The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Is Hillarygate coming? The e - mail scandal keeps getting bigger.

by Arthur Foxake">

hillary Clinton: Wearing her ugly knickers again today.

Things American voters once considered “unthinkable” seem to have become the norm as the campaigns for Republican and Democrat nominee for the Presidential election continue to unravel. Recently broken news of Barack and Hillary Clinton’s plot to promote terrorism should not come as a surprise to anyone. Obama said way back in his 2008 campaign that in his Presidency the USA would support rebellion. Just like that, no qualification, no hedging bets by saying 'we will assess each case on its merits'. He also said justice would be based on the principle that the poorer person in a case was the injured party.

On top of the many allegations that have been made against Obama, in a Drafted Resolution Consisting of 48 Separate Criminal Charges Drafted For Obama’s Impeachment, further evidence is presented that he gave material aid as well as moral support to rebels, wll for rebels read terrorists, ISIS, Al Qaeda, in fact he was helping and supporting declared enemies of the United States. It was obvious to everyone with a teeny bit of legal savvy when the news originally broke that Obama had defied a judge’s order and covered for Clinton's idiotic incompetence (I'm being kind OK) in first being extremely careless in her disregard for security protocols and having confidential mails sent to a private server.

It is significantly important that we fully understand why Obama is covering for Hillary. Informed opinion from Washington insiders suggests you would have to trace the Hillary email and personal server story all the way back to its origins to see who is killing her bit for The White House. It has been reported that within Washington’s inner circles rumour has it that the devastating leaks about Clinton’s server came from none other than Obama's right hand woman (the real Presideent according to some wits,) Valerie Jarrett. That means you KNOW the leaks were done with the full knowledge and approval of Barack Hussein Obama.

Things are not going to plan however. Bernie Sanders, who has challenged strongly in opinion polls on the Democrats nomination race was never supposed to be anything other than a placeholder candidate. She was the anointed one (although it was obvious Obama would stab her in the back and at the last moment put up a complete unknown, probably Reggie Love, as candidate. Bernie's job was to make Hillary look good, look as if being married to an ex President really did qualify someone to be President. He was never supposed to get anywhere near winning, yet now he has a massive lead New Hampshire and according to unofficial reports is nudging ahead in Iowa.

As if that was not enough bad news for hillary, Vice President Joe Biden is now talking about Hillary as unqualified, unprepared, was a disaster as Secretary Of State and how everything is falling apart for her.

The long knives are coming out for Hillary Clinton. And the long knives are coming out for her in many ways just like the long knives are finally coming out for her husband, Bill, who’s now being mentioned in the same sentences with people like Bill Cosby. There are those of us who have been waiting for that to happen since the mid- to late 1990s.

The Final Curtain For Hillary's Presidential Dream

The Obama Administration helped ignite the civil war in Syria as “the best way to help Israel,” a newly-released Hillary Clinton email published by Wikileaks has confirmed. Silly Hilly, then Secretary Of State wrote: "The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad."
‘Overwhelming Body of Evidence’ Benghazi Rescue Teams Turned Back' - Breitbart
Hillary Clinton Strategist Attacks Bernie Sanders’ Anti-Wall Street Ad
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