The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Even Mainstream Media Are Starting To Quastion COVID Vaccine Propaganda Now


Former libertarian Congressman and thorn in the side of the political establishment, Ron Paul has blogged this week that items in several mainstream media news services have actually questioned key aspects of vaccine effectiveness narrative and threatened mandates and vaccine passports, particularly in respect of the controversial booster jabs now being pushed by politicians ans experts.

"Even mainstream media is now asking big questions about the vaccines" Ron Paul's Liberty Report headlined an article on Wednesday 25 August. The blog text highlighted recent headlines in Bloomberg and BBC that contained unexpected criticism of and somewhat skeptical pushback against the 'consensus narrative'. 

The first news article that Congressman Paul and co-host Daniel McAdams highlight is from Bloomberg.

Here's how the very unexpected Bloomberg article, which was published this past weekend, began:

Anecdotes tell us what the data can’t: Vaccinated people appear to be getting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate. But exactly how often isn’t clear, nor is it certain how likely they are to spread the virus to others. 

Though it is evident vaccination still provides powerful protection against the virus, there’s growing concern that vaccinated people may be more vulnerable to serious illness than previously thought.


And the same day as the Bloomberg, there was this from UK government-funded BBC...

"Is catching Covid now better than more vaccine?"

The story began:

It is now a serious question that has implications for whether children should ever be vaccinated. And whether we use the virus or booster shots to top up immunity in adults. Both have become contentious issues.

"We could be digging ourselves into a hole, for a very long time, where we think we can only keep Covid away by boosting every year," Prof Eleanor Riley, an immunologist from the University of Edinburgh, told me.

A mere month ago such statements would only have been published on alt_news websites and would have quickly been dismissed by the mainstream as the work of 'conspiracy theorists.' Throughout the pandemic andespecially since the vaccine rol out began late last year Facebook, Twitter and other social media organisations have deleted accounts for far milder criticism of the vaccine narrative..

Such reports underscore just how 'experimental' the products really are that this whole Vaccine Messiah narrrative is constructed around. Despite governments in a number of places now mandating COVID-19 vaccines, with boosters just around the corner and already being implemented in some places (with Israel having been the first) on a mass scale. It is stretching our credulity to ask us to believe it is mere coincidence that with a claimed 98% of the population double vaxxed, Israel now has the highest poer capita rate of COVID infections in the developed world.

In the major liberal democracies  of Western Europe and the anglosphere a growing number of public health officials working at the state level are worried that governments are not collecting enough accurate data about "breakthrough" infections (to use the fashoinable euphemistsm coined to avoid saying 'vaccine failure', yet in the USA the Biden Administration is relentlessly pushed ahead with plans to dole out booster shots, as well as other COVID policies a.nd keeping up its propaganda war on the unvaccinated, blaming them for stoking social tensions, the failure of vaccines and even, in one ridiculous report I read, for the chaotic reterat from Kabul.

The US government agency reposible for pandemic statistics, Centre for Disease Control (CDC) is now accused of deliberately undercounting 'breakthrough infection' numbers to prop up the narrative that only vaccines can protect against COVID. According to Politico, 49 states are now regularly sending CDC information on hospitalized breakthrough patients. But a significant number have said that they do not have the capacity to match hospital admission data with patients' immunization records, causing states to rely on hospital administrators to report breakthrough infections.


The result is data that is often inaccurate, based on estimated figures and missing critical details like which vaccine the consumer received .

The fact that the CDC and public health departments across the country are still struggling to collect data on breakthrough infections ought to be embarrassing, considering the pandemic has hung around for 18 months at the time of writing, and scientists have repeatedly warned about the necessity of being prepared for the Omega Death Variant which is right around the corner, according to the latest fearmongering bollocks spouted by the Vaccine cult Idiot in Chief, Dr. Fauci.

