show people with modern healthcare two or thee children per couple is enough to sustain any society and it is large families that keep people in poverty. It will not be an easy task but if the world leaders fail or try to duck the issue by talking about crackpot 'scientific' solutions we will have to embark on a controlled cull of surplus human beings. Starting with the world leaders.

More comment on world news in The Daily Stirrer

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Age Time Bomb

The Daily Stirrer has warned many times of the various time bombs that are ticking in the basement of our bloated society. Forget climate change, it was a diversion, a phishing expedition by scientists and bureaucrats to see how much money they could persuade gullible and fear driven politicians to pump into expensive vanity projects the aim of which was not to save the planet but to win Nobel Prizes and other prestigious awards and "secure a place in history."

Climate change is a problem but it is not our biggest nor our most urgent.

The biggest problem is overpopulation, solve that and the climate will take care of itself.

Next on the list is ageing. Medical science expects to be thanked for curing or controlling many potentially fatal conditions enabling us to live longer. Unfortunately they have not cracked the problem of age induced infirmity. The burden of caring for the elderly infirm is straining the social infrastructure of developed societies.

from The Daily Telegraph
The £388 billion cost includes that of social care, unpaid care by relatives and the medical bills for treating dementia.

The figure is expected to rise rapidly in the coming years but governments are woefully unprepared to meet the challenge, said the World Alzheimer Report 2010.

Experts at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and King's College London examined the cost of dementia care and found that, if it was a country, it would be the world's 18th biggest economy.

And if it was a company, it would be the world's biggest by annual revenue, way above Wal-Mart (£265.6 billion) and Exxon Mobil (£200 billion).

Campaigners already warned that the costs of caring for people with dementia are on the rise, mostly due to people living longer.

The number of people with dementia will ... read more

Dementia Costs Equal 1% Of World Economyem>In the UK at the moment according to figures quoted in a BBC documentary, The Young Ones, last week one in five of people over seventy needs either full time or part time care. In the 1980s and 90s the elderly infirm, those not able to live independently, were moved to municipal care homes. These were impersonal and bureaucratic so eventually the emphasis was shifted to one on once care in the home. While better for individuals this was enormously expensive for the taxpayers and also distorted the state of the employment situation by vastly expanding the proportion of people employed by the state as against those working in true revenue generating industries.

The nineteenth century social reformer William Cobbett referred in his writing to tax eaters. It is an appelation we would do well to reclaim. Reducing unemployment by appointing vast numbers of tax eaters. To do that is to merely massage the statistics. We are left then with a conundrum for the science lovers to choke on. How do we now stop people living so long they become a burden on society? Or more to the point what is being done to ensure that as people live longer they do not become a burden on society? If half the population are over a million years old and the other half are busy caring for them who is going to grow food, build houses, make machines etc.

Euthanasia is not going to play well with the voters so the only alternative is rather that governments continuing to promote a dependency culture to return to a social system in which people are not given unrealistic expectations.

As humanist philosopher David Hume said: It is better to die at sixty - five while in command of one's faculties that have a few more years of increasing infirmity.

more on David Hume's life and philosophy

Listen carefully to the climate change alarmists, pay the same kind of forensic attention to the virus alarmists, the terror alarmists and all the rest. Their scaremongering is always full of might and possibly and could and maybe. Their predictions are based on mathematical models not reality.

The age time bomb is with is now and it is ticking away under the chair on which you are sitting.

The Daily Stirrer

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mosquitos, Mad Scientists and Ethics

Scientists are talking about using genetically modified mosquitos to deliver vaccines. Vaccines and diseases at the same time? I suppose it is efficient at least.
Mad scientists are a fictional stereotype you might think, they exist in Bond films, pulp fiction anf B movies. Think again. A group of mad scientists have come up with a scheme to use genetically modified mosquitos with antigens in their saliva to eradicate illness by vaccinating the world by biting everybody.
Mad Japanese scientists have reaffirmed my faith in human collective insanity. Rather than world domination they are pursuing the goal of world vaccination. These nuts, as reported in the April issue of “Insect Molecular Biology”, claim they have developed a method of making mosquitoes into flying syringes full of vaccine.

The project involved adding an antigen (a compound that triggers an immune response) to a mosquito’s saliva. In theory when the new, antigen enriched mosquitoes select a tasty human for lunch, instead of infecting their dinner with malaria, yellow fever or a number of other diseases ranging from lethal to mildly inconvenient, the pesky insects will be inoculating the people they are dining on against those or other diseases.

Only a scientists would be unable to see at least a million of the flaws in this idea.

