The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

U.S. Ships Tanks to Ukraine: European Leaders Are Furious

This news may be a couple of weeks old, collating and trying to verify anything we hear from Ukraine at the moment is almost impossible

Although Barack Obama says he has not yet reached a decision on whether to send weapons to Ukraine, reports now emerging in reliable sourses suggest the USA is alreadry arming its puppets in Kiev for an escalation of the war against ethnic Russian separatists in the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine. We have reported previously that Washington seemed determined to trash the Minsk ceasefire brokered by France's Francois Holland and Angela Merkel of Germany.

The Obama administration was in fact bust trashing the agreement and trying to derail the peace deal before the ink was dry on the leaders signatures, immediately violating the spirit of the deal approved by Putin, and Poroshenko, and signed by the OSCE, Russia, Ukraine, and both of the rebel Ukrainian republics, the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic.

Our information suggests Obama now appears to be sending heavy weapons to Ukraine, and thus assisting Ukraine to resume attacking the DPR & LPR.

Even conservative Europeans are expressing outrage. Italy’s leading conservative newspaper, Il Giornalo, and even the leader of Austria’s anti-immigrant “Freedom Party,” are shocked and appalled by this Obama action.

Heinz-Christian Strache, leader of Austria’s Freedom Party, posted a photo (below) of what he claims are Abrams tanks now on rail-cars in Linz Austria en-route to Ukraine; he estimated 50 of them.

Il Giornale posted this article, which carries the same picture . Translated, the headline reads:

Sighted in Austria, American tanks(?):

There were also photos that show the first American tanks traveling to Ukraine.

In his blog Strache refers to these as Abrams tanks entering Austria [from Germany] through Linz, en route to Ukraine. (An American military officer who is a friend of this website tells us they look like Bradley fighting vehicles which are not actually tanks and are less powerfully armed than an Abrams Tank) If this interpretation is true, then America is already breaking the agreements signed by Ukraine and Russia in Minsk.

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