The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Main News Stories - 13 February 2023

Two Top Climate Scientists Find Further Evidence That Global Warming Has Been Exaggerated

by Chris Morrison
Daily Sceptic,12 February 2023 11:00 AM

Up to one fifth of all warming reported across the planet by around 20,000 weather stations is invalid due to corruption from non-climatic data. This finding is the latest revelation from two atmospheric scientists seeking to measure the effect of human-caused urban heat on global surface temperature measurements. [... ]

The latest finding arises from the ongoing work of Dr. Roy Spencer and Professor John Christy of the University of Alabama in Huntsville. The two scientists looked at the 19,885 temperature stations in the Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN) distributed around the world from latitudes 20N to 82.5N. They found that over the last 40 years, virtually all of them had experienced growth associated with human settlement. The global work is said to be at an early stage, but “very preliminary calculations” are said to suggest that urban heat averaged across all stations is about 10-20% of GHCN trends.

The Fatal Flaw Of The Renewable Revolution

by Gail Tverberg via Our Finite World blog,, Feb 13, 2023

Ramping up wind turbines, solar panels and electric vehicles can’t solve our energy problem

  • Renewables are hailed as a potential solution to the world’s energy problem, but it might not be as easy as simply installing more turbines or solar panels.

  • Renewable tech is incredibly complex and requires a lot of support in order to function. 

  • Increasingly complex energy solutions are undoubtedly powerful and promising, but in practice, they often result in more fuel use rather than less.

Many people believe that installing more wind turbines and solar panels and manufacturing more electric vehicles can solve our energy problem, but I don’t agree with them. These devices, plus the batteries, charging stations, transmission lines and many other structures necessary to make them work represent a high level of complexity.

A relatively low level of complexity, such as the complexity embodied in a new hydroelectric dam, can sometimes be used to solve energy problems, but we cannot expect ever-higher levels of complexity to always be achievable.

According to the anthropologist Joseph Tainter, in his well-known book, The Collapse of Complex Societies, there are diminishing returns to added complexity. ... Continue reading >>>

Ukraine Short On Ammo With Russia Gaining, Despite West's Billions, Stoltenberg Admits

NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg in a Monday briefing warned that the West is now locked in a race against Russia to get ammunition to the front lines in support of Ukrainian forces. He specifically affirmed that NATO countries are in a "race of logistics" regarding ammo and arms supplies at a crucial moment of intensified fighting. This as "Russia seems to have already launched a large-scale offensive in Ukraine... sending in thousands and thousands more troops," Stoltenberg explained.

"It is clear that we are in the race of logistics. Key capabilities like ammunition . . . must reach Ukraine before Russia can seize the initiative on the battlefield." He also described dramatically that "A war of attrition becomes a battle of logistics," while acknowledging that "Yes, we have a challenge. Yes we have a problem . . . but we have a strategy to tackle that." In some ways, his new words are a belated admission that Russia has already seized the initiative.

Source: Ukroboronprom

According to more from the Financial Times, despite the West already having poured billions in arms and supplies into Ukraine's military effort over the past year, Ukraine is still being far outgunned: ... Continue reading >>>

State’s hostility on vaccine injury is not confined to Covid 

VACCINE injury is not confined to Covid injections. There are controversies surrounding smallpox, measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), swine flu and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, and this is not an exhaustive list of jabs with dangerous, unwanted effects.

The smallpox vaccine can cause encephalitis and spread the virus to others, the MMR was blamed for an increase in autism, swine flu caused narcolepsy and now the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the US drug monitor, say HPV vaccines have caused an increase in premature ovarian failure/insufficiency (POF or POI), also known as premature menopause. Can you imagine anything more devastating for young women who receive the vaccine aged 12? Their dreams of having a family shattered before they even reach adulthood.

The NHS website says that early menopause can be caused by ‘some medical treatments’ or because an ‘autoimmune response attacks reproductive tissues’. The HPV is designed to provoke an immune response so whether it can cause POF should be the first line of investigation. Predictably, it’s not even on the list. ... Continue reading >>>

UK Polling Report

Sturgeon Still Scotland's Most Popular Politician Despite 12% Margin Against Independence

13 Feb @ 15:35
Callum Jones

A recent finding from Panelbase, that 40% of Scottish voters wanted Nicola Sturgeon to resign, made headlines in the national press this weekend. Even though more voters in the same poll, 45%, wanted Sturgeon to stay. The Times also reported Kate Forbes, on 7%, was "the most popular choice" to replace the First Minister - despite the fact 69% said "don't know". Irrespective of the merit of these headlines, and related reporting, new polling from Lord Ashcroft does provide important perspective on discussions around Sturgeon's standings in public opinion.

When attitudes towards political figures are quantified on a scale of 0-100, with 0 representing a response of "very negative indeed" and 100 denoting very positive, Nicola Sturgeon tops the list. .... Continue reading >>>

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