Read more:Mad Scientists, Mosquitos and Ethics

Dr. Offit, Vaccine Pusher in Chief is exposed as a liar.
Some time ago my editor-in-chief was the target of hate attacks by left wing sheeple for questioning the effectiveness of vaccines as anything but profit drivers for Big Pharma. Well Ian has thick skin so he was quite pleased to have provoked a few death threats. One of his targets howver was Dr. Offit who had famously said new born babies could have 10,000 vaccines at the same time without suffering harm. He has not fared so well, having become an object of ridicule.

Vaccinate the World: Gates, Rockefeller Seek Global Population Reduction

Vaccinate the World: Gates, Rockefeller Seek Global Population Reduction. Being a former computer professional from back when we had to know how the things worked to program them, Bill Gates was always the incompetent amateur who got a big leg up because of his CIA connections and then made 'not fit for purpose' acceptable quality. Now this half witted shyster is playing a big role in formulating United Nations eugenics policy


Lead Developer Of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

Dr. Diane Harper was a leading expert responsible for the safety and effectiveness studies of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil™ and Cervarix™. Dr. Harper also authored many scholarly papers about the vaccines. She is now the latest in a long string of experts who are pressing the red alert button on the consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines.

Health Menu

The Annual winter health scare

Vaccine propaganda

Vaccine scam exposed

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Thursday, August 05, 2010

The Boggart Blog Secret UFO Files

Today the UK the Ministry of Defence released its annual batch of secret investigation files files I thought we would reprise some reports of Boggart Blog's secret UFO investigations:

Unidentified Flying Turd sighted hovering over western England in 2009 (Image source)

Life On Mars After rubbishing reports of UFOs and alien visitations for years scientists got very excited when they thought they had found water (ice) on the surface of Mars. This indicates that other planets in our solar system miht just be able to support life. Not as good as seeing a flying saucer in your back garden though is it?

Life On Mars ConspiracyThe American Military have long dreamed of putting a men on Mars, landing a manned space craft on the surface of the Red Planet. Martians are such stuff as dreams are made of but reality suggests that as with the moon landing all the astronauts would find is rocks. Unless there is a conspiracy of silence to keep us from finding our Mars is home to a race of three breasted alien nymphomaniacs and the military and political elite want to keep this to themselves...

Life On Mars - The TruthScientists have sighed, UFO spotters have uffed and theorists have theed about whether life could exist on Mars. In spite of numerous UFO sightings, alien encounters and serious but ultimately futile research we were no nearer to knowing the truth about life on mars. Until now. UFO investigator and whirling dervish Adrian Tantric Spoon tells all.

Turd Nine From Outer SpaceWhat are the mysterious turn shaped brown unidentified flying objects that have been filmed hovering over Southern England. Are they alien craft on a mission, giant intergalactic jobbies from monsters that live in black holes or are they a message, harbingers of doom?

The Return Of Turd Nine From Outer SpaceSci - Fi B movie classic Plan Nine From Outer Space, Edward D Wood's masterpiece of incompetence has inspired many parodies. But has it also inspired an alien race to visit earth in their turd shaped space craft.



The role of cosmic electric currents in earth’s climate

If you’ve been following the growth of the Electric Universe movement, you know that this growth is due largely to the power of a new paradigm to explain things left unexplained by conventional theory. The greatest surprises of the space age are not surprises to researchers exploring the role of the electric force across the cosmos. Nor is it surprising to see the electric force at work close to home, both in the sculpting of planetary surfaces and in the evolution of life on earth ...

Anti-Science – The Church Of Scienceology's Latest Pejorative Term For People Who Think And Question.

We are not the only web site to take exception to accusations of being anti - science and all the other pejorative terms used by the Church Of Scienceology disciples to deflect criticism from independent minded people who are smart anough to ask Cui Bono? Which corporate business benefits.

TThe Idea Of An Infinite Universe Is Fashionable Again

The now little discussed (due to the witch hunt tactics employed by the scientific consensus gangsters) idea of an infinite, eternal, self renewing universe makes a lot more sense than a point at which everything suddenly materialises out of nothing.

Eugenics by any other name: Scientists call for ban on editing human genome.

Mention eugenics and the idiotic screechers of the left will start going on about Naziism, although the science of Eugenics would not be a bad idea if scientists, businesses and politicians could be trusted with such power. Power however always tempts the holder to abuse it, and the power to create a master raceby genetic modification of human DNA cannot be entristed to three professions that have always been deficient in ethical awareness.

