The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged to Succeed


“These trials seem designed to prove their vaccines work, even if the measured effects are minimal” – William A Haseltine

William A. Haseltine PhD is a scientist, businessman, author, and philanthropist. He was a professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health from 1976-1993 where he was Founder and Chair of two academic research departments, the Division of Biochemical Pharmacology and the Division of Human Retrovirology. As mainstream media go berserk hyping the COVID – 19 vaccines, this article written by Dr Haseltine is essential reading for people with functioning minds.

COVID-19 Vaccine Protocols Reveal That Trials Are Designed to Succeed

Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson are leading candidates for the completion of a Covid-19 vaccine likely to be released in the coming months. These companies have published their vaccine trial protocols. This unusually transparent action during a major drug trial deserves praise, close inspection of the protocols raises surprising concerns. These trials seem designed to prove their vaccines work, even if the measured effects are minimal. What would a normal vaccine trial look like? Prevention of infection must be a critical endpoint. Any vaccine trial should include regular antigen testing every three days to test contagiousness to pick up early signs of infection and PCR testing once a week to confirm infection by SARS-CoV-2 test the ability of the vaccines to stave off infection. Prevention of infection is not a criterion for success for any of these vaccines. In fact, their endpoints all require confirmed infections and all those they will include in the analysis for success, the only difference being the severity of symptoms between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Measuring differences amongst only those infected by SARS-CoV-2 underscores the implicit conclusion that the vaccines are not expected to prevent infection, only modify symptoms of those infected. We all expect an effective vaccine to prevent serious illness if infected. Three of the vaccine protocols—Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca—do not require that their vaccine prevent serious disease only that they prevent moderate symptoms which may be as mild as cough, or headache. The greatest fear people have is dying from this disease. A vaccine must significantly or entirely reduce deaths from Covid-19. Over two hundred thousand people have died in the United States and nearly a million worldwide. None list mortality as a critical endpoint. We recognize that the influenza vaccine does not prevent infection with that virus, but does have a measurable impact on hospitalization and death. The moderate protections from the influenza virus can potentially be replicated and improved on with Covid-19, but only with extensive trials that ensure the efficacy of a future vaccine … Continue reading





Censored: Talking Of Anti - Vaxxers Is A Conspiracy Theory
News has been dominated throughout 2020 by the COVID-9 pandemic and the US presidential election. But all news in the 21st century is smoke and mirrors and he sensational headlines have prevented people seeing the attacks on free speech and other democratic rights and liberties that have been abolished in the name of 'beating the virus.' Why the censorship, what are they hiding?

Reasons To Believe Are Wearing Thin: The Benefit Of The Doubt Is Cracking
Those of us who pursue change, positive change rather than hope-and-change are often frustrated by the cosmetic tinkering that is passe. We sed off as changee. The necessity of changenyone who has been in business is all too clear. The elites have screwed up, bankers are thieves, politicians are rent-seekers, lawyers are shysters, academics are data fakers, corporate bosses are debauchers and corrupters and the whole sack of rogues are crooks and liars.

Dr. Offit, Vaccine Pusher in Chief is exposed as a liar.
Some time ago my editor-in-chief was the target of hate attacks by left wing sheeple for questioning the effectiveness of vaccines as anything but profit drivers for Big Pharma. Well Ian has thick skin so he was quite pleased to have provoked a few death threats. One of his targets howver was Dr. Offit who had famously said new born babies could have 10,000 vaccines at the same time without suffering harm. He has not fared so well, having become an object of ridicule.

The NHS doctors who get cash from healthcare firms for patient referrals
An investigation revealed incentives, often worth tens of thousands of pounds, have been offered to doctors by private healthcare companies in exchange for referring patients to their hospitals. The British Medical Journal reported claims that the doctors’ regulator, the General Medical Council (GMC), failed to act on a warning in 2012 that the practice of offering incentives was “widespread, particularly in London, and significant in value”.

Obesity pill to ‘replace treadmill’ being developed by Harvard University
A magic pill which burns away excess body fat has been one of the wet dreams of mad scientists for decades. Such a pill is now being developed at Harvard University. Researchers claim it could one ‘replace the treadmill.’ (This is daft as we still need exercise to maintain a healthy heart, muscles and bones.

Simple Tips for Boosting Immunity Everyone Should be Doing To Improve Resistance Against Diseases Like Cancer.
While medical science, funded by research grants from Big Pharma and corporate health care pushes to find ever more costly (i.e. profitable) therapies for the diseses that threaten us, the body is its own best doctor, as our ancestors knew. All we need do in many cases is give it the right support.

India To Prosecute Bill Gates For His Vaccine Crimes

Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon
The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about

Ebola outbreak caused by new strain never seen before; was it weaponized ask sceptical scientists? Since we and other blogs reported the concerns of highly regarded virologists about the strain of ebola virus involved in the outbreak currently devastating three west African nations, several more experts have gone public to say that the current strain of Ebola virus plaguing Africa and slowly spreading to other continents is potentially much more lethal than previous strains identified by virologists.

Top Scientist: This Version Of Ebola Looks Like ‘A Very Different Bug’
In another iteration of the old “The Science Is Settled” bollocks, President Obama and his senior advisers on medical science have been saying we know exactly how Ebola spreads. The case is however that there is much about this strain of the virus currently raging in West Africa that we simply do not know and the propaganda coming from the usual suspects who claim the science is settled looks very dubious.

Docors, Scientists Greased by Big Pharma? Told You So.
The Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which was passed by the US Senate with the help of an extensive investigation led by Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), provisions that doctors who receive payoffs from drug or vaccine companies must disclose this when pushing new therapies or medical procedures from what would otherwise appear to be unbiased intentions. (It happens in Europe too, see links in article)

NHS Money Wasting Machine And The One Budget That Is Never Cut
After the usual empty promises made at the annual conferences of the three main political parties – all three party leaders swore that only their party can save the National Heath Service (NHS) eternally a key isue in UK politics, we decided it was time our we too a close look at why NHS finances are always in a mess.

It’s about time someone prosecuted him, every version of Windows has been a crime against humanity. The man who made “Not fit for purpose” marketable quality, the man who made it possible for the NSA to spy on us all, has been protected for far to long by the US Government. Someyhing to do with his father having been a director of the CIA perhaps? …You may say that, I couldn’r possibly comment.

CDC Whistleblower Links MMR Vaccine to Autism
One day the truth will be revealed about the MMR vaccine and its alleged link to autism as well as a host of other health problems in young children. One question damns the case in favour of MMR as propaganda. If it is as important as health authorities say to vaccinate children against MMR, why insist on the triple vaccine when there was never a problem with a separate measles vaccine? Could Corporate Profits have something to do with it?