“I think it would be really challenging [for the CDC] to interpret the results or to interpret the data when you have only some jurisdictions reporting [breakthrough infections],” said Theresa Sokol, lead epidemiologist for Louisiana’s state public health department, which is working closely with the CDC on studies of breakthrough infections. “I know that there are some jurisdictions that don't even have access to their vaccination data. They don't have the authority or their permission.”

Staying with the USA as the pandemic response having been Wadshington led largely because the vaccine manufactirers are Amerocan owned global corporations, last year, the CDC allocated a small amount of money (reportedly "tens of millions of dollars") to help U.S. states upgrade their systems (other democracies, under pressure from the World Health Organisation other nations followed suit. But the CDC admits it will take years for the necessary upgrades to be made.

"Nothing has changed since the pandemic began,” one senior health official said. "We’re still dealing with this patchwork system — and it continues to fail us."

Of particular concern for health officials now is how rapidly the Delta variant spreads, whether it is reducing the effectiveness of vaccines and whether it causes a more severe disease. Tracking breakthrough infections is a critical step toward arriving at all of these assessments.

Currently the CDC is conducting a smaller study with a subset of states to examine all of their breakthrough infections, including mild cases that don’t send people to the hospital. The health authorities participating in this study have the ability to match lab reports with immunization records:

"We report what we have, but we know that it's limited because it's based on a direct report from a provider — as opposed to taking a data set of all hospitalizations and matching that against our vaccine registry,” said Sokol, the Louisiana epidemiologist. “We're not able to do that for hospitalization. We rely on individual reports from hospitals. And some report well, others do not. So we know that it's not complete."


“We don’t have a clear understanding of what the data actually says about the Delta variant, transmission and boosters,” one of those officials said.

A damning admission which confirms the US government (and probably others including UK, France and Germany,) are intentionally misleading their citizens about the effectiveness of COVID vaccines. To be sure, deliberately under-counting breakthrough infections has its advantages: for example, the governments can mask the number of breakthrough infections reported, making the vaccines appear more effective than they actually are, in order to support coercive measures to increase vaccine take up..

Former Congressman Ron Paul has highlighted this week that a handful of mainstream media articles have actually begun to break ranks in terms of questioning key aspects of vaccine effectiveness and mandates, particularly when it comes to the controversial boosters now being widely proposed.

"Even mainstream media is now asking big questions about the vaccines" Wednesday's Liberty Report featured. A couple of recent headlines in Bloomberg and BBC were unexpected in terms the criticism reflected and somewhat skeptical pushback against the 'consensus narrative'. 

The first news article that Congressman Paul and co-host Daniel McAdams highlight is from Bloomberg.

Here's how the very unexpected Bloomberg article, which was published this past weekend, began:

Anecdotes tell us what the data can’t: Vaccinated people appear to be getting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate. But exactly how often isn’t clear, nor is it certain how likely they are to spread the virus to others. 

Though it is evident vaccination still provides powerful protection against the virus, there’s growing concern that vaccinated people may be more vulnerable to serious illness than previously thought.

And the same day as the BBG headline, there was this from UK government-funded BBC...

"Is catching Covid now better than more vaccine?"

The story began:

It is now a serious question that has implications for whether children should ever be vaccinated. And whether we use the virus or booster shots to top up immunity in adults. Both have become contentious issues.

"We could be digging ourselves into a hole, for a very long time, where we think we can only keep Covid away by boosting every year," Prof Eleanor Riley, an immunologist from the University of Edinburgh, told me.

A mere month or more ago such statements found in these couple of mainstream media articles would get a person possibly suspended from Facebook or Twitter.

But they underscore just how 'experimental' the whole scenario is, despite governments in a number of places now mandating COVID-19 vaccines, with boosters just around the corner and already being implemented in some places (with Israel previously being the first) on a mass scale.

