The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

UK MP Says Demented Biden Has Gone 'Gaga,' Questions Fitness for Presidency


It is comforting to know that for one our elected representatives in the UK Parliament, or a significant number of them at least, are in tune with public opinion. These people who have shown they have enough tesicular fortitude to go off-message, are not happy about the looming humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan as a result of President 'Dementia Joe' Biden’s hasty and ill - considered Afghanistan surrender — and happily instead of mumbling mealy mouthed and mild criticisms in the corridors of power they’re determined to let the world know all about it.

Under an August 18 headline that read: Parliament to hold Biden in contempt for obstructing their processes amid the chaos Tory (Conservative Party) members of Parliament blasted the Biden a for a gobsmacking level of  incompetence that has endangered not only Afghans and Americans stranded behind enemy lines but also some of our own people.

“The UK government is now in a race against time to airlift nearly 2,000 Afghan interpreters and other staff who worked for Britain out of Kabul amid a growing backlash at Joe Biden over his decision to stick to his August 31 withdrawal deadline,” the U.K. Daily Mail reported on Wednesday.

The major UK newspaper said these interpreters have already cleared the Taliban’s security checks and are eligible to go home but now sit waiting at the Kabul airport.

They are among the 10,000 people reliable sources say are waiting for a flight out of the Afghan capita as turmoil threatens to destabilise that nation for the foreseeable future. The likely outcome of Dementia Joe's surrender to Islamic fundamentalists is a return to the war on terror as Muslim fanatics carry our terrorist attacks throughout the developed world, is not one any of us wants to see after a 20 year engagement in Afghanistan in an effort  to help the nation progress from medievalism.

But Biden’s growing list of horrifying foul ups is encouraging extremists not just in Afghanistan but around the world, and for good reason.

Some MPs joined in the chorus of relentless criticism coming from politicians and media commentators in the U.S., condemning the president’s refusal to extend the exit date for U.S. forces because Washington maintains that “an extension would leave troops at too great a risk of attack from the Taliban or Isis,” in the words of the Daily Mail.

In response to this refusal, some Conservative MPs have openly questioned Biden’s “intellectual fitness.” This is understandable as there was ample evidence that Joe Biden was in the middle stagest of senile dementia even before he was nominasted as the Dempocratic Party candidate in the 2020 US Presidential election.

Domestically, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has proven to be one of Biden's most vocal critics.

“He turned his back and walked away — an image that has come to define him and his presidency,” McCarthy said during a Wednesday media briefing, according to the New York Post.

“He turned his back on our own citizens stranded in Afghanistan, he’s turned our back on our allies and partners, he’s turned his back on his duties as commander in chief.”

To make matters worse for the failing administration in Washington, the Daily Mail pointed out the fact that Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken seemingly blamed Americans for not leaving Afghanistan “fast enough” after being told to evacuate previously.

“For many years we have urged Americans not to travel there. We’ve repeatedly asked Americans who are in Afghanistan to enroll [at the Kabul Embassy],” he said.

“And since March of this year, we’ve sent 19 separate messages to Americans enrolled in the embassy, encouraging them and then urging them to leave the country. We’ve even made clear we would pay for their repatriation.”

But, as we’ve heard from Biden himself (or mole likely the people who write the comments he reads, badly, from his ever present autocue, he maintains that the poorly executed withdrawal was still a good idea, even going so far as saying he believes history will show in his favor.

It’s everyone’s fault but his, right? As well as being senile the man is clearly delusional, but then he was always an idiot even when in his prime. Who can forget the episode 33 years ago when he delivered almost word for word, a speech originally given by the then leader of the UK Labour Party Neil Kinnock

Now near the end of our evacuation missions, the U.K.’s Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab asserts the country’s officials are working “as fast as [they] can” to ensure they can evacuate as many Britons and people who worked for the UK military presence as possible.

Meanwhile, criticism from MPs still rages.

“If this does destroy Biden’s presidency, you have to question his fitness for the role,” MP Bob Seely told the Daily Mail.

“You have got to question Trump’s moral fitness for the role, but you have got to address Biden’s intellectual fitness and health fitness for the role.

“I’m sorry, he is just gaga … he doesn’t have a grip. How many slip-ups before people think, yep, he can’t do the job.”

Another broadside came from MP Tom Tugendhat, a veteran of the War in Afghanistan.

"“To see their commander in chief call into question the courage of men I fought with, is shameful.”

And that sums up the Biden Presidency: As U.S. President and allegedly leader of the free world Joe biden is an embarrassment. Our rivals in China, Russia and the Islamic States must be rubbing their hands in glee.



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