Arrogance, Intolerance, Snobbishness and Corrupt, Self Interested Practices. It's modern science.
The world sems to be waking up the the fact that while in the past scientists tended to be rather detached, slightly obsessive people not driven by material goals, the modern science academy has been very largely corrupted by political patronage and corporate money. The academic field of climate science it especially notable for this.

Was CERN A False Prophet - Laugh, I Nearly Shat

Some of you may remember the stick we have taken from The Church Of Scienceology Cult member when in taking the piss out of the over educated idiots at CERN, who are looking for "The Answer To Life, The Universe and Everything," by comparing their quest for The Higgs Boson to someone looking for a needle in a haystack when ...

Mainstream Media Myths and The Power Of Belief

Years ago, an elderly, frail Japanese martial arts master once boasted a 200-0 record against his opponents. He claimed to have a unique power that allowed him to inflict serious injury on people without actually laying a finger on them. Was it Chi? Magic? None of the above. It was a total scam. But that didn't matter.

Docors, Scientists Greased by Big Pharma? Told You So.

The Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which was passed by the US Senate with the help of an extensive investigation led by Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), provisions that doctors who receive payoffs from drug or vaccine companies must disclose this when pushing new therapies or medical procedures from what would otherwise appear to be unbiased intentions. (It happens in Europe too, see links in article)

New Physics Theory Proposes Time Is Disappearing From Our Universe.

I have never understood why we invest so much money in theoretical physics, which basically means blokes with pointy heads sitting around having intellectual wanks as they dream up constantly whackier theories to explain how our universe works. One idea they cling to fondly which I find crazy, is that time is somehow material than can be stretched, compressed, kicked around like a football and made to disappear.

Wormholes: The science behind Interstellar Travel

by Ian R Thorpe

In a newly released video (embedded below)physicist Dr Simon Foster explains how 'Wormholes' the theoretical "shortcuts" through space-time, known as Einstein – Rosen bridges could enable travel across space and time and make interstellar travel possible.


The role of cosmic electric currents in earth’s climate

If you’ve been following the growth of the Electric Universe movement, you know that this growth is due largely to the power of a new paradigm to explain things left unexplained by conventional theory. The greatest surprises of the space age are not surprises to researchers exploring the role of the electric force across the cosmos. Nor is it surprising to see the electric force at work close to home, both in the sculpting of planetary surfaces and in the evolution of life on earth ...

Anti-Science – The Church Of Scienceology's Latest Pejorative Term For People Who Think And Question.

We are not the only web site to take exception to accusations of being anti - science and all the other pejorative terms used by the Church Of Scienceology disciples to deflect criticism from independent minded people who are smart anough to ask Cui Bono? Which corporate business benefits.

TThe Idea Of An Infinite Universe Is Fashionable Again

The now little discussed (due to the witch hunt tactics employed by the scientific consensus gangsters) idea of an infinite, eternal, self renewing universe makes a lot more sense than a point at which everything suddenly materialises out of nothing.

Eugenics by any other name: Scientists call for ban on editing human genome.

Mention eugenics and the idiotic screechers of the left will start going on about Naziism, although the science of Eugenics would not be a bad idea if scientists, businesses and politicians could be trusted with such power. Power however always tempts the holder to abuse it, and the power to create a master raceby genetic modification of human DNA cannot be entristed to three professions that have always been deficient in ethical awareness.

Arrogance, Intolerance, Snobbishness and Corrupt, Self Interested Practices. It's modern science.
The world sems to be waking up the the fact that while in the past scientists tended to be rather detached, slightly obsessive people not driven by material goals, the modern science academy has been very largely corrupted by political patronage and corporate money. The academic field of climate science it especially notable for this.

Was CERN A False Prophet - Laugh, I Nearly Shat

Some of you may remember the stick we have taken from The Church Of Scienceology Cult member when in taking the piss out of the over educated idiots at CERN, who are looking for "The Answer To Life, The Universe and Everything," by comparing their quest for The Higgs Boson to someone looking for a needle in a haystack when ...

Mainstream Media Myths and The Power Of Belief

Years ago, an elderly, frail Japanese martial arts master once boasted a 200-0 record against his opponents. He claimed to have a unique power that allowed him to inflict serious injury on people without actually laying a finger on them. Was it Chi? Magic? None of the above. It was a total scam. But that didn't matter.

Docors, Scientists Greased by Big Pharma? Told You So.

The Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which was passed by the US Senate with the help of an extensive investigation led by Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), provisions that doctors who receive payoffs from drug or vaccine companies must disclose this when pushing new therapies or medical procedures from what would otherwise appear to be unbiased intentions. (It happens in Europe too, see links in article)

New Physics Theory Proposes Time Is Disappearing From Our Universe.

