The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Labour’s bacon Sandwich Fail Show They Are Unfit To Govern

Some people might think Boggart Blog has the same style of rabid hatred for all Labour politicians and Labour supporters and lefties reserve for Michael Gove.
WRONG! All politicians are wankers and Labour politicians tend to be more hypocritical than others, and are actually posher and more elitist than Conservatives, Lib Dems and UKIPpers but one should hate them all equally, not for who they are but for what they represent.
Sadly the leftist mindset is not up to the job of multitasking so hatred as to be directed at specific things, Gove, The Daily Mail, Rupert Murdoch and Jeremy Clarkson are all objects of left wing hate.
[ ... ]
Take for your example the infamous bacon sandwich incident on the day before the European elections. Warned that Labour were losing votes to UKIP because working class people felt the party was elitist and out of touch, some out of touch elitist in the Labour Public Relations team decided Ed, who is not religious but is Jewish all the same, should be pictured eating a working class breakfast, a bacon sandwich.
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Labour’s bacon Sandwich Fail Show They Are Unfit To Govern RELATED POSTS:

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