New malaria vaccine doesn’t work most of the time, but manufacturer says it’s good enough to sellOnce again we turn our attention to vaccines and the criminality of the drug companies that manufacture and sell them:
There’s a good chance that the vast majority of people who receive it won’t derive any benefits whatsoever. But that isn’t stopping British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) from seeking regulatory approval for a new vaccine for malaria, known as RTS,S, that a recent study determined is only about 30 percent effective at preventing severe cases of the disease, which has no recognized cure.

Genetically Modified Truth? How Corpoate Money Corrupted Science.
Little Nicky is sceptical about many things, it’s in my job description. Incidentally, for the benefit of those over qualified, under educated idiots who think I’m right wing extremist, it is a basic tenet of Liberal philosophy that we all have a duty to question that which is presented as an established truth.

Why Does The US Government Hold A Patent On The Ebola Virus? Just Askin’
The outbreak of Ebola fever in west Africa has been making headlines since January this year, but as usual we are only being told half the story by mainstream media. It took a lot of digging by myself and colleagues in the blogosphere to dig up this pile of dirt which suggests the “new strain” of Ebola faver that has killed far more people than previous outbreaks may have resulted from attempts to weaponise the virus. And guess which national government is allegedly responsible.

What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone?
What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone? That is a question being asked around the cyberosphere as the Ebola outbreak in Africa continues to spread and alarm grows in the western nations. The Tulane University researchers [and colleagues] in the US biowarfare research community, have been operating in West Africa for some time. What exactly have they been doing? Exactly what diagnostic tests have they been performing on citizens of Sierra Leone?

Real People Are Dying because Drug Companies Publish Fake Statistics
Our National Health Service is run by big Pharma for Big Pharma. The drug companies have the politicians, civil servants, medical professions and media in their pockets. We have reported on how Big Pharma money has corrupted healthcare before and the criminality of the corporate enterpises whose aim is to make us all patients for life. Now we throw more light on the way these crooks and liars work

Monday, November 16, 2020

Some Facts About The COVID Vaccines Currently Being Hyped


The rush for a vaccine to combat COVID-19 led scientists, driven by corporate manamement in the Big Pharma cartel companies, to adopt previously untried techniques to expedite the global quest for a solution to the hoax virus. Now, both Moderna and Pfizer (along with Pfizer's German partner BioNTech) have released resulkts from clinical trials which purport to show their mRNA vaccines to be surprisingly effective.

What's more, as Moderna revealed on Monday, unwanted side-effects, which were expected to be worse than what emerges following the administration of a flu vaccine, appeared to be surprisingly mild. As previously mentioned $£billions are at stake as governments fall over themselves to buy vaccines whether they work or not, (with 90% of the population not susceptible to COVID it's simply a question of being SEEN to be doing something,) Deutsche Bank published an updated guide to where all the major vaccine projects stand just a few days ago.

The major difference between regular vaccines and these mRNA vaccines is that they don't work like the vaccines of usually do, by using dead or weakened viral genetic material to provoke an immune response.

Instead, as Businessweek noted in its 'vaccine issue' published over the summer, Moderna’s mRNA-1273 vaccine consists of a strand of mRNA that tells the body to produce the spike protein the coronavirus uses to latch on to human cells. This strand functions like one side of a zipper: the "teeth" are a sequence of chemical letters that cells read to produce the 1,273 amino acids comprising the famous protein "spikes" that the virus uses to latch on to human cells.

When it works as intended, the vaccine starts producing the proteins soon after injection, prompting the immune system to react and build up protective antibodies against them


And the poisoning of humanity begins.

after the first of two doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, 80 percent of Phase 1 participants receiving the 100 microgram (mcg) dose developed systemic side effects.

After the second dose, 100% reported side effects ranging from fatigue (80 percent), chills (80 percent), headache (60 percent) and myalgia or muscle pain (53 percent).

Pfizer’s interim analysis is the smallest of the bunch, with just 32 vaccine recipients. Their success margin is seven or fewer vaccine recipients developing symptoms, compared to 25 in the control group. In the primary analysis, efficacy is set to about 60 percent, and at most, 164 volunteers will be included in that analysis.

Especially concerning are that those receiving the vaccine in these trials are young and healthy individuals who are not really at high risk of dying from COVID-19. This makes the results of these trials highly questionable in the far more vulnerable population of the elderly.

But don't worry, as nobody has ever isolated a COVID19 virus from its host cell, indeed they are so small they cannot be observed with optical instruments and have only been identied by the electro magnetic radiation they emit, thus rendering talk of "spike protiens" mere speculation because the pictures of nasty little blue balls you se in mainstream media are only computer simulations, you can be sure of one thing only. All the scaremongering reports in mainstram media are undiluted bollocks.




Getting To The Truth Of Covid?
A friend spent some time in hospital earlier this year, in September in fact. The problem was not COVID related and was easily dealt with by routine treatments. She was discharged and returned home thinking that would be the end of it. A few days later she could hardly walk and was complainming of fatigue and aching muscles and joints. As the weeks wore on things did not improve and on returning to the hospital for further tests she was told she might have picked up a case of "Long Covid." Having trained and worked as a nurse she recognised this diagnosis as bollocks

Vaccine makers panic as scientific study solves the riddle of why flu shots don’t work

Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon
The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about

Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon
The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about

Useless Drugs And Vaccines – Lying Science Whores. Told You SoUseless Drugs And Vaccines – Lying Science Whores. Told You So Dr. Offit, mandatory vaccine and conflicts of interest Do vaccines make you gay? Zika Virus Outbreak Centred On Area Where GM Mosquitos Were Released In 2015 – Why Are We Not Surprised The Left Scream About Their Opponents Intolerance But Who Is Really Intolerant Doctors, scientists greased by Big Pharma? Told you so. Weaponised Ebola Virus? The World Always Cathches Up Eventually? Meningitis B Vaccine - cost conundrum Flu Vaccines that don't work and healthy natural alternatives that work Fear and Painc! Mild Illness Suddenly Becomes A Killer Now Vaccine Is Available. Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects Of Vaccines

CDC Whistleblower Links MMR Vaccine to Autism
One day the truth will be revealed about the MMR vaccine and its alleged link to autism as well as a host of other health problems in young children. One question damns the case in favour of MMR as propaganda. If it is as important as health authorities say to vaccinate children against MMR, why insist on the triple vaccine when there was never a problem with a separate measles vaccine? Could Corporate Profits have something to do with it?