I have never understood why we invest so much money in theoretical physics, which basically means blokes with pointy heads sitting around having intellectual wanks as they dream up constantly whackier theories to explain how our universe works. One idea they cling to fondly which I find crazy, is that time is somehow material than can be stretched, compressed, kicked around like a football and made to disappear.

Wormholes: The science behind Interstellar Travel

by Ian R Thorpe

In a newly released video (embedded below)physicist Dr Simon Foster explains how 'Wormholes' the theoretical "shortcuts" through space-time, known as Einstein – Rosen bridges could enable travel across space and time and make interstellar travel possible.

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is Selective Education Such A Bad Thing?

Britain's poshest public school, Eton. Public school in Britain is the opposite of public schools in the USA, this dates from when government was not involved in education, there were Church schools, Guild schools set up by the trade guilds and public schools to which anyone could send their sons provided they could afford the fees.

The comprehensive education system has become one of the sacred cows of the "progressive left" in spite of its very obvious failure. The old Grammar School system only segregated on grounds of intelligence whereas the system now with its postcode lottery and the growth of private schools for the rich segregates on grounds of parental wealth, social class and geographic location. Intelligence does not enter the equation. So the selective way was more egalitarian, what are the leftie whiners on about?

Selection by Stealth or Simple Common Sense

And my old school, with leafless trees because my time there was The Winter Of My Discontent.


Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I Don't Want To Eat Clone - Leave My Steak Alone

The Boggart Bloggers agree we do not have a problem about eating meat from cloned animals but it makes everything a bit industrial. Don't the animals deserve a shag at least before we kill and eat them?

Hilarious article on the new cloning industry that is waiting to put more taseteless, factory farmed meat on our plates.

Don't Want To Eat Clone
Human women to have mouse babies?

More on this from our old (now dead) blogging platform:

The first beef from cloned cattle will be hitting supermarket shelves in the U.S.A within the next few months according to today's news.

Inevitably the arrival of clone tissue in the food chain with spark ethical protests and we will be asked by organisations of the right and left, “would you eat meat from a cloned cow?”

Personally, I would not give a hoot, a steak is a steak and we should remember the first animals ever farmed for food were snails and as they are hermaphrodites they clone themselves in a manner of speaking.

Archaeological evidence traces snail farming back to 10,500BC and in all that time the question of whether it is ethical to eat animals that have shagged themselves has never arisen. Whatever snails get up to in the privacy of their shells is their own business.

I would not eat snails but for aesthetic rather than ethical reasons. If I don’t like the look of something there is no way it is going in my mouth. This probably goes a long way towards explaining why I’m 100% straight.

Having said all that, it is unlikely I shall ever eat cloned beef, though not in my view unethical, it is bad for the planet.
Prime quality beef from grain fed cattle has an enormous carbon footprint and is a huge drain on food stocks. About seven pounds of grain is needed to produce one pound of edible meat. With a global food crunch lurking in the shadow of the credit crunch, meat eating is economic madness.

In the case of cloned beef the adverse energy balance is even worse. I recently read a description of how many scientists are involved in producing beef this way. Add up the cost of feeding them, keeping them in warm, comfortable sheds and providing enough electronic gadgets to keep them amused and cloning is totally unfeasible.

The question we must ask then is how much harm are we willing to do to the planet just so scientists can prove their ability to do in the laboratory what animals have been doing in the wild for millions of years without any fuss.

We have the right to know what we are eating
I don't want to eat clone, leave my steak alone
It's Life Craig But Not As We Know it
Stop This Nonesense - Cows Cannot Give Human Milk

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Human Women To Have Mouse Babies?

Regular readers of our main satirical web page Boggart Blog know how much we love scientists or science tits as we like to call the more - detached-from-reality faction of them. There is seldom a week goes by in which their weird and whacky research projects and the surreal conclusions they draw from the results do not give us any reason to have confidence in them.

Creating life in a test tube, implanting internet enabled chips in human brains so our thoughts can be controlled via the internet and genetically modifying humans to create sub species indestructible in war or able to withstand extremes of heat and cold are among the fantasies that give science tits the kind of dreams that cause them to find they are stuck to the bedsheets on waking.

But the one that really gets them going in the creation of human animal hybrids. Here's a report from the latest such scientific excursion into psychosis.

read all Human Mothers To Bear Intelligent Mouse Babies


The Original Boggart Blog - Posts tagged with science

Mouse science explains why peoples' ears get bigger as they get older

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