The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Conspiracy Theorists Were Right (again) Governments ARE Planning To Make Us Eat Insects

A research centre backed by the UK Government has been set up and tasked with getting insects and other meat alternatives onto supermarket shelves and making them more palatable to the public.

Bug Burger - picture credit


Businesses involved in creating meat alternatives have emerged in recent years, accompanied by propagada about how the omnivore diet of most humans is destroying the planet. Government departments and supra - national bureaucracies that created narratives about the environmental impact of animal agriculture, which accounts for around 80 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions from food production globally.

Minced fake meat created from crickets harvested in Cambridge and pet food made of chicken cultivated from egg cells are two products recently launched by British-based companies which it is hoped will become more widely accepted by consumers who,up to now, have strongly resisted food created by mad scientists in laboratories rather than farmers and nature.

The National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre (NAPIC) will look at how to cut red tape and bypass fod safety and hygiene stadards, while also exploring ways to sell meat alternatives to shoppers through focus groups sur,veys, nudging and misleading labelling.

But jbefore you are swept up by the hype about saving the planet  thake a step back and check out these interesting numbers. It takes 4171 cockroaches to produce the same amount of methane as a 1200 lb cow, 4171 cockroaches weigh just under 7 lb, cows taste better and produce several desirable products from dairy to fertilizer, cockroaches produce shit and methane and soread diseases. Termites produce more methane than cockroaches, they aren’t very tasty either but the psychopaths who govern us want to put them on the menu. No I haven’t eaten any. No dairy and no steak is a deal breaker for me, I’m a carnivore with the odd veggie dinner (portobello mushrooms stuffd with goat cheese and green pesto for example) thrown in.

 Call me a Conspiracy Theorist if you like, but it beomes more and more clear to me that there really is a plan afoot among that obscenely wealth cabal I call The Billionaire Psychopaths World Domination Society to reduce the majority of humanity to something resembling medieval serfdom.  Nations and social demgraphics have been brainwashed and gaslit to the point that all the powers that be have to do to kill them is to tell them to kill themselves and they do it with haste, eagerness and hostility towards those that are not killing themselves.

WAKE UP PEOPLE. Insects eat shit and carry all the dieases and parasites contained therein. And they can neither be gutted and cleaned like a fish or a chicken not butchered so that only muscle titue is eaten. You get the contents of the stomach, intestine and bowel in your cricket mince or cockroach mash.

Humans have lost all survival instincts.

It will get WORSE too.  With the 5g grid and the tracking and surveillance it facilitates in place, and AI Large Language Models creating narratives, mind control is only going to get easier.

Operation Crimson Mist is an example of what is to come:

Not that anyone is going to read about Operation Crimson Mist because everybody is too busy playing online bingo, watching Porn Hub or playing stupid games on their smartphones.

The problem is when most people are too thick to see through the BS of Climate Change, COVID, Proxy war etc. and realise the (quite obvious) long term agenda of globalisation and the WEF…particularly generation Z.

If we do challenge such a narrative one iota, we are deemed far right, racist, bigoted, blah, blah …(insert another boring generalisation)…

We didn’t actually elect this government (20% of the population did…if that). Like all Socialist regimes, they come in by stealth by exploiting a weak predecessor government.

So I do hope the peoples’ vote reflects our outright rejection of this lurch towards collectivisation in our next local elections. I don’t hold out much hope…

Being ‘encouraged’ to have our wealth purged for the “benefit” of the state; being told that unchecked immigration is good for our country; feeding off insects and living in ever smaller properties, while our disposable income dwindles is NOT a future aspiration that even a young post-millennial would wish for. Wake the heck up everyone…

Please just let us have a sensible centre right government in a normal nation state. But maybe this isn’t possible in the 21st century anymore…and THAT’S not a very encouraging thought… 



World Health Chiefs Say ‘Red Meat As Likely to Cause Cancer as Smoking’
Another way of looking at this article of course is to say that it is an admission by the WHO that cigarette smoking does not cause cancer, which while true is a dangerous thing to say because after non stop anti - tobacco propaganda for the past fifty years, such a statement would be open to being interpreted as meaning cigarette smoking does no harm.

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If GM foods are dangerous show us the evidence the Scienceology cult said. Here it is.
Health: Food and heart disease, the truth.
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Everything They Said Is Bad For You Is Good For YouJust when you thought it was safe to go back into the pleasuredome Nanny State's Politically Correct Thought Police are now using CAll Me Dave's Dave's nudger try to nudge us towards being better citizens, eating healthy options, drinking less booze, avoiding dangerous sports like bowls and tiddleywinks, driving less miles and being less idle ...
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