Ebola and the Absent “Humanitarians”
When the FUKUS axis leaders, France, United Kingdom and the Unites States of America were calling for approval to intervene in Libya, Yemen, Syria and Ukraine, they justified their lust for war by claiming that bombing the crap out of those counties was necessary on humanitarian grounds. And the member of the FUKUS axis and their allies spent billions of $£€ on humanitarian bombs that wreaked hiumanitarian havoc among the innocent poor and middle class citizens of those nations. Now they have work out their 'The Jihad Is Coming' scare but have a new weapon Ebola ...

Time To Boycott Subway – For The Good Of Your Health If Nothing Else
Subway Removes Ham And Bacon From 185 Stores After ‘Strong Demand’ From Muslims. from Fast food giant Subway has removed ham and bacon from 185 stores and switched to halal meat in the UK after demands from its Muslim customers. Halal foods are foods that Muslims are allowed to eat or drink under Islamic …
Google Now Has Access To Millions Of Patient’s Health Records
Those naughty leakers at The Antimedia have revealed a controversial deal between tech giant Google and the National Health Service (NHS) which will allow artificial intelligence units access to 1.6 million confidential medical records. Since 2014, Google has been involved in a ‘scientific research project’ which attempts to ‘understand human health’, but a new leak …
The Truth About All Those Government health warnings
One day red wine is good for us, the next it is poison. One day saturated fat is a killer, the next day ‘healthy’ fats are the killers, one day it’s quite OK to drink more alcohol than the recommended maximum, the next day a sniff of the barmaid’s apron will kill you. Vegetarians live …
UK Health Watchdog: Studies Show Mobile Phones Do Cause Brain Tumours
first Published in The Daily Stirrer: One of the reasons we set up The Daily Stirrer is because we, the founding old gits, were aware that many very big and ongoing stories that should have been making headline news were simply not being reported in the mainstream print and broadcast media. As long ago as …
A perfect role model for healthy, responsible citizens
The bansturbators have been busy this week, first a report damning meat because “people who have a diet high in animal protien are more likely to get cancer” was published amid call for the government to act to curtail meat consumption to save us from ourselves. The report was not entirely untrue, if you eat …
Orange Juice is as bad as Coca Cola says government health expert
Professor Jebb is in charge of the government?s responsibility deal, a series of voluntary pledges by industry aimed at tackling health problems such as obesity and alcohol abuse. Even though she is an academic and therefore is out of touch with reality, in view of the salary she picks up, to which we all contribute …
Why Does The US Government Hold A Patent On The Ebola Virus? Just Askin'
The outbreak of Ebola fever in west Africa has been making headlines since January this year, but as usual we are only being told half the story by mainstream media. It took a lot of digging by myself and colleagues in the blogosphere to dig up this pile of dirt which suggests the "new strain" of Ebola faver that has killed far more people than previous outbreaks may have resulted from attempts to weaponise the virus. And guess which national government is allegedly responsible.

Real People Are Dying because Drug Companies Publish Fake Statistics
Our National Health Service is run by big Pharma for Big Pharma. The drug companies have the politicians, civil servants, medical professions and media in their pockets. We have reported on how Big Pharma money has corrupted healthcare before and the criminality of the corporate enterpises whose aim is to make us all patients for life. Now we throw more light on the way these crooks and liars work

Study Finds Evidence for CDC Cover-Up of Link Between Autism and Mercury In Vaccines A controversial new study published in Biomed Research International titled, "Methodological Issues and Evidence of Malfeasance in Research Purporting to Show Thimerosal in Vaccines Is Safe," has exposed convincing evidence of wrong-doing on the part of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in actively covering up the causal link between mercury in vaccines (Thimerosal) and harm to infants and children.
Vaccine News

Statins: The Propaganda Cannot Win Hearts And Minds?
The propaganda aimed at convincing us medical science can provide a pill to prevent death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. Five years after the event the lies and fraud that created the swine flu 'pandemic' of 2009 are exposed. It was just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers knew was no good. now they are asking for laws to make us take drugs we don't need

Science for Sale, Autism, VCaccines And Government Intervention
The propaganda aimed at convincing us medical science can provide a vaccine to immunise us against death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. But not all scientists can bee bought. Here is one vaccine specialist who won his personal battle, the wider war goes on.

California’s Mandatory Vaccinations Bill: Big Pharma Lobbyists Call the Shots, Community Opposition Ignored After the historic outpouring of families to halt the passing of SB-277 last Wednesday in California, information has now been made public to further put into question the bill’s credibility. After passing the Sacramento Health Committee vote, the bill was delayed as committee chair Senator Carol Liu wisely told the bill’s author Richard Pan “If I were you, I would not take a vote today.”

Big Pharma Criminality
Vaccine Data Faked

Sunday, November 15, 2020

“Green” policies aimed at reducing CO2 emissions are having the opposite effect


Typical of the obsessively self righteous nature of the radical left that the policies they have forced on governments are having the opposite effect to what is intended, but “The Green Blob” as the Thunberg / Friends of the Earth / Ekstinktion Rebellion crusties are collectively known are so busy signalling their own virtue and hating everybody who pooints out the obvious errors in their “science” and flaws in their economic arguments they just don’t have time to think things through.
Like this blog and its sister publication The Daily Stirrer, Natural News is a long established opponent of the climate change scare. Their latest article on the subject exposes more Green idiocy just as Boris Johnson, the UK Conservative Party’s first Cultural Marxist Prime Minister commits his government to economically and socially destructive green policies to augment the damage already done by his “folowing the science” on the hoax virus pandemic of 2020.

“Green” policies aimed at reducing CO2 emissions are having the opposite effect

from Natural News

Like many liberal policies, so-called “green” policies aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions are full of contradictions and poor reasoning – not to mention the fact that their stated goal does not have the best interests of the planet at heart.

Scientist Charles Rotter takes issue with the fact that burning biomass is considered CO2 neutral to give it the appearance of reducing carbon dioxide emissions and helping control “climate change.” In a piece published on the esteemed climate website Watts Up With That?, he points out that burning biomass raises the instantaneous output of carbon dioxide emissions significantly, and it also causes substantial destruction to natural environments and habitats when it is used at the needed industrial scale.

Fuel substitution policies that see fossil fuels replaced by wind, solar and biomass, which they claim are CO2-emissions free, have already damaged the reliability of power grids in South Australia and California, and other places are sure to follow suit.

