The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Defends Freedom, But Not In Canada




The World's newest fascist dictator, Justin Trudeau Picture: Conservative Brief

Following the Russian incursion into Ukranian territory in defence of ethnic Rusians in the separatist regions of Donbas, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken a stand in support of freedom. Sadly it was not about freedom for individuals in the country he leads.

“Russia’s flagrant disregard for the independence of a sovereign nation is a serious threat to security and stability in the region and around the world,” the prime minister said, as the thuggish bully boys of his Royal Canadian Mounted Police Force continued the brutal assault ordered by Trudeau on the trucker Freedom Convoy, The National Post reported.

“Canada and our allies will defend democracy. We are taking these actions today in a stand against authoritarianism,” he said. “The people of Ukraine, like all people must be free to determine their own future. We will continue working with our international of partners to safeguard Ukraine’s territorial integrity and prevent further Russian aggression.”

After the assaults on human rights perpetrated by government leaders in most developed nations in their botched and ineffective responses to the COVID pandemic it would be gratifying to see a political leader stand up for democracy and freedom, but Trudeau doing so while simultaneously presiding over the arrests and beatings of truckers and many citizens who turned out to support them for participating in the Freedom Convoy is pure hypocrisy. Trudeau's 'woke - liberal' response to the pandemic has been the most authoritarian and human rights violating on the planet. 

Inside every work liberal there's an evil little Nazi trying to get out of course, and in implementing mask and vaccine mandates, draconian punishments for violating undemocratic lockdown orders and in by passing the democratic process and usurping the powers of the elected assembly to himself, when it comes to fascistic authoritarianism Trudeau has shown he cam make Hitler and Mussolini look like a couple of bumbling amateurs.

Take the case of one of the Freedom Convoy’s organizers, Tamara Lich, who on her arrest was denied bail because the judge was not convinced that she would go home and follow the conditions she would have to, The CBC reported.

Lich, the Alberta woman behind a now-halted GoFundMe campaign that raised over $10 million to support the protest in Ottawa (money which was stolen by the state on Trudeau's orders, ) was arrested and charged Thursday with counselling to commit mischief, whatever that may be. It certainly does not sound like a serious crime

Before her arrest, Lich told journalists she wasn’t concerned about being arrested, didn’t think the protest was illegal and also said her bank account was frozen.

Arrested, no bail, bank accounts frozen and sitting behind bars for the crime of “mischief?” It seems the worst crime one can commit in Turdeau's Canada is to disagree with Dictator Trudeau on anything

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