The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, September 06, 2021

UK care workers leave industry en masse after being told to get vax or quit ...


UK care workers leave industry en masse after being told to get vax or quit, with unions begging govt to reconsider policy
 Picture: RT
One of the items of evidence that figures for COVID vaccine take up claimed by governments of the developed nations is the number of doctors, nurses and people working in healthcare professions who are refusing to get the "clotshot." In the UK, where the National Health Service is always on the brink of crisis because of difficulty recruiting and retaining staff, the current situation is being exacerbated by the numbers of workers who were ordered by the government to get vaccinated against Covid-19 or lose their jobs have left the industry en masse for better paid positions at companies such as Amazon, creating massive staffing shortages.

According to a report on the staffing crisis in the left wing Guardian newspaper which included interviews with several care home industry officials, “three-quarters of care home operators are reporting an increase in staff quitting since April,” with the reasons being “a desire for less stress and for higher pay” and “to avoid mandatory vaccination, which comes into effect on 11 November.”

Even though the vaccine has not yet been made mandatory for hospital and health centre workers it was reported back on April of this year, also reported in The Guardian with a similar report in The Daily Telegraph that a significant number of NHS front line staff were refusing the vaccine, saying the medications were not true vaccines as they do not provide immunity, are not properly tested and not enough is known about possible long term side effects. These are people in a position to know more about the vaccines than most of us as they will have access to information not available to the general public.

The more recent reports that many care workers are leaving for other positions in the NHS, where vaccination has not yet been made compulsory, and for unrelated jobs at companies such as Amazon where they have been offered a 30% increase in pay and other incentives are confirmed by many sources, including official statements regarding the numbers of patients who my have died because treatment for serious conditions such as heart problems, cancer or diabetes have been delayed or cancelled due to staffing problems..

One care worker left their £9.30 an hour job to work as an Amazon warehouse picker, which pays £13.50 per hour and also offers a £1,000 joining bonus, according to the report. Is it any wonderr the care industry is on the brink of collapse.

In response to the mass exodus, the industry is now desperately calling on the government to end its mandatory vaccination policy for care workers, warning that a “catastrophe” is on the horizon. Comments relating to horses bolting and stable doors being closed are appropriate. The catastrophe has already happened, the SARS-COV2 pandemic is just the topping. For too long medical science has focused obsessively on extending the human lifespan, thus we now have a society top heavy with old people no longer able to live independently and this has spawned a whole industry based on providing care for these individuals, which is staffed by poorly paid workers.

Obviously trying to coerce these workers into accepting a deeply suspect experimental vaccination has pushed the industry into the abyss. Why should who people do a difficult job for inadequate reward have to put up with being forced to surrender their right to make their own choices on health related matters in order to keep jobs that clearly are not worth having. Virtue cannot be spent in the shops.

National Care Association executive chairman Nadra Ahmed, quoted by The Guardian, said that the National Health Service (NHS) will ultimately “have to pick up this mess” and called on the government to reconsider its policy,  public service union Unison declared that ministers “must immediately repeal ‘no jab, no job’ laws for care home staff in England to avert a staffing crisis that threatens to overwhelm the sector.”

Unison issued a dire warning that the government's “draconian” mandatory vaccination policy is “pushing thousands to the brink of quitting care work” and said the government is “sleepwalking into a disaster” by ensuring a massive shortage of staff during a pandemic.

The union also revealed that many care workers are being pressured into working up to sixty or in extreme cases seventy hours a week to cover staff shortages and “feel totally undervalued” and that “being bullied” into taking a vaccine they neither want not trust was “the last straw” for many in the industry.

The vacancies for care workers could total more than 170,000 people – with 70,000 being those who refuse the jab – after mandatory vaccination is implemented later this year, according to government estimates cited in the media.

During the first wave of the pandemic, elderly people in care homes made up roughly half of all Covid-19 deaths in the UK between March and September 2020. Nearly 30,000 residents died "with COVID while the numbers who died shortly after receiving the vaccine (my brother in law among them) is not available. Anyone who mentions deaths that may be connected to the vaccine is called a conspiracy theorist of course, though evidence of a massive cover up exists in stories like that of Pemberley House care home in Basingstoke, where in February this year 23 out of 70 residents died withing a few days of being vaccinated.

Government and health service press releases dismissed suggestions that the vaccine and the deaths might be linked and dismisses the deaths as a series of unfortunate coincidences and insisted there was no evidence of a link between the deaths and the vaccines. Other new from Basingstoke at that time included reports of large flocks of pigs flying over the town. Boggart Blog notes there is no evidence that such things did not happen. The thing about evidence is if you don't look fot it you will never find it.





Covid Vaccine Fascism
Greenteeth Digital Publishing catalogue of posts on the covid pandemic authoritrariansm propaganda and pushbacks. Find posts on the authoritarian acts of government, the lies of Big Pharma vaccine makers and the protests and pushbacks from the people whose resistance is not being reported in mainstream media

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