The story was all over mainstream media here in UK this morning; the Wagner group mercenaries, the private army that defeated the forces of His Excellency, Genealissimo Vobblyvoddymyr Bellendskyyy, President for life of The Whole World at the siege of Bakhmut had rebelled against the Putin regime in Russia and was leading his troops at they marched towards Moscow. Fully paid up members of the Bellendskyyyyy fan club were creaming themselves in comment threads under the articles.
They who have been predicting the downfall and assassination of Putin throughout the war congratulated themselves on their prescience, they had been right all along, it just took a little longer that expected for this development to come about. But now, they raved, Russia would disintegrate, His Excellency, The Emperor, Field Marshal, Sir Vobblyvoddymyr Bellendskyyyyy could now lead hid triumphant cohorts into Russia and within days would be in Murmansk and Vladivostock.
Unfortunately that scenario did not quite play out. We will probably never know whether the mutiny / rebellion was genuine or a stunt to distract from something else but by early evening the rebels had surrendered, it was all over and Putin was still in power.

Russian leaders had a few unseasy hours as Wagner group appeared to mutiny today - or was it an arranged stunt? (picture: Mirror group news)
The Wagner Group private military company (PMC) is returning to its “field camps,” its leader Evgeny Prigozhin announced late on Friday. His units staged the mutiny overnight, seizing control of multiple military and administrative sites in the southern city of Rostov-on-Don, as well as launching an advance towards Moscow, apparently in protest against the incompetence shown by Russian military and defence industry leaders responsible for mismanaging the supply line for getting ammunition to the front line..
The insurrection had reached the brink of major bloodshed, Prigozhin said, announcing that Wagner’s advancing columns will return to their camps “according to plan.”
“They wanted to disband PMC Wagner. On June 23, we went on a March of Justice in a day. We advanced on Moscow just 200km short, and during this time we did not shed a single drop of the blood of our fighters,” he claimed.
During the mutiny, however, the private military outfit reportedly downed multiple aircraft and repeatedly skirmished with Russian forces.
News of the Wagner mutiny being called off broke after the press service of Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko announced he had held successful negotiations with Prigozhin. The talks were held in coordination with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Minsk.
“Evgeny Prigozhin accepted the proposal of President Alexander Lukashenko to stop the movement of the armed men of Wagner in Russia and to take further steps to de-escalate tension,” a Belarusian presidency statement declared. It added that Prigozhin had been offered “an advantageous and acceptable option for resolving the situation, with security guarantees for the Wagner PMC fighters.”
The Wagner commander himself, however, has not mentioned the talks with Lukashenko in his latest statements.
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