The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Reflections On The Trump Assassination Attempt And The Great Reset

 by Arthur Foxake, 17 July 2024

In the three days since the apparent assassination attempt on Donald Trump we are (predictably) no nearer to knowing what really happened at that rally in Pennsylvania than we were in the minuntes immediately following the former presisent's lughole being clipped by a bulllet, but the claims and counterclaims from interested parties are coming thick and fast.

 It was the Security Services wot done it

No, Trump staged the event himself in order to gain public support by casting himself as the brave, freedom loving hero.

No, it was the Deomcrats, panicking as their candidadtes mental and phsical incapacity is exposed.

No, it realy was a lone lunatic with a lust for notoriety

No, it was his wife Melania who was so horrified at the prospect of having to spend another four years pretending she likes him she coordinated the whole thing with help from the CIA, MI6 and Mossad. (This one is my favourite but you could say I'm biased, because I made it up a couple of hours ago over a lunchime pint with my fellow Boggart Bloggers.) 

The facts, insofar as we know them, point to the apparently ‘stage-managed’ drama and  ‘too-good-to-be-true’ photographs emerging from the fracas.  – The incredible  luck of having Trump superficially wounded just enough to look like a John Wayne type character, using his rifle butt to club Mexicans to death at the Alamo, without actually either seriously injuring him or missing him altogether. The fact his security detail allowed him ‘pose for photos’  puching the air and shouting FIGHT, FIGHT, instead of rushing him off stage. And the fact the alleged shooter was a registered Republican.

 comment image
The unedited version of Trump immediately after the shooting (Picture via OffGuardian)


Whether and to what extent the event itself is staged  propaganda featuring Trump as a populist hero challenging (deep) state power on behalf of MAGA-loving libertarians is unimportant. With the J6 ‘insurrection’ especially serving this narrative, in reality is manufacturing divide-and-rule ‘polarization’ of the “bewildered herd” (Lippmann) with potential to propel the USA into ‘civil war’. Such a crisis would be instrumental in creating an opportunity for (deep) state power to step in with martial law, again, to address the state of emergency with another state of siege to dictatorial protocol (e.g., lockdown) further undermining traditional ideology of representative government.

Adding to the sense of politicial theatre around events on that stage however, one piece of a larger puzzle globally coordinating convergence of ruling institutions plotting radical reset and (de)population control on multiple fronts of human society, leading us into techno-totalitarian rule. War on misinformation strengthening the censorship industrial complex, rollout of CBDCs, UBIs, and social credit scores as increasing ‘cost of living’ continues economic collapse since convid’s war on the commons.

Rollout of 5/6G cellular network technology for full spectrum dominainace from space via satellites and IoT/IoB control grids on earth with ‘smart’ cities in which people are policed following ‘managed retreat’ from climate emergency and war (e.g., geoengineering), net-zero war on carbon culling herds and controlling food for hunger games austerity if not starvationare all part of the script.

Military wars capable of igniting world war and nuclear conflagration, and so much more, all on top of the continuing plandemic for biodigital eugenics to colonize and mutate human beings 2.0, the elite's war on humanity is relentless. The ultimate aim is to produce psychic confusion, overwhelming of consciousness, and seeming senselessness of resistance to the final solutions of total war on humanity, as if it’s past time to act and the war has already been won, without a fight (which is assured if we stay tuned to the shitshow of political theater).

The over-the-top nature of the legal campaigns against Trump and his ‘insurrectionist’ followers over the past few years began to seem so contrived to me that I started wondering whether the PTB didn’t actually want us to rally around Trump for some reason. Then, after the Izzies started up their genocide in Gaza, it occurred to me that the Zionists could well want Trump back in office to go to war against Iran. 

The Bidenistas seem to have permanently flubbed the war on Russia, and their base would never permit them to invade the ME, so it made sense that priming the electorate for a ‘return of the king’ is what would happen next. Next, they deliberately decided to ‘reveal’ that Biden is senile at a date far too late for the Dems to replace him without major embarassment; and it now seems that they’re going to stick with this sack of bones anyway! At precisely the same moment that Trump has been elevated to action/adventure super-hero status, there is now — suddenly – no further talk of replacing Biden.

It's as if we are watching a blockbuster movie, a sort of James Bond / Jack Reacher / Jason Bourne mash up that is taking way too long to get to the end. At this point we should have wored out that though everything is fake but there are plenty of shoot outs, car chases, SFX and stunt work so the best plan is not to think about what happened but just to focus on how this event fits into the plot.

For all these reasons, along with the obvious anomalies of the shooting observed by those on the ground, I am now firmly in the false-flag camp. And Trump pick of Ziocon senator JD Vance just clinches it. I have the powerful feeling that this time next year, we will be at war with Russia or Iran ... or both.


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Trans-women’s Milk As Good As Breast Milk, says NHS Trust
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The most important question about the 2020 election

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Trump Calls On VP Pence To Grow A Pair And Challenge The Election
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US News Sites Claimed UK Nov 5th Fireworks Were To Celebrate Biden Presidency
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As The World Hails President Not-Trump, News Media Forget He Hasn’t Won Yet
I read several times today that having been “officially” declared winner of the election and now US President elect, Joe Biden is being called on to heal the nation. It’s bollocks of course, while Joe Biden holds an apparently convincing lead in enough states to give him a majority in the electoral college, that body does not meet to formally elect the president until mid December.

Election Fun And Games In America
According to national sources such as The Epoch Times, Trump is currently at 214 electoral votes. If you add Georgia and North Carolina, both of which are obvious Trump wins, far beyond the margin of any Biden recovery, that puts Trump at 245 electoral votes. Trump is currently leading in Pennsylvania, and it looks like a victory that will be aggressively defended by the President and his team.

The American Election Is Going To Be Fun.
With the national polls showing Sniffer Biden has a double figure lead byt state – by – state polling showing the race neck and neck, the scandal involving Biden’s son Hunter and dodgy deals in China and Ukraine now embracing Pappy Joe’s activities as Obama’s Vice President, the Democrats claiming Trump will not accept defeat …

Media continue to cover up Joe Biden’s mental decline
With President Trump unfortunately sidelined at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a few days, do you think the media will now be able to devote more attention to examining the incoherent babbling of Dementia Joe Biden?
Nah, won’t happen. The media have been ignoring and/or covering up Biden’s obvious mental decline for more than a year now, even though the video evidence is at their fingertips.

Is America Heading For Civil War?
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Over half of Americans support using Army to aid police deal with George Floyd protests
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Biden the Democrats least hopeless hopeful? Or is he?
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American Stupid: Hillary Clinton Says Male Leaders Scared of Greta Thunberg
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Hijab wearing, Jihad supporting U.S. Congresswoman refuses to condemn stoning of gays.
Ilhan Omar (with Bernie Sanders behind thinking "I wouldn't mind giving her a taste of my pork sausage) - picture credit

It had to happen, and it was always going to be great comedy value when it did. U.S Liberals were always going to face the moment when their love of Gays, Lesbians and Trannies clashed head to head with their love of terrorists and the Islamic Jihad.

Sane Democrats See Little To Gain From Impeaching Trump, Fear It Will Backfire
In an opinion poll commissioned by Reuters a majority of US Democrat voters say they fear that the latest m,ove to impeach President Trump over the Biden-Ukraine scandal will backfire, giving him a boost into the 2020 US election. One has to wonder about an epidemic of dementia among leading Democrats who have forgotten that only a few weeks ago

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