The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Soros, Not Musk, Interfering In Democracy Says Italy's Giorgia Meloni

 While the German political establishment are working thelmselves into a frenzy over Elon Musk's support for populist party Alternatif fur Deutschland (AfD) in the upcoming general election which has been forced on a nation in the midst of multiple crises by the collapse of a ruling coalition when the minority FDP, a pro busines, classical liberal party could no longer support policies forced on the main party, the far left SDP by the loony left Greens, Italy's Prime Minister has kicked another hornets nest.

 In Rome recently Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni addressed accusations that Musk's comments via X on political matters in Europe amount to interference in national politics. Meloni said that Elon Musk’s political posts on X do not pose a threat to democracy; while Marxist oligarch George Soros, continuously interfers in the politics of other nations and has done so for decades. 

The Germans are in a funk over Musk interviewing Alice Weidel of the AfD. There are constantly interviews with other party leaders, Merz (CDU), Söder (CSU), Scholz (SDP) and other pols and candidates with no fuss or blabber about threats to democracy.   

 Meloni is right on target. The left wants a monopoly on media access and arrogates to themselves alone who to silence and who gets heard. There were several attempts by the coalition before its government collapsed, to have AfD banned from contesting elections by delaring them a threat to democracy. Thus the coalition parties were themselves behaving like the Nazis they falsely accuse the AfD of resembling.

That the MSM is happy to act as the establishment's propaganda arm and official censor is insufficient when alternatives like podcasts evade their control.  The EU has promulgated the tools to deal with those who dare challenge the green, woke WEF orthodoxy. By challenging these laws made by unelected bureaucrats, Musk has them apoplectic as the centre - right advances in so many EU countries.

“I would also like to remind you of the German side’s interference in the Italian election campaign,” Meloni said, referring to previous German concerns about the right-wing position she represented.

Soros has long been a controversial figure due to his manipulation of stock and currency markets to create financial instability, his sponsorship of NGOs involved in trafficking illegal immigrants into Europe and his involvement in the politics of nations around the world through donations to far left politicians and parties. 

Far-left billionaire George Soros has a legion of loyal lieutenants who’ve racked up over two dozen meetings with top officials at the White House since President Biden took office, The New York Post reports.

The progressive kingmaker’s unrivaled access into the Biden administration extends well beyond his 37-year-old son Alexander, who chairs the powerful, liberal grant-making network Open Society Foundations founded by his dad, and as The Post reported on Page 1 last week, has taken on the role of a de-facto White House “ambassador” by making at least 14 visits there.

At least four other past or present leaders at Open Society Foundation and migrartion support 'charity International Rescue (ludicrously given the same name as an orgnisation in Thunderbirds, 1960s Sci Fi puppet show on UK childrens TV  have amassed a combined 33 private meetings and other confabs in less than two years, according to recently updated White House visitor logs.

However, few on the left-liberal spectrum ever criticized this interference, according to Italy’s leader.

“The problem is when wealthy people use their resources to finance parties, associations and political exponents all over the world to influence the political choices of nation states”, Meloni told reporters at an annual press conference.

“That’s not what Musk is doing,” she added.

“Elon Musk financed an election campaign in his country, by his candidate, in a system in which, by the way, I would point out that this is quite common,” Meloni said.

“But I am not aware of Elon Musk financing parties, associations or political exponents around the world. This, for example, is what George Soros does.”

“And yes, I consider that to be dangerous interference in the affairs of nation states and in their sovereignty,” she noted.

Meloni also named other wealthy people actively funding parties and NGOs around the world to influence local policies.

"This is not the first time that famous and wealthy people have expressed their opinions. I have seen many such cases, often against me, and no one was offended then..."

Musk, she said, is a very rich man who expresses his opinion and does not pose a threat to democracy. 

“Is the problem that Elon Musk is influential and rich or that he is not left-wing?” asked Meloni.

She also noted that she and many others on the right are not financially dependent on Musk, unlike many on the left who are funded by Soros, or have been funded by him over the years.

Meloni denied ever taking any money from Musk, “unlike those who have taken it from Soros”.

In response to a journalist’s question, Meloni also spoke about Elon Musk’s open support for the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) stressing that if anyone tried to influence the Italian elections, it was Germany, under the then Social Democratic-Liberal-Green government.

“I would like to remind you of the German side’s interference in the Italian election campaign,” Meloni said, referring to previous German concerns about the right-wing, Eurosceptic position she represented.

Soros has long been a controversial figure due to his outsized role in the politics of nations around the world, however, few on the left-liberal spectrum ever criticized this interference.



The Soros Page:< We have previously reported on the activities of billionaire investor and enthusiastic supporter George Soros. Though Soros is hated by the political left, ironically he is the biggest sponsor of NGOs and 'charities' dedicated to furthering their pet causes. In fact, through groups like Occupy, Open Borders and Black Lives Matter claim to despise this uber capitalist, most of of the policies they campaign in support of are written, if not by Soros himself then by people who are paid by him ...

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