The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Scientists Used CRISPR to Engineer a New ‘Superbug’ That’s Invincible to All Viruses

 But remember, any suggestion that the SARS - COV2 virus which causes COVID-19 was engineered in alaboratory is just a conspiracy theory. Got it?

from Singularity Hub
by Shelley Fan, June 8, 2021

Can we reprogram existing life at will?

To synthetic biologists, the answer is yes. The central code for biology is simple. DNA letters, in groups of three, are translated into amino acids—Lego blocks that make proteins. Proteins build our bodies, regulate our metabolism, and allow us to function as living beings. Designing custom proteins often means you can redesign small aspects of life—for example, getting a bacteria to pump out life-saving drugs like insulin.

All life on Earth follows this rule: a combination of 64 DNA triplet codes, or “codons,” are translated into 20 amino acids.

But wait. The math doesn’t add up. Why wouldn’t 64 dedicated codons make 64 amino acids? The reason is redundancy. Life evolved so that multiple codons often make the same amino acid.

So what if we tap into those redundant “extra” codons of all living beings, and instead insert our own code?

A team at the University of Cambridge recently did just that. In a technological tour de force, they used CRISPR to replace over 18,000 codons with synthetic amino acids that don’t exist anywhere in the natural world. The result is a bacteria that’s virtually resistant to all viral infections—because it lacks the normal protein “door handles” that viruses need to infect the cell.

But that’s just the beginning of engineering life’s superpowers. Until now, scientists have only been able to slip one designer amino acid into a living organism. The new work opens the door to hacking multiple existing codons at once, copyediting at least three synthetic amino acids at the same time. And when it’s 3 out of 20, that’s enough to fundamentally rewrite life as it exists on Earth.

We’ve long thought that “liberating a subset of…codons for reassignment could improve the robustness and versatility of genetic-code expansion technology,” wrote Drs. Delilah Jewel and Abhishek Chatterjee at Boston College, who were not involved in the study. “This work elegantly transforms that dream into a reality.”  ... Continue reading to learn more about hacking the DNA code


World Bank Aims to Hand Over Seed Industry to Agribusiness Today Donald Trump will be inaugurated as 45h President of The United States, his victory in the November election having been a major setback to those dark forces that give the impression only one more big push was needed to drive the world into accepting a global authoritarian government. Trump's victory, combined with 'Brexit' the vote by British citizens to leave the EU, combined to make 2026 a bad year for the globalists.

Insane science: Babies to be manufactured from two same sex parents
We have said for a long time that science is out of control and scientists, particularly those in the field of biology, have abandoned any pretence of observing ethical contraints in their quest to play God and control nature itself. This articles shows just how far the sick creeps are prepared to go in dehumanising us.

New GMO ‘gene drive’ technology could be used to unleash the world’s most devastating biological weapon

We told you that push to make all our food crops Genetically Modified was much more sinister than feeding the world's poor at the expense of ordinary people in developed nations. Now the real agenda is starting to be revealed.

New Book Exposes GMO Corporate Fraud
A big event in the battle to keep the food we eat natural, healthy and affordable for the poorest families this month was the publication in London of a new book by American public interest attorney Steven Druker. The text reveals how the U.S. government and leading scientific institutions have systematically suppressed misrepresented the facts about GMOs and the scientific research that casts doubt on their safety.

GM babies? How About The Frankenstein Lobby Try A Bit Of Honesty And Call It Eugenics
As the British Parliament debated legalising the use of techniques to create three parent babies and the dishonest champions of scientific fascism claim is is a perfectly safe development to remove faulty genes from humanity and in no way similar to programs with the same aim carried out in Nazi Germany, we challenge them to be honest and admit what they propose is Eugenics, a morally repugnant quest to create a master race. And all three main political parties support it.

Food Fascists: GMO and Pesticide Manufacturers Play Dirty/a>
Danish farmer IbBorup Pedersen has made his living rearing hogs for decades so you can be sure he knows a thing or two about the animals. But when Pedersen became alarmed at the growing incidence of deformities and biological defects among newborn piglets, which included gaps in skulls, misshaped bones, missing legs and even a female piglet with testicles ...

