The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Italians take To The Streets To Protest Against Mandatory Vaccine Passports


After the Italian government followed other European countries in announcing mandatory vaccine passports, Italians hit the streets to protest the measure, with demonstrators in Turin shouting, “No dictatorship!”

 Picture: Getty via

France was first in Europe to announce vaccine passports would be mandatory for entry to large events and public spaces last week and the French being the admirably anarchic nation they are, President Macron (Little Emmanuel) was forced by an immediate public backlash last weekend to back off his cherished dictatorial measure. Early this week the United Kingdom announced that proof of vaccination would be required to enter some venues, and Boris Johnson's doom laden warnings sparked an immediate reaction with a large faction of the party he leads in parliament siding with the public for once and annoiuncing they will vote against any such dictatorial and discriminatory measure. 

Italy followed suit, the government announcing on Wednesday (21 July) that from August 6, the authorities will mandate without seeking approval from their national assembly, that their citizens must be enrolled in a “green certification” program which will prohibit access for the unvaccinated or those who can’t provide a negative COVID test certificate to venues such as “indoor bars and restaurants, go to museums, swimming pools, gyms, theme parks and more,” reports Axios.

Irate Italians in Turin reacted by immediately hitting the streets.

The crowd chanted, “No green pass, no green pass!”, “No dictatorship, no dictatorship!” and “freedom, freedom!” during the demonstration. To be fair to the current Italian government they can't really seek legislative approval for anything as they were appointed to rule by the EU after the previous ruling coalition (also installed in power by the EU) collapsed and the Brussels overlords feared annihilation in an election at the hands of a centre right / right wing Eurosceptic coalition. If the protests in Italy are anything like those seen in France last weekend and throughout the week, expect them to become unruly in a hurry.

Although the unrest there forced President Macron to back down some of the places where vaccine passports will be required, the list is still lengthy and includes public transport, bars, cafes and shopping centers with a surface area of more than 20,000 square meters and the French are still extremely and vociferously unhappy at this latest assault on their beloved liberty.

Another major protest against vaccine passports and other hoax pandemic related restrictions on personal liberty and and social activity is planned to take place in London on Saturday. According to groups involved in organising the event this will be the biggest so far of the monthly protests against lockdowns, mask mandates, closure of public facilities and al the other repressive measure imposed by Il Duce Johnson's government to protect people who are not at risk from a virus (The so called Delta Variant), that will not kill them.



{ Italy catalogue } ... [ France ] ... [ Cronavirus fear and panic ] ... [ Death of Democracy ]

Italian Government Near Collapse After Renzi Pulls Ministers From Ruling Coalition

Yesterday this publication reported that under the leadership of Premier Giuseppe Conte, Italy's government has - to the surprise of all Daily Stirrer contributors - held together for almost two years, as the technocratic former law professor - initially brought in to lead a government formed at the behest of the Brussels bureaucracy from two anti-establishment parties, the anti-migrant League and left-wing populist Five Star Movement - had already survived the collapse of his original coalition.

Italian Government On Verge Of Collapse Amid Battle Over EU COVID Relief

from Zero Hedge

Under the leadership of Premier Giuseppe Conte, Italy's government has enjoyed a degree of stability unseen in decades, as the technocratic former law professor - initially brought in to lead a government formed by two anti-establishment parties, the anti-migrant League and left-wing populist Five Star Movement - Conte has already survived the collapse of his original coalition. When League leader Matteo Salvini withdrew from the ruling coalition back in 2019, Conte managed to stave off another election by recruiting new allies from the opposition.

As Migrants Pour Into Italy ISIS Say: Overrun Europe with Immigrants and "Turn it into Hell’ February 17, 2015

Thousands of Africans every month are crowding onto flimsy boats like this one to make the three hundred mile journey from Libya to Sicily and the refuge of European territory*. (Image source – Malta Star) It is well reported that western intervention in Libya, for the purpose of overthrowing Gaddafi resulted in the North African … Continue reading

Italy’s Prime Minister Says Merkel Unilateral Initiative On Migrant Crisis Is Unacceptable

We have been reporting on the breakup of the EU for several years now. The immigrant crisis, the problems with the European Single currency system and its detrimental effect on the weaker economies among its twenty seven members, and the increasing encroachment of the Brussels bureaucracy on matters of national sovereignty are symptoms of a … Continue reading