Soon we could see health officials pushing a second booster, a third, and on and on it will go... maybe instead of seeing organised hate mobs of vaxxed people ganging up to attack the unvaxxed in internet comment threads, next year we will see the triple vaxxed blaming the double vaxxed for the failure of vaccines, masks and social distancing to end the pandemic. Clearly the people behind this vast propaganda campaign are becoming deperate. The longer the pandemic is strung out the more sceptical people become. And the more sceptical people are the harder it gets to sell them the idea than only by compliance with the fascistic diktat of control freak politicians can we hope to regain the rights and freedoms that have been taken from us in the name of saving us from a highly infectious killer disease that our own observations should tell us does not infect most people and kills only those who are very old or already very sick.



US CDC Admits Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed
July 29: In a bombshell admission today the United States Center for Disease Ccontrol’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on the effinciency of vaccines in preventingcovid-19 was destroyed. Back in March Walenksy put on record the promise that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others,yet earlier this week she admitted that vaccines are failing, and vaccinated people may actually be carrying higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, thus contributing more to the spread of COVID-19 than those of us who wisely declined the killer vaccines.

Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells
You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together. This explains the blood clot phenomena happing around the world after Covid inoculation. This explains the inflamed heart epidemic happening around the globe after Covid vaccination. This explains the explosion of cases of neuromuscular degenerative conditions ...

Doctors and Scientists Warn Of Covid Vaccine Dangers Government And Big Pharma Corporations Are covering Up
July 17: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people” through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots from Natural News, 14 July 2021 ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people” through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots

UK COVID Vaccine Fail: 40% of Those Hospitalized for COVID-19 Were Fully Vaccinated
21 July: The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance gave a press conference yesterday to warn the nation that 60% of those admitted to hospitals for COVID-19 had received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Vallance later issued a tweet explaining that he had previously misspoken, with the actual number around 40%. I have read and heard from other sources the first figure is more accurate but no matter, ...

17,503 DEAD, 1.7 million injured (50% SERIOUS) reported in European Union’s database of adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 shots
19 July: A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) ...

FDA Warns Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Can Cause Your Immune System To Attack Your Nervous System
Guillain-Barre has been detected (read fact-sheet below) in about 100 people who had recently received Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 jabs, and the FDA said on Monday that 95 of those cases required hospitalization. One vaccine recipient died from the disorder, the agency said, without providing details. Many of the patients were men aged 50 and older, and symptoms developed in most of the cases within six weeks after they were vaccinated ...

UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Unsafe for Humans’ Due to Adverse Events
Scientists and doctors looked at data from the British government’s Yellow Card vaccine event reporting system. They found that the “overwhelming” number of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines definitely raised alarm bells. The Yellow Card system is the British equivalent of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. The system is run by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

Protect our children from this vaccine assault
DEAR parent, carer or person concerned about the wellbeing of the children and young people in our lives: I am extremely concerned at the prospect of our young people and children being given the Covid vaccine. While the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) did say that the vaccine has many potential side effects and children are at extremely low risk from the virus itself…

12 July: Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers (again)
Rock legend Eric Clapton, lead guitarist with The Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith and Derek and the Dominoes, who also recorded and performed with many other artists and bands has speaking out once more about the horrors he is now having to endure thanks to his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.” …

Death By Vaccine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century
27 June: In his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Dr. Peter Gotzsche arguably recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) writes, “The reason why we take so many drugs is that drug companies do not sell drugs. They sell lies about drugs….

Evidence-based medicine consultancy issues “yellow card” warning about dangers of covid vaccines
A “community interest company” that says it conducts research on behalf of the general public with no conflicts of interest has issued a “yellow card” warning against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,” which “may require further investigation” to “identify issues which might not have been previously known about” concerning their safety.

Covid Vaccine Project? Invasion of The Body Snatchers meets The Milgram Experiments
Boris Johnson is on a collision course with elected representatives of his own party today, as the Prime Minister prepares to abandon every promise he made to end lockdown on June 21st, and announce a four week delat delay to the pan to lift pandemic restrictions. The much-heralded ‘freedom day’ scheduled for June 21 is now due to be pushed back until July 19, with health minister Edward Argar telling the BBC this would allow authorities time to “close the gap” in the number of adults who have had their second jab

The Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People
Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.