Genetically Modified Food Crops - Complacency Is No Way To Fight Corporate Fascism.
Adovcates of genetically modified food crops, particularly the GM versions of staple foods such as wheat, corn, soya beans and potatoes say 'the science is settled' and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) pose not risk to human health or the environment and will feed the world's poor. Not so say independent scienctific studies, GM crops are risky, do not provide increased yields and will only result in handing control of the food supply to some very untrustworthy corporate interests.

The Ongoing Propaganda War Behind GMOs Exposed
The United States has been paying farmers for over two decades to NOT produce food, yet biotech would have us believe that genetically modified organisms are necessary to feed the world. This is but one of the many lies they have perpetrated, all the while hiding the real truth behind GM crops. Genetically modified organisms and the chemicals which support their growth are just an outcropping of the military industrial complex and the war industry.

American Farmers Are Abandoning GM Cops Seeds - Higher costs, Poor Yields
More bad news for the Frankenstein Food Industry - the corporate giants like Monsanto, Du Pont and Dow might have New World Order funded politicians in their pockets but the lies of the science whores they hired are transparent and they face close to one hundred per cent opposition from the public.

How many Parents?

Clones: Science Makes War On NatureWe could understand the arguments for genetically modified food crops (although the science turned out to be fraudulent). Increased yields were a worthwhile goal. But there is nothing to gain from switching animal husbandry from natural reproduction (bull - cow, ram - ewe,) to cloning (scientist - test tube), it will make meat hideosly expensive and hand more control to global corporations.

TV Documentary Tells Truth About Monsanto GM Food Scandal
For the first time mainstream media has examined the independent scientific research carried out of the safety of GM organisms and found the claims of biotech corporations such as Monsanto tha
t genetically modified organisms pose no risk to the environment of human health do not stand up to examination.

Genetically Modified (GM) Organisms Playing Roulette With Humanity's Future
Another group of scientists collabotate to deliver a damning verdict on geneticall modified (g m) organisms and the risks they pose to human health and the environment - risks the government, scientists and corporate bosses will never admit to

Another 'Scientific Consensus' Turns Out To Be Corporate / Government Scam
So there are no scientists in the world who question the corporate lieOpen Letter from World Scientists to All Governments Concerning Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). The World Scientists Statement dates from 1999. It was superceded by the Independent Science Panel Report in 2003, and by the most recent report Ban GMOs Now in 2013.

'No Monsanto!': Protest Against GMO Food Goes Global
Thousands took to streets across the world’s cities on Saturday to protest the use of GMO products, with Giant Monsanto being the main target. Over 50 countries have been taking part in the march for world food day, and across 47 different US states. Berlin, Strasbourg, Chicago, London, Sydney and Mumbai are just a few of the 500 cities worldwide involved in the rallies, with each one drawing hundreds.

Roundup Weedkiller Linked To Global Epidemic of Fatal Kidney Disease
thousands to die each year from a MYSTERY fatal kidney disease, with evidence pointing THE herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) as the primary culprit. A new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health proposes a link between the herbicide known as Roundup (aka glyphosate) and a series of mysterious epidemics of fatal ... MORE

The World has Really Been Turned Upside down When We Look To Russia To Defend Our Rights
Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, the land of the free, defends corporate fascism, even when it threatens the future of western civilisation. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, a nation with a long history of authoritarianism and tyranny, stands up for human rights and putting protection of the environment ahead of corporate power and profit. What's going on?

New Study Shows Toxins In GMOs Are Poisonous To Mammals
More evidence that Gemetically Modified organisms are totally unsuitable to be part of the human or animal food chain. When will the message sink in that our politicians and "experts" who advise them just steal our tax money on behalf of fascist corporations like Monsanto.

Are 90% Of Cancer Research Studies Fraudulent?
A shocking report published in nature magazine has revealed that up to 89% of cancer research studies may be fraudulent. In that many cases the results reported were not reproducable and were in the interests of Pharmaceutical and healthcare corporations rather than cancer sufferers. It is not clear in how many cases the researchers were knowingly dishonest and how many were just stupid ...

Diabetes skyrockets across America as Big Pharma drugs fail yet again

In spite of year on year increases in medication usage rates for preventing and treating Type II diabetes, the condition is becoming more prevalent throughout the U.S.A., according to a new study published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Between 1995 and 2010, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes in nearly half of all the U.S. states more than doubled, ...

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