Italy’s Northern League To Launch EU Referendum Campaign Next

Shortly after the final Brexit referendum result was announced, first the Freedom Party in The Netherlands and then Front National in France quickly declared they would proceed with demanding referenda on E U membership in their own nations. These were quickly followed by the head of Italy’s Northern League who saidaid “Now it’s our turn.’ … Continue reading

Boat Migrants Landing in Italy ‘at a Pace Exceeding Anything We’ve Seen Before’

Canada Passes ‘Blasphemy’ Bill To Silence Critics Of Islam The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates 20,484 migrants have arrived in Europe by sea since the beginning of 2017, with numbers now averaging around 3000 per day and increasing as spring brings better weather. These numbers put Italian arrivals well ahead of the total for … Continue reading

Boat Migrants Landing in Italy ‘at a Pace Exceeding Anything We’ve Seen Before’

Canada Passes ‘Blasphemy’ Bill To Silence Critics Of Islam The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates 20,484 migrants have arrived in Europe by sea since the beginning of 2017, with numbers now averaging around 3000 per day and increasing as spring brings better weather. These numbers put Italian arrivals well ahead of the total for … Continue reading

Italy Threatens to Close Ports to Soros’ Migrant Rescue Boats As Record Numbers Flood In

June 29, 2017 Italian officials say the government has threatened to block foreign boats from delivering African migrants to its ports, declaring the situation to be “unsustainable”. “We can’t go on like this,” a source told AFP after media reports that Maurizio Massari, Italy’s ambassador to the European Union (EU), handed a letter to the bloc warning the … Continue reading

Italy Threatens to Close Ports to Soros’ Migrant Rescue Boats As Record Numbers Flood In

Italian officials say the government has threatened to block foreign boats from delivering African migrants to its ports, declaring the situation to be “unsustainable”. “We can’t go on like this,” a source told AFP after media reports that Maurizio Massari, Italy’s ambassador to the European Union (EU), handed a letter to the bloc warning the … Continue reading

Italeave or Quitaly? The EU Is Falling Apart

Italy: Too beautiful to be part of EU bureaucratic dictatorship (picture source) Since the shock of Britain voting for ‘Brexit’ just over a year ago this blog has been speculating on which EU nation to quit the former free trade association that is being driven by Germany and the globalist elites closer and closer to … Continue reading

Le Pen Calls For Referendum To Stop “Submersion” Of France Via Mass ImmigrationMarine Le Pen, leader of the French Rassemblement National (National Rally) has called for a referendum on immigration policy to stop what she called the “submersion” of France via a “globalist” program of mass immigration. Speaking in a debate on problems caused by mass immigration, Le Pen told the French Parliament that the political establishment had betrayed French people ...

The Islamic Republic Of France
France’s left-wing elite are accused of cowardice for failing to support 16-year-old girl facing death threats after she insulted Islam online, the ruling class have been also accused of cowardice for failing to support a 16-year-old girl who has faced death threats after she allegedly insulted Islam online.

General Strike brings France To Standstill As Nation Protests Macron Policies
France has been closer to social breakdown than the political establishment in the EU and their mainstream media sock puppets will ever admit since the the gilets jaunes demonstrations at their height nearly torched Paris and other cities. It would be a mistake to think, as television news bulletins and large circulation newspapers have suggested …

French police drag Yellow Vest “protesters” away from Bastille Day parade as they jeer Macron
As Mr Macron was riding by at the start of the parade, he was greeted by people in the crowds who turned their backs, booed and whistled. Before the parade, he delivered a message to the French people and said he wanted to highlight France’s “irrevocable commitment to consolidate French and European security”.

The Islamic Republic Of France

Macron Threatens G20 On Climate Then Backs Off
France's boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth's soliloquy in Shakespeare's play turned out to signify nothing.France's boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth's soliloquy in Shakespeare's play turned out to signify nothing.