Rotter points out that the biomass that has been declared carbon neutral by UK and EU policy isn’t carbon neutral at all. For the same power produced, he says that burning biomass releases far more carbon dioxide than other fossil fuels such as coal, lignite and natural gas. Moreover, biomass destroys the virgin forest environments where the wood it uses is harvested. In Europe in particular, he says there is not enough timber feedstock to maintain even partial power production.

In fact, it will require as long as a century to fully restore the forest wildlife habitat destroyed and therefore reabsorb the carbon dioxide released by burning biomass … Continue reading >>>

<Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels
Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco – crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation …

Worst polluting coal and wood fires banned in fight to cut emissions
Domestic coal and certain types of wood are to be banned from sale from next year in a bid to cut air pollution, ministers will announce on Friday.

Is Hatred Of Greta Thunberg Justified?
As the backlash against the Greta Thunberg cult gathers momentum a lot of lefties are asking why the little Climate Warriorette is so hated by so many people. As usual with the left, they are asking the wrong question. Just as they asked, “Why can’t you believe the scientists, when in fact not only is it always legitimate (and scientific,) to question and challenge scientific theory, so it is perfectly rational and logical to challenge the Cult of Saint Greta ….

Ruling Elites support Extinction Rebellion plan for Marxist world to ‘fight climate change’
Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming
Scaremongering IPCC Pushes Climate Hysteria with New Doomsday Report
Billionaire Investor Erik Prince Launches Fund For Electric Car Metals

America and UK Lead the World in Climate Scepticism Several times now it has looked as if the climate chance scare was over as the enthusiasm of climate scitentists for changing real world data to fit in with the predictions of their mathematical models has been exposed. But as the scare was never about the environment, but was a scam to redistribute wealth from rich to poor countries, the politicians are throwing their propaganda budgets behind it again.

Global Warming Is Not Causing Any Polar Ice Cap Meltdown Says NASA
Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice caps in 1979. Since the end of 2012, moreover, total polar ice extent has largely remained above the post-1979 average. The updated data contradict one of the most frequently asserted global warming claims – that global warming is causing the polar ice caps to recede.

Polar Temperature Data ‘Proving’ Climate Change Nothing More than a Guess
Dr Benny Peiser who heads up the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), has said temperature readings from the Arctic and Antarctic used to estimate the effects of global warming are nothing more than guesswork. GWPF last month announced its intention to carry out a wide-ranging review of the data underpinning claims on global warming.

Punish Climate Change Liars” Demands Climate Change Liar
Over the years my scepticism about global warming and attempts to initiate intellgent discussion of the dodgy science based on mathematical models that forms the basis of the Warmageddonist case, versus much less alarming projections based on data from real world observations haveearned me accusations of being a child murderer. Not only that, some of the lefties who support climate fascism have demanded the death penalty for people who disagree with them. And yet they think it unfair to punish certain child rapists and murderers. Hypocrites.

Will New German Study End Global Warming Hysteria? Although evidence that the global warming scare has been a massive scam in which exponents of various typoes of dodgy science lumped together under the label of climate science, in order to justify massive taxes on everything (because everything in the modern economy involves oil or electricity at some stage) and create a $1trillion per year market for Inventment Bankers and Dr. Evil types such as Al Gore could steal more money from ordinary people, politicians, media contributors and of course science academics have stuck to the narrative.

ExxonMobil Tells The Guardian To Stick Their Leftie Hypocrisy Where The Lights Don’t Shine
We have often made points about the hypocroisy of the left, particularly those lefties who support the global warming scaremongering of the Warmageddonist Lobby who spread false propaganda about climate change in order to justify punitive taxes on the fuels that produce the energy than make modern sociaty viable.

Latest Posts

Elsewhere: [Boggart Blog]…[Little Nicky Machiavelli]…[Scribd]…[Wikinut] … [Boggart Abroad]

Latest Bill Gates Insanity: Injecting Sulfur Into the Atmosphere Will Cause EnvironmentalDisaster
A study published in November by the University of Pennsylvania exposes the insanity of projects such as spraying particles of sulphur compounds into the stratosphere, self - anointed vaccime messiah Bill Gates' latest scheme to “save” the planet with "geoengineering" According to the mathematical modellers Gates pays hansomely to provide him with "scientific" data to persuade politicians to spend taxpayers money on projects run by companies his "charitable foundation" has invested in. Far from saving the planet this latest idiocy is actually destroying environments. Continue reading >>>

Climate Change and Leftist Psycological Malware.
It may seem far fetched but it is possible to link the techniques of the climate change / anti capitalist lobby to the brainwashing prorammes used by the Nazis in Germany, Stalin’s Soviet regime in Russia and Chaitrman Mao’s brutal government in Communist China. Thus it becomes quite similar to malware that infects computer systems. The left do not care about saving the planet, all they are interested in is advancing their totalitarian, globalist agenda.

Another Kick In The Bollocks For Warmageddonists And CAGWARTS
I’ve had many arguments with the Warmageddonists, the people who have been saying that the ‘scientific consensus’ had agreed if we did not shut down all coal, oil and gas related activites (that is, just about all human activities except unprotected sex and sleeping) the earth was going to turn into a giant furnace and we would all burn. Those of us audacious enough to ask when this was going to happen felt the horizon shifting.

Climate Experts Smeared by Media and Greenpeace for Debunking Global Warming
Anyone who understood basic arithmetic (like how to work out an average) and took the trouble to examine the ‘science’ that backed the climate change scare understood the whole thing was a fraud. And plenty of honest scientists were not afraid to say so. But those who went public faced hate attacks and having their careers trashed. Now however, as evidence exposes the lies of the global warming lobby, they are starting to come forward.

U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare
We said it was a scam, now a United Nations official has admitted the whole climate change scare was really about destroying capitalism. But what doo the elites plan to replace it with, A Corporaite Global Dictator ship in which the world is run by unelected bureaucrats selected from withing a small, elite class? Actually we predicted that as well.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Time To Rename Democrat Party The Hypocrite Party


As I read the news this morning, British news mark you, I wanted to puke every time I encountered a (false) assertion that there is no substance to the claims of massive and organised fraud in the US presidential election made by Donald Trump and his supporters. As there is considerable substance to these claims, evidenced by the refusal of the General Services Administration, a non partisan US Government agency tasked with managing the transfer of power after election, to sanction funds for Joe Biden and the Democrats on the basis that several states are still counting votes, there must be recounts in severl more and in still more, the results are subject to legal challenges.

