The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, May 01, 2016

US-Created System In Iraq Is Collapsing: Protesters Storm Parliament

Protestors inside Baghdad's Green Zone (Source: New Straits Times, Malaya)

Less than two years ago, the US set up a puppet government in the mid-east state of Iraq when, following US pressure, on August 14, 2014 then prime minister al-Maliki agreed to stepped down and be replaced with Haider al-Abadi. Today, the regime is in chaos and the system set up by the US is collapsing. Yesterday protesters loyal to popular Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr broke through a security cordon into the Green Zone, home to government buildings and foreign embassies and outside of which the official government reportedly exercises little power. Once inside the protestors stormed the Iraqi parliament forcing MPs to flee. The government declared a state of emergency across all of Baghdad.

Video from inside the building showed crowds waving Iraqi flags and shouting slogans in support of a Shi'ite theocracy in the nation. Supporters of Sadr, whose fighters once controlled swaths of Baghdad and helped defend the capital from ISIS, have been protesting outside the Green Zone for weeks, responding to their leader's call to pressure the government to reform.

Brig. Gen. Saad Mann, a spokesman for the Iraqi military, told an NBC news team in Bagdhad: "All gates that lead to Baghdad are closed. No one is allowed to enter into Baghdad, only those who want to leave Baghdad can do so. There is no evacuation for the American staff inside the American embassy," he said.

A U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity said the American Embassy in Baghdad was not being evacuated, contrary to local reports. We expect that should the pro-US government fall, this will promptly change.

Security forces responsible for guarding the entrance to the area were not able to stop the demonstrators without opening fire so they let them in, the security source told NBC News. As a result, the protest is mostly peaceful for now even thought Saturday was the first time the protesters breached the compound's walls.

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