Residents Of Paris Suburb With Migrant Ghetto Feel ‘Abandoned’ as Crime Surges
In the areas where [ migrants ] have congregated, usually places with a surfeit of run down municipal housing the lawless behaviour in the migrant communities is causing problems for French people. Despite promises from government to increase police presence, residents of the 18th arrondissement of Paris say they feel abandoned as crime rises in the area.

bYellow Vest Violence Erupts Again, 23rd Straight week Of Protests
Clashes between Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) protesters and French riot police on Sturday (20 April,)during the 23rd straight week of protests across France. Police arrested 137 protesters Euro News reports.

Slash taxes now, French tells Macron after three-month 'great debate'
France must slash taxes now, or face ongoing civil unrest. According to the French prime minister, this is the main message from an unprecedented three-month “great debate” in the wake of anti-government “yellow vest” protests. Announcing publication of the findings from two million online contributions and 10,000 hours of town hall debates around the country, Edouard Philippe said on Monday there was “huge discontent” in the country. Astronomical levels of taxation was one of the prime concerns, alongside unemployment, immigration, and surrender of national sovereignty to the European Union.

Macron Isolated After More High Profile Resignations. Pressure Mounts On French President
On top of the Yellow Vests debacle, which is now destabilising France as the anti - government protests continue, a string of resignations from the tottering government of President Emmanuel Macron has prompted Gérard Larcher, leader of the French Senate to warn Macron that his authoritarian tendencies were partly to blame for the civil unrest crisis and political instability that have weakened his presidency.

Ghosts Of ’68 Threaten Macron’s Technocratic Dream.
The idealistic hope that mass protests and civil disobedience could trigger real social change met with some success in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries but looked to have died after the USA’s 1960s civil rights movement and anti – war protests. The recent mass demonstrations of Frane’s gilets jaunes (yellow vests) movement in 2018, a movement … Continue reading France: Yellow Vests Rampage After Founder Arrested 5 January, 2019 Violence has erupted across France once again, days after French authorities arrested a key organizer of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) movement. After today’s protests began peacefully the Paris police once again used riot busting tactics, attacking the yellow vested demonstraters with teargas and batons as protesters began to get noisy during the so-called ‘Act VIII” … Continue reading Yellow vest revolt against Macron will cause huge headaches for France Since the first incarnation of the EU an The Common Market, FRANCE has always been considered one of the bastions of European stability and a poster state for financial and political integration among European Union countries. But former Goldman Sachs banker Emmanuel Macron has thrown both France’s position as Germany’s chief sidekick and the dream … Continue reading

Evidence-based medicine consultancy issues “yellow card” warning about dangers of covid vaccines
A “community interest company” that says it conducts research on behalf of the general public with no conflicts of interest has issued a “yellow card” warning against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,” which “may require further investigation” to “identify issues which might not have been previously known about” concerning their safety.

Covid Vaccine Project? Invasion of The Body Snatchers meets The Milgram Experiments
Boris Johnson is on a collision course with elected representatives of his own party today, as the Prime Minister prepares to abandon every promise he made to end lockdown on June 21st, and announce a four week delat delay to the pan to lift pandemic restrictions. The much-heralded ‘freedom day’ scheduled for June 21 is now due to be pushed back until July 19, with health minister Edward Argar telling the BBC this would allow authorities time to “close the gap” in the number of adults who have had their second jab

The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People
Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.

SHOCKING JUMP in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking Website
There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 5 months than there were the entire past decade.
The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 n the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US. That number is now at 5,997.

10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”14 May 2021 - The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.

Vaccine Adverse Reactions – Not Reported By Mainstream Media
The UK Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is now in full swing and the general public is being bombarded with the official line that to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and regain their freedom, people must be vaccinated. In fact they are told they must be vaccinated twice. …

Vaccine: More cases of rare blood clots, but regulator says benefits still outweigh risk
Reported cases of rare blood clots occuring in people soon after they received a shot of the AZ COVID-19 vaccine has risen to 168. The UK’s medicines regulator said the overall case fatality rate was 19%, with 32 deaths up to April 14. Note the dishonesty in the style of reporting again. Nowhere does the official press release make clear that the figures apply only to adverse reactions of blood clots, both non fatal and fatal. People are still suffering and dying from allergic reactions, heart attacks, organ failure and respiratory failure soon after being vaccinated.

Study Reveals mRNA COVID Vaccines Link To Prion Disease & Brain Degeneration
from Great Game India A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal …

Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer.
Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...

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