The Biden campaign and left leaning media are pressuring Trump to concede. Concession by the likely loser, based on results projected by news media  organisations is a peculiarly American and completely undemocratic tradition. It could not happen in Britain or any of the truly democratic nations in ther world where all the diverse systems of voting and vote counting do not allow results to be "called" by outside agencies, and the winner is announced only after all votes are counted, any issues are settleed and the final outcome has been agreed by agents for all candidates.

But the hypocrisy of Democrats in the US and the left is astounding.

At this point in the 2016 election, the incumbent president, Obama, had already weaponized the federal government into a sprawling covert-spy operation against the man who had just been elected  (according to certified results) the next president (the handover of power does not take place until January, a detail which Dementia Jo, Willy Brown's Ho.and the rest seem to be unaware of  as the Biden team are acting as if he is already the president. 

Throughout Trump's term in office Democrats have claimed Hillary clinton won because she gathered more individual votes, which only proves that emocrats and diehard Hillary supporters do not understand how the US election system works to elects its presidents. I'm not saying I approve of the current system, only that it is how electoal laws stands now. And let#s not forget uring the Obama administration the Democrats had eight years to change things and did not do so because they theough the current system would benefit them.

Not only did the democrats try to claim Trump had stolen the election, they even spent the first two years of his presidency claiming, ridiculously, that the Russian government had collaborated with the Trump campaign team to steal the election. When this was shown to be untrue the Democrats did not cease to claim Russia helped Trump steal the election while continuing to insist Hillary Clinton was the real winnner, they launched a bid to impeach Trump and have him legally removed from office. The allegations behind this action, driven by Nancy (Vinegar Tits) Pelosi, speaker of the Democrat controlled House of Representatives, and Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat leader in the Senate, were proved to be without sunstance yet Pelosi and Schumer are now among the loudest voices screeching that Republican claims of electoral fraud have no substance even though threre is a mountain of evidence that organised fraud took place in several key states.

 So lets have an end to the wailing and gnashing of teeth over Trump's refusal to concede, those castigating Trump's refusal to accept that Biden won, a few days after the election, is nothing to the FOUR YEARS the Democrats spent complaining that the 2016 election was stolen from them by Vladimir Putin and Russia. President Trump and 70 million American citizens who voted for him are rightly suspicious about whether the 2020 election was stolen, given the sworn witness statements, the video of vans delivering boxes of votes all for Biden after the deadline had passed, the districts in which more votes were cast that there were people entitled to vote and incontrovertible evidence of Republican observers were prevented from watching the counting, (as in Britain it is a legal requirement that representatives of ALL candidates be present during the count.

All the experts on television and political commentators in the press were absolutely certain — with mountains of polling “evidence” — that Trump was heading for a humiliating defeat in this election, a double-digit landslide for Biden was widely predicted. The experts and polling companies (and the hapless, hopeless and now thoroughly discredited statistics hustlet Nate Silver,) insisted The President would take the Republican Party down with him, leaving the Democrats controller The White House, Senate and House of Representatives..

That did NOT happen, in fact they were even more wrong this time than they were in 2016.

So please Democrat hypocrites and Trump haters, shove it where your heads back up the orifice it has resided in for the past four years and accept that not only have your narrrow victory, assuming it is eventually confirmed, has not only put a demented idiot and serial sex pest in The White House, it has given power to an administration that will prove even more divisive, ineffectual and warmongering than Barack Obama's.

Well done guys.





Biden the Democrats least hopeless hopeful? Or is he?
A senior U.S. Republican reportedly said recently that the most difficult ticket Donald Trump could face in the next election would be Joe Biden partnered by Elizabeth Warren. This was not, needless to say, because Biden was a brilliant debater or a lethal political adversary. “If he was any stupider, my you’d have to water him”, the anonymous Republican quipped.See also >>>

American Stupid: Hillary Clinton Says Male Leaders Scared of Greta Thunberg
It's coming up to election time again in the USA and sure enought some idiot over the pond has allowed a drop of blood to fall on the desiccated lips of Hillary Clinton and the leader of the Democratic Party undead faction has reanimated to ensure the debate, on the Democrat side at least, never risis above the level of stupid set in 2016 when Hillary famously lost to Donad Trump.

Hijab wearing, Jihad supporting U.S. Congresswoman refuses to condemn stoning of gays.
Ilhan Omar (with Bernie Sanders behind thinking "I wouldn't mind giving her a taste of my pork sausage) - picture credit

It had to happen, and it was always going to be great comedy value when it did. U.S Liberals were always going to face the moment when their love of Gays, Lesbians and Trannies clashed head to head with their love of terrorists and the Islamic Jihad.

Hijab wearing, Jihad supporting U.S. Congresswoman refuses to condemn stoning of gays.
Ilhan Omar (with Bernie Sanders behind thinking "I wouldn't mind giving her a taste of my pork sausage) - picture credit

It had to happen, and it was always going to be great comedy value when it did. U.S Liberals were always going to face the moment when their love of Gays, Lesbians and Trannies clashed head to head with their love of terrorists and the Islamic Jihad.

Sane Democrats See Little To Gain From Impeaching Trump, Fear It Will Backfire
In an opinion poll commissioned by Reuters a majority of US Democrat voters say they fear that the latest m,ove to impeach President Trump over the Biden-Ukraine scandal will backfire, giving him a boost into the 2020 US election. One has to wonder about an epidemic of dementia among leading Democrats who have forgotten that only a few weeks ago

Pentagon Struggles to Defend America’s Secret War in Niger
The government and military authorities of the USA must be suckers for punishment, already struggling to manage international opposition to their ongoing efforts to effect regime change in Syria and with the bitter taste of failures in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya still strong in their mouths, they are still escalating US involvement in foreign wars.

March 4, 2018

Trump Gets Tough after EU Threatens Taxes on Jeans, Bourbon, and Harley-Davidsons

U.S. President Donald Trump is adopting a tough on the European Union, after the Union's unelected leaders threatened to impose punitive tariffs on leading American brands in retaliation for his attempts to protect the jobs of American steelworkers. “So now we will also impose import tariffs,” threatened Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the unelected European Commission, at an event in Hamburg, Germany.

March 4, 2018

Trump Gets Tough after EU Threatens Taxes on Jeans, Bourbon, and Harley-Davidsons

U.S. President Donald Trump is adopting a tough on the European Union, after the Union's unelected leaders threatened to impose punitive tariffs on leading American brands in retaliation for his attempts to protect the jobs of American steelworkers. “So now we will also impose import tariffs,” threatened Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the unelected European Commission, at an event in Hamburg, Germany.

