The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The People Who Stole Our Freedom Are Now Trying To Steal Our Humanity


SEVERAL recently published articles, like this one by  Professor Angus Dalgleish and Dr. David LivermoreProfessor Masayasu Inoue, Prof Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Mike Yeadon and many others others have warned us about the effectiveness and dangers of the largely-untested mRNA technology. 

While the research and studies by these scientists, each eminent in their own field, are reported to have been debunked  by online fact checkers (websites controlled by political agencies, corporate cartels and billionaire psychopaths with a vested interest in silencing people who might expose their crimes against humanity, and staffed by failed journalists eminent in nothing at all,) the evidence that there is something seriously dodgy about the mRNA vaccines that did not immunise against COVID, did not slow the spread, did not mitigate symptoms is staring us all in the face.

For a start, the mRNA vaccine’s effectiveness is known to diminish after just a few months, so regular boosters are necessary yet statistics show that the more jabs you have the more likely you are to get CVOVID. Moreover, a number of peer-reviewed studies have linked the mRNA vaccines to an increase in heart conditions such as myocarditis and pericarditis. And more recently, evidence has been mounting that they may suppress the body’s natural immune response to several forms of cancer.

The latest news about mRNA developments is that the technology is being tested for what was its original purpose – not as a vaccine, but as a gene therapy for cancer. An mRNA product is in Phase 3 clinical trials as a treatment for melanoma (skin cancer) and scientists hope this technology could also be used to stop lung, bladder and kidney cancer. 

This may be successful and hopefully be less harmful than current treatments. But given the increasing questions about the effectiveness and safety of mRNA technology as a mass-administered vaccine, you might have expected that our rulers would call for a pause in mRNA vaccine development and deployment to give time to assess the risks and benefits.

The mRNA 'vaccines' are not a "catastrophic mistake" as one doctor mentioned above has claimed. They are a means by which those who wish to create a global technocratic regime have enacted a slow cull of what they regard as the excess human population - the "useless eaters" to borrow a phrase from a certain leader of Germany who caused a lot of trouble in the 1930s and 40s - which will take several decades to fully unfold, via slowly increasing excess mortality (think of compound interest). The survivors are already being corralled into a future where freedom, personal sovereignty, the family and all religions are unknown, except Scientism and other forms of technology worship. If you want to very this,
(We have done so a thousand times already,) look at official statistics for the democraphic groups most greatly affected by COVID, the very old and the chronically ill.

This cull, now set in motion, was deliberate, malicious in intent and long in the planning. The artificially-engineered virus was released, not leaked. The associated lockdowns, fear campaign, scapegoating, regulatory changes and everything else done to us were deliberately designed to inflate deaths attributed to Covid-19, all to one end: to justify the introduction of the mRNA shots, followed by repeated boosters.

The vaccine-repeated booster strategy was carefully designed to very discretely introduce mechanisms by which our immune systems are being weakened (even the unvaccinated can be affected to some extent). The mechanisms are various, but include the gradual replacement of effective igG1/3 antibodies by weak igG4 antibodies, the suppression of igA respiratory antibodies, blood clotting, degradation of our DNA and the inactivation of cancer-suppressing genes (hence the rise in "turbo-cancers". In the long run, cancer may be the biggest killer, but there are many, many other conditions, often gruesome, that are developing.

The alterations the shots are making to our DNA means that humanity is now extinct as a natural species; the entire human gene pool will eventually be contaminated by artificial gene sequences and virus/vaccine initiated mutations. The more mRNA technology we allow, the further from natural humanity we will become.

This is a war against the human race committed by the most treasonous people who ever lived - traitors to their own species - and is the greatest crime against humanity that has ever been committed. A sickness far more serious and deadly has infiltrated and corrupted every aspect of human society. It is also responsible for transsexualism, transhumanism, pornography, the Net Zero lie and much else. it is a grave threat to mankind and to the quality of all life on Earth, which is a conscious living organism, now beginning to commit suicide. It has no name but is typified by extreme selfishness. Some have called it narcissism which only shows they do not know much about Hellenic myth. Others have used the term egocentrism, which is better but the culprits do not merely imagine themselves the centre of the world, in their mind's eye they are world, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient and they would usurp to themselves the power of governments, church and the law to gain absolute control.

Those of us who oppose this crime may yet save Mother Gaia and with it our children's futures, but we have to understand the gravity of the situation first. This is no time for half measures, no time for enquiries, no time for hiding in the woods, no time for anything other than an immediate uprising of citizens throughout the world to overthrow our corrupt, owned, puppet governments, which long ago abandoned their citizens to serve the agenda of the globalists.