SHOCKING JUMP in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking Website
There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 5 months than there were the entire past decade.
The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 n the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US. That number is now at 5,997.

10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”14 May 2021 - The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.

Vaccine Adverse Reactions – Not Reported By Mainstream Media
The UK Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme is now in full swing and the general public is being bombarded with the official line that to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and regain their freedom, people must be vaccinated. In fact they are told they must be vaccinated twice. …

Vaccine: More cases of rare blood clots, but regulator says benefits still outweigh risk
Reported cases of rare blood clots occuring in people soon after they received a shot of the AZ COVID-19 vaccine has risen to 168. The UK’s medicines regulator said the overall case fatality rate was 19%, with 32 deaths up to April 14. Note the dishonesty in the style of reporting again. Nowhere does the official press release make clear that the figures apply only to adverse reactions of blood clots, both non fatal and fatal. People are still suffering and dying from allergic reactions, heart attacks, organ failure and respiratory failure soon after being vaccinated.

Study Reveals mRNA COVID Vaccines Link To Prion Disease & Brain Degeneration
from Great Game India A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal …

Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer.
Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...

Backflipping Boris Says Vaccine Passports for Will Be ‘Feature of Our Life in the Future’ March 11, 2021 Contrary to what other ministers in his government have been saying recently, Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted earlier this week it is highly probable that vaccine passports for international travel will be a feature of Britons’ lives in the future. Speaking at a Downing Street press event on Monday evening, the Prime Minister Johnson acknowledged … Continue reading 

Have Mainstream Media Seen Through Facebook And Google At Last Mainstream media has seen through Google and Facebook at last, it seems. For years print and broadcast news have heaped praise on digital media while tech corporations like Google and Facebook censored content and filtered their rivals pages out of search results.

Anti-Trump Fascists Plan "Democracy Spring"
Following their apparently delusional belief in the "success" of Tuesday night's violent protests, anti-Trump groups are plotting "Democracy Spring" threatening "drama in Washington" with the "largest civil disobedience action [in the USA] of the century."

France Moves to Make ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Illegal by Government Decree
I have little time for people who yell 'conspiracy theory'. These emotionally crippled, intellectually retarded, conformity addicted, delusional, left leaning, low - information sucklers of Nanny State's bitter pap might fancy themselves the voices of reason but in reality they never think anything through. German politician calls on facebook to abolish free speech
A German politician has given the clearest indication yet that the political elites of the free world are ideologically much closer to Adolf Hitler's National Socialists than the social liberalism they claim to support. Free speech is the basis of all liberal democracy. Heiko Maas, the German justice minister has has written to the Facebook it removes “xenophobic and racist” anti-migrant posts from its website and apps., has written to the company to demand an urgent review of its policy over hate messages.

Free Speech Is Being Murdered By The Media And Left Wing Authoritarianism
Without free speech there is no democracy. Without democracy there is no freedom. But all over the developed world free speech is under attack from politically correct politics. It is time to start resisting, do not believe the propaganda published by mainstream media, question everything and make up your own mind. as The Buddha said, "Believe nothing you read or are told unless it agrees with your own experience and common sense."