Oprah Winfrey, Praised As A Feminist Icon, Exposed As A Fraud Within Twenty Four Hours

Tanya Gold, writing about The Golden Globes awards, praised the acceptance speech given by Oprah Winfrey who was given a lifetime achievement award presumably for fronting a television freak show, and commented on the ridiculous calls from other 'liberals' in hollywood and Washington for Oprah to run against Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election.

CIA Spearheads US Bid To Control Cyberspace, We Can All Help The Resistance
For several years Western media sources have been terying to top each other's efforts to publish the most ludicrously hyperbolic articles about so-called Russian hackers while complaining about the alleged damage these hackers, of whose alleged activities no evidence is offered, have inflicted upon the American democracy The Washington Post would feature a propaganda article about Russia’s push towards the control of cyberspace. The New York Times would try to top it, while the LA Times would try to outdo both. What else should one expect from media sources owned by media corporations controlled by Wall Street hedge funds and enjoying a far too cosy relationship with US Government security agencies, if various reports across the net are to be trusted ... READ MORE ON THIS >>>

Why Is The Scandal Of The Awan Brothers Being Ignored?
You have probably never heard of the Awan brothers, a couple of dodgy foreigners with very strong links to the US Democrat National Committee. Given the noise the Democrats have been making about collaboration with non Americans during the 2016 campaign, it is surprising that neither Trump nor any of his supporters have responded to the fact that they have been handed a baseball bat with nails through the end, with which to beat his leading detractors.

Has Google Become A Major Threat To Democracy In America?
About 10 years ago, Tim Wu, the Columbia Law professor who coined the term network neutrality, made this prescient comment: "To love Google, you have to be a little bit of a monarchist, you have to have faith in the way people traditionally felt about the king." Wu was right. And now, Google has established a pattern of lobbying and threatening to acquire power. It has reached a dangerous point common to many monarchs: The moment where it no longer wants to allow dissent.

America Takes A Step Closer To Becoming A Cashless Society
If you order a beer at a Flatstick pub in Seattle, Washington, don’t try to pay with $10 bill — you’ll walk away thirsty. It’s not that the US state of Washington has started charging Scandinavian prices for booze, but that Flatstick, a hot new mini-chain in the Pacific Northwest, does not … Continue reading

G77 Nations vow to destroy America’s New World Order
By leading the G7, G8 and G20 economic groups for the past few decades the US government has managed to exploit its status as holder of the global reserve currency until it appeared on the brink og global economic hegemony. The Americans overplayed their hand however, became too blatant in their bullying of smaller nations and helping corporate interests override national laws. Now the world is closing ranks against the USA. Can't say we're sorry.

Why Is The Scandal Of The Awan Brothers Being Ignored?
You have probably never heard of the Awan brothers, a couple of dodgy foreigners with very strong links to the US Democrat National Committee. Given the noise the Democrats have been making about collaboration with non Americans during the 2016 campaign, it is surprising that neither Trump nor any of his supporters have responded to the fact that they have been handed a baseball bat with nails through the end, with which to beat his leading detractors.

"Watershed Moment" In US - EU Relations, Merkel Says Europe Can No Longer Rely On America
Only hours after Donald Trump infuriated Angela Merkel and the rest of his G-7 peers by refusing to endorse the Paris climate treaty, the US President has done it again. Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel has now decided Europe can no longer rely on the USA to commit military support to EU nations that do not pay their NATO subs, should they come under attack, he has done it again ...

US-led strike against Syrian government forces ‘unlawful’ says Russia
When news came that the Syrians were advancing towards American bases things looked serious. And then a US-led coalition strike on a pro-government convoy in Syria, branded by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as illegitimate and representing yet another violation of Syria’s sovereignty, appears to have dashed any hopes of a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The U.S. Presidential Election is NOT Over. Here's Where Things Stand Right Now


As an outsider I have looked on (with wry amusement I must admit,) at the chaotic outcome of the U.S. presidential election and the attempts by various mainstream media organisations, political figures and a host of showbiz celebrities to proclaim Joe (Groper) Biden the winner when in fact votes are still being counted in several key states and enough electoral college delegates to flip the majority to Trump.

It looks unlikely to happen as Biden apparently has a commanding lead at this stage, but as the official result has not been declared it is spurious for anyone to refer to Biden as the President Elect before he has actually been elected according to the laws and constitution of the United States.

Here is a summary of the situation as it stands at the time of writing complied by Graham Summers of Phoenix Capital Research and posted at Zero Hedge

by Phoenix Capital

Disclaimer: none of the following is meant to be political analysis. I am not endorsing nor disparaging any candidate. I’m simply outlining the facts pertaining to the U.S. Presidential election.

I want to warn you that the next few months in the U.S. will be extremely ugly.

The country was already deeply divided before this election. And unfortunately, it’s only going to get worse. The fact is that Joe Biden HASN’T actually won this election yet. 

That is not a typo. The media has done the U.S. a great disservice by claiming that Biden is the winner this early in the game.

Everyone needs to take a step back and understand how the actual election process occurs based on federal law, not media reporting.

1)    The election occurs in early November.

2)    Votes are tallied while officials from both parties (Democrat and GOP) are present.

3)    Provided officials from both parties are present during the vote tallies and there are:

  1. No credible accusations of fraud.
  2. No software glitches.

Then the vote tallies are ratified.

4)    If the vote margin between winner and loser is 0.5% or smaller, an automatic recount is required.

5)    If the margin between the winner and loser is larger than 0.5%, but either candidate (or a 3rd candidate for that matter) wants to dispute the results, he or she can pay to have a recount performed. The cost if roughly $3 million per state.

6)    Once the recount is completed, or if a recount is not necessary, the individual states formally declare the winner on December 14th when they officially cast their electoral college votes for him or her.

7)    Then, in early January of the next year, the new congress meets to count the electoral college votes and formally declare the winner.

8)    The new President is sworn into office on January 20th.

This is how Presidential elections work in the U.S. under normal circumstances.

The media cannot decide who wins. The media can simply project who they think will win based on vote totals at a given time. And unless the loser formally concedes prior to December 14ththe election remains in play.

So where are we in terms of the 2020 Presidential election?

For starters, the races in multiple states (Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona) are close enough to require mandatory recounts (within a margin of 0.5%).

On top of this, the Trump administration will be filing lawsuits in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona alleging fraud, illegitimate votes being counted, and GOP officials being barred from witnessing the ballots being tallied.

Whether or not the Trump administration is right about this remains to be seen.

