The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

US Election, Soros, Vaccines, Honour Killings, al Qaeda and more - Recommended Reading, 8 November 2016

US Election News - Voting Machine "Irregularities" Reported in Utah, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, & North Carolina

US Election News: People in numerous states reported problems voting Tuesday due to faulty machines, according to numerous news sources.

In Utah, voting machine problems in the southern part of the state forced poll workers to use paper ballots, with some residents sent to alternate voting locations.
Machine issues were reported in Wilson County, Tenn. — and at one point all of the county’s machines went down, according to local reports. Voting later resumed manually.

In Texas, a computer used by election clerks malfunctioned at a polling place, so officials briefly diverted voters to another polling place more than two miles away.

In Louisiana, some early voters were forced to wait as correct machines were installed.

In Durham County, N.C., paper poll books were being used Tuesday due to “tech problems at a few sites.”

In Georgia, one voter reported that "half the machines" were down at one location. Two polling places in Gwinnett County opened late, officials told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Read more at Zero Hedge >>>

Leaked Documents Reveal Expansive Soros Funding to Manipulate Federal Elections

Leaked funding documents reveal an effort by George Soros and his foundations to manipulate election laws and process rules ahead of the federal election far more expansively than has been previously reported.

The billionaire and convicted felon moved hundreds of millions of dollars into often-secret efforts to change election laws, fuel litigation to attack election integrity measures, push public narratives about voter fraud, and to integrate the political ground game of the left with efforts to scare racial minority groups about voting rights threats.

These Soros-funded efforts moved through dozens of 501(c)(3) and (c)(4) charities and involved the active compliance with civil rights groups, government officials, and purportedly non-partisan groups like the League of Women Voters.

READ MORE at The Tap >>>

US takes big step towards war with Russia

by Chris Ernesto, RINF
Buried in Sunday’s news was the announcement that the U.S. military has begun a “major military” offensive in Raqqa, Syria, the self-declared capital of ISIS.

Approximately 30,000 fighters will participate in the U.S.-led operation. The group expected to carry out the bulk of the fighting is the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, or the YPG. The YPG is the military extension of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), a group that is on the U.S. terrorism list.

(It is not known if U.S. officials were asked about the duplicity of declaring the PKK a terrorist group while at the same time working with them in the region.)

The U.S. will first attempt to seal off Raqqa before venturing into the city itself – actions that government officials say will not be completed prior to Barack Obama leaving office.

Read more at RINF >>>

US Will Never Separate its Fighters from ‘Islamists’ Because it Depends on Them

It was the big idea that was supposed to herald a new era of US-Russian co-operation in Syria: the separation of Western-backed ‘moderate rebels’ from groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda, in order that the former could be brought into political negotiations whilst the latter were targeted by combined US and Russian military operations. Russia and Syria managed to get the UN Security Council to agree to a ban on the funding, training and arming of foreign fighters joining such groups back in September 2014,

(Information Clearing House

Prosecutors Failing to Tackle Muslim 'Honour' Killings Due to ‘Fear of Social Unrest’

‘Honour crimes’ in Britain’s Asian communities are not being brought to trial to avoid causing social unrest, a London police officer has revealed.

Detective Sergeant Pal Singh that lack of action by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) caused the collapse what could have been the first conviction for forced marriage in England.

The apathy on the part of the CPS came despite police claiming that “a forced marriage trial would send a strong message to the community”, he alleged.

Forced marriage was outlawed in 2014, but Dt Sgt Singh has accused the public prosecutor of failing to bring culprits to justice.

READ MORE at Breitbart, London >>>

Germany must detach foreign policy from US, whether Trump or Clinton wins – think tank

A leading German think tank has urged the government to redirect its foreign policy toward gaining more independence from the United States, regardless of who becomes the next US president.

In October, the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), a Berlin-based government-oriented think tank, published a paper titled ‘Even without Trump much will change’. It calls for a more aggressive German foreign policy, which should pursue its own economic and geopolitical goals independently from those of the United States and, if need be, even go against Washington’s interests.

“The Presidential elections in the US can have serious consequences for the global order,” said Johannes Thimm, the author of the paper and head of the US research group for the think tank.


Hillary Clinton: Ally of al-Qaeda

Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails, the gifts that keep on giving, have revealed some horrifying facts about the potential future president — just days after Wikileaks founder Julian Assange announced that Clinton is funded by the same money that funds ISIS.

Hillary Clinton was also well aware that she was assisting radical Islamists, including al-Qaeda, in their rise to power in Libya in 2011.

On March 27, 2011, Clinton received a confidential memo from confidant Sidney Blumenthal with the subject line “Re: Lots of new intel; Libyan army possibly on verge of collapse.” The confidant explained that “radical/terrorist” groups had been infiltrating the National Libyan Council (NLC), a proposed puppet government supported by France’s Nicolas Sarkozy. Clinton was warned that al-Qaeda could become a major player in the region.

READ MORE at The Anti Media >>>

Indian doctors sue Bill Gates for harming children with deadly ‘humanitarian’ vaccines

The Supreme Courts of India are currently conducting an extensive investigation into the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s devious actions abroad, which mainly involve testing deadly vaccines on poor, and oftentimes illiterate, children in developing nations without informed consent. According to Health Impact News, the case focuses specifically on illicit human experimentation that occurred with the two available vaccines for HPV, Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline) and Gardasil (Merck & Co.).

Back in 2009, the Gates Foundation quietly funded trials of Gardasil on some 16,000 tribal school children living in Andhra Pradesh, India. According to a report published in Economic Times India back in August, many of the children fell violently ill not long after receiving the vaccine, and at least five of them died.

READ MORE: The Times Of India >>>

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