[ New World Order ] ... [ Living within the conspiracy ] ... [ Humanitas ] ... [ Coronavirus fear and panic ] ... [ Shadow government ] ... [ Flight from freedom ]

Gates Foundation funded study punlished by The Lancet exposes failure of COVID vaccines and lockdowns
A study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, with the short title the “Global Burden of Disease” (the full title is so long its almost an article in itself,) has become the latest in a long line of peer - reviewed academic publications to expose the failure of pandemic interventions such as lockdowns and vaccines.

Forget The Transition To Renewables - The Elites Are Gaslighting Whole World
Gaslighting is a process of constantly drip-feeding false information to another person or people, effectively causing them to doubt their own perception of the world. If done intentionally in order to cause the target to doubt their [correct] perception it is what governments describe as “nudging”, i.e. gradually pushing or steering the subject towards acceptance of a belief contrary to that person's experience or observation based conclusion.

[ Coronavirus fear and panic ] ... [ Covid vaccine harm ] ... [ Covid vaccine fascism ] ... [ Health Tyranny ]

Even The Fully Ordained Members Of The Branch Covidian Cult Are Starting To See The Light
Regular readers of this blog and anyone else who has more active brain cells than testicles or tits as the case may be will have known beyond reasonable doubt that the Covid-19 killer virus narrative and its sequel the vaccine that saved the world but did not stop the spread of the kilers virus (that didn't actually kill) was a fake since before the pandemic was declared.

Pandemic Preparedness And The Road To International Fascism
The World Health Organization's broad definition of health embraces physical, mental and social well-being. Expressed in its 1946 constitution alongside concepts of community participation and national sovereignty, it reflected an understanding of a world emerging from centuries of colonialist oppression and the public health industry's shameful facilitation of fascism. But somewhere along the way those high minded ideals were lost ...

Forget The Partygate Distraction, People Still Have To Be Held To Account For Lockdowns - Here's Why
It is quite obvious that the pandemic and its aftermath will be with us for years but after all the angst ridden coverage of the 'Partygate' scandal and the hounding of Boris Johnson when he was not the only one who ate cake while the rest of us languished in isolation (well some fools did, although nobody I knew took the unconstitutional, human rights abusing restrictions very seriously, it seems the media are focused on the wrong things.

The Lockdown Scams Exposed
Excuses are flying thick and fast and panic is the order of the day among elected representatives and salaried pubic servants in the UK government as, day after day for the past week, UK print and online news organisation the Telegraph has published more leaked documents revealing the lies, quid pro quo arrangements, fabricated data, bad science, personal vendettas and dodgy deals that shaped the nation's response to the COVID hoax pandemic.

Forget The Hysteria, The Real COVID Infection Fatality Rate
For three years screaming headlines in mainstream media have whipped up fear of the mild effects of the SARS - COV2 virus which causes a didseas known as COVID19. Doctors employed by the government repeatedly warned that unless we accepted an untested, experimental medication marketed as a vaccine (though it was anything but,) this disease would surely either kill us or leave us severely delibitated.

Will Swiss court action over vaccine injuries turn the worldwide tide?
CRIMINAL charges have been filed against the Swiss drugs authority on behalf of six people allegedly injured by the Covid vaccination. A team of lawyers and scientists have compiled a comprehensive evidence report and have made publicly available around 1,200 items of evidence, arguing that Swissmedic has created a risk to public health which significantly exceeds that of SARS-CoV-2.
They assert that the authority approved the new gene therapeutics, although the minimum standards required by law were never met ... Continue reading >>>

The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right Again: UK Gov. report admits 19.2 million people in England have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine,
For two years this blog has insisted that the published data on COVID cases and deaths were fabricated, an essential part of a massive campaign of scaremongering propaganda. There were numerous attempts to make those of us wise enough to refuse the killer vaccines feel as if we are oddballs or freaks. In November 2021 the government's Chief Scientific Advser, back by the chief medical adviser announced that just 5 million people in the United Kingdom were unvaccinated for COVID, having declined the offer of a Covid-19 vaccine.

How COVID Corrupted Science
Politicians who criticised AstraZeneca vaccine 'probably killed hundreds of thousands', says Oxford scientist in an outburst that reveals how the science acedemy have been totally owned by corporate money and thus have been guilty of lying, scaremongering, fabricating evidence, publishing fake statisics and spreadsing misinformation. And the politicians who told us to 'trust The Science' are just as guilty. ...
Continue reading >>>

COVID cover-up: UK media refuses to report that 4 of 5 coronavirus deaths over the past month occurred in the vaccinatedEarlier this evening Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in a broadcast to the nation, implored British citizens to continue doing what they’ve been told to do throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately everything the government has told us to do: Stay at home, Work from home, Wear masks, wash your hands every twenty seconds, do not touch anything, Shun your friends and relatives especially if they are sick, Get a vaccine, Get a second, vaccine, Get a booster vaccine, ... etc, etc, etc,
Continue reading >>>

Gates Foundation funded study punlished by The Lancet exposes failure of COVID vaccines and lockdowns
A study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, with the short title the “Global Burden of Disease” (the full title is so long its almost an article in itself,) has become the latest in a long line of peer - reviewed academic publications to expose the failure of pandemic interventions such as lockdowns and vaccines.