However, the fact lawsuits are being filed means the election will move into the courts. If the courts decide that the evidence the Trump administration presents is compelling, they can require a formal vote audit.

If, during the vote audit, actual fraud is discovered, the court can rule that those votes are no longer valid, the formal vote counts can change, and it is possible that a given state ends up declaring a different winner.

Even if fraud is not discovered by the audits, but there is a particular problem with vote cards (the wrong type of ink was used, the hole punch didn’t go all the way through the ballot as was the case in Florida in 2000, etc.), the courts can deem those problematic votes as illegitimate.

This again can mean the formal vote counts can change, and it is possible that a given state ends up declaring a different winner.

Mind you, that’s if the courts resolve the issue to everyone’s liking on the first go round.

If either party or candidate is dissatisfied with a lower court’s ruling, they can appeal the ruling, which can result in the lawsuit moving up to a higher court, eventually reaching the Supreme Court, which serves as the ultimate arbiter of election law in the U.S.

This was the case with the 2000 election, when the Supreme Court ruled that vote cards from Florida that didn’t have clean hole punches were NOT valid, which gave the state to George W. Bush and resulted in Al Gore conceding the election on December 13th.

None of the above items are conspiracy theory or wishful thinking. These are the actual facts of how Presidential elections are decided in the U.S.

The media doesn’t decide elections. And technically, Joe Biden is NOT the President elect, no matter how much certain people might want him to be ... Continue reading >>>

Graham Summers    

Chief Market Strategist    
Phoenix Capital Research 




Why Are Mainstream Media All Telling The Same Lies Over US Voting Fraud Claims
As the Trump camp continue to pursue their claims that the election was stolen from them by massive voter fraud and the Democrats continue to insist there is no evidence to support these claims, while actively preventing Trump's lawyers and law enforcement agencies from investigating the claims on the basis of evidence put forward by Trump supporters and whistleblowers, we report on the current state of the chaos.

Anti-Trump Fascists Plan "Democracy Spring"
Following their apparently delusional belief in the "success" of Tuesday night's violent protests, anti-Trump groups are plotting "Democracy Spring" threatening "drama in Washington" with the "largest civil disobedience action [in the USA] of the century."

In Parallel With The Upheaval In European Politics, A Similar Cataclysm Is Happening In The USA Having reported for three or four years now the rise of the anti - Integration parties in European Union member nations, UKIP in Britain, the FN in France, AfD in Germany, Denmakr's Peoiple's Party, Five Star and the Liga Nord in Italy, the Sweden Democrats and others in every E U member state, we now look at what is going on in the USA as campaiging for the presidential election gathers pace.

Democracy Murdered In France
I'm hearing very disturbing news from the French regional elections, predicting that the Front National, comfortable winners in last week's first round of regional elections, hasve been routed in all regions. For that to happen, and to happen through a massive increase in turnout, suggests electoral fraud on a hughe scale. Or has France joined Britain in adopting the Islamic version of democracy, which is one man one vote, one Imam one thousand votes.

German politician calls on facebook to abolish free speech
A German politician has given the clearest indication yet that the political elites of the free world are ideologically much closer to Adolf Hitler's National Socialists than the social liberalism they claim to support. Free speech is the basis of all liberal democracy. Heiko Maas, the German justice minister has has written to the Facebook it removes “xenophobic and racist” anti-migrant posts from its website and apps., has written to the company to demand an urgent review of its policy over hate messages. A Swedish Voter Loses It With The Politically Correct Idiots Running His Country
The problems caused by government created immigrant ghettoes in Swedish cities have turned the once safe streets into war zones as rival gangs from various immigrant communities vie for control of the drugs, prostitution and illegal gambling trades. Democracy versus corporate capitalism
The media are murdering democracy Threat to free speech Europe's equality law is unfair to everyone Google, Facebook and Twitter Yield to German Govt Demand to Censor Anti-Migrant ‘Hate Speech’ France Moves Several Steps Closer To Abolishing Free Speech Facebook begins Europe-wide censorship campaign against free speech. The Left Attack Free Speech And Thought

<Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels
Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...

Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation
Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...

Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation
Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...

Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?
The anti - establishment, anti - globalisation mood that manifested itself in the Brexit vote is sweeping across Europe, the cosy government - corporate cartel is desperately trying to control the narrative, but against the combined strength of millions of new media commentators all challenging the official; narrative, the dark forces of globalism are on the back foot.

Is Bilderberg A Sinister Group That Runs The World Or Just A Tea Party For Rich And Powerful People
Are the Bilderberg Group meeting, this weekend in Dresden, Germany, really The Shadow Government (the New World Order, The Illuminati,) that rules the world? The Oligarchy Is Tottering - Trump Tramples The Neocons' "False Song Of Globalism"
Donald Trump scares the global establishment as do the anti Federalisation parties in the EU. We take a long and detailed look at why, and exactly what the globalist agenda would have meant for freedom and democracy had people not wonken up and opposed it in vast numbers. Kudos to the Islamic Jihad too, medievalist religious nuts they may be, but they resisted American attempt to impose western consumer culture on them.

Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds

If You Look At How Fast Global Trade Is Unravelling, You'll Get Dizzy
Governments constantly make positive noises about the health of their economies although most people who are in work have felt no improvement on the position they were in after the crash of 2008. Wagest are stangnant, employment has reduced somewhat (see below) and while the banks are printing money and the super rich are widening the gap between themselves and ordinary people faster than ever, the real situation is frightening.

The New World order Pope Wants You To Pray For One World Religion The Marxist, globalist, Soros apparatchik currently posing as head of the Catholic faith wants to scrap the Catholic Church. He didn't say that in so many words but he has called on Catholics to pray for the creation of a world religion (because love and peace) which would embrace

Democracy Murdered In France
I'm hearing very disturbing news from the French regional elections, predicting that the Front National, comfortable winners in last week's first round of regional elections, hasve been routed in all regions. For that to happen, and to happen through a massive increase in turnout, suggests electoral fraud on a hughe scale. Or has France joined Britain in adopting the Islamic version of democracy, which is one man one vote, one Imam one thousand votes.

Who Runs America, The White House Or The Shadow Government?
Reports of President Barack Obama’s meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit over the weekend do not look right in the context of yet another blitz of provocative rhetoric from The Pentagon and the Department of Defence towards Moscow. In view of the USA's constant push towards all out war with Russia, one has to ask who is in control: Obama or the generals?

