The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Is Bernie Sanders Pulling Clear Of Democrats 'Anointed One' Hillary?

clinton and Sanders - opposites repel (Image Source)

No news of how the Republican primary is shaping up in South Carolina yet, but of course it is quite early in the day over there. Late polls predict another Trump win but by a smaller maging that pollibg has suggested in the week and a half following the New Hampshire Primary.

The only surprise then (if it can be called that, I think most peoples' reaction wil be "So what," is that Jeb bush, eclipsed by other candidates once again is likely to quite the race. Ah well, at least he can say to his Dad and brother, "If the GOP hadn't let that loudmouth Trump run I cudda been a contender."

The really interesting news from an impartial onlookers point of view however is a story from the Democrat camp even though they don't have much going on today.

Nika Knight writes in The Antimedia:

Offering further proof that it’s “Sanders’ moment,” Bernie Sanders makes enormous gains and poses a real threat to Hillary Clinton’s once-wide lead among Democrats, according to two polls released Friday.

Fox News‘ latest national poll finds that more Democratic primary voters now back Sanders at 47 percent, up from 37 percent in January. Clinton’s support, on the other hand, is at 44 percent, a 5-point drop from the previous poll. The new poll comes just a day after Sanders was shown to outperform Clinton in hypothetical match-ups against Republican candidates.
Fox News National Poll of Democratic Voters finds Sanders scoring 47% to Hillary's 44% and that Clinton’s drop-off has been most dramatic among female, white, and blue-collar voters.

Furthermore, notes Fox, “Three in 10 voters nationally would feel either extremely or very satisfied if Sanders wins the presidency (30 percent). That’s more than say the same about Clinton (24 percent satisfied), Trump (21 percent satisfied), and Jeb Bush (15 percent satisfied).” In addition, the poll found that among voters of all parties, “Clinton’s Achilles’ heel may be trustworthiness. While Democrats think by 75-22 percent that Clinton ‘has the integrity’ to serve effectively as president, a 55-percent majority of voters overall say she doesn’t. That includes 64 percent of independents.”

Sanders has also made extraordinary gains among Democrats in terms of electability. An Associated Press-GfK poll released Friday shows that Democratic voters’ belief in Sanders’ viability as a presidential nominee has gone up by a remarkable 21 percent. Clinton boasted a 41-point lead over Sanders on this question as recently as December, but Friday Sanders trails Clinton by a mere nine points.

Bearing in mind that I do not have a vote to cast and so only look at the candidates entertainment value, and that ever since I can remember I have been anti - establishment, throughout the past few months as the campaigns stated to take shape I have been drawn to Sanders and Trump. OK, I know, I know, one is a communist the other is a custard, but they are outsiders and neither could possibly be worse than any of the past few presidents.

The case is that one of the few things Britain and The USA still have in common is that neither is a democracy, in the end it does not matter who gets the most votes, the deep state and the shadow government will still rule and will preserve the status quo with just a little change of style in the window dressing.

Still, I'm glad Hillary is fading away, the woman is an unconscionable hypocrite.

Nevada Democratic Party Caucus Result: Not the shock Bernie Sanders supporters were hoping for but close enough to further undermine the myth of invincibility the Democrats propaganda machine tried to build around Hillary.

Mighty Trump Blows Off Rebublic Challengers
No surprises in the US Presidential primaries last night, but another chance to maintain my run of flatulence related headlines as Donald Trump continues to dominate the Republican contest.
New Hampshire Primary:Sanders and Trump Victory For Vox Populi
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Could The Unthinkable Happen - Bernie Sanders Looks like Winning Democrat Nomination
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