Forget The Transition To Renewables - The Elites Are Gaslighting Whole World
Gaslighting is a process of constantly drip-feeding false information to another person or people, effectively causing them to doubt their own perception of the world. If done intentionally in order to cause the target to doubt their [correct] perception it is what governments describe as “nudging”, i.e. gradually pushing or steering the subject towards acceptance of a belief contrary to that person's experience or observation based conclusion.

[ Coronavirus fear and panic ] ... [ Covid vaccine harm ] ... [ Covid vaccine fascism ] ... [ Health Tyranny ]

Even The Fully Ordained Members Of The Branch Covidian Cult Are Starting To See The Light
Regular readers of this blog and anyone else who has more active brain cells than testicles or tits as the case may be will have known beyond reasonable doubt that the Covid-19 killer virus narrative and its sequel the vaccine that saved the world but did not stop the spread of the kilers virus (that didn't actually kill) was a fake since before the pandemic was declared.

Pandemic Preparedness And The Road To International Fascism
The World Health Organization's broad definition of health embraces physical, mental and social well-being. Expressed in its 1946 constitution alongside concepts of community participation and national sovereignty, it reflected an understanding of a world emerging from centuries of colonialist oppression and the public health industry's shameful facilitation of fascism. But somewhere along the way those high minded ideals were lost ...

Forget The Partygate Distraction, People Still Have To Be Held To Account For Lockdowns - Here's Why
It is quite obvious that the pandemic and its aftermath will be with us for years but after all the angst ridden coverage of the 'Partygate' scandal and the hounding of Boris Johnson when he was not the only one who ate cake while the rest of us languished in isolation (well some fools did, although nobody I knew took the unconstitutional, human rights abusing restrictions very seriously, it seems the media are focused on the wrong things.

The Lockdown Scams Exposed
Excuses are flying thick and fast and panic is the order of the day among elected representatives and salaried pubic servants in the UK government as, day after day for the past week, UK print and online news organisation the Telegraph has published more leaked documents revealing the lies, quid pro quo arrangements, fabricated data, bad science, personal vendettas and dodgy deals that shaped the nation's response to the COVID hoax pandemic.

Forget The Hysteria, The Real COVID Infection Fatality Rate
For three years screaming headlines in mainstream media have whipped up fear of the mild effects of the SARS - COV2 virus which causes a didseas known as COVID19. Doctors employed by the government repeatedly warned that unless we accepted an untested, experimental medication marketed as a vaccine (though it was anything but,) this disease would surely either kill us or leave us severely delibitated.

Will Swiss court action over vaccine injuries turn the worldwide tide?
CRIMINAL charges have been filed against the Swiss drugs authority on behalf of six people allegedly injured by the Covid vaccination. A team of lawyers and scientists have compiled a comprehensive evidence report and have made publicly available around 1,200 items of evidence, arguing that Swissmedic has created a risk to public health which significantly exceeds that of SARS-CoV-2.
They assert that the authority approved the new gene therapeutics, although the minimum standards required by law were never met ... Continue reading >>>

The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right Again: UK Gov. report admits 19.2 million people in England have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine,
For two years this blog has insisted that the published data on COVID cases and deaths were fabricated, an essential part of a massive campaign of scaremongering propaganda. There were numerous attempts to make those of us wise enough to refuse the killer vaccines feel as if we are oddballs or freaks. In November 2021 the government's Chief Scientific Advser, back by the chief medical adviser announced that just 5 million people in the United Kingdom were unvaccinated for COVID, having declined the offer of a Covid-19 vaccine.

How COVID Corrupted Science
Politicians who criticised AstraZeneca vaccine 'probably killed hundreds of thousands', says Oxford scientist in an outburst that reveals how the science acedemy have been totally owned by corporate money and thus have been guilty of lying, scaremongering, fabricating evidence, publishing fake statisics and spreadsing misinformation. And the politicians who told us to 'trust The Science' are just as guilty. ...
Continue reading >>>

COVID cover-up: UK media refuses to report that 4 of 5 coronavirus deaths over the past month occurred in the vaccinatedEarlier this evening Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in a broadcast to the nation, implored British citizens to continue doing what they’ve been told to do throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately everything the government has told us to do: Stay at home, Work from home, Wear masks, wash your hands every twenty seconds, do not touch anything, Shun your friends and relatives especially if they are sick, Get a vaccine, Get a second, vaccine, Get a booster vaccine, ... etc, etc, etc,
Continue reading >>>

Gates Foundation funded study punlished by The Lancet exposes failure of COVID vaccines and lockdowns
A study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, with the short title the “Global Burden of Disease” (the full title is so long its almost an article in itself,) has become the latest in a long line of peer - reviewed academic publications to expose the failure of pandemic interventions such as lockdowns and vaccines.

