Monday, July 22, 2024

A Very American Coup

 We don't for one second blieve it, but we like it - The Boggart Bloggers

by Truth or Fiction, MoA (64)

Under the guise of removing Biden from the presidential race, a coup d'etat took place in the United States. On Thursday, July 18 at 01:14 New York time, US President Joe Biden died of coronavirus. Biden's body is still in the freezer at the White House. The medical personnel who were involved in the treatment and resuscitation of Biden were held for some time at the residence in Washington, but after the go-ahead from Vice President Kamala Harris, they were conditionally released under a non-disclosure agreement and are now at their place of permanent residence under a ban on leaving the District of Columbia. Biden's death turns out to be a state secret. Part of the late president’s family found themselves hostage to the situation and their fate is being decided by the current leadership of the country. Biden's wife Jill and his children are under the control of Secret Service people who are now subject to the orders and instructions of Harris. Certain compromises have been reached with the president’s children; they are ready to support the myth of Biden allegedly alive until the autumn US presidential elections, but at the same time they put forward a number of conditions that were accepted. Ashley Biden will become Secretary of Health and Human Services in the future Cabinet, and Hunter Biden will move to the US National Security Council.

The appearance of the president's double after Biden's death completed the coup d'etat and put an end to the implementation of these intentions. Kamala Harris communicates through several channels at once with the leadership of several countries privy to the situation, issuing guarantees of continuity of course and various promises. In particular, the start of deliveries of F-16s is the result of an agreement with Kamala Harris to contain America’s Russian expansion in the region. Zelensky, through the State Department, received the go-ahead from Harris for active peacekeeping activities, which he, in fact, immediately took up. The compromise and agreements rallied around Harris by the late Biden’s inner circle are shaky and fragile. Negotiations are currently ongoing on the final configuration of power in the United States on the eve of the elections. There will be decisions and big changes soon. The country is really led by Kamala Harris. US President Joe Biden is dead, his place is taken by an impostor double! We continue to inform you about everything that is happening in the US leadership, and soon there will be numerous confirmations of our information.



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Hollande's ex lover: Don't kick a man when he's down ... stamp on his bollocks
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Mind Control: How It Works and how The Elite Use It
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More Good News For UKIP As IDS Has Gone Down The Plug Hole
"Gloat all you like Farage, my dick is this big, nygh!" - IDS
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Civilisation Isn't Over 'Til The Bearded Lady Sings

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Labour, the (very rich, elitist) People's party plans to ban your beer and pies
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Don't Worry If You Are A Barm Pot, Insane Is The New Normal
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