The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Amazing Increase in Global Sea Ice Confounds the Net Zero Warmageddonists


posted by Arthur Foxake 28 November 2022


 For years now we have been assailed by stories from Climate Change alarmists about the catastrophic consequences of disappearing sea ice which was melting rapidly due to man made climate change. Sea levels would rise, low lying nations and islands would be swamped under salt water, there would be mass extinctions of plant and animal species and it would be impossible to get a pizza that was not soggy. 

 SHOCK! HORROR! According to a new study based on satellite data, in 2022 there is more Artic sea ice that at any time in the past 30 years. So why after all those dire predictions of doom and devastation has Arctic sea ice cover come roaring back so quickly over the last few years? Nobody knows – apparently not one scientist on the planet can tell you, writes Willis Eschenbach in a short essay for the climate alarmism watchdog site Watts Up With That? 

 It might be noted, of course, that there was always a plethora of 'peer reviewed' scientific papers to back up warning of the many catastrophes that never happened or explanations of how human activity was to blame whenever there was a cyclical blip in regular climate patterns, and mostly these related to how humans were hellbent on destroying all life on earth. Ice melting at the Poles is still one of the crucial supports for the entire Net Zero political agenda.

Infographic:WUWT via Daily Sceptic

The above graph shows changes in Arctic sea ice cover during the satellite era. Values are anomalies from the 1991-2020 average. Eschenbach notes that since around 1990, people have been talking about how human-emitted carbon dioxide is reducing the amount of Arctic sea ice. When it started dropping very fast, there was talk we’d passed a ‘tipping’ point from which the ice would never recover. Over this time, noted Eschenbach, predictions of an ice-free Arctic ocean abounded.

Obsessions are hard to shake off and the obessive doom-mongering of the climate alarmist industry is no exception. Despite the recent recovery in sea ice and the increase in numbers of Polar Bears which were predicted to be extinct by now, there is still talk of tipping points – mostly an invention of so-called ‘attribution’ computer models – being passed. In his recent Frozen Planet II agitprop series, the BBC's old far in chief, Sir David Attenborough made a number of model-produced references to the Arctic being free of summer sea ice by 2035.

So why did the Antarctic ice pack, unlike the Arctic pack, start increasing quite rapidly around 2008? Nobody knows, the mathematical modellers say (and we must never forget that all the evidence for catatrophic climate change presented by 'scientists' comes from mathematical models based on 'adjusted data' rather than from information gathered in the real world. Why did the Antarctic differ from the Arctic by plateauing from 2010 to 2015, but then mirror the Arctic by dropping rapidly, and then turn around and start rebounding? You guessed it – nobody knows. 

Why has global sea ice followed this pattern, while CO2 continues to rise in the atmosphere, he asks. The politically-motivated alarmists constantly tell us the ice will soon all disappear. According to Eschenbach, not one climate scientist on the planet predicted these large changes in sea ice.

The study's author concludes:

Here’s the strangest part. Despite the failure of the many predictions of an ‘ice-free Arctic’, despite the falsified claims that we’ve passed a ‘tipping point’, despite the fact that the reasons for the curious and unexpected changes in the polar sea ice cannot be explained by anyone and the changes weren’t predicted by anyone – climate change scientists still insist that they can tell us what the global temperature will be like in the year 2100.

Of course, there are many sceptical scientists who seek answers to the cyclical nature of global ice outside the restrictive confines of ‘settled’ climate science. As the Daily Sceptic has often reported, short-term movements of ice are affected by often incalculable atmospheric heat exchanges, ocean currents and many other natural climatic variations.

The geologist Professor Ian Plimer recently noted in an essay published by Quadrant, there have been six major ice ages and each started when there was far more CO2 in the atmosphere than now. Taking the longer view, Plimer said that we are currently in an ice age initiated 34 million years ago, the current interglacial started 14,400 years ago in the Northern Hemisphere, and we were at the peak of this interglacial 4,000-7,000 years ago in the Holocene Optimum.

Two American geologists recently found that over half of the Arctic’s glaciers and ice caps that exist today did not exist or were smaller 3,400 to 10,000 years ago. At the time, atmospheric CO2 ranged between 260 to 270 parts per million, compared to the current 410 ppm. At the peak of this interglacial Arctic warming, temperatures were noted to be several degrees warmer than today. Change in the size of glaciers and ice caps over the last few centuries “is only a partial return to a former period of much greater warmth”, the geologists suggest.

Political tactics designed to scare entire populations into abasndoning the prosperity civilisation has brought and the great majority of us delivering ourselves into states of existence similar medieval servitude in compliance with the demands of the Net Zero agenda, while the obscenely rich business and financial elites grow even more rich and powerful, pay little attention to bothersome things like facts.

Global warming ran out of steam a couple of decades ago, and the latest satellite data for November is almost certain to extend the current eight year, one month pause in the warming trend (which was a minor blip at the end of a sixteen yeear pause. Instead a ‘highway to hell’ message is broadcast ad nauseum, with predictions of famine drought, floods, wildfires, hurricanes and deadly heatwaves, based almost solely on output from mathematical models fed with invented data attributing bad or ‘extreme’ weather to the activities of humans.

Despite the overwhelming evidence from the past that global temperatures can rise and fall rapidly, an entire climate industry, backed by almost unlimited transfers of wealth from often poor to rich people, has sprung up forecasting the impending Warmageddon if there is a rise of a few parts of a degree centigrade. RELATED:

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[ Climate change ] ... [ Climate lies ] ... [ Climate CO2 efect overstated ] ... [ Energy green Dreams ] ... [ Energy net zero reality ]

It’s definitely all a bit of a mystery.


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