The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Misogyny rebranded Terrorism In UK Labour Governments Lurch Towards Authoritarianism


Between bigots and censors
Anti - immigration protestors confron police and far - left extremists - Picture via Spiked

UK Home Secretary Yvette Cooper who appears to be tasked with leading the SStarmer regime's campaign to abolish the rights to free speech and dissent, has ordered a review that will look at reclassifying misogyny (for the benefit of Labour voters, that is hatred of or prejudice against women,) and crimes related to violence against women and girls as terrorism in the same way as far-Right and Islamist extremism. Questioned on the move, Cooper made the bizarre claim that growing numbers of young men were being radicalised online by misogynistic influencers and the problem had continued for “too long”.

Treating misogyny as a form of extremism could threaten freedom of speech, the Government has been warned.

In response critics of the government's lurch towards authoritarianism have argued the police and the justice system should enforce existing legislation to tackle violence against women and girls. and warn that the new policy amounts to censorship and suppression of free speech. This new ruling and other aspects of Labour's 'crackdown on hate crimes' appears to contravene current UK law. For misogyny to be terrorist and for an offender to the changed under the Terrorism Act [rosecutors should have to show  the offence to have been motived by an intent to change government policy by violence or intimidation in support of a political, religious or racial objective. No matter how vile the misogyny, it is hard to see how any such offence is likely to meet these criteria.

Were Labour politicians genuinely concerned with tackling violence against women, they would encourage a culture which valued its boys and young men instead of forcing them to the fringes of society by labelling them 'toxic' and problematic for displaying even the mildest of masculine traits.

Given that one senior Labour MP, the career man – hater Jess Phillips, laughed in parliament when a fellow MP raised the issue of male suicide, there are grounds to she is driven more by misandry and personal agendas than any real commitment to women's rights, as her recent comments on Islamic misogyny aptly demonstrate.

A senior female Conservative MP said: “There should be no place for misogyny but Labour’s latest policy announcement feels very rushed and is deeply concerning on so many levels, not least, what does it mean for free speech?

Just to clarify the double standards involved in this authoritarian measure, labour are ignoring Muslim mistreatment and subjugation of women and girls but focusing on working class white male manifestations of misogyny.  

If a person can be jailed for causing “religiously aggravated distress,” then we are not living in a free country, but a totalitarian state. If, by comparison, the people who chant and scream on the streets for the death of Jews, whilst they wave their Jihad flags and demonstrate their allegiance to terrorists and hate for the West remain free to do so with impunity, then you undeniably have proof of double-standards and two-tier policing the Labour government have denied trying to introduce, but which have been a hallmark of the party's social policy for decades. 

The ‘blasphemy law’ currently being drafted, although judging by recent court cases in which people have been jailed for criticising Islam, appears to already in operation despite its not having been presented, let alone debated or voted on, only applies to one religion, and these people must be protected and given preferential treatment at all costs, because the government has already submitted to them, and now they expect the same from the citizens;

”Sporadic race riots popped up across Britain as white working-class Britons expressed outrage over migrant crime and the fact that the UK government does little or nothing to stop wave after wave of asylum seekers from entering the country. The Labour government of Keir SStarmer responds to the violence in part by cracking down on free speech," Frank Haviland observed in The European Conservative,.

Stories of ordinary Britons arrested and even given harsh jail terms for things they said on social media are now common. And, as Haviland showed, the enforcement is selective, aimed at whites and non-Muslims; the SStarmer government gives racial minorities and followers of the Prophet far more leeway. ‘Two-tier’ policing also shows up in policing speech.

The situation is now so far out of control in the United Kingdom that former MP and Tory official Lord David Frost declares that Britain is no longer a free country. Lord Frost points out that the country’s new hate speech laws grant despotic powers to the state - powers that the far left Labour prime minister, a former human rights lawyer, i.e. defender of terrorists, enabler of rapists, promoter of anti-Semitism, opponent of women’s safe spaces, enemy of British heritage and general arsehole, is now exercising remorselessly.

One practical problem created by successive governments virtue signalling approach to law and order, border controls and freedom of expression is that it has now become impossible to debate with honesty the very real crises Britain faces over mass migration and crime. How can any society deal with social breakdown when merely talking about the problems in a way the authorities dislike can lead to a prison sentence?

“We prided ourselves on being a free country in which we could speak freely. We simply cannot say that now,” writes Lord Frost. “We are, in fact, all vulnerable. Say the wrong thing in the wrong way at the wrong moment, and any of us might find the police at our door.”

No wonder Thierry Breton, European Commissioner in charge of the EU's own war on free speech and sanity sent a chilling warning to Elon Musk over information appearing on X. Musk’s social media network is one of the few places Britons can get information about the race riots that conflicts with the official line. Breton must fear how, in the case of migrant-related rioting in Europe, X could discredit the official narratives mandarins like him want people to believe. If these elites—including media elites—can demonize Elon Musk and Viktor Orbán, they can avoid accountability for their own failures—including their failures to tell the truth to European peoples.”


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The Wisdom Of Crowds
Beautiful Children (with no love in their eyes)
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Let's class hate is an anachronism
Millie Tant: the stereotype Labour activis
[ Liberal bigots] ... [ liberal extremism ] ... [ Intolerance of the left ] ... [ authoritarianism of the left ] ... [ illiberal liberals ]

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