Friday, May 31, 2013

Forget The Recession, Some People Are Not feeling The Pinch

Time is running out for the world's largest economy, only war can save it from debt (image source)

Some say the nations of the developed world are heading towards another crash followed by a recession. Some say we have been in recession since 2008 and only financial prestadigitation has created the illusion of any recovery.

We say that as far as the ordinary punters are concerned we have been in recession since 1991, with government and banks propping up failed economies by printing money and inflating asset values to underwrite their ruinous borrowing. But not everybody does badly when there is an economic downturn.

Below is a post from 2013, when the major economies last slipped into recession.

Forget The Recession, US Banks Post Record Profits

Do you feel the value of your savings has been eroded and the buying power of your earnings reduced by higher taxes and austerity measures governments have introduced to 'save the economy.'Yeah but ... we're all in this together aren't we and everybody is making sacrifices, you might well reply. Except we're not all in it together, not everyone is ...

 Forget The Recession, US Banks Post Record Profits


Forget Climate Science, We Need A Green Revolution That Starts At The Grassroots, Not Government
The developed world has lost touch with economic reality
A Song Of Servitude (poem)
China’s Covert War with America Heats Up: Warships near Alaska, Another Industrial Explosion, and China Unveils Cruise Missile That Renders U.S. Carriers Obsolete
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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Global Warming Theory Debunked By NASA

NASA, America's National Aeoronautical And Space Agency was in the forefront of the Anthropogenic Global Warming scare. Do you remember 'The Science Is Settled'? Well it wasn't, a trickle of thoise really awkward bastards who insist on thinking for themselves became a torrent and now even NASA are admitting it was all a hoax based on dodgy statistics and fraudulent physics
Read full post: Global Warming Theory Debunked By NASA links to NASA source documents provided.


The ‘Colossal Unmentionable’ of the Climate Fraud

An incisive analysis from The Wall Street Journal that shows who and what will benefit from the great climate change scam (clue, it will not be the climateor the environment and it will certainly not be people like you and me.)

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What Is All That War Aid Money Really being Used For

No matter how much money we throw at the third world, things never seem to imporove (image source)

The marketing hype accompanying wars becomes progressively more boring and predictable. Whenever a "coalition of the willing" of western governments and their rather unsavoury regional allies deploys military intervention, it is certain the USA will call for an international effort to help the poor and European Union will host or participate in a “donors’ conference”. These grotesque charades have become a feature of the Afghan campaign since 2001. When Gaza was bombed for three weeks in late 2008 and early 2009, the EU rushed to get involved. In Libya in 2011 The USA, France and the UK (The FUKUS axis) ganged up on little libya (OK, a vast land area but population 5 million counts as little against the millions of UK and France and at over 300 million population, the USA is in the big league in every respect (including their waistlines).

Do little countries like Libya, medieval backwaters like Yemen or strategically important but politicicaly insignificant tyrannies like Syria really threaten the security of the west? We think not. So why must the western nations alwayd be at war? Could it be that war is good for business, cruise missiles at a million dollars a pop, fuel for aircraft and tanks, munitions, uniforms, prostitutes ... all funded by the taxpayers. No wonder the money men like war.

And what of all that foreign aid doled out to the tyrants that do cooperate with the plundering of their nations resources by western corporations. Surely you did not think it went to feed and clothe the poor did you?

Read all:  What Is All That Aid Money Really being Used For

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Monday, May 13, 2013

Robobee Is On The Way

If you have not read Aldous Huxley's Brave New World recently, the things that are going on around you make the 1932 novel worth another look. In a world where everything is artificial, syntesized for profit, where even what nature gives us free has been superseded by commercial products. News of robot pollinators to replace the bees being made extinct by chemical spraying makes it seem frighteningly close.

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Robobee Is On The Way
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