EU "Sounds Alarm" Over New US Sanctions On Russia; Germany Threatens Retaliation
Late on Friday (21/07/17), Congressional negotiators agreed to advance a cross - party bill that would punish Russia for its (alleged) interference in the 2016 election according to the Wall Street Journal. And while it seems improbable that President Trump would sign the bill if it reaches his desk, the loudest complaint about the bill to date has emerged not from the Oval Office, but from US allies in NATO and the European Union ...

Monday, November 09, 2020

Anti-Lockdown Protests Erupt Across Spain As State Of Emergency Extended


from Zero Hedge

Social unrest erupted across Spanish cities for the second consecutive night on Saturday after the government's decision to extend a six-month state of emergency in response to the second wave of COVID-19 infections

Anti-lockdown protesters flooded the streets of Madrid and Barcelona on Saturday night. At least 32 people were arrested and 12 injured when demonstrations turned violent with police in Madrid. Other protests were seen in Malaga, Vitoria, Valencia, Santander, and Burgos, reported RT News. 

On Saturday evening, Spain's prime minister, Pedro Sanchez, called for calm as the violent protests intensified. He tweeted: 

"Only from responsibility, unity, and sacrifice will we be able to defeat the pandemic that devastates all countries. Violent and irrational behavior by minority groups is intolerable. It is not the way." 

Infographic from Zero Hedge


The extension of the national state of emergency order comes as coronavirus infection cases, on Saturday alone, topped 26,000, one of the highest totals since the start of the pandemic. 

"Lawlessness" was the best way to describe the chaotic events in Madrid, tweeted Insider Paper ... Continue reading >>>


London Police Shir Down Anti - Lockdown Protest - Dissent Is Forbidden

London Police forcibly shut down an anti-lockdown protest on Saturday, arresting 29 people in the process. Protesters took to the streets of the British capital, demanding that the government rescind its lockdown measures. An hour into the protest, police officers began arresting activists, claiming violations of social distancing guidelines. The Met also deployed tactics such as kettling in order to suppress crowds and prevent them from gathering.

Democracy Hating Leftie Judges Choose Self Interest Over Justice Yesterday judges in the UK High Court joined the band of traitors in Parliament, the Civil Service, the Bank of England and the media who are trying to overturn the democratic vote to take Britain out of the European Union. The judges ruled in favour of a challenge to the vote, even though it has … Continue reading

Greece Votes On Whether Its People Have Any Future The voters of Greece will choose today, whether their country, the cradle of democracy, has a future of not. They are voting in a general election which could result in Greece trying to renegotiate the terms of its bailout with international lenders and even quitting the EU if the expected victory for hard line left wing party Syriza.

The leader of Syriza, Alexis Tsipras, has pledged to write off much of Greece's huge debt and revoke austerity measures ...

Luxembourg defends massive corporate tax dodging
Over the past week the whole media circus, mainsteam and broadcast, new media, bloggers, the world and his dog, was getting excited about the revelation that traditional tax haven but also founder member of the EU, Luxembourg has been facilitating wholesale corporate tax dodging and this 'business' was given the all clear by the then Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy,

European Commission puts business profits before the needs of the world’s poorest.
While the left try to win elections by creaming 'racist' and 'bigot' at anyone who disagrees with their pro - EU, pro - globalisation, immigrant - loving, gay - loving, paedophile loving authoritarian agenda, thus pissing off the social class who make up the Labour Party's core vote, the thinkers amongs us are seeing the European Federalisation, Agenda 21, Global Government project for what it ius ... Adolf Hitler's dream come to fruition

Privatization of Water as an Owned Commodity Rather Than a Universal Human Right
Corporate powers and the United Nations are planning on privatising water resources including rainfall, yes you did read that right, privatising the rain. The CEO of food processing bastards Nestlé spoke of the plan last year when he said companies like his had a right to make money from sellling OUR water, now those Stalinisdt shits at the United Nations and The World Bank are planning to steal the stuff life depends on.

Representative government Is Being Replaced By A Global Technocracy
When Peter Mandelson, the architect of the New Labour project that gave Britain it's most authoritarian government in three hundred years and sold out national sovereignty to supranational bureaucracies, says that representative democracy is dying, he does not sound as if he will be one of the chief mourtners. What can we do to rescue our democratic freedoms from smooth faced technocrats like Mandelson?

Will War On Terror Become The Perpetual War Of George Orwell's '1984'
Perpetual war, shadowy secret governments and a constant tide of propaganda aimed at inducing a state of fear and paning in the population. A synopsis for a new dramatic production of George Orwell's '1984' the paranoid ravings of conspiracy theorists or an accurate picture of what is happening in our world? Read the articles and others on this site and make up your own minds.

Are Europe And USA Drifting Apart Over Warmomger President Obama's Aggressive Attitude To Russia?
The entire foreign policy of the Obama Administration in the USA is based on having its European alliesd give a veneer of respectability to America's warmongering, economic imperialism and blatant bullying of smaller nations. But has the rent bot President overreached himself in trying to bully Russia's Vladimir Putin?

Leaked Document Exposes One Sidedness Of Corporate-Friendly Trade Deal
A leaked document reveals the extent to which the Canada Europe Trade Agreement (CETA), a template for the much bigger and therefore more threatening to freedom and democratic rule Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment partnership (TTIP), will give Corporate businesses dominion over sovereign nation's elected asdsemblies and law courts. It's time we took up pitchforks and cudgels to march on London ...

EU Boss Argues That Their Work With Banks And Corporate Interests Should Be Concealed From The Public.
Shills for global government and corporate fascism are always quick to shout 'conspiracy theorist' when anybody questions things like the EU federalisation project, the Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trans Pacific Trade Partnership (TPP) The obvious response is to ask why representatives of supra national bureaucracies are so desperate to ensure progress on these peojects is shrounded in secrecy?

Germany Axes Canada-EU Trade Agreement, This Will End TTIP Stitch Up Too
We are winning. Well today we are at least. News broke over the weekend that Germany intends to junk the Canada Europe Trade Agreement (CETA), a template for the much bigger and therefore more threatening to freedom and democratic rule Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment partnership (TTIP). So it looks as though the shockwave of the European Parlianment elections has awoken politicians to the anger of voters throughout Europe with the dicatatorial attitude of the EU.

The Agenda: How An International Elite Are Destroying Sovereign Nations

There is a lot of talk about 'The New World Order' mostly tongue in chek on this site we must say. But that does not mean there is nothing to be concerned about in the emergence of a global elite and their agenda for establishing a world government with integrated finance, energy, industrial and agricultural policies and global law and taxes ...

Slaves To The Machine
Holy City
Chasing Bubbles