Forget The Transition To Renewables - The Elites Are Gaslighting Whole World
Gaslighting is a process of constantly drip-feeding false information to another person or people, effectively causing them to doubt their own perception of the world. If done intentionally in order to cause the target to doubt their [correct] perception it is what governments describe as “nudging”, i.e. gradually pushing or steering the subject towards acceptance of a belief contrary to that person's experience or observation based conclusion.

[ Coronavirus fear and panic ] ... [ Covid vaccine harm ] ... [ Covid vaccine fascism ] ... [ Health Tyranny ]

Even The Fully Ordained Members Of The Branch Covidian Cult Are Starting To See The Light
Regular readers of this blog and anyone else who has more active brain cells than testicles or tits as the case may be will have known beyond reasonable doubt that the Covid-19 killer virus narrative and its sequel the vaccine that saved the world but did not stop the spread of the kilers virus (that didn't actually kill) was a fake since before the pandemic was declared.

Pandemic Preparedness And The Road To International Fascism
The World Health Organization's broad definition of health embraces physical, mental and social well-being. Expressed in its 1946 constitution alongside concepts of community participation and national sovereignty, it reflected an understanding of a world emerging from centuries of colonialist oppression and the public health industry's shameful facilitation of fascism. But somewhere along the way those high minded ideals were lost ...

Forget The Partygate Distraction, People Still Have To Be Held To Account For Lockdowns - Here's Why
It is quite obvious that the pandemic and its aftermath will be with us for years but after all the angst ridden coverage of the 'Partygate' scandal and the hounding of Boris Johnson when he was not the only one who ate cake while the rest of us languished in isolation (well some fools did, although nobody I knew took the unconstitutional, human rights abusing restrictions very seriously, it seems the media are focused on the wrong things.

The Lockdown Scams Exposed
Excuses are flying thick and fast and panic is the order of the day among elected representatives and salaried pubic servants in the UK government as, day after day for the past week, UK print and online news organisation the Telegraph has published more leaked documents revealing the lies, quid pro quo arrangements, fabricated data, bad science, personal vendettas and dodgy deals that shaped the nation's response to the COVID hoax pandemic.

Forget The Hysteria, The Real COVID Infection Fatality Rate
For three years screaming headlines in mainstream media have whipped up fear of the mild effects of the SARS - COV2 virus which causes a didseas known as COVID19. Doctors employed by the government repeatedly warned that unless we accepted an untested, experimental medication marketed as a vaccine (though it was anything but,) this disease would surely either kill us or leave us severely delibitated.

Will Swiss court action over vaccine injuries turn the worldwide tide?
CRIMINAL charges have been filed against the Swiss drugs authority on behalf of six people allegedly injured by the Covid vaccination. A team of lawyers and scientists have compiled a comprehensive evidence report and have made publicly available around 1,200 items of evidence, arguing that Swissmedic has created a risk to public health which significantly exceeds that of SARS-CoV-2.
They assert that the authority approved the new gene therapeutics, although the minimum standards required by law were never met ... Continue reading >>>

The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right Again: UK Gov. report admits 19.2 million people in England have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine,
For two years this blog has insisted that the published data on COVID cases and deaths were fabricated, an essential part of a massive campaign of scaremongering propaganda. There were numerous attempts to make those of us wise enough to refuse the killer vaccines feel as if we are oddballs or freaks. In November 2021 the government's Chief Scientific Advser, back by the chief medical adviser announced that just 5 million people in the United Kingdom were unvaccinated for COVID, having declined the offer of a Covid-19 vaccine.

How COVID Corrupted Science
Politicians who criticised AstraZeneca vaccine 'probably killed hundreds of thousands', says Oxford scientist in an outburst that reveals how the science acedemy have been totally owned by corporate money and thus have been guilty of lying, scaremongering, fabricating evidence, publishing fake statisics and spreadsing misinformation. And the politicians who told us to 'trust The Science' are just as guilty. ...
Continue reading >>>

COVID cover-up: UK media refuses to report that 4 of 5 coronavirus deaths over the past month occurred in the vaccinatedEarlier this evening Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in a broadcast to the nation, implored British citizens to continue doing what they’ve been told to do throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately everything the government has told us to do: Stay at home, Work from home, Wear masks, wash your hands every twenty seconds, do not touch anything, Shun your friends and relatives especially if they are sick, Get a vaccine, Get a second, vaccine, Get a booster vaccine, ... etc, etc, etc,
Continue reading >>>

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