Farage Reckless Facing Rabid Left Wing Fanatics
Following the defection to UKIP of Conservative MP Mark Reckless, who yesterday shocked the media and political establishment (everyone else knew it was on the cards.) by announcing his switch from con to Kipper from the podium at the closing session of UKIP's conference, the Kippers latest recruit and his new leader yesterday faced angry but ineffectual protests

Farage Reckless Facing Rabid Left Wing Fanatics
Following the defection to UKIP of Conservative MP Mark Reckless, who yesterday shocked the media and political establishment (everyone else knew it was on the cards.) by announcing his switch from con to Kipper from the podium at the closing session of UKIP's conference, the Kippers latest recruit and his new leader yesterday faced angry but ineffectual protests

Obama administration ‘blocking' information from the press
Uncovering information that should be available to the public has become increasingly difficult under the presidency of Barack Obama, an Associated Press bureau chief says. In some cases, it surpasses the secrecy of the George W. Bush administration. The White House's penchant for secrecy does not just apply to the federal government, according to AP's Washington bureau chief, Sally Buzbee.

Western Hypocrisy In Reporting News about Ukraine And Russia
The opening paragraph of a CNN report on the latest developments in the crisis in Ukraine illusrate perfectly the hypocrisy of Western media in the way they cast Russia as the danger to world peace and America as bringer of freedom and democracy. In fact in the crisis over the US attempt to draw Ukraine into NATO the positions taken by the USA abd Russias are the opposite of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Scandal hit Rotherham ‘deleted abuse files’
In a move that puts them among the contenders for lying, self serving shits of the decade, but still in a league of their own un terms of complete and utter shittiness, it has emerged that the scum sucking scab lice of Rotherham Council's controlling Labour group and the public servants they employed had deleted files in order to cover up their complicity in the blatant and systematic child abuse perpetrated under the noses of council officials.

Centralized power - the worst of all possible worlds
The centralization of power over the past few decades in nations of the developed world has led to the evolution of a sociopathic managerial class formed mainly from the old petite bourgoisie who have now gravitted to public sector careers where their delusions of social status and the unaccountability of office lead them to abuse such power as they have.

Kick Political Correctness Out Of Football
As another football versus politiocally correct authoritarianist brings 'the beautiful game' even further into disrepute, we wonder is it time to kick politically correct authoritarianism out of sport.

Intrusive Surveillance Technology, Internet control freaks and The Orwell-Huxley-Dick Dystiopianometer
Are privacy campaigners right to be worried about intrustive internet technology and the massive databases that log our behaviour and parse the data for patters that enable us to be targeted for advertising? Should we bee worried by surveillance or are those that raise doubts just scaremongering? The Orwell-huxley-Dick dystopianometer is rising.

So Who Is Anti - science? Those Who Question Climate Change Or Those Who Would Abolish Free Speech
It was looking as if the global warming scare was dead, then that Nazi shit Barack Obama, seeing his dream of being President Of The World slipping away, gave his science whores enough money to enable them to kick some life back into it. Now the "science" lobby, unable to put together an convinging argument against their challengers are demanding the abolition of free speech.

New World Order War On free Speech Comes To Britain - Guardian editor accused of treason
The right to free speech is under threat from intolerant, authoritarian elitists, call them The Illuminati, New World Order, Scientific Dictatorshgip, Global Elite, whatever. Their goal is absolute power and they know that while the right of free speech, the free press and free access to information exist they cannot succeed.

How academic debate is suppressed on science topics like Climate Change, GMOs, Pesticides and Toxicity of medicines
Intellectual intolerance and the supposed superiority of the scientific education have led not just to the politiciisation of science but to it's being seduced by corporate money and political power. Science was ever fascism's whore of course and the egos of scientists are easily bought. This has led to a very unhealthy emergence of dogmas and orthodoxies and an intolerance of the dissent that is essential if scientific research is to have any credibility.

Phobophobia - Fear Of Being called Phobic?
Homophobia is not fear of homosexuals but fear of thec same thing which does not make sense. Just as politically correct thinking uses the word bigot nonsensically so it's accusations of phobia are irrational - as irrational as the groundless fear familiar to those who suffer the recognized medical conditions called phobias.

The Importance Of Free Speech And A Free Press
Politicians around the developed world including leaders of the two most powerful democracies, Barack Obama and David Cameron have been falling over themselves to join the attack on free speech. On subjects as diverse as climate…

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